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Lessons to stop being a victim and overcome yourself

Table of contents:


Lesson No. 1

Thoughts are electromagnetic.

Most of the problems in which we find ourselves trapped are there because we remain focused on them instead of concentrating on finding the solution, visualizing the solution or making affirmations or decrees to create the new reality of what we DO want. achieve.

As everything in our universe is electromagnetic and human beings are a walking magnet, our minds are in charge of creating our world and our circumstances.

And the worst of it is that most of the time we are totally unaware of what we are creating.

The reality is that we are creators, you and I…. we all believe what we have or said in other words…. we exert a certain power of attraction over things.

Or in other cases we do not know how to exercise our power of attraction to attract the things that we would like to obtain or acquire.

There are special devices designed to define what kind of energy a human being emits. These devices are like meters with needles that measure from 0 to 100.

During the experiments they put the individual to think about his worst enemy and the needle is lowered to 0 that is, according to these instruments the person when he is thinking negatively reduces his energy level and weakens, as well as his immune system weakens and his defenses are lowered, leaving him unprotected against diseases.

One of the most interesting experiments was the one they did in a psychiatric hospital with patients who had mental problems.

The most outstanding experiment of all is with a woman who was on her deathbed, had been admitted and abandoned in the hospital for several years. The day the experiment was performed, the woman was about to die.

In the next room were all the researchers, with their devices that connected him to the patient, but they were not visible, so she did not even know what the devices had been placed on and she did not know that they were using her for an experiment.

The woman knew that she was going to die and she was very ill, so in her last moments she began to pray, she began to ask God to collect her soul and to bless her parents and her brothers.

In her prayers, she continued to ask for all those who had mistreated her, for her relatives who had left her abandoned and for her colleagues from the same hospital to recover.

Suddenly the needles of the devices began to move, from zero and to raise the frequency, when the woman was asking God to bless her family and to fill them with happiness and blessings, the needles reached the number one hundred and then exploded.

This experiment totally convinced many scientists of what our spirit guides have been telling us for thousands of years.

"As man thinks in his heart, so will it be done to him."

If all of the above is true, then that means that we are victims of nothing or no one. And our only chance to improve "all" areas of our life is to realize that there is no devil, satan or lucifer doing their thing on the planet or putting stones in the way.

Nor is there an external force watching us to see if we behave well and give us what we want or to punish us if we behave badly.

Since we always have in life what we hope or think we deserve, but all that believing or deserving are just mental states.



Have faith


All the above are only mental states and all the mental conditions necessary for our life to be super happy and super successful can be achieved.

Yes you can!! And it obviously takes time and effort on our part to reach that goal.

But it is worth it dear reader, if you dedicate time and effort to take care of your thoughts and feelings you will obtain incredible results, but you have to do it, not just read it or talk with your friends about it.

You have to start shifting your thoughts from a negative frequency to a positive one.

Negative frequencies












Positive frequencies



Unconditional love









Lesson No. 2

The greatest addiction of the human being

They say that human beings are addicted to negative feelings, because our problems give us a sense of identity.

I think it is true because I have realized that I always have things to think about.

Things that could happen if I don't do this or that.

Things that could happen if I keep doing this or that

Something that I was told that made me angry or worried Something that someone did to me that makes me upset or in a bad mood because I think I deserve to be treated better.

And so on.

But what happens if I am suddenly told that I have an incurable disease?

I am going to tell you a little anecdote to illustrate a little more this matter of our addictions to problems.

A few days ago I realized that I am always thinking about "something" and I never enjoy the present moment because I am thinking and thinking.

But it happens that I had health problems that made me fear that my disease was more serious and at that moment I realized that when one is thinking that maybe he is going to die, he stops thinking in nonsense and then if he begins to live already enjoy that moment.

I was in such poor health that I stopped thinking about all the nonsense I had had in my head the previous days (mainly my problems with the neighbors)

And from one moment to another the problems with the neighbors were a grain of sand compared to the fact of wanting to enjoy my life, and even enjoying a glass of water and feeling the water running through my mouth or caressing my fur pet.

After going to the doctor and a series of tests they told me that it was something benign and that was a relief for me, but it left me that great lesson.

"Our brain is always" thinking "instead of letting us enjoy the moment and the small and truly valuable things.

Problems give us a certain sense of security.

a) They are like old friends, acquaintances, relatives, predictable.

b) Problems give meaning to an empty life.

c) If we continue to focus on the superficial, we will continue to have problems.

d) We are addicted to negativity because everyone is negative and

because we need to train our mind little by little to think

positively or to stop thinking so that we can enjoy the


Problems and guilt always go hand in hand.

a) By not understanding how we create our own problems, it is easier for us to

blame others.

b) We put the blame outside ourselves for almost everything that happens to us

in life.

c) The surest way to continue with problems is to continue blaming others.

Lesson No. 3

When we blame others for our problems we abandon our power and weaken our creative forces.

When we blame other people for our problems, we are giving up our choice to fix them and we are left totally unprotected.

By blaming others we are expecting them to be responsible for our happiness and for making us feel good in all respects.

But what makes us believe that we really have the power to create?

