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Multicultural Mexico

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The history of Mexico (The word Mexico means "Navel of the Moon" in Nahuatl, this word comes from Mexitli which is composed of metztli (Moon), xictli (navel) and co (place).

Mexico, officially called the United Mexican States, is located in the southern part of North America with its capital in Mexico City, it has a representative, democratic, federal and secular republic, made up of 32 states.

The history of the country dates back thousands of years into ancient times, as some of the oldest human remains in America have been discovered. It was the cradle of pre-Columbian civilizations such as the Olmecs, Mayas and Aztecs, with advanced mathematical, astronomical, calendrical systems, the construction of large metropolises, in addition to the sowing of vegetables, fruits, legumes, corn and cocoa in chinampas, which allowed to finish with a sedentary lifestyle and form various towns with a different culture between each of them.

It is the fifth largest country in the American continent, and the 14th largest economy in the world, with almost two million square kilometers.

The state called CDMX is the capital of the nation, with the Constitution of 1917. The government was made up of three independent powers: the executive, led by the president; the legislative, which resides in the Congress of the Union (deputies and senators); and the judicial, in charge of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

In 2018 it had a population of 20 million 843 thousand inhabitants, being the fourth most populated city in the world.

According to the UN, it has 33 sites inscribed on the World Heritage List of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Regarding the meaning of the colors of the Flag of Mexico in 1821, red alluded to the union between Mexicans, green to Independence and white to religion, currently white means unity, green hope and red the blood of national heroes. Inside it is the national shield with an eagle in the central part inspired by the legend of the founding of Tenochtitlán, which narrates that the god Huitzilopochtli told the Aztecs, later the Mexica, to establish their city where they would find a perched eagle in a nopal devouring a snake (Zapata, 2019).


Generally analyze the Mexican cultural importance and its natural characteristics with the development and survival of cultural ethnic groups to generate an identity and national pride of belonging to Mexico.

Figure 1: Mexican crafts, alebrijes

Alebrijes. Source: google images (2019)


Since ancient times, Mexico has had diverse ethnic groups which have survived over time, preserving traditions, culture, dress code, customs and customs that have given it an identity in the world, which has given it a multicultural form, it is say the common coexistence of several cultures in the same territory. It has 68 dialects, although they do not share social characteristics with common natives

Multiculturalism studies the cultural enrichment of each community, which arose before the Spanish Conquest, first with the migrations of the first Mesoamerican peoples who settled in the territory; then with the arrival of Spanish, French, Asian Africans and Arabs during the colony and currently due to the constant migration of Mexicans to the United States, which tends to acculturate some Mexican populations (Contreras, 2018).

Culture is a set of non-specialized knowledge and ideas acquired thanks to the development of intellectual faculties, through reading, study and work, deriving from there multiculturalism which values ​​human diversity and cultural exchanges, which enrich its heritage and cultural heritage, in a society based on integration, coexistence between diversity and cultural homogeneity (Hopenhayn, 2016).


The coexistence of various cultures in the same territory, manifests itself in almost all aspects of social, economic and cultural life with gastronomy, customs and traditions, sayings, beliefs, ways of dressing, religious traditions, festivities, celebrations, sacred places, music, folklore, dishes and drinks of Mexican cuisine that present a diversity of flavors and origins.

As a result of an intense cultural miscegenation characteristic of this phenomenon in Mexico (Zapata, 2019), which is considered as:

  1. The eighth country in the world with the largest number of indigenous peoples. It was the first to be recognized as a "multicultural nation", as a consequence of the struggle of indigenous movements. It houses around 12% of the planet's terrestrial biodiversity. It promotes the peaceful and harmonious coexistence of the cultures that coexist in the national territory. The Mexican state legally recognizes and accepts the presence of indigenous peoples and their cultural manifestations under equal conditions, thereby strengthening the Mexican cultural identity. Multicultural recognition has served to end prejudice, tolerance and respect around the culture of native peoples Before the law, Mexican multiculturalism is accepted, defended and promoted,Although it is considered the 14th economy in the world, it has a high percentage of the population living in poverty. The concept of multiculturalism favors the climate of understanding between different cultures, both the majority of a country and that of the ethnic minorities that coexist in the same The INAH has classified since 1939 more than 100 thousand historical monuments, such as trees, sacred mountains, rivers, hills, caves, rocks, springs that are part of the intangible heritage of the worldview of indigenous or rural communities.such as trees, sacred mountains, rivers, hills, caves, rocks, springs that are part of the intangible heritage of the cosmovision of indigenous or rural communities.such as trees, sacred mountains, rivers, hills, caves, rocks, springs that are part of the intangible heritage of the cosmovision of indigenous or rural communities.

Figure 2: indigenous languages ​​in Mexico

Indigenous languages ​​in Mexico. Source: google images (2019)

  • Cultural mixing strengthens the identity of nations. The common progress of a country largely depends on social cohesion, creativity and innovation, recognition and inclusion of all. Their contribution in knowledge, work, artistic creations and world views is what makes the difference for common progress. Mexican gastronomy is one of the most varied, rich and nutritious in the world. Between one state and another there are totally different dishes in terms of taste, ingredients, presentation and other aspects. One of the symbols that best describes typical Mexican food is the chili that traditionally is not lacking in Mexican cuisine, used in most foodstacos, tortas, tortillas, enchiladas, fajitas, burritos, salad with nopales, barbecue in a ground oven, mixiotes, tamales among many others, as well as a variety of sauces, desserts and drinks such as fresh waters, tequila, pulque and mezcal. Mexico's multiculturalism can be easily determined by the diversity of indigenous ethnic groups, as well as by the miscegenation that historically was produced by mixing with Spanish, African, English, Asian and Arab. Their common physiognomy is brown skin and jet-black straight hair, and the mestizo whites have black or blonde hair. Mexican cultural diversity is also observed in its religious traditions, where the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe is never lacking. Each town in particular celebrates annually a Patron Saint who is venerated in that town.Another outstanding example is that it is the only country in the world that holds indigenous festivals in honor of the dead with images that symbolize the death of the Mexican painter José Guadalupe Posadas where the image of La Catrina stands out, recognized by UNESCO in 2008., the traditional song, the mariachis, the northern music, folkloric musical groups. Consequently, respect, tolerance towards differences and freedom (religious, political, cultural) are promoted. Alebrije manufacture are imaginative or real beings in the shape of animals using the cardboard technique and are painted with cheerful colors and alive.


Multiculturalism favors the understanding of other cultures from a position of respect, tolerance and freedom. Without multiculturalism, societies would only know the dominant cultures and other cultural forms would be marginalized (Contreras, 2008).

Mexican cultural diversity is considered an intangible heritage of humanity since it is one of the richest in the world, since it also encourages the care for nature in flora and fauna, with very old knowledge that has transcended through several generations, enriching with much what they represent.

In Mexico there is still an ancestral medical knowledge, before which it is important to promote Mexican culture, astonishment of foreigners and pride of Mexicans.


  • Contreras S. (2018). Multiculturalism in Mexico: Characteristics and Examples. Retrieved from https://www.lifeder.com/multiculturalidad-mexico/Hopenhayn M. (2016) The challenge of identities and multiculturalism. Retrieved from https://www.oei.es/historico/pensariberoamerica/ric00a01.htmFusda (2018). Mexico a multicultural nation. Retrieved June 21, 2018 from http: //www.fusda.orgZapata (2019). Cultural diversity. Recovered from
Multicultural Mexico