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Freedom: the benefit you get from working on depression


Depression generates a series of frustrating and painful emotions and feelings, which inevitably affect the quality of one's life and overall functioning, as well as performance in every aspect of daily life. These emotions dominate everything that is thought and felt, they absorb all the energy, and they prevent not only that the person is happy, but also that they are themselves, that they experience what they want, since depression takes control of everything.

I always believed that the opposite of depression was happiness. But happiness is a process, it is a way of thanking and enjoying every second of existence. Invariably improving depression can lead to happiness, but not necessarily. Many people are not depressed, but they are not happy. Likewise, many people with depression can find happiness in their daily lives, and have a sense of satisfaction despite how they feel.

When you suffer from depression, thoughts and emotions come out automatically, no matter what efforts you make to counteract them. Ideas appear that you are not a small thing, that you are not useful at all, and you cannot feel what you really want to feel. In other words, in depression there is a total loss of freedom to be what you want to be.

For this reason it is that I consider that freedom is the main benefit that is obtained when working with depression. And it is freedom at all levels, not only from the feelings and emotions that overwhelm the person, but the mind can now move freely, thinking what it wants to think, and feeling what it wants to feel.

We can all feel human emotions, we all feel happy, sad, angry or fearful in the face of various situations that generate these emotions. But depression means that you do not give yourself that freedom to feel what you want to feel, but the mind becomes clouded, everything looks dark, nothing has value, nothing is worth it, and you cannot experience these emotions freely.

This is why it is worth fighting against depression, for the freedom that this brings, freedom to be who you want to be, to feel what you want to feel, to develop your personality, to be able to grow and strengthen yourself, to have peace and tranquility of mind., to be able to control your thoughts, to learn more things, to have better interpersonal relationships and to work actively on a life project.

If you want to know more about how to regain this freedom, to learn various strategies that you can do yourself to relieve depression, or if you want to work on yourself in a more personalized way through face-to-face psychotherapeutic consultations or via Skype, click here

Guill erm or Mendoza Vélez

Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist www.SaludMentalyEmocional.com

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Freedom: the benefit you get from working on depression