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Changes and stress


I recently went to a Bachelor-level academy meeting where teachers with vast experience in teaching were there, I was surprised to see the resistance they show to the evaluation in competencies, according to these pedagogical experts this is nothing more than a fad and every teacher should decide how to teach (here I fell twenty of because the deficiencies in our educational system), but this sector of professionals are not the only ones who show resistance to changes, in all sectors and aspects of life many are the people who they even fear changes; However, we know that these are a constant in life, even if they cause us uncertainty, and we have to adapt to them if we want to continue surviving in the world of work and even if we want to improve our personal relationships.

According to the hierarchy of needs proposed by Abraham Maslow (American Humanist Psychologist), we must first satisfy those of food, water and shelter; when we have this scale covered we demand security and protection; which can be in the family, health or public safety environment; later the link of love and identification has to be covered; it can be with family, friends, partner, religious groups, etc.; then you are able to cover the line of self-esteem, which must be objective in order to reach the top with personal fulfillment; Depending on where we are on the scale, it will be what each of us will give priority.

Speaking of personal fulfillment, because all human beings are unique, something different gives us that sense of fulfillment; and proof of this is the simple fact that some have a vocation as doctors, others as lawyers, (and among the same colleagues there are different tastes, there are those who prefer to specialize in criminal law, others in labor law, etc.); and so on; We cannot all be measured by the same rule precisely because of our uniqueness; Traditionally in Mexico it is thought that the ideal is to be married and have children (even one, so that they can take care of you when you get older), in fact if someone is irresponsible or a drinker it is believed that when they get married this will change; which is an aberration,many people give in to pressure and because of this they do things that they normally would not do and even act against their own principles; internally, we all have a code of ethics that tells us what is morally right or wrong, although we are always influenced by the environment.

Due to all these aspects that we have discussed, what motivates us is a mystery, reaching a general consensus that said motivation depends on oneself; since despite the fact that companies invest so that their workers attend courses, seminars, conferences or carry out motivational activities, they continue to remain apathetic, by not changing their attitudes the result is always the same (wasting thousands of pesos).

The ideal scenarios as well as the magic recipes do not exist, hard work is essential to be able to get ahead in the processes of change, it is vitally important that we are passionate about the work we develop since everything is made easier for us and we always act in favor of the interests of the group.

Changes, in a certain sense, are like earthquakes cause commotion, but only those who are prepared with civil protection courses face these phenomena in the best possible way; then it is necessary that we prepare ourselves in a comprehensive way, covering emotional, spiritual and intellectual aspects to survive the avalanche of changes that occurs worldwide.

Globalization made life easier in the sense of the speed of information, but that gave way to the world becoming more and more competitive every day; So the human factor has been affected, many employees their companies demand more and more working hours, so they neglect their families and worst of all, they do not have time to enjoy activities such as reading, music or exercise, therefore statistics show that more people are sick with stress, blood pressure, diabetes, among others.

Although it sounds like an exaggeration, stress can kill, I know of two unfortunate cases in which it happened; the first of a high-level executive of a banking company, he was around 47 years old, in addition his close friends said that he had a healthy diet, he exercised regularly, but because he was being subjected to a lot of work pressure he died. The second case is of a 28-year-old young man, a mid-level executive, who one day began to complain of back pain, because they were doing X-rays and no problem was seen, the doctor assumed that he was only pretending so that he could issue a disability and not going to work, finally one day he went to the hospital with a terrible headache, that same day he passed away and all because even doctors take stress matters lightly.

Stress is also the cause of low productivity; Let's try to be balanced by using our free time in activities with family and friends, both outdoors and indoors; let us seek our intellectual and emotional development in order to cope with the changes that today overwhelm us.

It is also necessary for companies from the public or private sector to reassess the demands in a matter of time; even if you spend 24 hours in the office that is not a guarantee that you will be productive; and you lose thousands of pesos in life insurance payments, overtime (those that do pay), etc., better organize yourself and plan your activities in such a way that you can fulfill your day-to-day work. We read another time.

Changes and stress