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Nissin method of educational evaluation

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The Nissin method contemplates shared responsibility, on the one hand, the legal and strategic of the Government, that is, to provide within the legal framework the tools, mechanisms and resources necessary for the performance of the educational activity. However, a second solidarity moral responsibility is coined on the part of teachers, parents and other actors in the teaching-learning process. This new educational pact forces everyone to redirect efforts towards the common goal, which is the efficient learning of students. No one is guilty of a failure, everyone is responsible for seeking a good result. The state supplies, individuals power and is the soul of the body called the curriculum.


The Nissin method includes a shared responsibility, on the one hand, the government's legal and strategic, within the legal framework provide the tools, mechanisms and resources necessary to carry out the educational activity. However, a second responsibility is wedged moral solidarity by teachers, parents and other stakeholders in the education process. This new educational pact forces everyone to redirect efforts to the common goal, which is the efficient learning of students. No one is guilty of a failure, all are responsible for finding a good result. The state provides, individuals operate and are the soul of the body called the curriculum.


The present proposal, anecdotally, arises from the opposite idea to a theory or phenomenon commented on one occasion by a doctoral speaker, called the "mole de guajolote", commenting that it referred to the story that in a certain town festival, Everyone was so diligent in the celebration that there was such a disorganization that the guests were not well cared for, meal times stumbled, the only cold were the tortillas and the only hot were the beers. Then the idea arose spontaneously in the essayist of a contrary phenomenon, the theory of instant soup, known as nissin, understanding that a true teacher is one who does not hurt or fail in his work, and performs simple, precise and effective actions; in which the procedural economy and simplicity of movements to reach an end,they are the best guarantee of success. Without finding a specific application at that time, remaining simply in the pipeline as a general idea, until today, when we realize that the current educational planning and evaluation systems fail due to their erroneous orientation towards statistical, bureaucratic and of necessary institutional goals. Drowning in a sea of ​​complicated currents, simply worrying about not being wet by surface waves.bureaucratic and necessary institutional goals. Drowning in a sea of ​​complicated currents, simply worrying about not being wet by surface waves.bureaucratic and necessary institutional goals. Drowning in a sea of ​​complicated currents, simply worrying about not being wet by surface waves.

In this method, planning is and should be traditional, diagnosing the knowledge and skills of the students in a systematic and permanent way, improving the teaching process in the form of a spiral cycle. Although, unlike the current scenario, education will no longer be an exclusively public matter, as this has meant exonerating parents, student councils and other educational interaction organizations from responsibility, understanding then that Evaluation can be conceptualized as a dynamic process, continuous and systematic, focused on changes in behaviors and performance, through which we verify the achievements based on the proposed objectives.

The Evaluation acquires meaning to the extent that it verifies the effectiveness and enables the improvement of the teaching action. This highlights a key element of the current conception of evaluation: not evaluating by evaluating, but to improve programs, the organization of tasks and the transfer to a more efficient methodological selection.

We found other definitions that conceptually reinforce the idea of ​​evaluation, in the dictionary the word Evaluation is defined as, to indicate the value of something, to estimate, appreciate or calculate the value of something. In this way, more than accuracy, what the definition seeks is to establish a quantitative or qualitative approach. Attributing a value, a judgment, on something or someone, based on a certain purpose, collecting information, making a judgment with it based on a comparison and thus, making a decision. Decision-making is made permanently evaluating and choosing what we consider most successful.

More technically, we can define it as: «The stage of the educational process that aims to systematically check to what extent the objectives proposed in advance have been achieved. Understanding education as a systematic process, aimed at achieving lasting and positive changes in the behavior of the subjects, integrated into it, based on objectives defined in a concrete, precise, socially and individually acceptable way. " (PD Laforucade). «Evaluation is the act that consists of issuing a value judgment, based on a set of information about the evolution or results of a student, in order to make a decision. »(B. Maccario). «Evaluation is a systematic operation, integrated into the educational activity with the aim of achieving its continuous improvement,through knowledge of the student as accurately as possible in all aspects of his personality, providing accurate information on the process itself and on all personal and environmental factors that affect it. It indicates to what extent the educational process achieves its fundamental objectives and compares those set with those actually achieved. " (A. Pila Teleña)

Evaluation involves comparison between the objectives imposed on an intentional activity and the results it produces. It is necessary to evaluate not only the results, but also the objectives, the conditions, the means, the pedagogical system and the different means of its implementation. This involves: Assessment of the context, determining the objectives, their possibilities, their conditions and means of implementation, which will be of fundamental importance to us when preparing the planning. Evaluation of the needs inherent to the project (Input), that is, the determination of the implementation, the resources and the means. Evaluation of the process, study of the data on the effects produced by the methods used, their progression, their difficulties and their comparison to make implementation decisions. Product evaluation, measurement,interpretation, judgment about the fulfillment of the objectives, the effectiveness of teaching, in short, evaluation of the results to make recycling decisions.

