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Values ​​and respect from a teleological point of view. test

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Values ​​were created by man to be able to distinguish good from evil, and to be able to make the human species be governed by the same guidelines, be it as a purpose of life or as a way to follow from the teleological point of view.

Unfortunately, at present, societies and individuals derived from a series of variables such as information through networks, telecommunications, fashion, are experiencing the loss, adaptation and transformation of values ​​in general, where new ways of thinking and feeling (referring to what is good for some, for others is bad) have impacted on the perception of individuals when living in societies that are more multicultural every day.

Things, information and current models of life have forced our perception, before for humanity what was good and bad, is no longer so for current societies and everything has new purposes. The teleological point of view will allow organizations to have a model based on their aims and purposes, where each individual is not just another number and enters organizations developing a life model based on a work ethic aligned with the mission, vision, goals and objectives, which allow them to maintain and regain the trust of customers.

In the following essay, we have given ourselves the task of explaining how the term Values ​​plays a very important role in society and in the life of each individual. In parallel, it will be analyzed from a teleological point of view, starting from the death of values, the types of values, the importance of respect, the teleological concept, teleology and respect as a fundamental value and finally highlighting in the conclusions the importance of respect and teleology.


For this reason, seeing it from a teleological approach of the Greek term Télos (end, goal, purpose) and Lógos (reason, explanation); We can see that everything has a purpose.

We can define teleology in the following way: it is the branch of metaphysics that refers to the study of the ends or purposes of some object or some being, or literally, to the philosophical doctrine of final causes.

The term teleology is used to mean "explanation of something by means of final causes."

Unfortunately today there has been a great loss and transformation of values, new ways of thinking have been implanted in each person. Things have changed in perception, before for humanity what was good and bad is no longer so and everything has new purposes.


There are many definitions that we can give to the term values; Rokeach points out that «values ​​are a type of beliefs that lead the subject to act in a certain way; they are beliefs that prescribe human behavior.

For Parsons and Kluckhohn, values ​​"are options between various ways of acting that are a manifestation of the hierarchy in the conception of the world that a subject or group has."

Every person has moral values; Moral Values ​​are all the things that provide people to defend and grow in their dignity, they are developed and perfected by each person through their experience. In general, moral values ​​improve man, in terms of the good actions he performs such as: living honestly, being sincere and being kind, among others.


There is a large branch of values ​​like the ones mentioned below:

Religious values, for example, will always be instilled in each one of us; From the moment we are born, they give us the teleological approach that we must believe in a higher good and that we must follow the sacraments that the church imposes.

On the other hand, there are the aesthetic values ​​that today's society itself imposes, giving us stereotypes through the different media of what is currently considered perfect or aesthetic, be it material or human.

The intellectual values, have been brought from past times like Albert Einstein who gave many contributions to society; for example teleologically he explained gravity with his theory, this to help all humans understand how it worked. On the other hand, he entered an ethical dilemma when he was considered the father of the atomic bomb, although the purpose of this, as he explained, was to carry out pacifist and socialist movements.

Speaking of modern times is Mark Zuckerberg, creator of facebook whose purpose was limitless communication around the world. On the other hand the GPS for example; that it was originally intended to be simply a technology for military use; it is currently used by all of society through multiple and different means.

The moral values are listed as the most important nesting on the scale we can take as individuals and yet they are one of the most have been lost, implanted by the same company and adopted by every human being. It is argued that from ancient times young people began to discard values; As some of the philosophers comment, such as: Aristotle who said: “Today's young people have no control and are always in a bad mood. They have lost respect for the elderly, they don't know what education is and they lack all morals. "

Plato abounded in this: “What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, disobey their parents, and are indifferent to the law.

They are revealed in the streets inflamed with crazy ideas. Their morale is declining. What will become of them? "

However, if we see today the young people of today adopt their own values, which are totally against morality.

If we talk about political values, we will be in a great dilemma. Since the current governments have lost the teleological sense that values ​​have. Now everything is corruption, violence, the norms are not respected, the policies are corrupted and all those who today occupy a high political position, have become in the eyes of society the “People's Pickpockets”. The voice of the people is no longer heard and values ​​have already lost all meaning; finally, ethical values ​​will make people distinguish for them what is good from bad, actions that will go against their own personal ethics.

Values ​​are created in order to govern society, to let us know what is good and what is bad; These depend on where you are.

Since each head is a world and each site has its own culture. Although the values ​​will always be something subjective since it is totally impossible to implant the same vision in each person.

According to the aforementioned, values ​​are very important in society; each person implements it daily in their home, community, school, work, etc. for which they are not innate since these tend to be acquired day by day. Values ​​are positive moral characteristics that we appreciate in ourselves and in others; exerts a strong influence on people's activities, becoming the basis of our personal coexistence; Through values ​​we achieve balance and harmony between our inner and outer world.

