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Web forums as a marketing and advertising strategy


Surely at some point you have seen and even participated in discussion forums on a specific topic of your interest in the hope of obtaining answers to your questions through them.

Well, a discussion forum is nothing more than a meeting point where many people meet to discuss a topic of general interest, there some ask their questions for other participants to answer. And for web page owners it is a great way or strategy to keep your site interactive.

Participation in these forums is generally free and you will only have to register to access them, using a username and password that you will give yourself.

It is also a good strategy to create a forum within our website, to give our visitors the opportunity to keep in touch with us and other volunteer participants to the forum.

Advantages of having a Forum on your website

Build trust

Through a forum on your site, it will allow you to establish yourself as an expert on a specific topic and your visitors will trust and this will lead to them buying your products safely.

You will get free content

By giving the possibility that your visitors enter the forum to write their questions, comments and / or answers to the questions of the other participants, this will create free content for your site and therefore your website will be permanently updated with fresh and relevant content. Remember that Google loves sites that are updated often, which will represent better positions in search engines and with different keywords which will be the same visitors who will take care of it without realizing it.

Keep your visitors fixed

Having a forum that is attractive and interesting enough in terms of a highly useful topic for your visitors will make them voluntarily visit it daily to see what they find there again.

Advertising in other forums

If you are a visitor to a forum, you can place your advertising in your notes as a participant, but beware, it is not intrusive advertising. The legal and accepted way is, simply placing your advertising in your signature. Which is nothing more than a small advertisement with a url to your site and under your name. It could be something like:

Your Name Here


New business opportunities


Use the forums to support your products

You can create forums to support the products you sell, especially when it comes to software that requires a little help for some. Obviously in this case, this type of forum is already a bit more restrictive since only those who have bought your product will have access.

Finally, as an advertising strategy, you can set yourself a daily task of participating in at least 3 different forums, with themes that are related to what you sell or offer, without forgetting to place your signature at the end towards your website such as I have taught you. In this way and if you do it daily, can you imagine all the visits that will come to you daily from other websites? In addition, this will increase your ranking, since many other sites will link to yours. It is a time consuming task, but it is well worth the work.

Web forums as a marketing and advertising strategy