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Gronholm method applied to human resources

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Human Resources has a very important and privileged role in the recruitment and selection process of personnel. The HR people involved in this process must be organized and forward thinking; to have at your disposal the best candidates to fill the position, applying psychometric tests, interviews and the tests that they consider necessary. Having all these elements; They will have first-hand information for better decision-making about the person who will fill the vacant position.

The personnel recruitment process; has the obligation to inform when there is a job position and in the same way to invite all those who wish to be candidates for the vacant position. They must bring together all the people who meet the requirements and who wish to compete in this process.

The personnel selection process; it is different from the previous process. They must choose from among all the candidates the people they want to be in this process to compete for the vacant position in the company. In this process, those who are going to compete are chosen, they are classified according to the company's criteria. It is restricted; many of those who were recruited will be left out in this process.


HR has a very important role in the process of recruitment and selection of staff. Persons of RH engaged in this process should be organized and forward to be available to the best candidates for the job, using psychometric tests, interviews and tests deemed necessary. Taking all these elements; have first-hand information for better decision-making about the person to fill the vacancy.

The recruitment process; is required to report when there is a working place and in the same way to invite all who wish to be candidates for the vacant post. Must meet all the people who meet the requirements and wish to compete in this process.

The process of selection; is different from the previous process. They will choose from among all candidates to people who want to be in this process to compete for the vacant position in the company. In this process it chooses who will compete, it is classified according to the criteria of the company. It is restricted; many who were recruited left out in this process.

Gronholm method

It clearly shows us the process that this Method takes; which is used by many companies in the world, mainly in the United States, as a personnel selection process. The Movie shows a company called DEKIA that is in Spain; Madrid and that you need the right person for a managerial position. It brings together seven final candidates and a secretary; She will guide the candidates step by step in the selection process, she shows a cold treatment towards the candidates.

It looks like a round table; they are sitting in a room in front of computer equipment; By this means they receive the instructions of the tests so that they can dialogue with each other and each defend their position, in the end they must all decide who should be eliminated and should leave the selection test. Method that performs group tests, which are not related to the job for which they want to be hired. The candidates will have to interact with the candidates with each other to verify the personality of each of them. Ability to work in a team, group dynamics.

The ultimate goal is to find who is the best fit for the position. Who are these candidates? Here is a brief description of each of these characters.

General characteristics of the seven candidates

Julio Quintana, Nieves Martín, Carlos Terístegui, Ricardo Arces, Ana Páez, Fernando de Monada, Enrique León and Monse appears; the Secretary who is the only one in the company that the candidates interact with.

