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The influencers. double morality is dressed in green. test

Table of contents:


"In a world full of social networks and mass media, human beings have been offered the opportunity to create the stereotypes of life that their Gigabytes can afford."

With this new trend and way of life (because social networks have become that, a very tempting way of life), men have been seduced towards the virtual and its innumerable advantages, everyday life has never become so comfortable and accessible; Today's world where the most irrational cravings are within the reach of a click, we will take as our starting point the revolutionary work of the 21st century, the Influencers

Instagram, twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and the rest of the list of social platforms with their great popularity and popularity have led to the emergence of a new and profitable job. People dedicated to selling an eye-catching image and achieving a considerable degree of popularity with it; with good use of digital marketing, where the individual becomes a product and can begin to profit from it.


According to a study carried out at the University of Valladolid, Segovia, 2015:

An influencer is considered to be anyone with the ability to create reactions in their followers when they talk about something specific within an area or sector and that it can have an effect on a certain brand.

These new popular characters obtain their earnings by being prescribers of different brands, making publications on their official profiles where they motivate the purchase or use of certain items; Advertising costs may vary depending on the number of followers / subscribers (or whatever the specific term in each social network is) that the celebrity in question has.

But… What is the real problem with these characters?…

The great influence that these people come to have on society is a proven fact. Influencers lead fields, going from the latest trends in summer clothing to the most controversial political conflicts; They are forced to tilt their balance of topics towards what can generate the greatest commotion among viewers, they must adapt their publications to the collective demand and in this way the central idea of ​​the text "double standards dresses in green" is reached. .

With the imminent environmental problem on our heels, talking about social awareness, ecological life, environmental mitigation or sustainable development has become a simple and fast way to position ourselves in a virtual market.

We can see how the increase in news about climate change and natural disasters has motivated hundreds of well-known personalities to post publications in favor of the environment, we see how from one day to the next everyone has become eco-citizens or as when opening and closing eyes meet 20 new photos of people hugging a tree.

It is impressive the high percentage of the population that continues to be, as stated by the writing icon José Saramago, " blind, blind who see, blind who, seeing, do not see " because they swallow whole the apparent good intentions of those who in reality do not do more than using the environmental boom for individual and selfish ends.

These people who prepare scripts based on reuse, recycle and take advantage of are the same ones who in the following publication promote the latest Iphone on the market, those who fill an online time with phrases of measure and ecological protection end up being the biggest inciters towards compulsive purchases; so it is not difficult to notice the great inconsistency in the information to which we are exposed daily.

It is worth noting here, what was expressed by the graduate of the University of Valladolid, Segovia, 2016, Faculty of Social, Legal and Communication Sciences, Nuria Rodríguez Martínez, in her degree work entitled: Mannequins 2.0 A study on paper that the new fashion influencers play in society, when he says:

"Influencers are, first of all, insatiable consumers close to the maximum degree of intensive consumption: the addiction and transfer of their own identity in exchange for wearing a mask at the service of the system that implies an obscene exposure to critics and fans, as mere mannequins "

However, what really worries about this fact is that by pushing so hard to believe in the plausible idea that these characters are constantly striving for a better world, we fall into a false and toxic tranquility, we sit down to believe that a simple repost can save a tree or that with hashtag: #YoMeVistoDeVerde the CO2 percentage will magically decrease.

The reflection of this article is not different from considering progress and social media as an aid tool that must be based on moral suitability, where the user coherently manages his thinking, acting and what he exposes to the world, must be motivate the work of positive and integral influencers, who respect their personal brand and encourage them to take real and meaningful actions.

Bibliographic references

  • CARRICAJO BLANCO, C. (2015). INFLUENCERS MARKETING: A NEW ADVERTISING STRATEGY. Segovía: Universidad Valladolid. Rodríguez Martínez, N. (2016). Mannequins 2.0 A study on the role played by new fashion influencers in society. Segovía: Valladolid University, Saramago, J. (1995). Essay On Blindness. Santarém, Portugal.



Katherine María Espitia Language

The influencers. double morality is dressed in green. test