These different moments of the evaluation play a fundamental role in decisions regarding the planning, programs, implementation and control of the activity. " (D. Stufflebeam) The vast majority of authors (R. Tyler, B. Bloom, G. De Landsheere, B. Maccario) group the different objectives and functions of evaluation that we have already listed in three broad categories:

  1. The Predictive or Initial Evaluation (Diagnostic) is carried out to predict performance or to determine the level of aptitude prior to the educational process. It seeks to determine which are the characteristics of the student prior to the development of the program, with the aim of locating it at its level, classifying it and individually adapting the starting level of the educational process.The Formative Evaluation is one that is carried out at the end of each learning task and its objective is to inform about the achievements obtained, and eventually, to warn where and at what level there are learning difficulties, allowing the search for new, more successful educational strategies. Provides permanent feedback to the development of the educational program Summative Evaluation is one that has the structure of a balance,performed after a learning period at the completion of a program or course. Its objectives are to qualify based on performance, award a certification, determine and report on the level achieved at all levels (students, parents, institution, teachers, etc.).

The raison d'être of evaluation is to serve action; Educational action must be understood from the formative point of view, which as a teacher must (pre) occupy it before any other consideration.

The evaluation that does not help to learn in a more qualified way (discriminatory, structuring, relevant, emancipatory, with a greater degree of autonomy and responsibility…) at different educational levels is better not to practice it.

As Stenhouse (1984) says, »to evaluate you have to understand. It can be argued that conventional evaluations of the objective type are not intended to understand the educational process. They treat it in terms of success and failure. In his opinion, »the teacher should be a critic, and not just a qualifier«.

Acting as a critic and not only as a qualifier, «the valuable activity carried out by the teacher and the students has imminent levels and criteria in itself and the task of appreciation consists of perfecting the ability, on the part of the students, to work according to these criteria, through a critical reaction to the work done.

In this sense, evaluation becomes the teaching of self-evaluation.

Evaluation is the least suitable means of showing the teacher's power to the student and the least appropriate means of controlling student behavior. Doing so is a symptom of weakness and cowardice, showing strong with the weak, in addition to perverting and distorting the meaning of the evaluation.

In the educational evaluation process, four moments or types of evaluation can be set:

  • Context assessment - needs Assessment of design - programming Assessment of process - development Assessment of results - product

Ultimately, the general purpose of the evaluation is to make decisions for change and improvement throughout the process and after completing the intervention of the program. The foregoing leads us to educational planning, which according to Llarena, McGinn, Fernández and Álvarez is a process that seeks to foresee various futures in relation to educational processes; specifies aims, objectives and goals; It allows the definition of courses of action and, based on these, determines the most appropriate resources and strategies to achieve their realization (Díaz. F., 1993: 134).

We consider that this is intimately accompanied by an integral planning of education since in this way it will bring a true harmony with economic and social development to promote the integral strengthening of society. Planning implies proposing a change to overcome the real deficit situation in order to achieve better results, solve the real and potential problems identified. To fully understand it is necessary to address the dimensions:

  1. Social dimension. Education cannot be done on the fringes of society. The school creates and sustains the myths of the technological society, any change apart from it will affect the members of the society. Technical dimension. No educational effort can be crystallized without the use of technology and pedagogical scientific knowledge that allow to sustain a permanent process of the teaching-learning process requires a frame of reference to plan and execute educational actions responding to the behavioral guidelines that indicate competences, capacities and values ​​to be developed. Political dimensions. Set of normative frameworks that orient towards the future for the crystallization of the desired ends and goals that will help promote change. Cultural dimension.It is oriented to the understanding of the referential process, the national identity and the set of values ​​that are immersed in educational planning. Prospective dimension. Thanks to this parameter, every educational or social fact generates a character of innovation, of transcendentality that revolutionizes the conceptual schemes, of organizations and, meanwhile, accepted as plausible facts for their context.

As Díaz Frida maintains, educational planning requires a logical and systematic process to establish the best possible conditions for its construction.

