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Solid urban waste management. case study



The management of solid waste constitutes one of the components to be evaluated within the current environmental problem due to the problems that its handling, transportation and final destination entail.


This situation led to the need to establish a methodology to assess the impact generated by this set of activities within the city of Cienfuegos, mainly due to the deficiencies of the entire solid waste collection mechanism.

1.- Management of solid urban waste.

The rapid increase in solid urban waste, generated by the increase in the population in cities and industrial development coupled with urban growth, constitutes an environmental problem that is generalized to the vast majority of the world's countries, including developed ones. In addition to the composition, the volume is worrying, which has had a growing trend worldwide and although some nations have a legal framework for waste control, almost all lack the technical infrastructure and human resources necessary to put it into practice.

Among the factors that cause pressure on the environment are population growth, industrial development and the growth of urban areas. As a consequence of the production of large volumes of urban solid waste, cities are being plagued by a new problem related to pollution and its general deterioration.

Among the aspects that can cause inefficient waste management are inappropriate garbage collection techniques, inefficient treatment facilities, lack of infrastructure for collection, transportation and final disposal; among others that influence this process.

Starting from the premise that the best waste is the one that is not produced, it is logically understood that prevention should be the primary objective. For those wastes that are difficult or null to use: dangerous (radioactive), most of the gaseous, electromagnetic, vibrations (noise), heat.; But not all the waste that is generated can be easily avoided, so even though prevention is the main objective to be achieved -understood as the absolute avoidance of waste and not the geographical displacement or change of state of the same-, it must be contemplated together with the reuse, recycling and final disposal - as respectful as possible with the environment - of the inevitable waste that is obtained.We can only find an acceptable final destination -ecologically speaking- for the waste if it is not excessive and, above all, if it is not dangerous for the biosphere and even for outer space. Seeking to solve the problems, a methodology is proposed to detect the main deficiencies in the management of the destination of solid waste within the city.

2.- Methodology used.

The work defines the different stages through which the solid waste of the city passes in:

  • The collection The transport The final destination (Municipal Landfill and Tile Landfill).

Taking into account the characteristics of the object of study and in view of the fact that a specific methodology could not be found to develop the study, we proceeded to analyze the methodologies of environmental impact elaborated internationally and the one proposed by the authors, according to the characteristics of the study. of the City and the conditions in which the execution of the Solid Waste Management process is found, propose a method that would allow characterizing and evaluating the object of study from the following points of view:

  • Technical: The objective is to determine the problems arising from the production process and based on this, outline the most appropriate lines of action to carry out the necessary adaptations. The main points to be analyzed are: Dimensions covered by the activity, waste collection schedules, among others, Technical status of the vehicles involved in transportation, Disposal of garbage in Landfills, as well as technical-organizational conditions of the Legislative facilities: Analyze in detail the level of compliance with current legislation by the Unit and all those in charge of doing so. Here the regulations and decrees that in general, directly affect each of the stages, from a governmental and managerial level with national, local and community character will be indicated. It strongly I examined relation to: Degree of compliance with the Act N o. 13 Health and Safety of the Trabajo.Adecuada implementation of Decree Law N or 192 of the Financial Management of the Estado.Normas Cubanas (NC133, NC134 and NC135) Health and Safety in the Workplace:Directly reveal the violations incurred in Law No. 13 on Labor Protection and Hygiene and its complementary legislation Level of satisfaction and comfort of direct workers to the process Execution of medical check-ups to workers. Administrative: It deals with all those organizational aspects that may be related, directly or indirectly, with him or those responsible for achieving an adequate management of the city's waste, and indicate them if there are none, as well as their functions and decision levels, in addition The sensitivity of the management and its attitude is evaluated Organizational structure of the process Level of performance of the person responsible for the execution of each stage of the process Technical-organizational methods in the Landfills. Economic: The situation of the Accumulated Expenses incurred by the Unit is analyzed in a general way throughout the process, taking into account its characteristic aspects, in search of deficiencies that may hinder optimal functioning and on this basis identify specific problems and the possible objective solutions of the same Analysis of the situation of the accumulated expenses of the Unit in the first semester of the fiscal year (2007) Analysis of the accumulated expenses (June / 2007) by independent items for adaptations and / or modifications of new investments.

