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Handling an undisciplined employee


Do you have an undisciplined employee and you don't know how to handle the situation?

Don't worry, we'll find the solution in this article. We will go by parts.

Why do some employees become unruly?

The reason an employee may become undisciplined can be due to a number of reasons.

Lack of motivation: Demotivation, lack of expectations, not feeling fulfilled, are some of the main problems that many workers have.

When your only reason to go to work every day is to earn your salary and little else, you become unmotivated, you do the right thing in your job and you never intend to keep moving forward.

But who is really responsible for this situation? The easiest and fastest thing is to blame the employee. We assume that it is he, the one who must motivate himself, it is he, who must create expectations so that every day he grows in his job. I am not saying that this is not true, there must be a predisposition on the part of the employee so that the company and it grow every day. On the other hand, it is the boss, the leader who has to motivate him, he has to show him what are the goals that he can reach, encourage him and create expectations that he wants and can achieve.

When you feel that you can grow day by day, your involvement, your desire and your energy increase in a way that makes an undisciplined employee an indispensable factor for the company. Therefore, motivating the employee in the right way, creating real growth expectations, will transform the undisciplined into a hungry worker willing to be 100% involved in their business.

Dignity: It is a point that we really should not even take into account, since it should be taken for granted that all people, regardless of their condition, should be treated with the maximum possible dignity, it is an inalienable right, but unfortunately this is not always the case. Not all leaders and bosses treat their subordinates in a dignified way, and when this happens, circumstances occur that do nothing but negatively affect your company and your employees.

We must bear in mind that we deal with people, and they deserve the utmost respect. The abuse of power is a tool that most of the time turns against the one who uses them. Therefore, when an employee who is treated disrespectfully and in an unworthy way, in addition to affecting their productivity, it is very possible that they become undisciplined.

Group conflicts: This is a topic that deserves a separate article, as they are easy to produce and difficult to eradicate. Group conflicts are those that affect a group or part of it, and it may even happen that there are conflicts between groups other than the company or the business.

The appearance of these groups is relatively easy. Any difference between some of its members can cause conflicts that make the group divide into two or more parts, thereby affecting the environment and productivity of your company.

When we face these types of problems as leaders, we must show calm and try to root out the problem. We must bring together two or more representatives of the conflicting parties to reach an agreement regarding the problem, an agreement that should not favor one more than the other, since that, although in the first measure it seems to solve the problem, will create resentment in the factions of the group that is harmed. Therefore, our measures will have to be solomonic and the two parties to the conflict will have to give in to their measure.

In the future, to try to prevent this kind of conflict, we must make it clear who is leading the group, and also adopt measures that do not create inequalities among its members.

Why take these steps?

These measures may not seem worth taking with your employees as they are worth a lot of effort and you will think that no one guarantees results.

The results are guaranteed by me. When you promote the motivation of your employees, when you treat your subordinates with dignity and resolve and / or prevent group conflicts, success with your staff is guaranteed. People appreciate leaders who are capable of protecting, leading to a common and beneficial goal, and making us grow, as a person and as a professional.

On the other hand, no person loves a leader who does not give him reasons to make an effort, who treats him unworthily and who does not know how to resolve his conflicts.

If you have an unruly employee, you already know why, and how to change that.

Handling an undisciplined employee