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Human values

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To talk about the subject of human values, it is very important to approach from the perspective of three dimensions: From the philosophical point of view, from the point of view of communications, and from the point of view of new technologies. On the other hand, it is essential to focus socially and individually.

Peruvian society currently has serious behavior problems, and the people who belong to a society in underdeveloped countries have a characteristic that allows us to identify easily; as is logical it is not possible to standardize the parameters that govern our behavior; however, it is possible to straighten out our behavior. Building ideal parameters that guide our actions to the common good.

Next, let us analyze in a very tight synthesis the social and individual dimensions that allow taking action for a massive education about Human Values, which helps optimize human relations for the achievement of a better social life within mutual respect between institutions, companies, as well as professionals from different specialties who provide their services as members of a society, must do so with morals and honesty.

The Philosophical Dimension of Values.

Broadly touching ethics and morals, that part of philosophy called practice, intended for the theoretical study of moral actions. As an independent discipline separate from the study of nature by Aristotle, whose most famous work, the Nicomachean Ethics, encompassed a set of subjects that far exceeded the narrow field of morality.

Indeed, it responds to the problem inaugurated by Socrates and Plato, which would consist of the following: In what way is it necessary for a man to live his life? To answer this question, it is not necessary to analyze all the general principles, but to reflect personally on the scale of values ​​in relation to one's own individual life as a member of a society, and of a family.

Ethics as a philosophical or scientific discipline, is an autonomous discipline, whose purpose is the methodical construction of the argumentative structure or national practice of morality, understanding in this field, the unconditional obligations that form the field of social and political action. Finally, study and analysis of real events, that is, historical, cultural, social and political existentials, where universal morality is applied, especially in the world of the Catholic and Latin American faith, the man or moral subject is formed through religious education, cultural, and in general in historical knowledge, those that imprint an Identity with Human Values ​​that constitutes its real nature "Morality, from which man should not deviate throughout his earthly life."

Social Communication and Human Values.

Communication, as the Dictionary of the Spanish Language says, is a set of techniques that allow the massive dissemination of written, oral, audiovisual messages, to a large and heterogeneous audience and mail, telephones, fax, television, newspapers, magazines, Internet, to which have access to a diverse public: children, men, women, the elderly from different social and educational strata.

Mass communications, in the case of human beings with intelligence, will, freedom and reason, must take morality into account to transmit in a positive, constructive and formative way that allows achieving the objective of each country in any part of the world a human and Christian communication, using the vocabulary, images and writing, without forgetting that it is addressed to man as a person with a body, soul, and spirit who deserves all respect and help in his formation as a citizen of a family, and of a society.

Modern Technology and Human Values.

Modern technologies are the material means and structural organizations that serve to apply recent scientific discoveries. They are a set of instruments and means that are applied in the processes of different branches of industry in the productive sector of goods and services. One of the instruments that has revolutionized the production and distribution of goods and services are the Electronic Importers through their device the Ship de Silesio.

The current use of Web Pages and E-mail, Internet, encompasses millions of users who surf the Internet night and day to download a series of information of various nature, a fundamental reason for the authors who publish, culture, images, advertising, marketing, etc.

It is subject to moral principles, because users are children, adults of different cultural levels who make use of said information for their work, family, and social and political life.

After this preamble, let's take a look at human values ​​proper in light of general culture and Christian doctrine.

Human values.

  1. Object. Moral conscience. Duty. The responsability. Justice and charity. Courage and domestic life. Value and economic life. Courage and political life. Human value of the Christian perspective.

1. Object.

Moral value is the study of facts related to human behavior, facts of man that we can get to know, through Individual Observation, or by objective observation of Social groups. In this case, the observation of the behavior of social and individual life in Peru. Placing ourselves objectively and considering the mandatory rules of conduct as it exists in different social groups and studying customs, such as social groups from the Coast, the Sierra and the North of the country, have their own characteristics of modus vivendi; In them there are relative to marriage, or death, contracts, institutions, practices, rules, ideas concerning justice, responsibility, regarding human life, domestic, professional, civic duties, etc.,social facts that constitute what is called Customs. In this sense, one can speak of the morale of the inhabitants of the Center, Coast and North, etc.

It is said quite often that Consciousness is enough to make us know and make us Love the Good.

