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Management of formal and informal groups and work teams

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In an organization, the formation of groups is very natural, either created by the management or by the members of the organizations themselves. The most common reason behind the creation of a group is the impulse of people to speak and to make their own circle, where they can freely interact, get to know each other, work together and perform the tasks assigned to them. The groups are mainly divided into two categories. First one is the formal group, which is formed by the organization, to fulfill a task. The other is an informal group, formed by employees according to their tastes, interests and attitudes (Coordination of work teams, human resources, 2007).

Formal and informal teams

Formal teams or groups are deliberately created by managers and people charged with performing specific tasks to help the organization achieve its goals. The most common type of formal group is the leadership team, which includes a manager and all employees who report to that manager. In some organizations that want to underestimate the hierarchy, the titles may change. For example, at NCR, managers of command teams are called "coaches" and team members are called associates (Alonso, 2002).

Another type of formal team is the committee, which usually lasts a long time and deals with recurring problems and decisions. For example, your university or college probably has a committee for student affairs that deals with recurring issues that involve the lives of students. While the members of this committee can come and go, the committee remains in place over time.

A quality circle is a type of team. The Illinios quality circles have been a significant component of a quality program that has dramatically improved productivity and quality since 1981. In a program called Cooperative Hourly and Management Problems Solving (CHAMPS), the quality circle teams work together. meet for an hour weekly to discuss work-related problems, investigate causes, recommend solutions, make a formal presentation to plant management management personnel. Of the nearly 475 solutions offered in the first four years of the program, nearly 400 were approved. The total savings on ideas has been eight times the cost of a significant assembly in a major manufacturing plant where cost control is very important.Over a three-year period, McCook was able to double the pounds of aluminum per employee shipped and deliver more than 2,000 items to a specific customer without a single rejection.

Some formal teams are temporary. They can be called working groups or project teams. These teams are created to deal with a specific problem and are generally disbanded when the task is completed or the problem is resolved. For example, President Clinton formed a project team, led by Hillary Rodham Clinton, to formulate a proposal or a national health plan.

Informal teams or groups arise when people meet and interact regularly. Such groups develop within the formal organizational structure. Members of informal teams tend to subordinate some of their individual needs to those of the team as a whole. In return, the team supports and protects individual members. Informal team activities can further the interests of the organization - for example, softball games on Saturday morning can strengthen the player's ties to one another. Or a group of women can come together to discuss various actions that can make the organization a better place for women to work (Palomo Vadillo, 2010).

The following is an example. In 1990, women employed at the telephone giant, NYNEX Corporation formed mentoring circles to help women climb the corporate ladder of promotion. The women of NYNEX created these informal groups independently and outside the auspices of management. The groups promote, recognize and strengthen the ties of women at all levels of the company. NYNEX employees turned to the group format because there was a shortage of female senior managers to serve as mentors. However, participants believe that the group process is actually better than one-on-one tutoring. In circles with a minimum of eight participants and a maximum of twelve, female mentors have an increase,they have a greater exposure to different ideas and an increase in the network.

Informal Group Functions: Informal groups serve four main functions. First, they maintain and reinforce the norms (expected behavior) and the values ​​that their members hold in common. Second, they give members feelings of social satisfaction, status, and security. In large corporations, where many people feel like their employers barely know them, informal groups allow employees to share jokes and complaints, eat together, and socialize after work. Informal groups thus meet human needs for friendship, support, and security.

So the important differences between formal and informal groups will be discussed in this article.

For your definition:

Definition of Formal Groups

A formal group is a collection of people, who came together to achieve a specific goal. They are always created with the intention of meeting some official requirements. Group formation is carried out by the management. It has a systematic, hierarchical structure.

In general, the employees of the organization are divided into groups and a task is given to each group. In this way, the group's task is carried out together with the fulfillment of the organization's objectives. The types of formal groups are as follows:

Command Groups: Groups consisting of managers and their subordinates.

Committees: The group of people who are appointed by an organization, to resolve matters, referred to them are known as Committee. For example Advisory Committee, Standing Committee, etc.

Task Forces: The group form to carry out a particular task is known as Task Forces.

Definition of informal groups

Groups that are created naturally, within the organization, due to social and psychological forces are known as informal groups. Under this group, the employees of the organization, themselves enter groups, without the approval of the management to satisfy their social needs at work.

Nobody wants to live in isolation; People generally create a circle around themselves so that they can interact and share their feelings, opinions, experiences, information, etc. These circles are known as informal groups in the workplace. These groups are formed on the basis of common likes, dislikes, prejudices, contacts, language, interests, attitudes of the members. Includes interest group and friendship group. Communication is faster in these groups as they follow the chain of the vine.

There are no definite rules; that apply to the informal group. In addition, the group has a loose structure. The bond between the members of the group is very strong, which can be seen when one of the employees is expelled from work and all the colleagues in her group go on strike just to support her.

Main differences between formal and informal groups

The following are the differences between formal and informal groups:

  1. Groups formed by the organization's management to carry out a specific task are known as formal groups. Groups that are formed by the employees themselves because of their tastes and prejudices are known as informal groups. Formal groups are deliberately created by the organization, while informal groups are voluntarily established. Formal groups are large compared to a informal group. In addition, there may be subgroups in a single formal group. The structure of a formal group is designed in a hierarchical way while the informal group lacks structure or says it has no structure. In a formal group, the position of a member defines its importance In the group, but in an informal group, each member is as important as any other member.In a formal group the relationship between the members is professional, they meet only to carry out the task assigned to them. On the other hand, in an informal group, there is a personal relationship between the members, they share their opinions, experiences, problems, information with each other. In a formal group, the flow of communication is restricted due to unity of command. In contrast to an informal group, the flow of communication extends in all directions, there is no such restriction.In contrast to an informal group, the flow of communication extends in all directions, there is no such restriction.In contrast to an informal group, the flow of communication extends in all directions, there is no such restriction.


We usually go into groups, not knowing what kind of group it is. Sometimes the members of formal groups and informal groups are the same. The basic distinguishing feature between the two is that formal groups are always formed with a goal, but when an informal group is created, there is no such kind of intention at all.


Alonso, T. (2002). Management of work teams: a strategy for success. Editorial Paraninfo.

Coordination of work teams, human resources. (2007). Editorial Vértice.

Palomo Vadillo, MT (2010). Leadership and motivation of work teams. ESIC Editorial.

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Management of formal and informal groups and work teams