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The 5 brakes that prevent you from being authentic and improving yourself

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Life is complex. At least that's what you think when you feel overwhelmed and don't know where to go.

You spend all your time running from one place to another, in a hurry, with a thousand obligations, with tensions, with problems… without time to think clearly. Or maybe you cause it yourself? Do you feel like you are trapped in a life that doesn't let you be yourself?

Read carefully because I'm going to tell you The 5 Brakes That Prevent You From Being Authentic:

Brake No. 1:

You submit to self-imposed obligations

Expressions like "I have to…" or "I should…" are sure to be very familiar to you. If you stop to think, a large part of these obligations are not important at all. You could postpone them, you could order them or you could even never do them and nothing would happen.

Brake No. 2:

You have grown up thinking that you have to become something in life

And this is not bad if you have made the decision yourself. The problem is when you think you must become what others want you to be, what excites them, or what they would have liked to be. You let yourself be influenced by the environment in a way that you repress yourself and do not allow your most sincere and authentic self to come out.

Brake No. 3:

It's hard for you to say NO

You don't allow yourself the luxury of feeling free to decide whether or not you want to do something. You go out of your way to please others and forget that you put others ahead of yourself, which creates conflict in you. Sometimes for feeling obliged to do so. Other times to receive recognition from others and thus feel loved. The point is that you submit to the wishes of others and stop being free.

Brake No. 4:

You want to evolve but you don't know how

You have many concerns and desires to grow as a person but you feel powerless when you see that they are not fulfilled. You live with pending projects and dreams, but you never carry them out because you are kidnapped by a fear of failure that paralyzes you every time you try to take the first step.

Brake No. 5:

You repress your feelings and your emotions

You often show the politically correct part of you, and hide your feelings. You repress your thoughts and your actions. You fear what they will say, what they will think of you if you show that hidden face that you have, so that the way you behave does not correspond to who you really are or how you feel.

All this means that in the end you live with a permanent dissatisfaction with the incoherence between what you are, what you think and what you do.

You don't dare to be YOU.

Stop for a moment and reflect. Think with your heart and feel who you really are, what you want for yourself, what are your values, what are your objectives and your goals, what are your dreams, etc…

It is time to let your most authentic self come out.

It is time to show yourself to others as you are, not to fear what they will think of you, what they will think or if they will judge you, to live the life you want, to decide for yourself, to respect yourself. In short, to dare to be you.

Free yourself from so many chains, so many prejudices, so many beliefs and self-imposed limits, and be your most authentic self. Only then can you make decisions from the heart and evolve.

Only in this way will you be able to fulfill the Dream that you have pending for so long.

The 5 brakes that prevent you from being authentic and improving yourself