If all consciences agree and we know the rules that two of them admit, it is possible to Act as an honest man and even as a hero, without having reflected on Morals. True morality, he said, "Pascal, laughs at morality." Among all moralists, it is perhaps Kant who has most clearly expressed this ideal character of morality: perhaps a truly moral act, that is, inspired by pure respect for Duty, has never been able to be performed in the world.

Consequently, the moral ideal must be built by the means of reason alone.

2.- The Moral Consciousness.

The moral conscience, we understand as a very complex set of tendencies of feelings of ideas, etc. in which an attempt must be made to discriminate what is innate and what is acquired.

Value of the Moral Conscience What value to attribute to that standard of obedience to the conscience that many moralists consider fundamental? Life in society for us is the indispensable condition for our development, and we recognize the well-founded nature of these universally valid rules that invite us to contribute to the good of all men.

However, if we must obey our Conscience, it is to a conscience that we must perfect by Reflection, considering it a means of contributing to the welfare of the Society, which is of the moral duty, and true of the individual good of man.

3.- Duty.

Duty is the feeling of obligation that makes us know and appreciate a certain ideal of man's conduct within society and individually. At first glance, duty entails the responsibility of the individual author of the act.

The Society by its laws, imposes or prohibits certain acts, but leaves man at liberty with respect to others. For example, there are people who do not commit adultery or steal, not because they fear the sanction of public opinion and the courts, but because that prohibition is imposed.

Thus the feeling of duty is inseparable from another notion. According to Kant, the fundamental concept of duty follows from the very nature of being reasonable.

In conclusion, in our days, many people passively allow themselves to be shaped by the prevailing customs, accepting, without examination, the rules imposed by the social environment.

The man according to the principles of morality consciously forges a conscience, also imposes certain rules that he has judged good. Undoubtedly, he does not manufacture these rules completely, but it is society that poses certain imperatives, which man is dedicated to understanding or justifying or modifying.

Finally, Duty is a Human Value, which, when applied to man's current life, should produce benefits for him and serve as a model for future generations.

4.- Responsibility.

The man reflects and says, I am responsible to my conscience, he has in himself the feeling of such an action that depends on the will and that in doing it, he deserves a joy or remorse. Social responsibility, on the contrary, is responsibility before the Society, before the Law: The law determines the conditions by which an individual will be considered the true author of certain acts. If these acts are good, it will deserve a prize, if they are bad, it will be sanctioned by the Society and its laws.

In conclusion, the responsibility is a Value, which leads to the reward or punishment, according to his acts of man.

5.- Justice and Charity.

Justice consists in recognizing and respecting the rights of all; Charity is wishing and doing good to others (Ex.: Solidarity in case of earthquakes, earthquakes, floods, etc.). Justice imposes strict duties, that is, required by law; charity prescribes broad duties, which correspond to ideal rights that the law does not guarantee, and is based on altruistic tendencies. To be fair is to act with respect to another, in a manner proportionate to their merits.

To be charitable is to give him more than he deserves, to grant him, in short, a favor. But the favor can, at times, be unfair, especially when it damages other interests: to incline to mercy, when it is a question of a criminal, is it not perhaps to be unfair to the society that has the right to the protection of the judges ? In case of conflict between justice and charity, which of them to sacrifice? Let us see, on the other hand, that justice is an attitude inspired by reason, while the Charitable act is above all a tendency of heart, of feeling and, therefore, susceptible to unthinking impulses, deviations.

But we already know that, for the man who reflects, the essential motive of conduct is the national feeling of duty. On the scale of moral values, we believe that justice ranks higher than charity. This means that the second must be completely suppressed, in favor of the first…

Certainly not; and it can even be admitted that charity tempers and softens on many occasions cold and rigorous justice. Charity means, etymologically, "Love" and represents a feeling that could not legitimately be banished, but on condition that it remains within the limits of reason. Do not act to the detriment of justice.

6.- The Value and Domestic Life.

The family is a group of people who come from the same blood, from the same lineage of the same house, especially, the father, mother and children. The evolution of the family seems to be governed by a great law: concentration; the family group generally does not comprise more than parents and children. Parallel to this variation in the number of people that make up a family, a transformation takes place in terms of the role played by the family; Among the various functions, Religious, Legal, Economic, Pedagogical that the family originally filled the domestic society has hardly preserved, apart from procreation that its essential role, more than an educational task. The family is partly responsible for the duty to direct the development of the child,to make the most of your gifts for your own happiness and for the Society.

