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Body language to increase sales in a department store



In this scientific work, a study will be carried out about the importance of body or non-verbal language for increasing sales in a department store. Starting from the unknowns; What is body or non-verbal language? What are the main types of body language that exist today? How does body language influence the increase in sales in a department store and its importance? Importance of good treatment of customers by sellers? How to treat the customer well using body language? Analyzing each concept in detail, especially the body movement techniques that salespeople must use to give a good image to customers and increase the chances of making the desired sale.

P to Labras key:

Language, body, store, department.


We live in an age where people have become more demanding when it comes to acquiring new products or services, they not only look for quality and a good price, they also expect a warm treatment from the bidders. Customers perfectly perceive when salespeople are nice to them, and returning to the store will largely depend on the deal they are offered. Let us remember that they are the ones who are acquiring our products or services, therefore, at that moment, they become our bosses and therefore we must deliver our best service to them.

“Nine out of ten Mexican consumers (93%) recall a positive customer service experience, and of these, 57% indicate that the representative was pleasant and 50% consider that he was a trained person and knowledgeable about the product.” 1 We can realize that customer service is very important.

Today the movement of the body can reveal the identity of people; how they feel at that moment or the opinion they have regarding situations that are presented to them, even the way they are sitting shows their state of mind. Likewise, the way they are dressed can give us an idea of ​​their tastes and attitude. Recent studies show that if we stare at people or if we smile sincerely, we can open the way to what we want due to the appearance we reflect. In addition, standing upright expresses that we feel safe with what we are doing, and this is perceived by customers, which ensures many advantages for sellers. So, once knowing these tricks; Is it possible to increase the number of sales with the movement of our body?


How does body language influence the increase in sales in a department store?

3.1 Object of study: Sales in a department store.

3.2 The field of action: It is specified in body language

3.3 Ideas to defend: Body language plus good customer service produce a significant increase in sales in a department store.

3.4 Scientific tasks:

  1. Analyze in detail the different concepts of body language both personal and institutional Identify the main types of body language that exist today Reveal the main types of body language that exist today Demonstrate how body language influences the increase in sales in a store department and its importance Show techniques on how to use body language to clients guiding them to acquire new products Explain how to treat the customer well using body language Show the attitudes in body language that should be done when offering something product or service Expose attitudes in body language that should not be done when offering a product or service.


Immerse ourselves in the analysis of body language from a critical point of view of the object and the field of study, investigating the selected bibliographies, taking up traditional study sources; books and magazines, in addition to adding truthful information obtained from websites. Using definitions, techniques, and attitudes, it is intended to demonstrate the importance of body language for increasing sales in a department store.


5.1 Theorists

Analyzing through the procedures of logical thinking: induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis. With this method we will determine if good treatment to customers can increase sales. This method will help us to validate the results.

5.2 Emperic

Observing the behavior of people and sellers in department stores, assuming the author the position of both groups of individuals and giving a reflection on what is thought at each moment when making the purchase and sale of items or services. In addition to having asked sellers the opinion about customers to influence their decision making. And to customers the opinion they had about the sellers before and after making the purchase.


The scientific novelty focuses on the identification of body language, with the aim of identifying the amount of body language used by department store salespeople to offer products or services, and to test whether this type of communication is effective for the aforementioned.

In the same way, ask customers their opinion about the treatment offered by the sellers they were attended to. Taking into account the influence between body language and the increase in sales from the institutional and personal point of view.

If the opinion of the clients is favorable, this type of knowledge can be transmitted to new department stores.


The identification of the importance of body language to increase sales in a department store from an institutional and personal point of view, with these dimensions we will be able to realize if the number of sales has increased.


