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Mexico needs an international body against impunity and corruption


Corruption seems unbeatable in Mexican politics and public management. His practice runs through all the ladders and snakes in the structure of the State. And throughout the national territory. At all levels, corruption and impunity are tolerated, invading the State. In this purchase of the government's decisions, a certain private initiative participates actively through the routes of the Norm and through the power pipes, which with many high officials form a criminal team.The public interest is replaced by the private, the economic over the political. Which explains the predatory behavior of sectors such as construction and banking. It is the cultural decomposition of Politics, of its logic, limits and value, eroding democracy, denying equality, promoting impunity and violence.

For many it is an endemic disease, for others it is systemic and in many it is structural. For me, it is an emphasis on power in government, a manager of feedback and functionally stabilized complicity in institutions. A banking-like process where loyalties, favors and interests, public and private, are saved, invested and lent. Debts and payments are registered in an immaterial symbolic-social framework surrounded by a legal apparatus that protects the corrupt and corrupters, the controlled and the controllers. A set of acts and actors purposely "normalized" who go around freely selecting targets to squeeze. A "Managed" corruption. It breeds, reproduces and is administered.

Out of that process, people in power are elected and given authority. It does not accept the best, nor is there a way to clean up the worst. The national cultural artifact reinforces, justifies, builds images and rewards it. The infectious form that lifts them creates a gnawed guild around it. There were no purges, only political revenge. A cunning laya, incapable of reform, convinced that she must move with impunity from one position to another. A political practice in a vicious corrupting circle of a flawed democracy. With officials who in exchange for dispensations receive all kinds of support for the machinery suspected of inefficiency. His reelection will allow prolonged corruption in a context marred by impunity. That advantage will be the best ally of evil. And they will have jurisdiction!

The ills of Mexico make fail the ideas contributed by the most prestigious minds of social philosophy. Citizens do not have an effective control guarantee between the powers. Impunity shows how useless the judiciary is. And the legislature does the impossible not to control the political power. We doubt the rule of law due to so much discretion in the executive. A decomposition of Power where reliability and trust were lost due to institutional CORROSION. Corruption is individual.

Facing corruption is coming up against the control of political power. Hence how difficult it is to combat it.Control, one of the faces of power (domination, strength and influence are the others), would seem a form of denial of Power and it causes stinging to the politicians who oppose it. But its object is to defend the freedoms and interests of the governed, as well as institutional legitimacy and effectiveness. The Constitution (mother of the norms and the exercise of power) is based on its efficiency, in which the obligations derived from it are observed, which converges in Control. In Mexico, the Constitution no longer controls the exercise of power. Mexican law and the legal system for the produced, do not respond to the present. Various intellectuals are fighting for a new Constitution, for a new Republic, for a new rule of law. The system must be deconstructed, they conclude.

The ability of politicians to influence the exercise of power, outside the rules but in random and symbolic agreements, is out of control. The Constitution does not assign influence. And the instruments to control Power do not operate as guidelines of law but as political practices. The informal Power and / or the parallel, seedlings of corruption, are running amok by the resistance to legislate on devices that control it, even those that guarantee the legitimacy of the political process. In the decline and retirement of the state, so many mafias, cartels and pressure groups are not uncommon. We approach destabilization in two ways; one for the indignation and, for the one that the factious ones build.

The control that has been practiced has been in favor of the Political Power. The instruments to control it are the weak part of the Constitution. This deliberate anemia facilitates the flight of the offender, corrupt management, administrative violence and rogue power. Explain why the parties want to co-opt citizen and independent institutions. Seeking a kind of impunity with controls attenuated by them and mediated in those in charge of regulating, investigating and sanctioning. In the political alternation there were mutual considerations between parties, indulgences to leaders and sanity in removals. Recycling officials, taking advantage of the system, without disarming it. The PAN protected the PRI and vice versa. Thus there is no remedy and the harvest of the corrupt never ends.

It is little possible for a corrupted power to control itself. In 35 years, internal control did not work. The grand corruption prosecution, donkey hair in hand, came out on the red carpet from the revolving door. Now the SNA intends to control it through multiple agencies that due to dysfunctional anomie will not be articulated in a system without borders, which does not guarantee integration and success. There will be more partisan controls than constitutional ones. The Senate, the Presidency and the Deputies will intervene in the appointments of their commissioners. A sketch ready for the negotiation of quotas and buddies in presumably autonomous institutions. It will operate within an untouchable political power, the victim of a "captured" democracy. The Legislative and Judicial powers will continue to enjoy opacity.There was a lack of a law to protect whistleblowers in cases of corruption that complements the existing ones. The political class protected itself by leaving the Fuero. Just in case. It did not incorporate the coercion to disclose the patrimonial declarations and those of interest of the public servant. There are no mechanisms to recover accumulated fortunes in the shadow of public power. It is out of the retroactive character for the corrupt of the last 30 years, at least. There will be a blur and oblivion for them. The fallen, fallen. There are no instruments for repairing the damage to the treasury and / or the citizen.There are no mechanisms to recover accumulated fortunes in the shadow of public power. It is out of the retroactive character for the corrupt of the last 30 years, at least. There will be a blur and oblivion for them. The fallen, fallen. There are no instruments for repairing the damage to the treasury and / or the citizen.There are no mechanisms to recover accumulated fortunes in the shadow of public power. It is out of the retroactive character for the corrupt of the last 30 years, at least. There will be a blur and oblivion for them. The fallen, fallen. There are no instruments for repairing the damage to the treasury and / or the citizen.

A sort of bureaucratic tangle of diagonal, vertical and horizontal controls, without typifying strategic and tactical decisions. Very difficult to link outside the theories of power, control and decision.In its conception, the bureaucratic approach dominated. The absence of this theoretical diversity will be a practical difficulty, opening the opportunity for political interference in more than one of the sections, hindering their articulation, especially at the end of the chain, in sanctioning. Its national character will collide with the will of regional leaders to shape state anti-corruption systems. It will be more complex than herding a herd of gûicos through the Ceboruco. If we add the lack of resources in an environment of self-censorship and Institutional Corrosion, it is probable that the fight against corruption will be innocuous; A failed strategy due to ineffective design will, at best, pay off within 15 years. Will society hold out?In addition, the possible controllers will come from the same system and / or from a higher education dotted with corruption. Do not forget that many of the distinguished corrupt were formed in them. Even the ANS can itself become a decomposed entity.

It is time for external control by institutions outside the government. International organizations are in favor of control by independent agents, courts of accounts, prosecutors and external audits that guarantee; impartiality; independence (intellectual, political and economic) for being outside the scope of the established powers. We need an international entity that complementsthe work of the SNA, to control high corruption, at the peak. That of politicians and businessmen. Process existing violations. The international recommendation supports this need for; legitimize the government, evaluate its institutional reliability, endorse its high officials. Mexico signed international conventions against bribery, extortion and the diversion of public resources. Let us accept an international arbitration against impunity and corruption, which avoids Institutional Corrosion and degenerative forms of rogue governments linked to parallel powers that have us up to the mother and in total defenselessness. With the certification of such an organism it would prevent the control of the USA, strengthening our sovereignty. If not done,Madrota Impunidad and her daughters violence and corruption will continue to rule the brothel.

Mexico needs an international body against impunity and corruption