Different methods will be used to carry out this evaluation:

  • Observation: At each of the stages of the Solid Waste Management process of the City. Analysis of Documents: Laws, Regulations, EAP of Accumulated Expenses of the Unit, among others. Interviews with: Investors of the Municipal Directorate of Communes and personnel who work in the collection, transport and final disposal of solid waste in the city.

Subsequently, the results obtained with the use of the aforementioned methods are exposed to characterize the current situation. Taking into account the problems detected in each of the stages of the waste management process, it is proposed in the next chapter to carry out a series of actions in each of them; as well as the proposal of solutions taking into account the construction of new Landfills with the proper management of the Budget.

2.2- Current situation in the Urban Solid Waste Management process in the city of Cienfuegos.

There are dissimilar sources of Solid Waste generation in the Municipality of Cienfuegos, mainly contributed by homes, productive entities, businesses, public offices, markets, restaurants, accommodation facilities, educational centers, industries and hospitals.

The waste produced by the urban sector includes household waste, old furniture and appliances, packaging, waste from commercial activity, remains from garden care, street cleaning, etc. The largest group is household waste.

These wastes are usually composed of:

  • Organic Matter: Waste from cleaning or food preparation, as well as leftover food Paper and cardboard: Newspapers, magazines, advertising, boxes and packaging Plastics and Glass: Bottles, various jars, broken dishes, etc. Metals: Aluminum cans, jars, containers, etc. Health Sector Waste: Hospital and pathogenic.

The following table shows the composition and quantitative production of Urban Solid Waste in the city of Cienfuegos:

Components Weight (T / day) Weight (T / year) % in weigh
Organic 56.7 20695 56
Forestry 9.5 3467 9
Cans 1.0 365 one
Glass 3.5 1277 3
Wood 1.4 511 one
Nylon 1.7 620 two
Plastics 3.0 1095 3
Cartons 9.3 3394 9
Papers 7.6 2774 8
Metals 6.8 2482 7
Textiles 5.2 1898 5
Others 1.1 401 one
TOTAL 101.5 38979 100

2.2.1. Collection Stage. Technical description.

In general, the city is divided into 16 Communal Zones, in which household waste is collected once a day with the exception of the Historic Center, which is carried out three times. These Communal Zones are:

  1. Historic CenterPrado-GloriaReinaTulipánLa BarreraJunco SurPunta Gorda- La PlazaSan Lázaro I and IIPueblo GriffoLa JuanitaPastoritaBuena VistaCaonaoParaíso

The collection of urban solid waste from the municipality of Cienfuegos begins very early in the morning, it is carried out by the Municipal Unit of Community Services through the use of mechanized equipment (mostly hired) and with animal traction vehicles. For this there is a brigade that includes the head of the same, this task is supervised by the Head of the Communal Zone.

In the case of mechanized collection, the brigade has 5 or 6 workers, the waste is disposed of in the Municipal Landfill, the trucks carry it to the Communal Zones daily, and they end once the area is finished, that is, if the truck is full before finishing the zone, it returns to the point where it stopped and continues until the end of the zone. Generally, three times a week after completing the collection, they return to the corresponding areas to carry out the sanitation, which does not include waste generated in the homes, rather, the supiaderos, bulky objects discarded by the population, are collected by each Communal Area. streets, dirty corners, nicknames of trees, etc.

Garbage collection that is carried out with animal traction has 72 carts, in this case a different strategy is used, although it is also carried out daily, the area is not always completely collected. Taking into account that in this case only the carter is involved and can load a limited amount of garbage, the time and performance of the animal can limit daily activity. Sanitation is also carried out three times a week, and if necessary, a cart supports another Communal Zone, if mechanized transport fails .

The daily street sweeping is also carried out early in the morning, carried out by 235 workers, these are governed by payment rates for the number of blocks collected. There is a double sweep in the busiest areas.

  • Historic CenterLa JuanitaPunta GordaPradoBoulevardAvenida 5 de SeptiembreOther main arteries of Popular Councils that require it.

