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Multilevel businesses

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They are in fashion and every day more multilevel companies appear, it is good that you have a clear concept of what they are and what benefits you can obtain with them. What is certain is that many people around the world, but especially in the United States, have become millionaires with this type of business.

In Latin America we have been a bit skeptical but we still have the necessary tools to achieve our financial freedom and an income in thousands of dollars a month if we find the right option and work for our dreams.

It is good to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Why do people want to work from home? Why do many choose the multilevel or networking market? And exactly what tools are needed to be successful in this activity?

Statistics show that at least 85% of people would like to earn money working from home, the reasons why many do not are:

  1. The investment cost is very high It takes a long time There is a lot of risk They do not know how to start

If you want to be a winner, pay close attention to what I am going to tell you:

  1. A business from your home offers you the following: No bosses, that is, you plan your own schedule, you control yourself, you establish priorities, you do it in such a way that it is fun for you. There is no limit to your income. Self-satisfaction with what you have achieved. You have created your business, the credit is only yours, work with the people you like. You do not have conflicts with coworkers, there are no office rules or protocols, Great flexibility. Work the hours you want, and that fit into your family's lifestyle. If your best working hours are 2 to 5 do it like this. No mobility problems, you save time and money. There are no office expenses. Which translates into quick profits. Security. There are no layoffs, no downsizing or restructuring. Additional benefits for your MLM business. Low costs at the start of operations.You can probably buy everything you need up front for less than $ 100. Compared to traditional businesses that need thousands of dollars to start. Not much expense in training. No administration hassles. You are independent, but you are an authorized representative of a company that handles product selection, research and development. You can continue in your regular employment. Only until your income exceeds your current income, so you can replace it. There are no expenses on tools. You need a phone, a computer. You need the ability to deal with people. You earn Residual Income. You earn from the sales of each of the members of your group. Nothing is more important to you and your financial future than the concept of residual income.To increase your monthly income, what you have to do is add new members to your work team. Once you have a significant group, much of your income will come from the work of others.

A MLM job pays you in the future for what you have done in the past. By helping your people build their own organizations, your income increases with that development. This means a great incentive for your sponsor to help you achieve your success, as they benefit from a percentage of the sales in your group.

So to achieve success quickly, align yourself with a group that provides you with a master plan for the crucial elements to build your business, which are:

  • Lead Generation Lead Tracking Sponsorship System Training

Exactly how does an MLM business work?

Network Marketing, Network Marketing or Multilevel Marketing (MLM), can be differentiated in two aspects: Theory and practice.

Both are really important and differentiated issues, the practice cannot be understood without the theory, but it is very important to take into account key aspects such as motivation, morale, enthusiasm and perseverance, figures that are what really decide the success of the person in Networking.

Let's get into the exciting world of Networking.

2 x 2 is Four !!!

Surely when you were a child, at school, they made you repeat the phrase "two times two equals four" a thousand times while they made you sing the multiplication table, you would not be able to imagine how much power this phrase contains, Enough power to get May you earn a huge fortune!


Imagine a very simple scene, you have a seed of a plant, after being planted for a day, it releases two seeds and only does it once. You plant your only seed in the garden and wait one night, what happens? That the next day you will have two new plants, because your seed sprouted and released two seeds during the night. The next day your two new plants release and sow two seeds each, this means that the next day you have four new plants, now these four raise two each with what you have eight plants. Are you seeing the power? Let's see it with your Networking business.

You are alone, so you get to sponsor two, only two serious people. Now you have two serious people in your "Sales Organization", and you work with them teaching them to do exactly the same as you. That is, to sponsor only two people each, isn't it a lot of work? So they sponsor two people each, this makes 2 × 2 = 4 with what you already have four people in your second line.

Your two front-line partners (the ones you sponsored directly) each work with the two people they sponsored, teaching them to do exactly what they did, that is, teaching them the same thing that you taught them. Then your four second-line partners (sponsored by your first line) get two sponsorships each, a total of 2 × 4 = 8 people. With what you already have eight partners in your third line. When these 8 people get another two, they already have 16 and so on.

Networking is something complex to understand at the beginning but in its essence it is simple, very simple! And once it is seen it illuminates you forever!

In summary:

If you sponsor 2 people: 1 × 2 = 2 people in the front line.

They sponsor 2 people each: 2 × 2 = 4 people in the second line.

They sponsor 2 people: 4 × 2 = 8 people in Third Line

They each sponsor 2 and we have 16 people.

In this way in your fourth line you have 16 people working and yet you have only worked with two people.

Now imagine that instead of sponsoring two people you sponsor 3 directly:

If you sponsor 3 people: 1 × 3 = 3 people in the front line.

They sponsor 3 people each: 3 × 3 = 9 people in the second line.

They sponsor 3 people: 9 × 3 = 27 people in Third Line

Who each sponsor 3: 27 × 3 = 81 people on the fourth line.

Eighty-One Salespeople In Your Sales Organization !!!

The power of Networking is great, don't you think?

A sales team of 81 people can achieve wonderful results.

Working as a team according to the philosophy of multilevel marketing will serve as a ladder to access the income levels that you have always wanted through your one and only job, you can do as a small cell, you can recruit 2, 3, 4 or more. people you choose, you can teach them to do the same and then the results will multiply level after level.

All of the above that we have seen supposes the basic explanation of the theory of Multilevel marketing, but it is good to clarify that in MLM some factors enter the scene that we will call difficulties, because they are the obstacles that every Networking entrepreneur has to overcome in order to achieve the success.

