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The four functional elements of coaching


Companies launch different initiatives aimed at improving the collective synergy of workers and managers; for example, programs on leadership and teamwork. However, improvements in business results are seldom perceived. A coach could assist the Steering Committee in reviewing four very cardinal points.

There are different aspects to which the Steering Committees direct their attention, in their obligation to ensure the effectiveness - a sort of sum of the effectiveness and efficiency - collective; However, it may be that, in some case or circumstance, the perception of realities, harmony in diagnoses, or correctness in the application of the decisions taken may end up lacking.

A consultant could also make valuable contributions, but, as we know, the coach would try to widen the angle of vision (wide angle) of the executives, to focus and zoom (telephoto) some details and facilitate the desired tuning. These four important elements could often be reviewed:

  • The pursued goals The functional organization The effectiveness of the people The quality of life in the organization.

The goals

Reaching the goals or not also depends on them, and it must also be ensured that the entire organization shares them. If, for example, while people believe they work for prosperity, the chief executive placed the emphasis on cultivating the image to sell the company at the best possible price, or on any other non-explicit goal, then some decisions would create confusion, it could some degree of organizational anomie would emerge, and perhaps some retreat in people's emotional and cognitive competencies would follow; but there are many other cases in which the goals themselves generate conflicts.

In the 90s, we saw that many companies put their efforts to lead the market, or to obtain recognition for their quality or excellence, which could meet the expectations of executives but perhaps not so much of the professional staff. These, for example, have experienced some certification requirements with some torment; in some cases it seemed that it was not important that customers were satisfied, but that there was a system for measuring satisfaction…

Of course, a new knowledge worker, as Peter Drucker drew it to us, may feel, for example, committed to the idea of ​​effective solutions for the disabled, or that of quiet and energy-efficient appliances; but perhaps not so much with the intention of Senior Management to lead the market, or to win awards. A coach can help us more than it seems at first glance, both in the formulation of our own goals and in the collective ones.

The functional organization

As is the case in most cases, it must be ensured that the functional organization reconciles conjunctures, interests or commitments of the Steering Committee, sometimes difficult to explain, with the desired effectiveness of the efforts made by people. Organizational synergy, innovation, alignment of efforts, the systemic perspective or the contribution of the parts to the whole, are undoubtedly constant concerns of executives, but they are not always favored by the decisions taken.

To be specified, the distribution of powers and dignities may be facilitating or hindering the proper functioning of the company; It is precisely the architecture of decision-making that seems to be an indicator - among many others - of collective intelligence, although each reality requires a specific architecture, and the so-called collective intelligence can be interpreted in different ways. The empowerment postulate forces us to put thoughts and feelings on the table that do not always emerge fluently. The coach can contribute to this: to bring out the underlying.

The effectiveness of people

Let's look at one detail: leadership in the company. Middle managers appear to have been proclaimed leaders not by their so-called followers, but by the senior management that has chosen them. The new knowledge worker may remember that, in his youth, in his gang, he saw in his leader “one of his own” whom everyone trusted; now they may be forced to identify the leader figure with "one of their own" whom they trust.

Perhaps this reflection sounds exaggerated, but the leader-followers model could in some case be subtracting, and not adding, collective effectiveness. Experts argue that the improvement of results requires a greater role for workers.

When we speak of people and productivity, we have to think, in effect, of knowledge workers, and not only of managers-managers. For the benefit of the results, they would have to share stimulating goals, develop their potential and assume the role that corresponds to them.

Perhaps, in more than one case, it is necessary to promote the self-leadership of all after shared goals, and not insist on an elitization of managers, which is more reminiscent of the industrial age and less of the so-called age of knowledge and innovation. These conclusions and others, when relevant, could perhaps be better reached with the help of an expert business coach, who would guide the reflection and guide the inferences.

Quality of life

The reader will agree that in all companies you can be more effective and be, at the same time, and perhaps for this reason, more satisfied. The Hungarian-born American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi tells us, speaking of quality of life: “The problem appears when people become so obsessed with what they want to achieve that they no longer derive pleasure from the present.

When this happens, they lose their chance to be happy. But professional satisfaction suffers not only from an exaggerated obsession with goals; Negative emotions, physical and mental fatigue, visible or hidden nervous tension, or unsatisfactory interpersonal relationships also take on a significant amount of quality of life.

They are frequent now, and in the past decade they were very common, work climate studies; But experience suggests that they rarely make things better. I had already suggested it with customer satisfaction: it is not so much about regularly measuring people's satisfaction, as about ensuring it.

Both managers and workers perform better in the virtuous circle of motivation-performance-satisfaction, so that the curse of the vicious cycle of negative emotions, fatigue, tension and stress must be prevented and, if necessary, broken. the blocking of powers.

All this is naturally known to the Steering Committee, but a good coach can help to identify and neutralize the negative, as well as to better exploit the positive, and ultimately achieve a better quality of life for the entire organization, the effects of which are very desirable.


The coach can provide perspective to perceive aspects of reality that may escape executives, and the maieutic methodology is more efficient than others. The best thing is that this professional contributes to the Steering Committee establishing, and assuming as its own, the most suitable conclusions or decisions, with a view to the collective improvement pursued. The four elements that we have covered -although we have done it quickly- constitute the end, the means and the fluidity of the process, in the very complex business journey.

Whatever the specific requirement that has led a coach to a company, he will have to make contact with these elements to orient himself properly; They come to suppose cardinal points, both because of their importance and because of their systemic relationship between them.

The four functional elements of coaching