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The 6 steps to sell like the big guys


Apply the true process to follow to sell more in less time. A sale is much more than knowing a series of techniques or phrases to persuade or close. Many commercials often think that any activity they do is itself a sales process. Nothing is further from reality!!!

The truth is that administrative issues or technological tools such as CRM systems are not a sales process.

The objective of a sales process is to verify in real time and in an objective way the possibilities of winning a sale. Hence, selling is not a single activity, it is a set of activities designed to promote the purchase of a product or service and these activities are carried out during various phases.

What is the sale

The sale, itself is a process, goes through different phases. Most of the best models emphasize selling based on an identified need, rather than describing features and listing benefits. However, in reality, it is not enough for the seller to believe that the customer has any needs: the customer must be willing to comment and analyze their needs.

Before being able to identify a client's needs, it is necessary to create a climate of trust that invites the exchange of ideas. This climate requires a careful balance between bonding and the use of persuasion. Before addressing needs or facilitating a decision, you need to sell yourself.

The steps or phase of a winning sales process

A good sales process usually goes through the following phases:

• Create relationship with the client;

• Understand the client's needs;

• Satisfy the client's needs;

• Negotiate win-win;

• Handle objections and closure.

Create lasting customer relationships. This is vital to getting an invitation to start a business relationship and involves removing the client's resistance to listening to us. The invitation is not an entry to start a sales presentation, but only for the seller to introduce himself and create a link and there is a communication, a starting point. It is the first step in achieving a relationship.

The main idea is to quickly create a link strong enough to be "invited" to continue the process of introducing yourself and your service or product.

Understand the customer's needs. Once the relationship is developed, the information about the client's needs and the advantages or benefits of the product is exchanged.

Only at this moment the client is ready to hear the characteristics and advantages of what is being offered. Once a link has been created, the exchange of information can be carried out with minimal resistance and with good prospects of closing the deal.

Satisfy the client's needs. Once we know what the customer really needs, we can proceed to align the benefits of the product or service with each of their needs. This is where we will base our proposals on added values ​​and benefits. Which will give us a competitive advantage.

Negotiate win-win. When details are negotiated, inherent tension can damage the relationship, and if the relationship is weakened, trust deteriorates. To avoid this type of resistance, it is important to remember the need to cultivate and maintain the relationship before, during and after the exchange of information. In this phase it is essential to seek that both parties win.

Handling of objections and closure. Objections are an opportunity to clarify the characteristics and advantages of the product or service. Problems should not be an obstacle, but an opportunity for improvement. In other words, objections are an excellent opportunity to make a sale.

Finally, if the link creation has been successful and a good exchange of ideas with the potential client has been achieved, the closing of the operation should be the logical outcome. Closing sales, unlike what most commercials believe, is the easiest part, especially if you have carried out a good process and followed each phase during the sale.

On the other hand, if the circumstances prevent a decision from being reached, the closure is to keep the relationship, that is, to obtain another appointment or another subsequent invitation to continue with the process.

The most important element of closing is to be clear during the sales process exactly what you want to see happen. Hence, there is another step or phase that very few commercials usually implement. Perhaps they know it but many take it for granted and do not use it as they should.

Set goals and prepare for success. Research has revealed that 80% of success in what we do in any facet of our lives, including sales, is closely related to having clear and well defined goals and good planning.

It is important to have enough flexibility to redefine the objectives during the sales process, that implies knowing how to "read" the customer and knowing what you can achieve.


A well-defined sales process is the key to closing more sales in less time. The sales process is not linear, it does not go from the first stage to the second and it continues to move forward. It is a constant cyclical process; Often the exchange of information can create resistance and it is impossible to continue the process in the face of this obstacle. The solution is to go back to the first stage and try to get an invitation to continue again.

El proceso de ventas exige que el vendedor esté siempre listo para comenzar desde el principio a fin de fortalecer la relación. Aplica un proceso de ventas bien definido, has tuyas todas las habilidades necesarias para convertirte en un excepcional comercial. Entra aquí y comienza a entrenarte y maximizar todo tu potencial >>.

The 6 steps to sell like the big guys