As a consequence of evolution, the family has become a restricted society, founded, to a large extent, on affection.What should its internal organization be so that its existence and its role are assured, as well as the happiness of each one? of its members?

Formerly in the family, the authority of the Head of the family was absolute: The children were the property of the father, who had over them, as well as over the mother, the right to life and death.

Under the feudal regime, he sacrificed the equality of the children to the interests of caste: to the eldest of the children passed the name, dignity and fortune of the father. Currently, two contrary tendencies are present: One, a traditionist who defends the principle of marital and paternal authority, and condemns Divorce; Another opposite to that, strictly individualistic tendency, aspires to the absolute equality of the two Spouses in the conjugal society and considers marriage as a Free Union, freely accepted and also freely annullable. In addition, the opinion that each one may have, it must be recognized that the trend, and that the rights and duties of two spouses are increasingly considered, despite the Law, equal.

On the other hand, paternal authority is limited in relation to certain duties; Children are human beings and, as such, they must be respected even by their own parents, not being their role to keep them in Guardianship indefinitely, but to prepare them for their role as free men useful to the Society.

Likewise, by demanding the family from its members a constant exchange of services that are frequently rendered with pleasure, because of mutual affection, the family is, as has been repeatedly said, a school of personal and social virtues. The family constitutes, especially for the child, a first learning of life.

Consequently, all fathers and mothers have a tremendous responsibility to train their children with human values ​​in an integral way for the happiness of the family itself and the society where they live.

7.- Value and Economic Life.

Economic life is the set of activities of a human community related to the production and consumption of wealth in a rational way.

Political economy is the positive study of the relationships of men who live in society, insofar as these relationships tend to the satisfaction of their material needs.

Currently, we live in the era of globalization of the economy, that is, companies, institutions of production, distribution and consumption, enter to form strategic alliances for the supply and demand of goods and services, disputing the market position; there is aggressive competition.

Within these economic and financial relationships, today more than ever, Peruvian society needs to arm itself with ethical and moral values ​​in order not to. fall into the abuse of the less favored, affected by the country's problems (Termination, unemployment and deficit of the Fiscal Fund, etc.)

8.- Courage and Political Life.

Policy, is a set of practices, facts, institutions and determinations of the government of a State or a Society. Mode of exercising authority in a State or a society. The State is the nation considered as a political, administrative and legal body. Resuscitating Rousseau's theory in his Social Contract, many thinkers argue that the true foundation of the State is a contract freely established by all citizens from which they conclude that the law is based on an agreement of individual volunteers, moved by the concern of the State. overall good.

But such a conception is historically untenable, since as is known, society is a fundamental fact, the very condition of the individual's life, and that there are no men without society. However; Society does not constitute a State, until the moment that sovereignty is centralized in certain institutions and has its own organs, in which the human group presents itself as an organized form of the will to live collectively. The idea that the principle of all sovereignty resides in the entire group whose will the law does nothing but express in our modern democracies that rest on a common base.

The democratic government, that is, the government in which the entire people participates through elections and after being elected, has the duty to respect and ensure the equality of all: political equality, that is, admission of all to all dignities, positions and public jobs, according to their capacity (Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen) and enjoy the same civil rights; and finally, economic equality, which is none other than the consequence and the indispensable condition of political equality.

In conclusion the Value in Political Life is given by ethical moral principles and respect for the human person. The Political Constitution of Peru states in its:

Art. 1st.

The defense of the human person and respect for their dignity are the supreme goal of society and the State ”;

Art. 2nd.

It states: "Every person has the right: To life, to their identity, to their moral, mental and physical integrity, and their free development and well-being."

The conceived person is a subject of law in everything that favors him; Equality before the law; to freedom of conscience and religion, to freedoms of information, opinion, expression and dissemination of thought, to request without expressing any cause the information required and to receive it from any entity, etc.; he has the right to honor and good reputation, to the inviolability of the home, etc. etc.

As we can see, the Magna Carta of Peru contains rights and obligations of the person and the Society, the State and the Nation, the Economic Regime, the structure of the State, Constitutional Guarantees and the reform of the Constitution.

