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Traditional games in tourist entertainment

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Play is the cultural manifestation of physical activity. This practice has been seen as the recreational possibility of the cultural transmission of a country or nation, benefiting the health of the human body. Tourism animation being the ideal route as it is a route for the integration and participation of groups that coexist in a hotel facility, within a given period of time. Satisfying the needs of recreation, leisure, discovery and good use of the guests' free time. This paper addresses the shortcomings that animation programs present in terms of traditional Cuban games.

Keywords: traditional games, tourist entertainment, Introduction

Today the tourist industry constitutes an important source of monetary income for any country that knows how to apply well the areas of hotels, gastronomy, attractions and tourist services in general.

Animation is an alternative that contributes to raising the value of the tourist offer. We can ensure the quality of this efficient service when there is adequate planning, organization and execution of the proposed activities that make the animators capable of creating a climate in which children, youth, adults, socialize and gain in quality of life.. Beyond the traditional sun and beach offers.

The traditional games presented in this work are the result of a study on this area that is later proposed to be used in tourist entertainment activities. An extensive bibliography was used as support that refers to the subject in question.

Games as cultural heritage.

The game is a natural and necessary activity for the human being, it generally demands certain requirements that are adaptable to the interests of the main groups, they are applicable to all the people; be children or elderly people. They have in common a supreme goal, entertainment.

It has the following characteristics:

It is a free activity, not by mandate; it is played for the pleasure and pleasure that one feels when playing.

  1. It has a disinterested character, it does not play for a specific interest. It can be done in an open space (outdoors) or closed (local). It has unlimited time, it is not possible to set a specific time in it. In it the faculties are tested of the player: body strength, courage, stamina, concentration, etc. It has rules. They are mandatory for each game. It causes pleasure, joy, satisfaction. When you play it is done with desire.

Without forgetting its playful objective, it develops qualities in a more spontaneous way, such as intellectual, physical, volitional, moral, perseverance, honesty and camaraderie. You can work on communication skills, attention, concentration and memory.

Games also contribute to the development of speed, endurance and strength, always based on appropriate movements.

All individuals who play sharpen their inventiveness, triggering quick mental reactions. Being the cultural manifestation of physical activity, through it the possibility of recreation and leisure has been seen as a beneficial educational method to maintain the cultural heritage of a nation.

In order to understand this importance, it is necessary to know all the contributions that the different generations have bequeathed to us throughout the centuries. This is how the different games still persist today. Forming part of our cultural heritage.

Taking into consideration that cultural heritage is the set of natural exponents or products of human activity that document us about the material, spiritual, scientific, historical and artistic culture of different times that preceded us and of the present; and that, due to its exemplary and representative condition of the development of culture, we are all obliged to preserve it and show it to the current and future generation.

It also includes what is called living heritage, the various manifestations of popular culture, traditional populations or communities, handicrafts and popular arts, clothing, knowledge, values, customs and traditions characteristic of a group or culture. From the above, it is shown that traditional games are part of our cultural heritage.

Tourism and cultural heritage

At present, the action of traveling is becoming not only a simple distraction, but an element of training, interaction and relationship with another natural, social and cultural environment different from the usual one; Advances in communications are conducive to this, evidenced by the use of computer media, playing a fundamental role in informing us about the places and destinations that you want to visit due to their culture and attractions, where tourist entertainment plays a key role.

Tourism is a “living” phenomenon, constantly changing as it is made up of people who are making the latest contributions to the majority of society fashionable.

I consider tourism as an event that involves a displacement that entails the expense of income and whose main objective is to achieve satisfactions and services that are offered through a productive activity, generated through a previous investment, satisfying the customer who wishes at all times. among other things, learn about the culture of the country you visit. Within which we include cultural tourism as it is the product of a historical, dynamic and social process that takes shape from the interaction of the different social classes that make up a country.

For cultural heritage to interact with tourism, it must meet the following conditions:

  • That the tourist has the desire to understand and know the works, constructions and ways of life of the country they are going to visit. That the intervention of an intermediary takes place to explore the heritage. This could be a person, document or audiovisual material. Offer development possibilities and complementary consumption to traditional destinations.

