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Management of the housekeeping service process for hotels


When the customer arrives at a service establishment, he obviously needs or wants a service, but above all he seeks happiness, security, comfort in rooms and hotel areas. Any technique or science applied to hotel management would not be effective if the need to achieve excellent service is not understood by all workers.

The true purpose of hotels or tourist accommodation as a service company is to dedicate itself mainly to offering stays for rest and relaxation, taking into account various conditions, the entity's strategy, the demands of the environment and market prices. What best represents this purpose is hospitality and comfort, that is, the quality and attitude of welcoming visitors kindly, guaranteeing their well-being.



In a simple way, Servuction can be defined as the process of preparing a service, that is, the entire organization of physical and human elements in the customer-company relationship, necessary for the performance of the provision of a service and whose characteristics have been determined from the idea conceived, until obtaining the result as such (the service).

All the gear behind the provision of good service.

Basic elements of the servuction system:

1. The client or beneficiary: Active subject of the service, provides information about their need, expectation or desire. The quality and accuracy of the information are necessary but not sufficient conditions for the quality of service provided, which it also evaluates. That is why the total satisfaction of the client's needs is the first element in the Servuction system, he must feel stimulated and motivated to request the service to be provided.

2. The physical support: (tangible elements of servuction). It constitutes the material support necessary for the production of the service such as construction installation, access, premises, furniture, general infrastructure and equipment, technology, component parts and accessories, useful materials, tools, means of protection, among others.

3. The staff: They are the people employed by the company to provide the service according to the beneficiary's information according to their knowledge of the process and the skills acquired. These personnel can be contact, support and management. Personalized customer service is a point of utmost importance in Servuction; the personnel in charge must be qualified and prepared to fully satisfy the needs of consumers.

4. The service: It is the result of the interaction of the three basic elements that are the client, the physical support and the personnel. This result constitutes a benefit that must satisfy the customer's need. It is essential that an internal strategy is carried out in which all the points to improve are identified, communicating everything that is going to be done so that everyone "pulls" towards the same side, towards the achievement of the final objective.

It is important to highlight that the Housekeeper department is one of the most important for the proper functioning of the hotel establishment, it is in charge of:

Control, maintain order and cleanliness of all areas as well as the decoration and setting of the facility, ensure the comfort and image of the facility, while providing a quality service and professionalism.

The operation of the Apartment Management Department in any Hotel is always very complicated and is made up of various processes and activities that guarantee that its missions and objectives are met.

This process includes the cleaning of the rooms, the supply of the linen, the provision of personal hygiene, the setting, the beautification of areas and rooms, the report of breakages and other maintenance problems, as well as many other activities that involve connection or interrelation of the apartment department with other departments and areas of a hotel facility.

An aspect of great importance in the operation of the Flooring Department is the internal organization or distribution of the load and work schedules of its members.

On the other hand, Olmo Garre, María José highlights in his book… Customer opinion is invaluable for the hotel, it is learned from it and many conclusions are drawn from it about the needs and their degree of satisfaction, which helps to improve the service continuously. Different ways can be used to know the state of opinion of the clients; surveys, questionnaires, complaints and suggestions book or evaluations. About the activity that we carry out in the department it can be suggested about the equipment, the facilities, the image, the service and the cleaning.

Some considerations are based on:

• Comfort of the rooms.

• State of the facilities.

• Amount of welcome details.

• Quality of lingerie.

• Staff discretion.

• Amiability.

• Speed ​​to perform the service.

• Neatness of your appearance.

• Speed ​​of the laundry service.

• Efficiency in room service.

• Cleaning of common areas.

• Room cleaning.

• Cleaning the bathroom.

It is good to remember that the client does not see the Servuction but its result. He is the main protagonist. The Apartments department also takes into account certain Special Services, Coverage, Concierge, Stewardship, taking into account the importance of personalized service to customers. We must take into account the vowels of the hotel industry.

The members of the Hospitality Industry

A - Welcome, essential welcome

E - Pleasant environment

I - True intention to provide service

O - Adequate offer

U - Unity of balance between price and quality


A - The spirit, the business philosophy.

E - The need to feel at ease. Transmit the spirit in tangible facts

I - The vocation

O - The trade, professionalism


Being able to build a highly competitive company implies knowing very well how internal processes work in companies, in terms of human relations, problem solving and decision-making systems, emotional intelligence at work, but it also means understanding the way of being and acting of consumers. Therefore, to build quality, the use of management tools, the understanding of production processes and the measurement of quality levels are no longer enough. Today it is also very important to know organizational behaviors, as well as consumer behavior.


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Management of the housekeeping service process for hotels