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Correct handling of e-mail in the company and in marketing


Handling daily email can be time consuming or can be more 'automatic' if we organize ourselves well.

It is convenient to have in your mail program different folders with the messages organized by subject, in this way you can easily access them for later reference.

Let's have, for example, a folder of ' models ' for daily tasks where you have the '' standard messages '' that you use repeatedly, in this way when you have to answer a question that you have already answered other times you just have to make a copy of that message and change what is necessary for the new recipient, or we can use copy and paste and then modify what is necessary.

It is not convenient to have many messages in the inbox or In-Box. Let's read them and file them in their corresponding folder, leaving only what is pending in the In-Box.

Let's try to answer all our messages in 24 hours. And if we can't, let's send a message to tell the customer that we are trying to resolve their issue and will get back to them as soon as possible. Responding quickly gives credibility. Many customers will be pleasantly surprised when they get a quick, same-day response, as most of your competition won't. The sooner we respond to our clients about their orders, questions etc. the more confident they will feel and the more our business will grow.

This may seem obvious, but many companies do not and it is extremely important. In an economy with so much competition and such similar products and prices, it is in customer service where many companies fail and where we can stand out from our competitors.

Let's be organized and provide good customer service. Our sales will increase. Definitely.

It is convenient to set the line size of our email program to about 70 characters for outgoing mail since there are people who have monitors at 640 × 480. This means that if you have a mail program that does not fit the lines well, our message will be difficult to read since the lines will be broken. This hinders our mission, which is to have our message read.

Try to personalize your responses as much as possible, as you would in ordinary mail. Saying 'Dear customer' or saying 'Dear Mr. Pérez' changes a lot and the customer feels better treated. This makes our message much more powerful, more personal.

Many times we will receive references via email, that is, requests for information, and these will be very vague, without name, company, etc. Just a short message such as: 'Send me information'. However, for us that is a person who has shown interest in our product / service. We then have to send you a message thanking you for your interest and describing our product / service.

We have to be careful when putting the Internet addresses in the emails since we want them to be active so that the client goes directly to our website. First for convenience for him, and second because there are people who do not know how to 'copy and paste'. Let us always remember to do things by excess and not by default. Let's not put a period after the http address as that will make it inactive in some mail programs. Let's put the point one space apart from the address.

Much of our customer service will be done via email. It does not matter how well we do it since we will always have a certain percentage of complaints because we can make a mistake. This is not the important thing since in every business a mistake is always made and complaints or returns are obtained. The important thing is how we handle complaints so that they do not affect the profitability of our business. Remember that a satisfied customer will tell two or three acquaintances, but a dissatisfied one will tell ten acquaintances.

Let us explain our return rules (if it is a product) on our website and in our email communications. Let's make it easy for the customer to return the product if they are not satisfied or it is not what they were looking for. We are grateful that they have trusted us and let us say that we feel that our product is not what they were looking for. If we handle returns correctly, it is proven that they will buy other products from us.

Many people take complaints as personal insults. This is the wrong attitude. Customers may not have understood what you were offering them or for some reason the product does not fit what they expected. If we are prompt and courteous, we will earn your respect and trust.

Let us quickly respond to complaints. The faster we respond, the more we will be perceived as caring for our customers. Let's do what we can (within reason) to keep the customer happy. Sometimes we will even have to lose money, but business is like that. It is statistically proven that the vast majority of customers who return a product, if the return is processed correctly, will buy something from our business again.

Correct handling of e-mail in the company and in marketing