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The five powers of personal leadership


In the fingers of our hands are the five powers of human success. Which are the power of the voice, the power of the imagination, the power of the alliance, the power of the commitment and the power of the contribution, which are associated with each of the fingers.

The thumb, which is used to ask for a tail is linked to communication and represents the power of the voice. No matter how good an idea, a method, a concept may be, it has no life if it is not articulated. Moss Kanter affirms that more than learning organizations, what we most need is education organizations, where the voice of those who know the most or are prepared is translated into the vehicle to empower more and more people in the key competencies of the country.

The index, a finger that is raised to ask for the word, represents the power of imagination, since by raising the index one is ready to share an idea. The people who with their imagination envision a different present and future, faster, more effective, more profitable and more enjoyable, will be the ones who will be guiding leadership actions in the 21st century.

The middle finger, which is in the middle of the hand, is the one that serves to give back and has to do with spiritual intelligence and its influence in the workplace. Moss Kanter comments that more and more companies, cooperatives, countries and institutions of various kinds are carrying out social actions of retribution to the communities with which they interact.

The idea is that people develop a sense of connection with people, that elevates the spirit and motivations. In our Country, such a position will begin to be implemented in the Universities with the community service that students must begin to perform.

Ring finger, is where the wedding ring is placed, which represents the power of commitment. Loyalty, towards ideas, work, is necessary for the success of a company or a Country. This has to do with the sense of identity. Loyalty is a competitive advantage for any Leader.

Finally, the little finger, which together with other hands, allows to make the "league", represents the power of the association. Alliances between people, companies, cooperatives and between countries are emerging in greater quantity and speed. They do it seeking to enhance their differences, take advantage of creativity, talent, actions, the strength that each one possesses. To achieve a more just and equitable world.

Today in a Venezuela like ours, which is shaping up to a 21st century socialist model, using these powers can make a difference in the management of personal, family, neighborhood, organizational and cross-country relationships.

In addition to creating an impact on the key indicators of our development, such as health, education, security and infrastructure.

The five powers of personal leadership