Traditional games as part of tourist entertainment.

It is then a matter of starting to refer to how tourist animation has been defined.

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Tourism Entertainment arises in response to the need of visitors to occupy their time, in carrying out some activity that increases their level of satisfaction, and that is why service providers should offer an "animation" according to your market.

According to Blanco Faría, M. (2004) refers that Tourist Animation is a strategy to value the tourist-cultural heritage, link the visitor with the environment (social, natural and cultural) and, ultimately, contribute to human development.

Tourist animation allows a cultural approach between different individuals; Through it, we can manifest the human and social values ​​that are part of our cultural heritage. In the treatment that the visitor receives and in the personal relationship between him and those who attend him, the cultural component is present, it also turns out to be a recreational activity that guarantees the presence and enjoyment of clients, that is, it is increasingly necessary of activities that promote the movement of people to different tourist places, whose entertainment and attention guarantee tranquility and enjoyment of free time.

Hotel entertainment has ceased to be something complementary and of little importance to become a fundamental part of leisure in vacation time, so the animation departments must be made up of animation professionals involved in the general operation of the establishment, creating animation programs in accordance with the market orientation defined by the facility and capable of satisfying its consumers.

The vast majority of clients who visit the tourist destinations of ¨Sol y Playa ¨ in our country expect to enjoy varied activities, but with a touch of Cubanness and joy.

In many of our tourist facilities, entertainment programs clearly reflect the loss of creativity and systematic innovation, as well as the cultural and indigenous values ​​of our region. This problem motivated the author to carry out the present investigation. Because of the importance of animation today, occupying a central place in the destinations of Sun and Beach in our country.

This author, after analyzing the criteria of different researchers and consulting Internet pages related to the subject, and taking as a starting point the definition that the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) gives on Tourist Animation, we can say that it is of any action carried out on a group of people with the intention of developing communication, promoting social life and creating an ideal setting in a tourist establishment, based on culture and the environment. Whose final objective is the dynamization and promotion of the economy of the company.

The foregoing is not true in all hotel facilities. In them, the following deficiencies can still be seen:

There are dissatisfactions with regard to cultural projection and Cubanness, regarding the design and conception of the activities they carry out.

Animation programs do not clearly reflect our cultural and indigenous values

The purpose of the animation programs, with a sports-sociocultural content. It is also that it contemplates the autochthonous, the typical Cuban and the natural conditions of the country, to facilitate the relationships of coexistence, communication and other forms of expression, optimizing rest, fun, entertainment and personal development that translates into quality of customer life. You have to give him an unforgettable experience to achieve repetition. It is not about doing more activities, but doing them in a different way for each segment that visits us.

There are tourist animation programs that have managed to mark the interest in Cuban culture, environmental preservation, continuously assessing the level of customer satisfaction.

Point and aside it is important to highlight the figure of the tourist entertainer since this when developing his professional activity in entities that provide recreational services: beach hotels, city, campsites, extra-hotel facilities, nightclubs. It will be the figure in charge of promoting and disseminating the activities programmed to encourage and motivate the participation of clients, with special emphasis on the values ​​of Cuban culture.

It is through the use of an organized and structured animation, considering the interest of the clients to know all the Cuban culture, that we will be able to provide them with joy during their vacation period, for this it is necessary to facilitate the practice of various activities, both day and night. Planning actions where the client feels comfortable.

This is where traditional games come to get involved with an important role. This action can be done at various times during the day. Always taking into consideration the type of activity and the customer segment to which it is directed.

Age is one of the most important particular aspects in the tourist entertainment program. Well, this is what makes it possible to specialize in certain segments, from the youngest to the elderly, and based on the consideration of the particular characteristics of each age group, look for the optimal variants to organize the program.

The traditional games in tourist animation, allows as an activity to involve the Cuban relationship - animation. Promoting the mixture of communication, knowledge, pleasure, entertainment and joie de vivre.

