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The challenges of the human talent manager


From the perspective of Contemporary Administration, talent and potential are inherent to people, they are self-managed, using and developing them is a personal decision. No one can be held responsible for the Talent Management of others; Therefore, the function of Human Resources Administrators, Managers, Heads or Supervisors is to facilitate and support the development of talent and the potential of employees.

This process that allows facilitating and supporting the development of talent and potential of collaborators, is carried out under the practice of Coaching, through which it is sought that the collaborator knows and discovers himself; or in the best of cases that you know and discover new areas of opportunity to develop other competencies and abilities, which allow you to obtain better development opportunities within the organization, and in some cases outside the organization.

The first, the basic, the least and the most important; it is that the collaborator is aware of their talents, that they decide to use them to develop their potential. This is as simple as understanding what am I good for? through questions like:

What do I like to do?, What is it easy for me to do?

What gives me satisfaction when doing it?

What makes me passionate doing it?

The answers to these questions undoubtedly describe our true areas of interest, describe our purposes.

The decision to use talent and development of potential within an organization only occurs when the interests and purposes of the employees and the company are aligned; This alignment under the premise "Win - Win" causes everyone to want to do their best; It is difficult to manage or self-manage talent if you are not clear about what you want to achieve, if you do not have a defined purpose.

At the organizational level, all functions, regardless of the position held within the company, become strategic when they contribute to the vision. Under this principle; Applying it to the personal level, all functions become strategic when they are aligned to individual purposes, to the life plan, which gives meaning to what is done and as a natural consequence, the development of talent, potential, of new skills, of new competences; That is why the self-management of talent can become a very simple process, if it is part of the organizational culture and is used as the foundation of contemporary Human Resources Administration.

The key is the process of selection and election of personnel, if this process emphasizes details related to the inspirational motives and the purposes (aspirations) of the candidates, it will be much easier to institute an organizational culture, where Talent Management become the main tool to ensure organizational development.

It is then, the main function of the Human Talent Manager, to provide opportunities for collaborators to discover their potential, through a planned process that goes from the general to the particular, where the accompaniment as a facilitator becomes the main function of the until today known as Human Resources Administrator.

The challenge is very important, but to achieve it you have to be aware that the profile of the Administrator, Manager, Boss or Human Resources Supervisor is very different from that of the Human Capital Manager; In the first case, knowledge and experience in the sub-operating systems of Human Resources Administration is very important, while in the second scenario the tools of Coaching, Mentoring, Leadership and Empowerment are vital to perform in the position of job.

The differences lie in the way of communicating and interacting with collaborators; While the Human Resources Administrator plays a controlling and normative role, the Human Capital Manager seeks to give freedom and promote creativity and innovation within the organization. Undoubtedly, these differences describe two people with different profiles.

Another aspect that is worth highlighting within the profile of the Human Capital Manager is their ability to gain the trust of collaborators, to the extent of being able to become an ally to share or help discover personal purposes, which includes objectives, goals, dreams, wishes, etc.

The transition between one form of management and the other is not so subtle, it is an important transition, so it cannot wait to become a complex process, it only takes the decision to transcend, through generating influence in collaborators, in a different way. Definitely being a Human Resources Administrator is much easier, because it focuses on management processes, while the Human capital manager focuses on the interior of the person.

Actually, it is a radical change that for practical purposes is summarized in:

" The main challenge for the Human Capital Manager will be to self-discover if it is !"

The challenges of the human talent manager