  • Julio Quintana: He was a senior executive, his values ​​are defined in favor of society above the company or even above himself. At the last company I worked for, he was a great manager, but apparently he had no loyalty; reason he was fired. He denounced the company and perhaps could avoid it since he had enough authority and also has great virtue. According to the film, he quickly gained the trust of all the others with whom he was competing, since he was elected leader by unanimous vote; he skillfully defends his argument and point of view; so it shows that your interpersonal relationships are good. Which makes you think that you did not do everything necessary to solve the problem in the company where you work.He betrayed the company I work for and many people were fired for his decision. Nieves Martín: She is the youngest of the candidates for the managerial position; she is strong and intelligent; In the film she shows the domain of culture; In addition to Spanish, he speaks English and French. Seek their own benefit, defend their arguments and are convincing in decision making and influence others. then director in the first place seeks his benefit no matter what he does. However, his personal feelings make him indecisive in making decisions.Carlos Terístegui: He is a very capable young man and shows his ability to compete and his style is to criticize the arguments of others, it makes them doubt. That is the strategy he uses against others.Ricardo Arces: From the beginning, he shows a lack of patience, demands the decisions of others,he is suspicious, he abstains from voting. However, he is very critical when he opposes someone, he claims, he knows how to do it with a specific and sustainable argument.Ana Páez: She is a woman who shows kindness to all people, very good in her interpersonal relationships. But it also seeks its benefit, it is the one with the fewest studies. She hesitates in making decisions because she easily changes her mind, changes her own arguments so she does not know how to defend them either. And when they talk about her age, she is very insecure. Fernando de Monada: He shows his ability as a good leader, he has valid and good arguments, he shows that he can organize people properly. However, he is arrogant, proud, impulsive, does not know how to separate the work from the personal, is macho, sabotages the decisions of others and seeks his own benefit.His best arguments are that everything is based on effective results. He only uses tax strategies towards others and expresses that he is the best candidate.Enrique león: He shows that he is a person prepared in different areas alternate to his profession. He has an excellent performance in teamwork. However, it seeks its own benefit even if it affects others; At all times, he reveals that he is an indecisive person, although he dominates many topics, he cannot defend his ideas in a debate, he showed that he is not a trusted man, he is an informer at the slightest pressure because he is very nervous. Under pressure his decisions are not always the right ones.It shows that you are a person prepared in different areas alternate to your profession. She has an excellent performance in teamwork. However, it seeks its own benefit even if it affects others; At all times, he reveals that he is an indecisive person, although he dominates many topics, he cannot defend his ideas in a debate, he showed that he is not a trusted man, he is an informer at the slightest pressure because he is very nervous. Under pressure his decisions are not always the right ones.It shows that you are a person prepared in different areas alternate to your profession. She has an excellent performance in teamwork. However, it seeks its own benefit even if it affects others; At all times he reveals that he is an indecisive person, although he dominates many issues he cannot defend his ideas in a debate, he showed that he is not a trusted man, he is an informer at the slightest pressure because he is very nervous. Under pressure his decisions are not always the right ones.he is an informer at the slightest pressure because he is very nervous. Under pressure his decisions are not always the right ones.he is an informer at the slightest pressure because he is very nervous. Under pressure his decisions are not always the right ones.

With everything written above, it can be seen that each candidate has a different personality, and according to the skill and strategy used to get out of each conflict, it will allow you to remain in the personnel selection process.

In this film seven candidates compete for an important executive position and will therefore undergo a recruitment test for a major company, using the Gronholm Method. A group dynamic is put into practice with various well-planned tests. Several tests were carried out: Form, find the mole, choose a leader, expulsion of the leader, stay in the shelter, Meal time, exchange of shirts, the informer, the ball, final test. Each of the tests have the same objective; know each candidate's ability to negotiate.

The first test begins by arriving at the company, each candidate takes a form with all the required data and must submit it to the secretary. Upon receiving this document, she gives him another document that he must fill out again and invites them to come to an office where he can fill out the form, where the seven candidates are also meeting. Each one realizes that they have to fill out a form that they have already delivered with the necessary data minutes before with the secretary, only Ricardo shows an attitude of rejection; but in the end it also fills the form. The company wants to measure tolerance and our willingness to collaborate.

Before starting the second test, the seven candidates comment on why they are all meeting in the same office and comment on what each one believes. From the beginning, Enrique comments that it is about using the Gronholm method, so the company gives time for them to talk to each other and the wise men say that some of them are.

Ricardo is desperate and comments that at least someone from the company should face them and gets up from his chair and walks towards the door and realizes that it is closed. Then the secretary enters and welcomes them, briefly explaining what is going to happen and then leaves. With this understanding the aspirants realize that more tests will come. Only on Julio's computer does the following test appear "That of the seven candidates only six are real candidates and there is an infiltrator who is a company psychologist" the objective of the test is to find the mole, evaluating the ability to analyze to each applicant. Finally, everyone voted because Enrique is the mole. Julio writes on the computer who they chose as a mole. There is no answer to know if they were correct.Rather, they inform them about the next test.

The third test, they must choose a leader all with critical analysis, to know who has the best interpersonal relationship. It is decided to vote in which Julio wins.

Once the leader is elected, a clipping appears with information from the past of the company where he worked where he sued that company. They must evaluate the leader, to know whether or not he should be hired by the company as a manager according to his past. Each person gives their position and their decision; Nieves, Carlos, vote against, Ana first decides that he should not be hired; Fernando almost persuades him but in the end he votes against Julio, Ricardo abstains, Fernando and Enrique in favor of Julio continuing. So he had three votes against, two in favor and one abstention. So Julio must leave the room, the secretary enters and makes a joke that the company has decided not to require them anymore for the moment, it was a way to relax the situation because of what happened previously.

