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Professional logo


According to Wikipedia, the logo is "a graphic element that identifies a person, company, institution or product, which includes symbols clearly associated with who they represent."

This definition, which refers to the purely graphic, is incomplete when it comes to understanding and making our own representation, because although the first thing we receive is a visual stimulus, when we see a well constituted logo, what we are actually observing is the result from a previous job. Therefore, when making our logo, we must know that it will be a consequence, that is, when there is an idea or concept, which validates it to carry it out.

The concept is neither more nor less than an idea to develop, based on the attributes of the company or our product.

The Emirates airline, for example, bases its institutional image on the National (concept). But here, the national is not linked to being a nationalist, but rather to the aspirational and sophisticated (attributes) typical of the Arab world. Resulting in a logo with an important symbolic charge, characterized through its typography and shapes (iconic translation).

Emirates logo

When we answer a phone, answer an e-mail or treat our clients, we send small messages that define us as an enterprise.

Quick attention, trajectory, youth, professionalism, kindness, trust, are attributes to form an idea.

That idea or concept will strategically define us as an enterprise, so it is important to know who we are as a company, what we offer, and where we are going.

This concept will be graphically translated in all of our visual communication: starting with the logo, and then being represented in the rest of the communication pieces; cards, folders, letterhead, packaging, web, etc. taking into account; type of public, competition and commercial vision.

The importance of the concept lies in the content, since all the communication of our project will be sustained on it.

Although there is no recipe for making a successful logo, there are issues to take into account that can guide us towards a correct and successful construction, especially when defining the concept for our corporate image.

  • Surveys, graphics that we have used to promote ourselves, characteristics of our service, or product, competitor data, global trends, etc., all Information to which we have access is vital to build our brand, since without information this would not be possible Although it is not an exclusive requirement, it is always advisable to have a designer, since he is the person who can handle forms and communication in equal parts and who can resolve those functional issues that make the logo flexible and adaptable to the maximum quantity of supports, in addition to the creative contribution that in a second instance is very important.In the case of a product, the vision of the marketing department is important from the commercial point of view, as it defines its virtues and characteristics,which will then be translated into an image for our clients.

In short, the concept gives coherence to the message and nourishes it with content and in the case of the logo it gives it a specific and competitive identity that will allow it to be differentiated from the rest. With judgment, dedication and common sense we can achieve an effective and original professional brand and in the logo the tool with which we can compete as equals, even with the largest companies.

Professional logo