When establishing the games for the animation program, the fundamental components that will determine its characteristics must be taken into account:

  • The type of activity: Referring to the general characteristics that the games must meet so that they can thus fulfill the planned objectives. Intensity: Aspect that must be taken into account when considering the type of physiological overload since which segment can be directed. Duration: Time of completion of the activity maintaining a certain period of time, approximately 30 to 45 minutes

Methodological steps for conducting and animating the games.

  1. Presentation: Greeting according to the schedule of the day. Presentation of the animator who will lead the game and the supporting animators. The name of the activity, the name of the game, should be mentioned. At this time it is advisable to exchange with clients, to introduce new clients and insert them into the great family of the animation team. Location or training: Establish the teams or teams, install them properly formed in the starting place. Give names to the teams, preferably that Cubanness stands out. Explanation of the rules: It must be clear and as synthetic as possible, it must first clarify how points are obtained. Do not stop explaining how the activity ends. At the same time, the demonstration is carried out by the animators who are supporting the activity,stopping at the most difficult points of the game so that everyone gets it right. Then the check question is asked Does anyone have doubts? This question is fundamental for the development of the future of the game, we must never omit it. Start the game: After having verified that everything is in order, we formulate the signal very clear without hesitation. Control, enthusiasm and participation: This is one of the points most important for driving and animation of games. Once the action has begun, we must unite our work as judges, give encouragement to the groups of participants, that is to encourage, give voices of impulse and help, we must narrate what happens and show enthusiasm as this infects the group in its dynamics, being our form of participation a direct motive in the general mood.Game conclusion:After the game is over. Thanks are given to the DON'T WIN team, inviting them to participate in the next activities to try their surte again (The opposite attitude depresses the competitors and makes them lose their interest in the game). later we point out the winners, it will be the ideal way to mark the end of the game. The award is given to the winners. It is important to encourage the team that did not win, inviting them to continue participating in other animation activities. The awarding of the winners constitutes a stimulus, since the customers also like to be recognized for the effort made in the game, highlighting that the most important thing is the participation of all.inviting him to participate in the next activities to try his surte again (The opposite attitude depresses the competitors and makes them lose their interest in the game). later we point out the winners, it will be the ideal way to mark the end of the game. The award is given to the winners. It is important to encourage the team that did not win, inviting them to continue participating in other animation activities. The awarding of the winners constitutes a stimulus, since the customers also like to be recognized for the effort made in the game, highlighting that the most important thing is the participation of all.inviting him to participate in the next activities to try his surte again (The opposite attitude depresses the competitors and makes them lose their interest in the game). later we point out the winners, it will be the ideal way to mark the end of the game. The award is given to the winners. It is important to encourage the team that did not win, inviting them to continue participating in other animation activities. The awarding of the winners constitutes a stimulus, since the customers also like to be recognized for the effort made in the game, highlighting that the most important thing is the participation of all.The award is given to the winners. It is important to encourage the team that did not win, inviting them to continue participating in other animation activities. The awarding of the winners constitutes a stimulus, since the customers also like to be recognized for the effort made in the game, highlighting that the most important thing is the participation of all.The award is given to the winners. It is important to encourage the team that did not win, inviting them to continue participating in other animation activities. The awarding of the winners constitutes a stimulus, since the customers also like to be recognized for the effort made in the game, highlighting that the most important thing is the participation of all.

Traditional games: It refers to the playful manifestation with cultural roots. These can be autochthonous (It is one that is originally from a country) and popular (It is the game played by the people.)

Traditional games to incorporate into tourist entertainment programs

  • The balls tabletop

Next, we offer you some important steps for the realization of some of the games originally proposed, which can be enriched depending on the hotel installation and the segment that stays in it.

  • Ball games

"The persecuted one" consists of a game between two children, who alternate to try to hit the opposite ball, previously planted with the purpose of appropriating it.

"The quimbe and fourth" is very similar to the previous one, only that when the quimbar the loser will pay with two balls and with one, if his opponent manages to get less than a fourth of his position.