  • It is important to present good body language to customers in a department store to increase the number of sales due to the psychological understanding given to customers. There are many different types of body language, each serving its own purpose. In a store departmental 6 types of body language are presented. Employees should use visual body language and hand movements to better serve customers. Customers feel comfortable when salespeople offer good service. Customers They feel comfortable when sellers show a friendly smile from the beginning to the end of the communication made. The position of the sellers is important when offering the products.Keeping a direct eye on customers makes them perceive the seller as a confident and confident person, making them feel comfortable and eager to purchase the products of interest When sellers help customers make decisions about the best products, the chances of making the sale are increased. It is very important to know the body language of the people because if it is interpreted and used correctly, it can lead customers to the desired decision-making. If the salespeople wear the uniform correctly, The odds of making a sale increase due to the way customers perceive them.When salespeople help customers make decisions about the best products, the chances of making the sale are increased.It is very important to know people's body language because if it is interpreted and used correctly it can lead customers to Desired decision making. If salespeople wear the uniform correctly, the chances of making a sale increase due to the way customers perceive them.When salespeople help customers to make decisions about the best products, the chances of making the sale increase.It is very important to know people's body language because if it is interpreted and used correctly it can lead customers to Desired decision making. If salespeople wear the uniform correctly, the chances of making a sale increase due to the way customers perceive them.the chances of making a sale increase due to the way customers perceive them.The odds of making a sale increase due to the way customers perceive them.


9.1 dependent variables

Importance of body language.

9.2 independent variables

Increase in sales.

9.3 interdependent variables

Department store.


Currently it is very important that salespeople know how to use the movement of their body to achieve the desired sales, so what are these movements? So let's start by giving the most important definitions of the topic.

¿ What is body language?

Flora Davis, an American psychologist describes that:

In my opinion, body or non-verbal language is everything that we transmit through gestures or movements, it describes the way we feel at that moment and is exposed by the perception we have about the people with whom we interact.

E n t or n ce s What Is a department store?

The babylon 10 online dictionary represents the department store as:

Expressing my opinion, a department store is a building where articles and services are organized by department; lady, gentleman, child, home etc. In order that each person can easily go to the products they need.

Now, what is a self-service store?

The lexiccon dictionary defines a self-service store as:

From my point of view, a self-service store is an establishment where customers come to take the products or services they need without being helped by the company's employees.

From these definitions we can give a difference between these two types of store. In the department store, customers choose the items they want with the help of vendors. From the arrival of customers to their departure, sellers should offer them the best possible service, and approach them at any time to help them choose their products.

In a self-service store, customers personally choose the items they need, without the need to be helped by company employees. Customers can freely choose what they want to purchase.

¿ What are the main types of body language exist?

  • M or v dures eye

The movement of a person's eyes has long been studied giving thought-oriented results; creating ideas. When a person tends to look to their right side, they are linked to the idea that their mind is creating something. The observation of eye movements has also been used to determine, among other things, if the person is feeling frustration, rationalizing their behavior, remembering a sound or showing emotions.

  • M or v constipation mouth

When it comes to expressing yourself, your mouth plays a very important role. Smiles are manifested through it. The mouth is a frequent object of study in the interpretation of body language, because people generally express themselves with it. For example, when a person smiles keeping her lips tight (a smile that is characterized by being straight and not exposing the teeth) it implies that she is not comfortable and does not like the situation or there is something that she keeps secret or does not Depending on the expression, movements made with the mouth can reveal feelings of well-being, tension or frustration, among others.

  • M or v i m i e n t or s head.

The head is often used to practice widely known forms of body language, such as shaking it up and down to express a positive opinion or tilting it from right to left to indicate that the opinion is negative. Head movements may also suggest confidence (for example, when chin is raised slightly) or attention (when nodding slowly or in a timely manner while listening to another person). These movements, however, can be subtle; Although nodding your head may imply agreement, doing so quickly and constantly could express impatience.

  • M or v dures arms.

The arms are a particularly interesting element in body language, since they tend to be expressly noticed when a person shows feeling nervous or insecure; only one instance stands out in which they actively express trust: when they stand behind their back and their hands interlock. The defensive movements of the arms, such as crossing them, holding an object in front of the chest or adjusting bracelets and watches, have to do with the desire to "block" the body from the action of other people.

