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The 3 least original aspects to highlight your business and differentiate yourself from your competition

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As has become my habit lately, instead of telling you how to do it (because the subject has become a bit trite these days) I prefer to tell you something that you should definitely NOT do if you want to fall in love, captivate and stand out. Have you thought that falling in love with someone is also giving them a reason to choose you? Have you thought about what reason you give them for not leaving with the competition? In fact, have you made a difference with your competition?

By now it is surely clear to you that there are thousands and hundreds of thousands of professionals who do the same as you, who offer the same as you and who charge more or less the same as you. So, if you want your potential clients to tip the balance towards your professional practice, you better be able to differentiate yourself and give them a big “reason” why they should.

Do you want your business to stand out? Do not do this…

The 3 least original aspects to highlight your business

When I start working with a new client or I am hired to do an audit, that is one of the first parameters I look at: differentiators.

And what do I come across most often? With these:

  • QualityServices / customer serviceCommitment

Really? Differentiating is supposed to be doing something different. But for some strange reason, they all have the same differentiators (sic).

Also, in these times…

Do you think someone would buy any service - whatever it is - if it does not meet at least certain quality standards?

Would you agree to work with someone who has no commitment to help you or who can assist you fairly correctly?

I'm sure not, so forget about these “patch cords” that are everywhere (in fact a very well known fast food brand had some similar to these about 20 years ago) and start by finding your own differentiators that you really stand out in the market.

What do you do then to highlight your business? I recommend you follow these 3 steps that I explain below:

Step # 1 - Look at the market

If you want to stand out, of course you can't do it blindly. The best thing you can do is take a good look at the market, do some research and see what you can do differently from what already exists.

The best thing is to find an unmet need, or a deficiency in the type of service you offer (and that your competition offers) that is not leaving your customers happy, and try to incorporate it into your portfolio of services.

Step # 2 - Look at the strengths and talents of your business and its owner (that is, you)

One way that I love to highlight (and differentiate) your business from other similar ones is through the strengths and talents that you, as an entrepreneur and as the owner of your business, can contribute. It is an aspect that also makes you feel an important part of your business and connect with it. As if it were a part of you, of your personality.

Because I love it? Because if no two people are alike in this world, there are no two alike imprints that you can give your business. So you will have a spectacular differentiation from your competition. Of course, to achieve this, you have to be authentic. If you copy, if you model a lot what other people do (even if you like what they do, and you know that they are successful then follow them) little by little your originality will diminish and it costs more to differentiate yourself. Your language, your style, your way of approaching certain issues, what you show, what you do, who you work with, what you do with them, all together, can help you to stand out and differentiate your business.

If you want to work a little more on this point, you can read this article -> how to differentiate yourself ?.

I also want you to think of two ways to differentiate yourself. The first is what you do, the second is who you are. I'm going to give you a couple of examples from my own business so that you understand me well, and then so you can apply these concepts in your own business.

There are two competitive advantages of my business that work as differentiators (with respect to what I do) and they are: an online professional practice and an international business. This means that of all the business and entrepreneur coaches and mentors, I differentiate myself with these two activities: my clients have to be willing and willing to have an online professional practice (take advantage of the full power of the internet not only to promote themselves but also to deliver services in this way) and in the same way want to have an international business (that is, to work with clients beyond the borders of their own country). This is kind of a differentiator in what I do.

Now, there are other aspects that differentiate me and have more to do with who I am. For example, I like to write about necessary topics for my clients but giving them a different approach (myths and truths, bad ideas, thieves of, secrets to, etc) and not simply a “this is what you have to do”. On the other hand, I am very direct with my advice and I always try to outline the solutions that I offer (key 1, key 2, step 1, step 2, etc.) because that way it "gets out of my mind" and I know it works better for you to take action. (and not for you to read the article simply as a reflection). This is a differentiator (not everyone does it this way) that has to do with who I am.

Step # 3 - Put your differentiators to work

Once you are clear on these differentiators, you have to put them into action. Communicating them is not just “hanging” them on a poster on your website, on your social networks or on your professional profiles (which is also something you should do). Putting them into action is using them.

As I explained in the previous point, your differentiators for who you are can be put into action in the way you communicate or what channels you choose to reach your potential customers or how you attract them to you. You set your differentiators for what you do when you define your ideal client and when you choose how you will deliver your services.


Follow these 3 steps. Do a little research (just take a moment to observe first) and see what is on the market. Make a list of what catches your attention and think it might be an opportunity to explore. Put that list aside for a moment.

Then make a list of your talents and differentiators related to who you are, your style, your personality, what you like, what you don't.

Now take the first list (your observations of the market) and see how you can generate differentiators also in what you do, that somehow satisfy the opportunities you detected.

Finally, combine your differentiators and draw the conclusions so that you can put together a unique model and stand out in the market. Define it, implement it, communicate it and test it!

I would love for you to tell me… what are your differentiators? What have you been able to learn in this article that will impact the way in which you stand out in the market? Leave me your comments below so I can learn more about you J.

The 3 least original aspects to highlight your business and differentiate yourself from your competition