Naturally we have to bear in mind that these obstacles are what make it possible for an MLM business to be created, successful and maintained because if everything were excessively easy we would find that the business would grow too fast, burning in its speed, reaching a state market saturation and ending with the business crash.

In truth, it is these factors that allow Networking to be something real and applicable, as well as the greatest commercial revolution in existence.

What factors are involved in Network Marketing?

The human mind

The human mind? YES!!!.

Whether a salesperson new to the team "multiplies" depends on whether that person has success or failure in mind. A person who enters a multilevel is a person who is "accessing" a diamond mine. If a person has failure Inside His Mind, then that person will find failure Wherever He is. Either on top of the largest diamond mine or in a Multilevel.

This is the real reason why not all the people that you recruit in a Normal MLM are capable of recruiting and training new salespeople. Because those people already bring failure within their own minds.

You realize?

Multilevel is always a constant opportunity, in MLM you will never fail… unless you quit. The previous sentence assumes the greatest truth of multilevel marketing and the final cause of all failures. THE


It is in the nature of every human being to desire quick short-term gains. For some this means making money the same day you enter the MLM company. For others it is a week, for others it is a month. For a few it is a year, for the winners it is at least 5 years and up to 20 years and more.

It is very common in MLM for a person to start with great enthusiasm, sponsor 20 people and sit there waiting for the money to rain from the sky, she simply thinks "if the 20 sponsor 20 I will have 400 and I will earn millions", so sit and wait for the money to grow from the tree. However, this is not the case, those 20 do not know what to do because their sponsor has not taught them, so they become discouraged and leave the business on tiptoe, leaving only the most constant, one or two people. Then the entrepreneur realizes his mistake and goes back to work, then the network can suffer a phenomenon of seesaw - seesaw.

A multilevel system has to have rises and falls in order to exist and grow.

In every MLM network in which you participate, there will be times of bumps, works or changes, in which the real pearls will be filtered and there will be others who will come out insulting. This is a natural and necessary process so that the network is purified and thus can grow more solidly.

What is the difference between a traditional company and a Multilevel?

A traditional company is like a statue, an entrepreneur armed with millions of dollars took a rock and began to carve it with a hammer and diamond, creating a statue that he liked the most. The problem is that the statue cannot be regenerated (it is a dead being) and the elements wear it down. If the company falls, it "goes bankrupt", cracks appear and it breaks down. What is the end.

However an MLM company has been genetically engineered. It is a living, beautiful organism that begins to grow and grow from a single cell to adopt the shape that had been pre-designed. You can hurt an MLM company, hit it, insult it, burn it, and it doesn't care! Each time you wound it, it regenerates stronger and more powerful, bigger. It will spend some time in the shadows, calm, healing and finally it will return to the strongest, greatest and most powerful light.

If you hammer a statue, what happens? That if you do it with enough force, it breaks and breaks. If you hammer a coral sponge, what happens? That you kill a few cells, you hurt the living organism, but then it regenerates and grows even stronger. With only one cell left, the whole community will be created anew.

That is the immense power of an MLM company !!!

And this is precisely what many do not understand.

A multilevel company offers a continuous opportunity, it is a living being always expanding because it is made up of individual cells that want to grow individually and globally. These cells are the people that make up the Netwoking or MLM network. And seen globally, its behavior is similar to that of cells of an alga growing. Some cells grow and multiply. Others do it for a while and stop for no apparent reason. Some are born and others die giving a complete cycle of regeneration and growth.

What are the cells that die inside the body? Those people who leave.

Why do they quit? Simply for reasons of motivation, they lose the north, despair, fall prey to temporary frustrations and abandon their great opportunity. Simply because by letting themselves be carried away by those temporary frustrations they abandon their great opportunity.

As you can see, the problem is not in the system, the multilevel marketing is not to blame, but that person, the person's mind, because by letting that person fill his mind with worries, that person leaves.

Enthusiasm is a very important part of success not only in MLM but in any company or job you have. Enthusiasm if you analyze it well is the Key to Success in life. Until you acquire that enthusiasm, mental success and maintain it on a daily basis, it will be difficult for you to succeed.

Many people will tell you "I work to eat, how can I be excited if I still don't know if I will have money to eat?" Let me make the money first and then I'll be excited. This and similar arguments are those that condemn these people to the most absolute of failures, it has always been like that and always will be. These people do not understand that if they are not enthusiastic, they will fail. And that only if they are truly enthusiastic and in a totally constant and sincere way, will they succeed and obtain the greatest riches.

Email marketing options

You wonder, what email marketing options are currently available and are represented by serious companies that can help me grow and achieve my financial independence?

The truth is, I recommend two excellent options, one of them is Global Domains International, this is a real, legal and reliable company, thanks to which people from all over the world are making their dreams of financial freedom come true, this company offers:

  1. .WS Domain Name Web Hosting for your.WS domain 10 Email Accounts associated with your domain Your own web page, 100% Free, to promote GDI Virtual office to control your business You will earn bonuses of up to US $ 5,000 More than US $ 500 in Bonuses and free tools Autoresponder, 100% Free, to promote your business Free Virtual Course of electronic commerce….

The other company that I recommend is ProWealthSolutionsl which in the short time of existence already has hundreds of thousands of affiliates around the world and continues to grow by leaps and bounds.

Multilevel businesses