The dumping of these collections is carried out in the nearby dumps, established micro-dumps or they are simply arranged in sacks that the workers themselves provide to facilitate the collection, since in some blocks more than one sack can be filled. These sacks are arranged in the corners; and thus, in the same way, all are collected, either by trucks or carts destined for sanitation or imprinting of the Communal Zone, sometimes at late times with respect to the culmination of this activity.

In compliance with the Impronta Plan 2006, a strategy adopted in recent times by the Party and Government of our Municipality, in the fight to eradicate the Aedes Aegiptis outbreaks, the cleaning and collection of waste from the neighborhoods is carried out on the third Sunday of each month; organized by the CDRs and with the help of various local organizations that can provide their support in regards to mechanized vehicles (dump trucks, loaders, iron trucks, among others). This activity aims to provide the population with the collection service of rubble or other waste that is spilled at the time of the imprint. It is necessary to emphasize that it is supported by residents of the area as well as by workers of the organizations that provide the service, in addition to the workers of the corresponding Communal Zones;and that its execution is carried out in isolation and derives from the incorrect execution of the Budget, since this is carried out without the knowledge of the Economic Department of the Unit. Legislative Description

Garbage collection in our city is carried out to homes, streets, gutters, production establishments, services, schools, offices, recreation centers, public health units and other facilities.

The sweeping of streets and public areas is carried out daily, although, in those central areas that require it, it is carried out 2 times a day to keep them properly clean.

The legal performance of this stage is regulated by:

  1. Law No. 13 of Protection and Hygiene of Work of 1977 and its complementary legislation.

This law protects direct workers in the activity on the use of adequate protection means for the job and preventive medical examinations, which are sometimes not provided.

2. Law N o. 192 of the State Financial Administration.

In accordance with the legislation, the sanitation work and the Impronta Plan 2006, support the collection of bulky objects discarded by the population in routine activities such as: the collection of construction materials, leaving the section of public road where this is carried out dust and residue free activity; the collection of waste from the cleaning of trailers and registers, as well as the cleaning of plots, vacant lots, patios, open, fenced or closed premises. We must point out that the excessive execution of these activities violates the provisions of this Law .

3.-Cuban Standard 133. The problems detected that lead to non-compliance with this NC are the following:

  • Manifestations of social indiscipline that contributes greatly to the deterioration of the urban image and communal hygiene by throwing waste in the public areas of the city . Manifestations of social indiscipline for the temporary storage of solid waste generated by passers-by .Some of the existing collective solid waste deposits are in poor condition, with holes or cracks that allow all or part of the content to escape.Many of the storage tanks do not have a strong structure to resist handling, nor do they have a Tight lid. Containers or bags that contain household solid waste are sometimes not kept inside homes and establishments until they are collected; without taking into account the schedule in which it is carried out Neighbors who incur this indiscipline cause the containers or bags to be broken by stray or domiciliary animals, generating traces in the streets that hinder the work of the personnel who carry out the collection.Fixed collective containers are not periodically sanitized by communal services Solid waste (any type) sometimes accumulates outside the containers intended for this purpose Recoverable non-putrescible waste (bottles, glass, metals, paper, cardboard, wood, plastics and others), are not classified until the moment of collection, generating hatcheries or dens for arthropods or rodents.In very few establishments (services, commerce and gastronomy, transport terminals, parks, recreation centers and others) are locate suitable containers for users to deposit waste such as papers, wrappers, cigarette butts and otherRecoverable non-putrescible waste (bottles, glass, metals, papers, cardboard, wood, plastics and others) is not classified until the moment of collection, generating breeding sites or dens for arthropods or rodents. In very few establishments (services, commerce and gastronomy, transport terminals, parks, recreation centers and others) suitable containers are located for users to deposit waste such as papers, wrappings, cigarette butts and othersRecoverable non-putrescible waste (bottles, glass, metals, papers, cardboard, wood, plastics and others) is not classified until the moment of collection, generating breeding sites or dens for arthropods or rodents. In very few establishments (services, commerce and gastronomy, transport terminals, parks, recreation centers and others) suitable containers are located for users to deposit waste such as papers, wrappings, cigarette butts and othersrecreation centers and others) adequate containers are located for users to deposit waste such as papers, wrappings, cigarette butts and otherrecreation centers and others) adequate containers are located for users to deposit waste such as papers, wrappings, cigarette butts and other. Description of Occupational Safety and Hygiene.