These words of Jesus echo throughout the New Testament:

"The father and I are one"

The father (our source) and I (man) are one and being one with our God we also have creative faculties. Jesus said we would do things like what he did and some bigger ones.

"The greatest cause of pain in our world is the feeling of separation, once we accept to be one with the creator, then the pain vanishes"

We all have the power to change or improve our circumstances because we are children of God and we have creative powers.

There are no victims, only people who "believe" themselves victims

Our roles in life

In life we ​​choose between two roles to play, that of "victim" or that of "master, A person who considers himself a victim is dedicated to entertaining the characteristic feelings and thoughts of the victims. The attitudes of a VICTIM are:














A person who knows that he is in control of his life and who has the personality of the master and leader of his own destiny is dedicated to entertaining the characteristic feelings and thoughts of the masters.

The attitudes of an AMO are:




control Control









If you want to stop being a victim and become the master of your own life, I urge you to consider the above characteristics of the "masters" and the "victims" and examine yourself deeply so that you can observe in which part of your life you are yielding your power and dedicate your energies to taking attitudes of a MASTER.

The first step to leave the victim mask is to act and feel like a master and of course I know it is not easy… but it can be achieved and I know that you can achieve it.

In addition, an addition to learning the lesson and stopping feeling a victim would be that the negative experience will no longer be repeated because in reality he was a teacher who appeared in your life to make you change.

And since you've already learned the lesson, you don't need to repeat it again.

Lesson No. 4

A Self Analysis

First exercise

In this exercise we are going to analyze you, to determine if you are presenting symptoms of victimization; In the following list there is a blank space before the sentence so that you can cross out all the symptoms that you present:

The world of victims

The victims…

___They have no power

___ Feel helpless

___ Take very little responsibility for their actions and circumstances

___ They are unhappy

___ They are not in control of their own lives

___Make dramas that involve crying and recriminations in order to manipulate someone.

___They think they are forgotten, punished and put aside

___Base their life on "uncontrollable" circumstances

___ They blame everyone, their boss, their parents, their partner, the economy, the government, the doctors, God. Etc.

___ They live crying their past and that is why they do not believe they have a better future

___They feel comfortable with their role, because it is easier

___ They put up with all kinds of mistreatment.

Now add 3 more characteristics that distinguish a victim




Second exercise

Now we are going to analyze the symptoms presented by a person who is in control of his life and who instead of being a victim is the master, the captain of his own ship, what we need in this world, more people with the guts to change his life.

From now on, every time you act as a victim, remember this: "If you want to truly change your life for the better, you must put aside that mask that does not allow you to progress." This is the first step you will take and it will change your perceptions and the way you speak and think forever.

The world of masters - in training -


___ They choose their wishes based on the degree of happiness that they give them

___They allow everyone to be who they are, without judging.

___ They are always in control of their lives

___They are happy, always going with the flow of life.

___They act, they do not react as the victims do

___They have no owner, nothing and nobody can tell them what to do.

___ They choose tranquility even when chaos reigns

___ They no longer live for dramas, when someone does a drama they ignore it, period.

___You no longer live to meet the needs of others, but your own.

___They do not know guilt, neither about themselves nor about anyone.

___Don't believe in bad luck because they know it doesn't exist.

___Every day they work to fulfill their wishes and do what is necessary to achieve them.

Now add 3 more characteristics that distinguish a master:




The most important law of physics says: Everything you focus your attention on is what you are attracting into your life. If you focus on something that makes you feel bad, you will be attracting more of the same. If you focus on something that makes you feel good, you will be attracting more of the same.

Lesson 5

"All problems are our Servants"

Problems exist in our life because they are necessary, without them life would have no meaning, it is more without problems humanity would no longer have a mission and therefore this world would come to an end.

The real reason for our problems is the contrast, that is, without darkness we would not know how to appreciate light and without sadness we would not know how to appreciate joy. That is the message that many great men have wanted to give us

We are not victims of our problems, rather our problems are our tools from which we can create new experiences.

We own our problems 100%, they exist to serve us.

  • What You Resist Persists Problems are not for us to resist (focus on), they are to help us create something new from there.

Jesus said do not resist evil and He also said that if someone slaps us we will turn the other cheek.

So to benefit from our problems we must learn to turn the other cheek (forgive) and begin to focus on what we DO want so that the law of attraction gives us something different than what we have been asking for.

As we focus on our problems, the law of attraction thinks that we want more problems.

Here are some signs that a person is resisting:

1. If you have any kind of grudge against your ex-partners, ex-bosses or someone in general.

2. If you envy the rich.

3. If you have an inferiority complex and you constantly criticize yourself.

4. If you hate your momentary poverty.

5. If you feel trapped.

6. If you think everyone is to blame for your problems.

7. If you think that having problems is bad.

8. If you spend all day facing reality because you think you cannot change it, that you are a victim and you wait for someone to rescue you.

9. If you hate your problems.

All these cases are indicators that you are resisting change and keep you trapped in a vicious circle in which you observe the situation and according to what you observe, you decide to react, getting angry feeling clumsy, discouraged, unmotivated, guilty or disappointed etc.

Lessons to stop being a victim and overcome yourself