"Wow" consists of a hole located barely three meters from a line, from which everyone will shoot their balls. The one who first manages to trap in the hole, will have the right to make three shots to the balls that have been left out. The first is the premium, a roll that is made by advancing a fourth towards the opposing ball. If he hits the ball, he proceeds to a second shot called a leg, in which the player advances his shot a distance measured with his foot.

The third possibility is called alone and is made by throwing the opponent's ball well away. To achieve the third impact, try after to trap the ball again in the so-called guao, the other being eliminated. However, if he fails, he will give his turn to the next player. Here the eliminated competitors must deliver the previously agreed number of balls.

  • The quimbumbia

Quimbumbia is largely related to the development of a baseball game. Generally it is played with two or three bases and a cylindrical stick with sharp ends, which is about hitting with a longer one.

While some act on the offensive trying to connect on the peculiar implement, the other players try to capture it from fly or roling.

  • Games with the Swiss

Played by males and females. Its execution usually occurs in different ways, repeatedly trying to jump the rope attached to its ends by each hand. Another variant is the one where the competitors when jumping, assume different positions with arms and legs.

  • Hidden pooch

For this, a thin branch of short length must be used, which they will try to hide from the rest of the competitors, grouped around a fence or godmother. Once you have hidden the branch or pooch, the person in charge of that mission will let the others know by shouting: Now, while the others will try to find it. The one who hides the pooch will use the terms: cold !, warm! Hot! or it burns !, to announce the proximity of some of the children to the hidden object. With the shout of burned !, everyone runs towards the fence, while the owner of the pooch tries to hit the rest by the legs.

  • The handkerchief or kerchief

It consists of dividing a group into two sides or teams, which will be conveniently located on both sides of a line drawn on the floor, on which a handkerchief is placed.

Competitors will receive consecutive numbers, so that they have a similar among their opponents. The one who directs the game will sing a number and those referred to will approach the handkerchief, trying to get hold of it, but avoiding after that action being touched by their rival. To evade the friction, they will thus try to arrive at their formation, while being pursued. Those who arrive untouched will add units to their respective teams and the group with the highest score will win.

  • Burrito 21

A group is divided into two teams, with the same number of members. Each member of one of the sides passes their arms in front of the waist of the next partner. The first makes a support on a wall or a tree, so that the entire row is supported. Each of the second team from a safe distance, runs and jumps on the back of the last in line and tries to land on the first one who has no other on top. Those at the top try to hold on and those at the bottom struggle to shake them off. The one who falls leaves the game. The team that manages to get rid of its opponents wins.

  • Blind man

It consists of choosing a member of a group, who is blindfolded, while the others form a circle around him. The blindfolded man, who is called "blind man" is forced to walk around the place, with the aim of disorienting him. A dialogue is held and the chicken tries to catch some of those in the circle, but they flee, taking advantage of the fact that she is bandaged. When you catch one, that becomes the chicken.

  • Sack racing

As the name implies, they consist of trying from inside a bag and taking it by its ends, running across the country to reach a goal before one or more rivals.

  • Four corners

It consists of four players who are held by a single rope tied at its ends to which they form a quadrilateral and separated by approximately one meter behind an object placed on the floor. The first to manage to capture this garment is the winner.

  • Donkey's tail

It consists of placing the tail to a cardboard or cardboard donkey, blindfolded. The text of the work will be written in Times New Roman font, 12 points, in paragraphs justified on both margins and with a spacing of 12 points before and after the paragraph. Italics will be used to indicate words in foreign languages ​​or to highlight a phrase. The use of bold and underlined within the text will be avoided.

The structure of the body of the monograph is optional, the parts of the monograph, introduction, development and conclusions can be explicitly declared or developed continuously.


Our country is rich in culture and the clients who visit our facilities want to enjoy Cuban activities and interact with the animation team. Animation must be taken to all facilities and hotels seeking a distinction should consider animation as a true strategy to value the tourist-cultural heritage and link the visitor with the environment (culture-society nature).

We intend that, based on this work, the animation teams are interested in incorporating into their animation program activities to promote Cuban culture and that the client knows one more sample about Cuban cultural heritage, in this case about our traditional games.


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Traditional games in tourist entertainment