The staff runs and directs the functions of collection, street sweeping and sanitation is protected by the guidelines of Law N o. 13 of Protection and Hygiene of the Work and its complementary legislation.

The Occupational Safety and Hygiene problems detected at this stage are the following:

  1. The workers involved in street sweeping, mechanized collection with animal traction and sanitation of the Communal Zones do not have the frequent supply of adequate means of work and protection such as:
    • Gloves, Overshoes, Bottles, Billions, Garbage Carts, Machetes
    Each worker in the mechanized collection is given a laundry soap, a bath soap and a packet of detergent each month to guarantee their cleanliness. The same cannot be said about the cart drivers, who, due to their status as self-employed workers, are not guaranteed these products, nor about the street sweeping workers. Clothing and footwear are not assigned as often. necessary to guarantee the hygiene and adequate personal presence of the workers who perform these tasks Pre-employment Medical Checks are carried out on the workers who are going to enter the Unit, but the medical checkups established every 6 months to guarantee health are not carried out thereof. Administrative Description.

The solid waste collection and street sweeping activity is checked by the administrative guard of the Municipal Community Services Unit, which makes calls to the Party and Government to provide information on compliance with it, even when there are technical or technical difficulties. of fuel and cannot be resolved at the moment, it is the knowledge of the higher organisms and the solution is processed.

The main person responsible for carrying out the activity, in the case of mechanized collection, is the Head of the Brigade himself, who is supervised by the Head of the Communal Zone, who in turn is the head of collection with traction. animal, both administrative report directly to the Departments of Hygiene and Transportation. In the case of street sweeping, it only differs in that for each Communal Zone, there are several Community Brigade Chiefs who, in turn, supervise different workers from different areas, forming the communal or street sweeping brigades.

The fundamental premise that determines the compliance of the activity is that even when the maximum volume admitted by the vehicle is loaded, it has the responsibility to return and continue until the assigned area is finished with the established quality.

The Impronta Plan 2006 is checked and directed by the Government and the Municipality Party, organized, carried out and under the responsibility of the Municipal Unit of Communal Services and other organisms that intervene in the sanitation of each communal area.

2.2.2 Transportation stage. Technical description.

For the transportation of solid waste collected in the city, the Municipal Community Services Unit uses two types of transportation:

  • Mechanized: There are 14 trucks that dump up to 8 m 3 of garbage on each trip to the Municipal Landfill. Only 4 of them belong to the Unit, the rest are drivers hired by other organizations, who in addition to carrying their roadmap, the company grants them a Letter of Carriage that endorses their current work in it. The types and quantities of trucks used in transportation, as well as the consumption rate of each type are as follows:
Truck Type Quantity Km / l
Kamas 5 2.5
MAZ-700 one 1.94
Pegasu one 3
Tractors w / cart two 3
Ford one 1.94
Zil-130 4 3.5

The activity of transportation of the waste collected in the Communal Zones generates a monthly fuel consumption of approximately 10,000 liters of diesel, distributed daily in the following way in each of them:

Communal area Expense (l / day))
Historical Center 90
Prado- Gloria 25
Queen 25
Tulip 25
Barrier 25
Junco Sur 30
Punta Gorda-Plaza 25
Saint Lazarus twenty
Griffin Town 25
La Juanita 40

4,000 liters are allocated monthly to carry out the sanitation work.

  • Animal traction: The city has 72 carts that dump up to 3 m 3 of garbage on each trip to the Tile Landfill, each trip is received at the facility, this later guarantees the payment of the self-employed worker. These have Operating Licenses that guarantee the current service in the Unit. They are distributed by Communal Zone as shown in the table :
Communal area Quantity
Shepherd eleven
Good view 7
Caonao 3
Paradise 4

The rest of the carts participate in supporting sanitation in different Communal Zones, even when they have mechanized vehicles.

In both cases, there is a daily control of the trips at the entrance and exit to the landfill, which is carried out by each type of vehicle, checking compliance with the collection by the Communal Zone.