  • M or v dures hands.

Hand movements are perhaps the most studied aspect of body language, since its use in communication cannot be compared to that of any other part of the body. Contrary to what happens with the study of other forms of body language, the movements of the hands are made to correspond with a wide range of feelings and states; For example, pulling on the ear may indicate indecision; cracking knuckles, craving for attention; and open your palms, submission or frankness.

¿ How to offer a good deal to customers using body language?

We can realize that body language when making sales is very important. So how can we train staff to deliver good customer service through body movement? We must remember that the most important part in the company are the customers, they are our bosses from the moment they enter until they leave the store. It is recommended that staff training describe the most important techniques to satisfy customers by helping them choose the products they want. Next we will expose some of the most important points for a good service:

  • T e n e r a big smile when addressing customers. This point is perhaps the most important. From the moment employees approach people, they must show a pleasant face and eager to help them. S to ludarlos when addressed. Depending on the time you are. A simple "Good night" with a big smile can brighten the person's day, even if their day has been very difficult.
  • E x p r that r customers view their best products. If they ask you. Help customers choose products. "This watch will go very well with your shoes" mentioning this message with a humble smile) this will certainly give a good image of the seller.

¿ What should a seller to addressing a client?

  • Eye contact with the client all the time. It is very important to put this into practice, customers perceive that sellers are being attentive to their requests. In addition, a slight load of trust arises which allows him to feel confident and in some way protected. It should be noted that the look should be as simple as possible but humble. A "nailed" look does not show good aspects of the seller, on the contrary, it gives the impression of mental imbalance and this scares the customers. T r a n q u ility and smoothness in gestures. All movements performed should be modest, without flattering yourself. A friendly expression that speaks for itself.Customers like a person who maintains a friendly face, this added to good service and the right clothing is the perfect combination for a safe sale. M to n I n and r head up, right back and shoulders straight.

Yes, like a Persian prince. What is the purpose of this? The trust. People who walk upright are generally the safest.

E n t or n ces , how body language influences for increasing sales at a department store and what is its significance?

When making a purchase of an item or a service, sellers can use their knowledge of how to read the movement of the body of customers.

As we saw in the previous section, the movement towards the right side of the eyes indicates that an idea is being manufactured, so, at that moment it can be concluded that the client is thinking of buying or not that item or service, it cannot be assured with certain if the result will be positive or negative, but at least, now it is known that you are interested in the article.

People avoid having conversations with those whose faces are tired, annoyed, disinterested, bored, not because they are not interested in a person who is going through these situations, but because the idea of ​​listening to the problems that others have also makes them feel uncomfortable, these are most likely unable to help you.


Nowadays, it is very important to know and know how to use the movement of the body when offering products or services because customers feel confident when they are served in a good way by employees. People realize how good it feels to be treated by salespeople who are trained and willing to help them. This becomes essential for all department stores, as the success of this will be largely reflected in the treatment offered by employees.

In addition, thanks to body language, sellers can know the ideas that customers are having regarding the product or service they are addressing, and it is here that they offer new items or continue with it until the sale is achieved.

It is important that body movement can be applied not only to a department store, but to any activity that involves body movement. That is why its great importance. But where it has been known to use and squeeze all its benefits to the fullest is in department stores.


Global Barometer of Customer Service, prepared this year by American Express. ww.amexglobalbusinesstravel.com/mx/ps-global-business- travel /? keyword = businesstravelservices & gclid = EAIaIQobChMIpaTv_8iC2AIVDJFp Ch1TuADrEAAYASAAEgLsf_D_BwE

Flora Davis. (2008) Concept of body language. https://definicion.de/lenguaje.corporal/

Babylon online dictionary 10.

h ttp: //dictionary.babylon-software.com/departamental_tienda/

LEXICOON online. Self service. (Jan 2017)

h ttp: //lexicoon.org/es/autoservicio

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Body language to increase sales in a department store