In the same way, when we talk about values ​​we are talking about realities that have a value and that therefore must exist, must occur, must govern our lives, and must be promoted. It only takes effort, concentration and perseverance; to discover the values ​​we only need to look within ourselves and always act with responsibility, honesty, humility and respect since they are the basis of coexistence in society.


Among the moral values ​​we can find love, gratitude, respect, friendship, dignity, honesty, humility, among others. Of the values ​​mentioned above, respect is considered one of the most important and the one that has been lost the most in the human being.

Respect means appreciation for the value of someone or something, including honor and esteem. This includes respect for oneself, respect for the rights and dignity of all people; Respect prevents us from hurting what we should value.

Respect is a positive feeling that refers to the action of respect; it is equivalent to having veneration, appreciation and recognition for a person or thing.

As such, the word comes from the Latin respectus, which translates 'attention', 'consideration'.

It is one of the most important moral values ​​of the human being, as it is fundamental to achieve a harmonious social interaction. One of the most important premises about respect is that to be respected it is necessary to know or learn to respect, to understand the other, to value their interests and needs. In this sense, respect must be mutual, and born from a feeling of reciprocity.

For example, the man has to be upright, loyal, kind, responsible, honest, etc. Otherwise, in their work, that person will not be the ideal person to perform in that position and will begin to violate moral and professional ethics, entering a dilemma.

In companies we constantly hear the terms values; fundamental to it, such as culture, mission, vision, respect; which are an integral part of a company, they are the ones that support its vision, shape the mission, culture and reflect the institution's standards, they are fundamental as they make the company work properly.

For a company in the financial sector, the priority is the customer; (the person who contracts a product or service with a financial institution) for which he is the one who is owed respect since he is the one who will give a certificate to the image of the company. Every client regardless of religion, race and socio-economic status deserves the same respect first as a person and later as a client.

In a bank, customer service is the most important thing, so an excellent service must be provided from their arrival at the institution until the end of their operation; This means that a good service must be provided; For this, it is necessary and of utmost importance to train all the personnel and by saying everything we are referring from the security guard to the general manager of the branch.

Unfortunately, there are situations that get out of control due to the fact that respect at a universal level has been lost, both client and employee tend to have attitudes that go against respect and this occurs because at present said value (respect) has became secondary, something that in previous times had a very important weight today is no longer valid for many people.

It is very important that in a financial commercial bank, as in any other institution, the value of respect is always handled. Since it is one of the most important pillars for the operation and success of any company. So it is important to strengthen this value at the business and human level.

RESPECT with a Teleological approach

Each individual creates and learns their own values ​​at their convenience, although it should be emphasized that family, friends, work and the world that surrounds them as a whole influence the concept and value that we give to each one of them by unconsciously ranking them, it is also It is important to mention that the values ​​that are learned do not carry with them all their lives; since it will depend on our perception of the current world, as well as on the experiences that each one has throughout their personal life. Choosing moral values ​​is a decision of the person and is not obliged to execute it, that is, each person is the owner of their choices, and it is in their judgment to decide whether to choose them or not, however to choose and take action on them, it will have an extra quality effect on each person.

Currently many values ​​have been lost. Max Scheler (1942) and Nicolai Hartmann (1926) say: although ideal values ​​are not relative, our knowledge of them is, because values ​​are immense, unlimited, infinite, so that every human conception of them it is always limited and varied, in the sense that each subject can perceive values ​​in a different way.


As we have seen throughout this essay, values ​​in general were created with the purpose of governing the human being, separating the good from the bad and being able to understand everything that surrounds him.

Its teleological purpose has been lost over the years, perhaps due to youth or perhaps because we have allowed ourselves to be enveloped by the modernity that covers us globally today.

However, as human beings, thanks to the loss of values ​​that we have suffered, we can see the present that we have built in which anti-values ​​predominate. We should reflect on whether the path that society has taken is right, and where the decisions that have been made will take us when violence, vandalism, robbery, revenge, infidelity, disloyalty, etc. prevail. The world is not the way it used to be and those who still carry the values ​​will be the ones who manage to keep the world with a slight hope of starting over. Not without emphasizing that respect, which is one of the fundamental values ​​for the formation of each person,Therefore, it is important to continue promoting each other in the daily life of each person and reflect on why the values ​​were created in the beginning since its teleological approach is that each action will always have a reaction, which always leads to a beginning with an end.

  • http://www.xatakaciencia.com/psicologia/se-estan-perdiendo-los-valores-que-valoreshttp://biblioteca.itam.mx/estudios/estudio/letras44/notas2/sec_3.htmlhttps://mariantorres. wordpress.com/2009/03/30/mis-valores-desde-el-punto-de-vista-filosofico/
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Values ​​and respect from a teleological point of view. test