The transportation of the waste collected in the Impronta Plan 2006 is supported by contracted entities that are distributed by Community Zone in the following way:

Communal area Organism
Historical Center MINCEX and ETECSA
Prado- Gloria ECOING-12
Queen ECOA-37
Tulip and Barrier UDECAM
Junco Sur T-15
Punta Gorda-Plaza EMC-No. 10
Saint Lazarus MINAGRI
Griffin Town Mtto and Construction
La Juanita (I and II) Communal and Roads
Shepherd PPE
Good view ECOING-6
Paradise GECA Legislative Description.

The legal performance of the transportation stage is regulated by:

  1. Law 13 of Protection and Hygiene at Work of 1977 and its complementary legislation.

This Law protects the rights of workers regarding the use of adequate protection means for the job and preventive medical examinations, which are sometimes not granted.

  1. Law 192 of the Financial Administration of the State.

The vehicles used to transport waste in any type of activity carried out by the Unit are rented to entities that provide contracting services to third parties through a legal contract issued by the Municipal Community Services Unit to pay for the service provided once it has been performed. activity. The Impronta Plan has a direct impact on the irrational use of the Budget, given the frequency with which it is made and when the rental payment is made.

  1. The Cuban Standard 133 with the objective of establishing the most significant requirements from the hygienic, sanitary and environmental point of view related to the transportation of Solid Urban Waste.

The main breaches of this NC in the stage under analysis are the following:

  1. Of the trucks that participate in the transportation of garbage collected in the city, only one is technically equipped for this activity and currently has technical problems, the rest lack the required sanitary protection, since they are open-bed carts and They are not only used in waste collection, such as pruning, rubble and bulky non-putrescible waste, but also carry out the daily collection of solid waste in urban areas. they are covered by a tarp or waxed paper to prevent spillage during transportation to the final disposal site . Trucks and trolleys sometimes lack hygiene and presence (paint, red rust, etc.). Description of Occupational Safety and Hygiene.

To deal with the transport stage, it is taken into account that workers from the mechanized brigades and animal traction take part, as we have previously indicated. The deficiencies detected in this regard are the following:

  1. The vehicles do not present optimal conditions, due to the technical state of trucks and carts . The workers are not attended to or stimulated in a frequent and stable way in terms of cleaning, instruments for handling waste (to throw it into the vehicle and dispose of it in the landfill), clothes and shoes. Although in the case of cart drivers, the exception of delivery is understood in the appropriate cases, since they are self-employed, but they are still linked to the company and therefore to the need for cleaning and clothes. Administrative Description.

Transportation in the Unit (any type of vehicle is understood) is controlled, checked and directed by a Chief of Transportation and his work team, to which all the Chiefs of the Communal Zones and their Chiefs of Brigades are accountable respectively, in charge of Responsible for the daily fulfillment of the activity. If a technical or fuel problem occurs, it is immediately processed and communicated to higher bodies for its prompt restoration.

In the case of animal-drawn vehicles, although there is no starting point, the work is checked by the different Brigade Chiefs, who on their morning tour are in charge of checking the attendance of each cart. Controlling, among other aspects, the schedule and collection, in addition to responding to the Unit to the concerns and needs they have.

2.2.3 Current Situation of the Landfills (Final destination).

Starting in 1990, when the Special Period began, when the resources for carrying out communal activity began to become scarce, especially fuel, it was decided to close the Municipal Landfill at that time, taking into account the distance at which it was found of the city. Therefore, the Special Period Landfills are established, taking as a strategy to implement the collection of garbage with animal traction, in those places where possible

There are two zones that are currently used:

  1. Old Calera Landfill (Municipal Landfill), close to the Paraíso neighborhood road. Tile Landfill, located in Industrial Zone I

Both work with open pit discharge and began to be exploited without having Micro locations or approved Environmental Licenses. The Municipal Landfill was created and still works, on privately owned land. This is not the case of the Tile Landfill, in this case the Micro-location was developed and later approved with the regulations required for the continuous dumping of city waste, even with animal traction.

2.2.4. Economic analysis. Budgetary System of the Municipal Community Services Unit.

In the Cuban budget system, the principle of Unity is present, which is specified in the adequate combination of centralized management with the recognition of the powers and rights that the local organs of People's Power have granted by law, achieving their active participation. along the process; from its preparation to the settlement of the annual budgets.

