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Managing finances at home. test

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What happens inside a home? How do we manage our resources? Why is it not reaching the family income? Why am I going out of my budget? Why don't I have savings? These are questions that come to our mind, when we look at our cupboard with many empty spaces when just a few days have passed after having received our salaries, or when we look at our portfolio after having received what corresponds to us, and only a few days pass and It hardly has those bills that filled it at first. These situations are cases that happen to several Mexican families. However,In this essay we will see some causes that could be originating these tendencies to remain in such a short time without that much-needed resource and also be able to give some suggestions for a good administration within the home and what would be the results of that administration, in what way it impacts on the human being.


What happens inside a home? As we manage our resources ?, because not enough family income ?. Because I get out of my budget? Because I have no savings ?, are questions that come to our mind, when we look at our pantry with many empty spaces when just a few days after having paid our salaries have passed, or when we look at our portfolio after having gained what corresponds us, and only spend a few days and it has almost no those tickets that initially filled it. These situations are cases that happen to several Mexican families. Now, in this trial will see some causes that could be causing these trends to stay in such a short time without that much needed resource and also to provide some suggestions for a good administration within the home and which would be the results of such administration, of way impacts on human beings.

Definition of economy

Economics is the study of how people in each country or group of countries use or manage their limited resources in order to produce goods and services and distribute them for consumption among members of society in a way that satisfies their needs. (FACULTY OF ECONOMIC SCIENCES UNLP)

Economics is the study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable goods and distribute them among different people.

Behind this definition are two key ideas of the economy: goods are scarce and society must use its resources efficiently. In fact, economics is an important discipline due to scarcity and the desire to be efficient. (The Fundamentals of Economics, McGraw-Hill)

Definition of finance

Finance is defined as the art, the science of managing money, almost all individuals and organizations earn and obtain money and spend or invest money.

Finance is related to the process, institutions, markets and instruments that participate in the transfer of money between people, such as companies and the government (FINANZAS BÁSICAS. Ciudad Universitaria, DF, 2005)

Finance means a process that involves the efficient management of a company's resources, and the knowledge and administration of the relationships between the capital market and the company. (Cam.)

Definition of home

The word home is used to designate a place where an individual or group lives, creating in them the feeling of security and calm. In this sensation it differs from the house, which simply refers to the physical home.

The word home comes from the place where the fire was lit, around which the family gathered to warm themselves and feed themselves. It also applies to all those residential institutions that seek to create a home environment, for example: retirement homes, foster homes, etc. (Home. Wikipedia. The free encyclopedia)

After I have defined those keywords, I will begin to develop this very current topic.

Impulses or needs

They could be one of the main causes of financial problems at home, for which we do not have enough money that we earn, is that we do not know how to distinguish between impulses and needs. We live in a disposable economy Consequences of the inappropriate use of money.

The consequences of these problems are, among others, living in constant anguish and worry, living with late payments, everything becomes

In an emergency, everything becomes more expensive for us because we are delinquent and we end up having marital problems.

Today's young married couples easily go into debt for wanting to maintain the lifestyle they had when living with their parents and for lack of discipline regarding the proper handling of money.

We have reached a point that could be one of the primary factors behind financial mismanagement.

And this is, as previously indicated, that keyword, which just by writing or expressing it defines itself. "Discipline".

Which means among other definitions as the set of rules to maintain order among the members of a group. This is one of the foundations of the home, what is taught there, that is what its members practice within a society, perhaps it does not determine in its entirety the behavior of a person, because each individual has their own thoughts and ways of acting her being, but it does greatly affect some attitudes that show what was learned at home. And if our parents had financial difficulties, there was no organization as such, there was no discipline, or worse still, if there was but they did not instill it, because in one way or another the results would be similar.

A good salary or an excellent income does not end the financial problems of a family, because it is the attitude towards money that matters.

It is not what you earn but what you spend! We must learn to live within our own means.

But unfortunately more than one family lives outside their means, they spend more than they earn.

Who should be in charge of managing a family budget? Who should handle finances at home? Who should make the financial decisions?

Managing finances at home is a team effort. There must be family honesty, mutual trust and good communication. Decisions are made as a couple and with the children.

Children should be taught the value and wise use of money.

Budget management should be carried out by the most skillful and methodical of the family. It does not mean that whoever makes the money must necessarily manage the budget. Usually those who make the expenses in the home know better about prices and costs, therefore they also have a clear idea of ​​what the family needs.

After having analyzed the problem of not being disciplined and organized in the management of our finances, now we will see some suggestions to be a good financial management in our home.

We must make a budget. Taking everything that is going to enter and planning what we are going to spend.

To be successful in managing a budget, we must understand that, unless an emergency arises, we must not spend more than we earn. We must write down each entry of money and subtract from these entries all those things that represent an exit of money or an expense. The real benefit is that we will be the ones managing the money instead of the money managing us.

The following questions can teach our children to be responsible and disciplined with money:

  • Do I need it? Do I need it now? Is it a need or a desire? What would happen if I didn't have it? Work on something before receiving money Teach by example and encourage savings.

The best teaching we can give our children is to integrate them into many activities that are carried out at home, and not exclude them as we often do, one of the most important activities is the formulation of the family budget, that they are aware of how much resource enter and in what way each expense should be planned and disciplined, that will depend on whether they, once they are adults, can be successful in terms of finances at home.

And how does good financial health impact the home?

How does it impact the individual person?

When people are disciplined and organized, especially in the management of financial resources, an environment of greater comfort is experienced, not because the amount of money they handle is a lot, but rather, the comfort, the slack, of which It is talked about, it is because of the way in which it manages its resources, although these are not in large quantities, this occurs when the person has learned to live with what he earns, and in that way he can achieve or achieve many of his goals, Somehow, a goal and objective has already been achieved.

How to start saving

"Saving means sacrificing today for benefits that I may never see."

"Only the rich can save."

"Why am I going to save, if mine is very little."

"After paying for the car, I start saving."

Are the people who say that right or not? Well, they are very wrong.

Despite the fact that in research carried out, a very high percentage of people who have monthly income have serious problems to make ends meet.

Saving is possible, it is really amazing the return we can get from the money if we did it. The hardest thing, like everything in life, is to make the first effort. The passage of time will take care of the rest and we will soon realize the miracles that can be achieved by saving just 10% of our monthly salary.

For this we do not need to be financial experts. With what we know we can start. You just need to take a little time and put yourself in control of finances.


The harmony and unity of the people in the home are a great source of vitality for her. Therefore, you must make efforts to establish it.

The administration in our home is a repetitive series of experiences that we had in our parents' home, we do what our parents taught us, from the choice of food in the store, to the cleaning routine throughout the house, some with certain variations and a minority that completely changes its form of administration. Some people do it very well, their home is prosperous, some others, we do not know how to act in the face of what we have in front of us and the decisions made are not the best.

To achieve good administration at home, from the economic to the moments of recreation, the whole family must participate, taking into account that it starts from the head of the family, to the smallest member of the family, resulting in feeling useful and important, for everything that is done at home, and on which the success and achievement of our personal goals and objectives largely depends.


  • BASIC FINANCE. Ciudad Universitaria, DF (2005). Home. Wikipedia. The free encyclopedia. (sf). es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hogar. Retrieved on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2014, from https://www.google.com.mx/url?Los Fundamentos de la Economía. Mcgraw-Hill. (sf). www.mcgraw-hill.es/bcv/guide/capitulo/8448151542.pdf. Retrieved on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2014.
Managing finances at home. test