There are six candidates left and the new test is to defend their stay in an atomic shelter that will be created by a war that will arise where there is only room for five people. Each candidate must demonstrate their strategy and defend it by convincing the others to stay in that shelter, whoever leaves the shelter will also abandon the selection process. Everyone can review each other's resume to see each other's knowledge and skills. After all the debate is the last place between Ana and Carlos, with the advantage for Ana; and Carlos doesn't have a good argument; but Carlos's ability to argue about Ana's age and that she will not be able to maintain herself for the 20 years under his argument leaves Ana vulnerable so Ana is the next expelled.

The candidates have a break and the secretary provides them with tasteless food, the only one who does not eat is snow. With this, the company wants to know the sincerity of each of the participants and that in a not very pleasant situation how they behave and how they respond.

This test is divided into two parts, the exchanged shirts and the Tell-tale. In the first one there are Snows, Fernando and Carlos. In which in a situation that occurred in a compromised way. The men end up with the exchanged shirts, when they meet again they prefer to remain silent since it is a somewhat uncomfortable situation. In the second test there are Ricardo and Enrique, the first one confesses to Enrique that in his old company due to a bad action by the manager where he dismisses several workers; He ends up being a union leader and does not have it contemplated in his curriculum vitae and Enrique is pressured by the secretary, he says, Is there anything the company should know? What secret should you tell? to tell what he knows about Ricardo until he confesses, exposing Ricardo,The latter leaves the room very angry because they betrayed him; but at that moment Ricardo returns and introduces himself as the mole. Ricardo then, as a psychologist, asked him questions about his attitude as an informer, he did not know what to answer, he did not know how to defend his position. Ricardo asks Enrique to leave the room because he is not the right one for the position they are looking for. He could not maintain his ethical values ​​under the pressure of work, they tested their resistance in the pressure of work.they tested its resistance under working pressure.they tested its resistance under working pressure.

There are three candidates Carlos, Nieves and Fernando. The mole already knows who he is, so the psychologist Ricardo now gives them a ball and gives them a main topic and the others must give an answer on the topic and they throw the ball to each answer, Ricardo wants to measure mental agility and cultural knowledge that each one has. Carlos and Nieves make an alliance against Carlos and make him pass the time or do not give him the ball, and they begin to speak other languages, which makes Fernando despair. What causes its departure.

Carlos and Nieves are the last candidates and only one should be chosen for the position. The stage is on one side Ricardo with Carlos and on the other Monse with Nieves, each in their own version they tell the other that they are going badly, that they will not win the job but; who thinks to give it a try. They tell her that the company is macho and that they will not give her the job and Carlos they tell her that she will support him so that he remains in the job and that he does not fail him, the last test is that he must confront the other with a suitable strategy to convince the other to abandon the test. Carlos begins to speak reaching the feeling, the heart and snow is the one who says that the two of you better go, that if there is a winner that the company decides and calls him later so as not to hurt the feelings more.They both go up to the elevator and the one who comes down from the elevator is Nieves and Carlos is finally the winner; because he put his feelings aside and thought about the reason why he had come to that company; and he used her feelings in his favor, he was the greatest mettle among the candidates.


The film illustrates in detail that the recruitment and selection process is difficult.

The advantage of this method is that people compete for the same position and they will gradually eliminate each other. They will make alliances when they consider it necessary and the weakest will come out because they cannot defend their arguments in the strategy they decide to follow. This method is very aggressive but for the company it is reliable.

The disadvantage is that at any time some of the people in debate can lose control of their actions and can hurt others. The method has no ethics, nor morals from my point of view.

If the company is looking for an employee who is loyal to it, who is cold, calculating and whose human feelings are left out in their decision-making to face any situation, this method achieves its objective. All this to make it a strength for the company.

There are other methods that can be used without harming people in the same way.


  • Gronholm Method film.
Gronholm method applied to human resources