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Physical book versus electronic book

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At present, information and communication technologies have acquired a great boom in our daily lives. And there is a great controversy that if the physical book, printed or traditional as it is regularly known, tends to disappear with the arrival of the electronic book, That is why in this work we will talk about the physical book, what are its advantages as well as its advantages in the same way with the electronic book what are its advantages and disadvantages.


At present, the information and communication technologies have become a big boom in our daily lives. And there is a big argument about whether physical, traditional printed book or as regularly known, tends to disappear with the advent of the electronic book, is why in this paper we speak of the physical book, what are its advantages and its advantages as with electronic book what are its advantages and disadvantages


Writing a text that faces the printed book and the electronic book does not mean putting one on top of the other, much less saying which is better, but simply making known what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them or in other words mention the strengths and weaknesses of each format. Because what really matters is the purpose that both have, which is to store the information that you want to keep, regardless of what type of medium it is on. I consider it important to mention that the electronic book will not make the printed book disappear or at least not for now.

Before starting with the similarities and differences of each medium (electronic book and printed book), there are general descriptions of each one:

A written text can be characterized both as a physical object and as a linguistic unit. As a material object, it is traditionally made of paper and ink, with pages of the same size, of highly variable dimensions and with varied content. In the same way, electronic texts are very diverse in those same aspects, although their physical support is, in essence, the encodable voltage differences in terms of zeros and ones (bits) that, when grouped together, form bytes of information, fields, registers and files stored in various electronic devices (hard drives, CD-ROM, USB memory, etc.) (Vaca and Hernández, 2006, p.108)

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of both formats from my perspective, so let's talk about the physical book first:


  • The possibility of having a greater control of the reading in the aspect that it allows us to indicate our progress on it with total ease. It allows us to read with some comfort in certain public spaces, with a slightly lower danger of theft of this, this does not counting the detail of the comfort and the taste of many for its use.


  • It takes up too much space, which can become important, when you do not have the physical space to store them It deteriorates over time The discomfort of moving them from one place to another



  • Less physical space, a large number of stored books Easy to use by readers They are portable They are easily purchased online


  • It affects the publishing world Feasibility for the practice of piracy Insecurity for the use of technological articles in public places, in relation to the high rates of theft in many of our societies.

For the similarities and differences, the “Text on paper vs. electronic text: new readings? " by Jorge Vaca and Denise Hernández; and the book “From multimedia to hypermedia” by Díaz, P.; Catenazzi N. and Aedo I.


  • Written according to language standards: regardless of the language in which they are written, their content is made up of graphs with logic and codes already established by the language. In the case of textual electronic books, which are the digitization of printed matter, this similarity is clearly seen, since only the medium changes (from paper to digital) They are hypertextual: despite the electronic book having more real hypertexts, to the extent In that it is possible to access the source with immediacy, traditional books make references to other works, commonly through footnotes and bibliographies. They have iconic complements: the two types of books may be accompanied by images, photographs, icons, tables, pictures, etc.


  • Transmission speed: the electronic book can be transferred from one place to another quickly, of course it can be done as long as you have the necessary hardware and an Internet connection. While the traditional book requires physical transfer, slowing down the process, although it does not need additional elements, such as the computer.Accessibility to a lot of information: with electronic media the transfer of a large amount of information became easier and more agile. For this reason, an electronic book can contain more information and the possibility of accessing external data. While the printed book works under the equation "the greater the content, the greater the number of sheets and weight." Transportability: "A paper book, on the other hand, is easily manageable,while the transportation of an electronic one is still restricted and subject to contingencies such as the availability of electricity or battery life, the availability of wireless Internet and, of course, access to a laptop, among other things. " (Vaca and Hernández, 2006, p.118). Quality: due to the overcrowding of the Internet, electronic texts are free, allowing anyone to write, upload information to the network and make it available to the world. There are no editors on the web, for this reason, most of the information found in digital format is of low quality. However, the fact that a text is written on paper and bound inside a book does not mean that it is of high quality,but the process that a publisher performs before launching a printed book on the market is more controlled and careful. Cost: this point tends immediately to think that the electronic book is cheaper than the printed book, and it may be true. But it is important to remember that making an e-book requires purchasing software, hardware, network maintenance, virus control, etc. Which one will actually be more expensive to do?

In conclusion, talking about whether the traditional book is going to be replaced by the electronic book is quite controversial because both have important characteristics and it is essential to know it here, the important thing is that there are readers and that knowledge is acquired in the country no matter in what format It is preferred to read, because after all those who are not interested in reading do not care much in what format the books are sold, however those who like to read will consider the advantages they have, as they say there who wants to look for it without Regardless of the cost or whatever and who does not even if they put it on a silver platter, the important thing here is to make people aware and encourage them about the importance of reading.


  • Vaca Uribe, J. and Hernández and Hernández, D. (2006). Paper texts vs. electronic texts: new readings ?. N ° 113 Available at: http://scielo.unam.mx/pdf/peredu/v28n113/n113a6.pdf. Díaz Pérez, P., Catenazzi, N., and Aedo Cuevas I, (1996). From multimedia to hypermedia. Madrid: Branch.
Physical book versus electronic book