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The values ​​in the training of university students from the construction of their identity


This work presents a brief approach to the analysis of the importance of the formation of values in university students for the construction of their identity, in which it intends to outline some lines on the concept of identity and its relationship with ethical and moral values; That is why it is worth reflecting on this issue, since we are living in a convulsed world where moral values ​​and ethics are being disrupted, for this reason it is necessary to emphasize the formation of ethical and moral values ​​in students university students.


Today more than ever our society demands from its higher education institutions, a training of its young people, in the area of ​​values ​​as transversal axes within the study plans, in the face of these demands they must be assumed in a mandatory way and with a sense of responsibility For university students an education that includes these axes, The university as the rector of knowledge and knowledge has the purpose of disseminating moral values, which should not only be framed purely in concepts, but should be carried out into practice, transferring them to immediate action.

As a starting point, it is necessary to say that every public or private university has its philosophy to conceive education in values ​​and thereby achieve the integral formation of its students, in these times it is essential to deepen the essence of its philosophy of every university with the intention to delineate what culture and humanism consider, this from the values, principles and ideals that are inscribed in the mission and vision of the legacy of every university; This implies that any education based on values must allow students to have a reflective, judgmental and conscientious attitude in their task, allowing them to be very clear about their future and to be ready to face the challenges that every society demands.

According to serious investigations that have been carried out in university students, it has allowed to observe in these academic spaces the students cement their identity; They have given nothing flattering results, the result of these investigations is the existence of distant students with little conscience of serving, attitudes of convenience resulting in the absence of ethical and moral values; These are problems that today afflict an entire society that is in need of committed future university students who have a human vision to face the great challenges that our society demands.

However, there are other situations that point to other factors that induce students in the lack of university identity such as criticism made to some teachers who do not comply with their obligations, with arrogant attitudes and especially poorly prepared in their teacher training. In addition to these teachers there are other agents who leave much to be desired, such as administrative support and a clear disappointment and distancing from the institutional authorities. On the other hand, it is also inescapable, according to the research carried out, to rescue university students their dreams and ideals since in that sense there is an important force that must be taken into account.


For all the above it is necessary to emphasize that the formation of ethical and moral values ​​in university students; It is an irrevocable need, which gains strength when the university fulfills its mission by activating the student's conscience, attracts the construction of their identity in relation to the values ​​assumed from their beliefs, imprinting the seal of willingness to serve. However, the identity of the university student is not only belonging, it is feeling pride in sustaining the commitment, contributing with creativity, appreciating what knowledge represents.

That is why the university student builds himself up, from the relationship that the student creates with the university, since as a creator and author of culture, university students see themselves as part not only of the academic training process but also as part of the collectivity, that is, this identity will be determined when the university student establishes a relationship with their school environment, since their identity of the self is fed by the collective identity, and university students relate within a social group.

Some authors have already mentioned that identity begins by taking up and recreating, from the cultural and professional context, the actions carried out by subjects and their social and cultural expectations, such as their values ​​and statements, that is, the representations and meanings that They are constantly located in daily life, they will reach sociocultural awareness and it will be reflected through the moral values ​​they have, considering their skills and lifestyles according to social and cultural changes. He already points it out (Carrizales, 2001):

For his part, Pablo González Casanova (2001) complements this idea by emphasizing the philosophical and humanistic vision as a component of identity in university students:

If we recognize that the sense of identity is the awareness that every student has of belonging to a University, as well as the meaning of value that results from it, this identification must be taken with a greater commitment and use the academic knowledge acquired during their training university to give solution to the problems of a community; It should be noted that having a university identity is not only equivalent to belonging to a university community, but it is the result of a whole social process that involves being clear and above all sharing ethical and moral values, such as its history, customs, its symbols, their mission and vision, the daily tasks, as well as the social responsibility that beingand what to do with the university, therefore having a university identity is being part of an institution acting according to what is stated in its vision and mission.


It is indisputable that the university is an important space for socialization, but sometimes it takes undesirable directions, since the authorities are more focused on administrative work than on ethical moral values; Faced with this scenario, it is necessary to define actions that protect the identity of university students and educate in correspondence with the values ​​that sustain the society in which they live; meeting this need for how to train in ethical and moral values ​​should be through projects that strengthen social development, through values ​​to become aware of their university work and assume their identity as a university student.


Mureddu Caesar. Values ​​in education. Academic Improvement Program.

Kepowics M. Barbara Values ​​in College Students. A theme with Many Variations. UAM. DF

Carrizales Cesar. University Landscapes. Cuernavaca, Morelos. UAEM. 2001


The values ​​in the training of university students from the construction of their identity