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Myths in coaching


At a time when change (which by the way is no longer the only thing that remains constant as it was previously postulated) takes over our lives, and in which values ​​are lost in the pocket of a coat and there are so many headlights Of those to guide us, which is as if there were none, Reflection is more necessary than ever: stop automatic thinking and articulate a response that leads us to a situation that we consider better than the current one.

Reflection to rediscover what are our deepest values, those that guide us and on the basis of which we give meaning to our being and acting. This is as true for a person as it is for a social group.

A first objective of coaching is to provide that space for reflection, to raise our heads, look at the horizon, see where we want to go, review the provisions we have and stock up on what we need, get rid of what is left over and establish a strategy to get there. Until here nothing new under the sun.

Many other types of consulting or advice do too. Yes, it seems important to highlight that we speak of both a personal and collective orientation. Therefore we are not talking about something individual that excludes the collective.

A second objective of coaching and its principle is to broaden the client's gaze, get him out of his usual and comfortable position and make him walk along new paths to scrutinize new possibilities and that in that variety of options he chooses, HIM / HER, his best solution. It is not a push or pull process; neither stick nor carrot. The client is the owner of her process and her vision is the only one that is worth it, because it has to be valid for her.

Is he the expert in your life or your business. No one outside can tell him what is best for him. It is he who has to come up with his own solution. It is only about facilitating this process from the outside, creating the conditions and supporting it. Here we already begin to diverge more from many views of propositional or managerial consulting.

A third objective is that the client is able to continue building more suitable solutions for him, broadening his horizon, his gaze. For this, the transformation of it is necessary. It is about teaching him to fish, not giving him the fish or helping him catch them. It is about facilitating Learning to learn, as a basic competence.

Here, some of the coaching orientations, the transactional calls, that seek a change in actions to achieve something but do not act on the being or the observer that we are are already being taken down. It would be what Rafael Echeverría defines as first-order learning.

On the other hand, the one who seek transformation would materialize in ontological Coaching. This is what second order learning would be. In this case it is clear that the choice of one is essential. One transformation cannot be prescribed for another. "Change is inevitable, but transformation is optional" Glenda Close

A fourth objective is to understand that we are not individual beings, but social, interdependent and that we need others both to survive and to develop. That we belong to a higher system and therefore we are influenced by it and in turn influence it. Knowing it and having keys to understand it makes a big difference in the effectiveness of the results that we will obtain from our actions.

Hence the importance of systemic thinking and, by extension, Systemic Organizational Development. Transformational Coaching brings together these visions Ontological Coaching and Systemic Organizational Development. This is the path that I walk with enthusiasm and conviction.

I believe that coaching has a very powerful function as an accompaniment in the processes of change of the cultural and organizational model in the company or organizations.

When we talk about an emerging model that has not yet been created, but is being created in the action itself and that breaks with the traditional relationship scheme that we all have, both managers or directors and other workers (because deep down we are all the same people in different positions, and our behavior determines the place we occupy in the system more than our own characteristics,… or almost), they need attention, and support and facilitation of the individual and group transformation that this entails.

This is extensive to everyone. In each case, it will be necessary to see how to use the available resources and to do it in those points of the system that have the most impact on the system. One of those key points in management, since it has the mission of being the guarantor of the transformation, in its new role as servant leader. So it seems logical to start there, but as a way of extending that vision to the rest.

In this little trip I have tried to respond to some visions that call coaching individual, elitist, partial, enduring of models and fad.

It raises a way of being and relating, so it is not just another management tool.

It is valid for everyone (since we all have areas that we want to change and alone we do not know how).

His practice includes both the individual and the group.

It has a cost / investment like any other service, linked to the supply-demand of the market.

It brings the multidimensional vision of the person: mind, emotion and body. Vision mutilated until now by this rationalist society.

It is based on Respect as an ethical basis, understanding respect for the other as someone legitimate, different and autonomous.

So far my vision, which is no more valid than yours. And it is that the respect on which the coaching is based and its vision that there is not one truth, but many (each one), makes it useless to insist on being right (which keeps it from becoming a religion). It is simply a proposal that serves me and I share it with that desire.

Myths in coaching