Each year the Community Service Units are granted the Budget with which they will operate during the fiscal year to guarantee the hygiene and decoration of our city, as well as provide obituary services to the inhabitants of the same, among other services provided.

Once the figure has been notified, the Unit is obliged to prepare a Budget Plan or Preliminary Draft, by which it will be governed when carrying out expenses operations during the work year. This constitutes a tool for evaluating the economic conditions in which the Unit finds itself at any time of the year and facilitates decision-making according to the available balance allocated for each activity.

Together with the Budget, activities are planned that will be carried out each month of the year to better fulfill and organize the provisions of this Plan. However, given the importance and immediacy of the services provided by the Unit, frequent activities issued by the Local Government arise that are not established in the Budget and, in the same way, must be executed. Among these activities we can point out: the Impronta Plan, Sanitation carried out to Communal Areas determined more frequently, Campaigns for the eradication of the Aedes Aegiptis mosquito foci, among other unforeseen events.

These activities result in alterations and violations of the Budget as they are not contemplated in the same, as well as the rigidity in the available for the fulfillment of the pending activities to be carried out in the remainder of the year.

The budgeted units of local subordination use the unit rules given their great importance, since they constitute the basis for the calculation of the expenses to be planned by the different regulated groups, in our case two of the activities (stages) related to our research belong to these groups, and given the importance of the information that their calculation yields, we will address it in the economic analysis.

When carrying out our analysis we must take into account three main aspects:

  • In years prior to 2007, expenses, sales or income were not accounted for by monthly or accumulated items, so our analysis will concur in the accumulated until the first semester of the present year with respect to what is planned in the Annual Budget, therefore It was deemed convenient to use the actual and budgeted data for this year accumulated in the first semester and not to work with the results of previous years. Accountingly, these Units do not generate significant and stable income from sales or from services rendered, since the The most relevant are provided free of charge to the population. The value of the currency generated by the Unit in the services provided to corporations represents a negligible figure in the year and is not enough to cover the needs of the Unit.

For the aforementioned reasons, we will only direct our analysis to the most representative expenses for items accumulated in the first semester of the current year, of the activities related to our work and their behavior with respect to the Budget Execution Plan. At the end of each analysis, solutions are proposed according to the results it produces.

With the exhaustive analysis carried out, and through the elaboration of proposals to achieve the solution to the difficulties detected, the adequate Management of Solid Waste in the City of Cienfuegos will be achieved gradually, which will contribute to raising the standard of living of all citizens, and this will support the principles of Locality Development. Economic Analysis of the stages of Collection and Transportation of Solid Waste.

The planned expenditure for the year 2007 of the Solid Waste Elimination activity (Collection and Transportation) was 6,162.6 MP, of which 2 167.7 MP allocated to the expenses of goods and services, representing 41% of the planned and the remainder, 3,635.6 MP, which represents 59% of the figure, to salary expenses.

Regarding salary expenses, as planned for 2007, 3 635.6 MP were allocated to personnel expenses, of which 2 874 MP were allocated to the payment of wages and accumulated vacations (with an average of 462 workers and a average salary of $ 471.26); 43.1 MP for the payment of social security in the short term (subject to variation depending on the number of medical certificates presented) and 718.5 MP for the payment of 25% of the tax on the use of the workforce. Figures 3.1 and 3.2.

Until the month of June, as regards accrued salary and vacations of workers, 1,485.7 MP has been used, which represents 52% of the financing allocated; the activity has 446 workers on average, who have an average salary of $ 508.80, the fundamental cause of this overdraft being the application of the payment system that encourages the performance of these activities.

Regarding the payment of social security, 43% of what was planned has been spent, and in the 25% use of the workforce, 52% of the budget has been consumed.

The consumption index of personnel expenses so far this year is over fulfilled, this is given by the increase in the average salary of workers, despite the fact that there was a reduction in the average number of workers to 446 with respect to planned (462).

In general, in the first semester, 52% of what was allocated through the Budget to personnel expenses has been consumed, in which the expense in the payment of wages and vacations has the greatest impact, fundamentally motivated by the increase in rates payment to workers and private. It will be very likely that at the end of the year it will be necessary to dispense with an increase in the Budget or a reprogramming of the Budget Plan broken down by activity for the remainder of the year, and thus be able to comply with these obligations. Graph 3.3.

