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The 5 pillars of happiness (perma)

Table of contents:


In recent years a branch of psychology called Positive Psychology has been developed that is dedicated to the scientific study of Happiness, Success and Well-being. Its main objective is to promote the factors that are required to achieve the optimal level of functioning of individuals and their organizations; which allows us today to identify and understand what are the pillars of our fulfillment and fulfillment as human beings.

The 5 pillars are also known as the "PERMA" in Positive Psychology.

Its founder, Dr. Martin Seligman from the University of Pennsylvania, after years of research, has developed a Theory of Well-being and "Flourishing" with 5 measurable elements known as -PERMA- for its acronym in English- (Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning & Achievement) and is thus handled internationally.

Dr. Seligman clarifies that "PERMA" is a "description" of what people do with authentic happiness and well-being, and not a "prescription"; that is, it is not an exact formula that applies the same for all people; For some, elements such as their relationships will have more weight, for others their sense of achievement, etc. However, there is no doubt that cultivating these 5 pillars will be of great help to increase our levels of satisfaction and motivation.

What is "PERMA"?

P- “Positive Emotions” - Positive Emotions: Positive people perform better in life, in addition to enjoying it more and feeling much better with themselves and with others. That is why learning to cultivate and generate positive emotions such as joy, interest, pride, recreation, serenity, hope, gratitude, wonder, inspiration and love, will help us deal with our negative emotions and difficult event that we face along the way.

E- "Engagemnet" - Commitment and Involvement: When we apply our strengths in a task, when we do what we like the most using our skills, when we cultivate our passion and sometimes also when we feel challenged, we enter a state of "flow" or "Involvement". Athletes know this state as the "zone" and it is characterized because it completely absorbs us, we are good at what we are doing, everything flows, we know exactly what the next step is, we do not feel the passage of time, and the activity in itself it delights us. When we are in this "zone or state of flow" instead of ending up exhausted, we do not feel recharged and our well-being and motivation rise. Knowing yourself and identifying your strengths and passions is the first step to working on our personal fulfillment.

R- "Relationships" - Relationships: Having and maintaining positive and constructive relationships is a universal requirement for Human Well-being. Our need to feel connected is fundamental at an intimate, family, social, organizational and community level. Spending our time cultivating the most important relationships in our lives has an immediate effect on our level of happiness. Take the time to "cultivate" your relationships, remember that the grass that is watered continuously… is always greener.

M- “Meaning and Purpose” -Purpose and meaning: Believing that the meaning of our existence belongs, serves or is useful for something bigger than ourselves helps us to feel that we transcend the actions of our daily life in each one of them. Whether at a political, religious, professional family or “green” level to save the planet) defining meaning and giving purpose to our projects and occupations gives us the opportunity to act coherently and establish priorities and values ​​based on to which we wish to live.

A - “Accomplishment” - Success and Sense of Achievement: Human beings have a need to feel competent and act with autonomy. Setting goals, developing our self-control and discipline, and pursuing success on our own terms helps us keep growing and developing our potential. Self-confidence increases with our sense of competence, so the more prepared we feel, the more confident and satisfied we will feel with our projects.


  • Flourish, a Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being- Dr. Martin Seligman.
The 5 pillars of happiness (perma)