Every human being must know the Political Constitution and laws of their country to exercise their rights and obligations and live within Human Rights and Values.

9.- Human Value from the Christian Perspective.

God has created rational man by conferring on him the dignity of a person endowed with initiative and control of his actions. God wanted to leave man in the hands of his own decision so that he seeks his creator without coercion and adhering to Him, freely reaches full and happy perfection.

Saint Irenaeus says: Man is rational and therefore similar to God; he was created free and owner of his actions. Freedom is the power rooted in reason and in the will to act or not act, to do this or that, to carry out deliberate actions by itself. Freedom is exercised in relationships between human beings.

Every human person, created in the image of God, has the natural right to be recognized as a free and responsible being. Every man must give each one the respect to which he is entitled.

The right to the exercise of freedom is an inseparable requirement of the dignity of the human person, especially in moral and religious matters. This right must be recognized and protected civilly within the limits of the common good and public order.

10.- Freedom and Sin.

The freedom of man is finite and fallible. In fact the man erred. He freely sinned by rejecting the project of God's love, he also deceived himself and became a slave to sin. This first alienation engendered a multitude of alienations.

The history of humanity from its origins, testifies to misfortunes and oppressions born from the heart of man as a result of a misuse of freedom.

Thanks to the glorious cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who obtained salvation for all men, he rescued us from the sin that had us subjected to slavery. To be free, Christ freed us. We participate in it.

Of the Truth that sets us free. The Holy Spirit has been given to us and as the apostle teaches, where the Holy Spirit is, there is freedom. From now on we glorify ourselves of the freedom of the children of God.

In conclusion, let us discover our human and Christian values ​​and practice every day of our lives to be happy in this world and conquer eternal life in the Heavenly Father's mansion, and practice the following virtues: Serenity. Be calm.

To conclude with the brushstroke of Human Values, it is also very healthy to remember the virtues that a wise person must practice to be happy:

a) Spiritual Peace.-

The opposite of peace is violence, an explosion of anger. Be calm within yourself, let that inner peace and joy be reflected on your face, a serene, peaceful, smiling face that does not show any violent emotion, it is like a surface of a calm lake. Jesus says: Happy are those who have the Spirit of the poor, because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. (Mt. 5.3)

b) Perseverance.-

It is very important to be constant in our positive daily habits, in spiritual practices and in the fulfillment of our work, always getting up at the same time.

Be punctual in our activities. This practice will free you from worries and anxieties. Always do the right thing at the right time.

It complies with the commandments of the law of God, according to the Decalogue that Moses received on Mount Sinai, which is summarized in two:

1st. You will love God with all your strength, with all your soul with all your heart.

2nd. You love your neighbor as yourself.

c) Coherence.-

To make others trust you, make what you speak match your thoughts and deeds.

Make there harmony between your: Thoughts, Words and Actions.

d) Simplicity.-

Generally, people appreciate a person who demonstrates simplicity despite his great knowledge and attributes.

Be natural, speak simply. Don't rummage for words to impress. Be flat, avoid diplomacy, dissimulation and sinuosity.

e) Veracity.-

Jesus says: Only the truth will set you free. Always tell the truth even if it hurts. Be truthful keep your promises.

Don't exaggerate or distort the facts. Think twice before speaking.

Speak sweetly. Be precise in what you say. Jesus says: "Blessed are the pure in heart because they will see God" (Mt. 5,8)

f) Humility.-

It is the complete absence of pride. Do not brag about your birth, social position, qualities, achieved successes. Rather, he praises others. See God in everyone. Treat even the smallest of creatures as your equal. It remembers San Martín de Porres, who made the mouse, dog and cat eat in a single dish.

g) Patience.-

Patience is the ability to endure discomfort without rebelling. Faculty of knowing how to wait, to hold back.

You must learn to be calm. Patiently endure insult, injury, suffering, process, and disrespect.

Do not be delighted with praise, success, and honors. In both situations keep a balanced attitude. Do the same with friends and enemies.

Never let anything disturb your inner peace, always communicate at least five minutes a day with Heavenly Father to charge your battery in a good mood and strengthen your spirit. Jesus says: Happy are the patients, because they will receive the land as an inheritance (Mt. 5,5)

Human values