Graph 3.3. Distribution of accumulated personnel expenses. June 2007.

Among the representative expenses incurred in the Goods and Services activities is the cost of fuel (68.9 MP) which represents approximately 50% of what was planned (140.9 MP) for the year; other costs of consumption of materials destined to the purchase of cleaning articles (street sweeping) and cleaning granted to a part of the direct workers; of which, according to the 142.3 MP plan, 140.6 MP has been consumed so far, which represents 99%.

Despite the consumption of the available balance for this activity, workers are not supplied with the necessary tools (tools and means of protection) or with the required quality. Graph 3.4.

Another of the most significant accumulated expenses is the private contracting service expense, which up to June amounts to 195.6 MP, which represents 32.5% of the amount allocated to assume this operation throughout the year.

Taking into account that the first semester has passed, little more than a quarter of the total has been consumed. This situation is caused by the lack of cart drivers available to the Unit, which is why new payment strategies have had to be drawn up (increase in payment rates) to comply with the required activities. Graph 3.4.

Graph 3.4. Goods and Services Expenses by accumulated items. June 2007.

The planned expense to rent mechanized vehicles and carry out this activity is 1,282.2 MP, of which 672.0 MP for collection and 610.6 MP for cleaning communal areas. Up to the month of June 1,656.4 MP have been used, which represents an overdraft of 30% of what was planned.

The fundamental cause that originates the overdraft in the Vehicle Rental is that the execution of the Improntas was not taken into account in the preparation of the budget allocated for these activities, thus violating the Budget Law. Although sometimes these expenses can be assumed using one of two variants: reprogramming the plan by making a breakdown and changing the available balance according to the needs of the Unit or using available financing for activities that are not in execution. Which allows to fulfill this task directed by the Local Government.

Until the end of the month of June, the total cost of renting equipment to companies is 1,656.4 MP, of which 446.8 MP destined to the daily collection of waste, which represents 27%; 354.8 MP used in sanitation work, which represents 21.4% and 854.8 MP were consumed in the execution of the Impronta Plan, representing 51.6%. All these activities carried out represent 130% of what was planned (1,282.6 MP) to operate during the year. As illustrated in Graph 3.5, the overdraft of this item falls on the rental of used vehicles in the Impronta Plan, which despite not being considered when preparing the Draft of the year, is carried out with an irregular frequency and sometimes without the knowledge of the Economic Department of the Unit,the only one capable of alerting to any situation of the availability of the Unit in the Treasury or Single Account.

Graph 3.5 Accumulated Spending on Vehicle Rental. June 2007

The calculation of the Unitary Standard (Table 3.1) for the activities of street sweeping, collection and transport of 1 000 m 3 of solid waste, yields a planned annual budget of 31.8 MP. The actual amount spent in the first half of the year exceeds what was planned by 15%. The thickness of this overdraft is found, as we discussed above in truck rentals to other companies for frequent execution of Improntas.

Games Expenses (MP) Unitary Standard (MPP
Plan 2007 Real Ac. Plan 2007 Real Ac.
Personal expenses 3 635.60 1 875.80 18.75 17.03
Goods and Services Expenses 2 167.70 1 961.50 11.18 17.81
Current transfers 359.3 185.7 1.85 1.68
Total expenditures 6 162.6 4 023.0 31.8 36.5
Activity level (Mm 3) 193.8 110.1

Table 3.1. Calculation of the Unitary Norm in the Collection and Transport stage.

Contributions to the ONAT of 12.5% ​​of salary remuneration plus other remuneration constitute current transfers, these incur an accumulated expense of 32.3 MP which, with respect to the 359.3 MP plan represents 9%, due to the deficit of force of work (cart drivers) that is available at the moment.

Adding the items of expenses for goods and services mentioned, 1,961.4 MP has been consumed, which represents 90% of the amount of the budget directed to this activity in the year. Maintaining this rate of expenses, the amount of financing remaining will not cover the planned demands, much less the unplanned ones.

