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Systems in accounting

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The implementation of an accounting system within companies is essential, since this is what allows control of commercial and financial negotiations and in addition to satisfying the prevailing need for information in order to obtain greater productivity and use of resources

Many people still believe that accounting is an information gathering technique and only bases its foundations on a routine process of recording, classifying and summarizing the information of each of the transactions carried out by the company. But this is not true, accounting is much more than that, it is currently one of the fundamental tools for the development of organizations.

Accounting is in charge of analyzing and evaluating the economic results obtained by the company by grouping and comparing results, it also plans and compiles the procedures to follow based on the control and fulfillment of business objectives, also records and classifies the operations of the company, In order to inform the economic facts in a pertinent way, allowing the execution of the tasks according to the pre-established procedures, all under the control and supervision of the accountant

Essential part of organizations
The accounting department is the area of ​​the company where all financial information is classified, recorded and interpreted, for decision making

At present, accounting is the tool that best shows the economic reality of companies, which is why its correct implementation within organizations is of vital importance for decision-making in everything related to their productive activity. In this context, the creation of a good accounting system arises from the need for information on the part of all the actors that make up the entire business, since this system must be structured and made to classify all the economic events that occur in the business.

Thus, the implementation of accounting systems is the basis for carrying out the various procedures that will lead to obtaining the maximum economic performance involved in setting up a company.

Accounting systems

Within a business organization, the accounting system is constituted as an orderly and coherent structure through which all the necessary information of an entity is collected as a result of its operational activities, using all the resources that the accounting activity provides and that at the Being presented to managers and shareholders will allow you to make operational and financial decisions that help you manage your business.

The data provided by the accounting is essential to obtain legal, financial and tax information

These systems are based on the principles, rules, regulations and procedures established by the profession to control the operations and supply financial information of a company, through the organization, classification and quantification of administrative and financial information.

The efficiency and effectiveness in the implementation of an accounting system depends on its implementation within the company. This must be done based on the organizational objectives and must be linked to the programs and procedures that make up the functional scheme of the company.

Steps to implement an effective and efficient accounting system

  • Knowledge of the organizational objectives is essential Prepare and analyze the information regarding the company name, physical location, activity, number of employees, teams, capital, etc. Prepare a preliminary report on the company's situation Verify the application of the Legal regulations Establish (if it does not exist) a catalog of accounts and the respective procedure manuals Implement information collection methodologies Seek that the information is as close as possible to the economic reality of the company Prepare the pertinent reports Record the operations in the corresponding books Prepare the reports financial

The implementation of an accounting system that is reliable for management is one of the key points in the conformation of the company as such, this allows you at any time to evaluate its performance, its management, its control and determine its financial position.

Systems in accounting