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Leading work teams

Coordinating a group of workers in the best way is not easy. Ensuring good treatment and excellent communication are very important requirements to achieve the collaboration of a team and obtain the best results

Definitely a lot has been said and a lot will be said about this issue, which is of utmost importance within the development of the study of personnel in a company. We refer to teamwork and the functions of the team leader, once again. In the XXI century it is undeniable that an organization that does not dedicate efforts so that its workers support and help each other and can better develop their work, is doomed not to survive.

There are many benefits that a good teamwork gives a company. Among them, we can highlight that the participation of employees within the company is improved and managerial support is increased. This is because individuals feel that they are part of the organization and therefore they will do their jobs better and management, therefore, must offer all the necessary help to achieve this purpose.

Likewise, the commitment to the company by the workers will increase knowing that they are collaborating in its development, customer service will be improved and therefore customer satisfaction, the quality of the workforce will be improved when the work is carried out correctly and the cost of the latter will be reduced, by not having to continually search for new workers.

A group must always be committed to the achievement of common goals and objectives and, for this reason, the relationship of each of the team members must be the best, to avoid deviating from the initial purposes and generate a greater degree of confidence and great self-esteem on the part of all the participants of the group.

As is normal, there should always be a person in charge of directing and leading a team. The boss must collaborate with all the individuals under her charge, teaching them the best methods for preparing the work and the best techniques for the solution of possible problems. He must be an ally rather than an enemy and must guide and teach rather than punish.

The boss must be directly in charge of motivating their employees and not doing the opposite, that is, dividing the team members and making the activities carried out individually, making the workers feel helpless and without the necessary guarantees that allow them develop their work in the best way.

Leading is not punishing or oppressing, it is teaching and guiding a group to achieve the desired success

The group leader must ensure that his workers always do their job well, giving them certain responsibilities that will lead the team to feel more committed to what it should do and not disappoint the trust that the boss has placed in them. Likewise, it must give its collaborators everything necessary to achieve the goals and the success of the objectives set.

Motivate employees, guide them on the right path, teach them everything in their power to help them succeed, communicate in a good way expectations and orders to be given, listen to concerns that may arise, and challenge workers to That demonstrate their full potential are some of the activities and functions that a good team leader must fully fulfill.

Just as a salesperson must convince his client to buy the product he is offering, the leader must "sell" the idea and the vision that he has of the work that is planned to be done. You must motivate your collaborators so that they exploit all the potential that they have not yet given and explain to them that all the ideas that arise, even if they are small, will help to achieve the desired results in the best way.

For this reason, the leader's level of communication with his work group must be the best. As we said before, you have to communicate your idea of ​​what should be done and how it is going to be done, strive to ensure that your actions are always correct, this to set a good example and ensure that the way you communicate and say things is correct. best possible, without scolding and with full understanding.

Not only communicating but listening as well, is one of the tasks that a leader must fully fulfill. Do not judge before hearing the version of the people involved in a problem and put yourself in the shoes of your workers to better understand their possible demands, these are functions that you must fulfill correctly and will very surely earn the respect and trust of your employees.

If they are well developed in business practice, teamwork and leadership, they will bring great dividends to the staff of the organization and to the organization, without a doubt.

Leading work teams