This is caused, to a large extent, by the disorderly consumption of the budget, the lack of communication between the Department of Economy and the Unit Directorate, as well as by the lack of knowledge about what is planned and arranged by the Local Government of the situation of the level of execution of the Budget for the realization of the Impronta Plan. Chart 3.6

Graph 3.6. Behavior of Goods expenses

From the economic analysis previously carried out on the activities of Collection and Transport of waste, it can be determined that the fundamental causes of non-compliance with the Budget Law in the fiscal year are the rental of trucks and the payment to the carters. 1,884.5 MP are allocated for the year and 1,852 MP are consumed in the first semester, which represents 98% of what was planned (See graph 3.7). That is why the evaluation by the competent bodies is proposed, given the magnitude of these expenses compared to the rest of the items, the gradual purchase of the Unit's own vehicles.

Graph 3.7. Budget consumption in Collection and Transport activities

In order to carry out this acquisition, the economic situation of the country must be taken into account, because this operation is executed centrally, that is, the Ministry of Economy and Planning, through Model 1.1, assigns a certain amount to the Province for Investments annual CUC, aimed at a specific purpose. For example, for 2007, 95.5 MP CUC were assigned to purchase a Collection Car and a Funeral Car.

If the Province had the power to decide how to use the CUC assigned to it, they would provide coverage to resolve the situation presented in a period of no more than 8 years, taking into account that a Collecting Car has an approximate value of 55.0 MP CUC.

Undoubtedly, the large expenses that it currently incurs would fluctuate, causing an adequate management of the Budget destined for the fiscal year, since only the Unit would spend in the payment of wages to the drivers of the collector trucks acquired, due to the fact that the fuel used at the moment for the rented vehicles it is supplied by the Unit itself.

Once this need is satisfied, the Unit will later have the possibility of using the currency generated to provide a better service to its workers by purchasing means of work, protection and cleaning. Thus contributing to the gradual creation of comfort for all its workers, from the street sweeper to those who work in the offices of the Unit itself. Initially, this operation must be supported, organized and directed not only by the Unit Directorate but also by the Government and the Directorate of Finance and Prices of our province and the corresponding Ministry.


The main problems detected in the Urban Solid Waste Management process in the City of Cienfuegos from the different points of view previously addressed are:


  1. There are no fixed schedules to carry out the collection activity The vehicles used to collect and transport the solid waste generated in the city are not technically equipped and designed to carry out this activity There is not an adequate classification process established at the time of deposit waste due to the lack of workforce, which means that frequent re-stacking is necessary. Furthermore, the Landfill does not have the required technical conditions.


Regarding what is regulated in:

  1. Law 13 of Protection and Hygiene at Work of 1977 and its complementary legislation. All workers involved in the Solid Waste Management process do not have the supply established by this Law, of means of work and protection established. Decree Law No. 192 of the State Financial Administration. The irregular execution of collection activities, including the Impronta Plan, acts against compliance with the provisions of this Decree Law.
  • The rental of vehicles and private contracting services that the Unit executes in an excessive way to carry out the transportation of waste in the different activities, violates the Execution Plan of the fiscal year, taking into account that the reapiling is carried out sporadically Despite the environmental impacts generated, the provisions of this Law are not complied with, since the Budget to carry out this activity is used in others that are in execution.
  1. Cuban Standards:
  • Given the lack of information on the schedules and the irregularity with which the collection is carried out, manifestations of social indiscipline are detected. This is also attributed to the inexistence of a sufficient network of deposits for the temporary storage of solid waste generated by pedestrians. The contracted vehicles that participate in the transportation of waste lack the required sanitary protection, as established in the NC The final disposal of waste in cities must be carried out through a sanitary landfill, and in this case it is open air, the eminent risk of contamination of groundwater or surface water is observed and there are no means conducive to administrative activities and personal cleanliness.

Hygiene and security of work:

In general, no direct worker in the Solid Waste Management process is given the facility to acquire means of work and protection. In addition, the frequently established medical check-ups are not carried out, despite the risk that those who work in this process run due to the handling of waste.


  • The lack of communication between the actors involved in this process is detected: the Local Government, the Municipal Directorate of Finance and Prices, the Directorate of the Unit and the Economic Department.

There are no good administrative methods, not only in the Landfills, but also in the Unit regarding this activity.


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Solid urban waste management. case study