Thematic development

Landing then, the Nissin evaluation method must always have two principles as a pyramidal base:

  1. A modern educational model that emphasizes attention to the individual, as a complex and unrepeatable entity and universe, having flexible and multifaceted objectives to respond to social demands and to achieve true, positive, fundamental changes in the subject. This model must be based on a perfectly delimited educational planning, with practical and possible ends, defining the shortest possible courses of action, without sacrificing anything for the sake of bureaucratic statistics. Thus arriving at the top of the pyramid of this proposal, which would be: a Nissin evaluation method, in which it has the following characteristics to specify it:
  1. No matter the success or failure in terms of measuring results, it only matters if it contributes to measuring, diagnosing and redirecting the educational course of action. The student and the teacher will be the ones who evaluate each other, under the moral supervision of the parents of family and the legal framework of educational institutions. There will be no numerical qualifications, only two options: satisfactory and treatment. There are no failures or star students. Treatment consists of returning to the material provided to find the solution together. Philosophically speaking, it is the means that matter, not the current end of the present assessment method. Like a hidden curriculum, this means The assessment has a very resistant scaffolding that is an interactive educational plan designed.That students have the feeling that they can learn as they want, which otherwise, they would not learn anyway. That is, proper planning will place us in a predefined terrain, even if the student does not know it, and within that "Learning corral", freeing them, implementing concepts such as learning to learn, learning by playing, or as a comic character would say, "unintentionally wanting…" Educational planning will say what, the group or the "primary community" that make up students, teacher and parents, will implement the how.learning by playing, or as a comic character would say, "without wanting to…" The educational planning will say who, the group or the "primary community" that is made up of students, teachers and parents, will implement the how.learning by playing, or as a comic character would say, "without wanting to…" The educational planning will say who, the group or the "primary community" that is made up of students, teachers and parents, will implement the how.

That the student decides their curricular activity, seeing the school as an “educational buffet”, in which, for example, they will be able to choose six subjects or smart books each cycle, out of a range of 33 thirty-three possibilities.

Although within these 6 books, for example a student with no inclination for mathematics, may choose a course or elementary introduction to numbers, which will not be so simple, but it will be practical and just necessary for them to understand the subject.

Guiding from the beginning thus, to the different professional, technical, industrial profiles and achieving with this the healthy development of the student directed towards their true aptitudes and vocations; eliminating the standardized or unifying desire of current education. Not everyone has to know the same thing, or in the same direction, but everyone should know in one half, a little of everything, and in the other half everything about something specific.


Today, teaching is at the service of education, and therefore, the simple transmission of information and knowledge is no longer a central objective of the programs. There is a need for greater care of the training process, where the training of students is focused on self-learning, as a process of personal development. From the educational perspective, evaluation must acquire a new dimension, with the need to personalize and differentiate the teaching work. Each student is a unique being, it is a developing and changing reality due to their personal and social circumstances. A modern educational model temporizes attention to the individual, along with social objectives and demands. The deficiencies of the traditional evaluation system have deformed the educational system,Given the importance given to the result, the student justifies the educational process as a way to achieve it.

The evaluation must allow the adaptation of educational programs to the individual characteristics of the student, detect their weak points in order to correct them and have a thorough knowledge of each one. It cannot be reduced to a simple methodological question, to a simple educational «technique», since its incidence exceeds the pedagogical to influence the social. It does not make sense by itself, but as a result of the set of relationships between the objectives, the methods, the pedagogical model, the students, society, the teacher, etc. Thus fulfilling a function in the regulation and control of the educational system, in the relationship of students with knowledge, of teachers with students, of students with each other, of teachers and the family, etc.

This method, to be effective, must therefore have the bases of a new social conscience of solidarity in educational matters, inclusive and proactive among the primary community and the other actors involved.

It is the responsibility of this community to guide the student to find his path of development in his personal universe, and once he is on his way, the rest will be a mere process, thus empowering the human being and guaranteeing the enhancement of his abilities and natural and acquired skills.

In practice, it has to translate into capable and suitable taxi drivers for this technical work; and not lawyers for taqueros or doctors for drug sellers; This method will make as the main priority of its existence, not the external evaluation, but a more intimate one, which is the one that the student as an integral human being has to carry out at a time in his life, feeling fulfilled or frustrated with the education he received of the current model.

Undoubtedly, much could be deepened and conceptualized in this regard, but it would go against the very essence of this method, which aims to be practical, simple and efficient, adopting everything that is useful as absurd, and discarding concepts that they get in your way, no matter how proven or in vogue they may be.

Bibliography and research sources

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Nissin method of educational evaluation