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Warehouse and inventory management manual in tourism activity

Table of contents:


Warehouses constitute a fundamental link in the physical flows of merchandise from an origin to a destination, and together with order and purchase management, production, inventory management, transportation, distribution and even recycling, it integrates a system logistics that is vital for the functioning of the economy. In turn, the globalized context in which the latter operates, imposes storage as part of the logistics system, a shift towards competitiveness to face an unreliable, changing and stagnating demand. Only through a cult of speed, quality, flexibility and maximum rationality in the use of the capital invested, can a company maximize its liquidity and ensure long-term profitability, reducing costs.

It is evident from the aforementioned aspects that the management, diagnosis or projection of warehouses constitutes a task that requires trained personnel to carry it out, being convenient that the personnel related to this process have the necessary knowledge to propose, evaluate and decide the different alternatives you are faced with in your task.

As a contribution to this purpose, this material has been prepared, which aims to make a presentation of the main aspects and parameters to be considered in relation to the Warehouse in tourist activity, in a way that allows all students of education both postgraduate and service to have information that satisfies your interests and that, at the same time, is affordable, compact and linked to practice.

The material includes the concept of warehouse, as well as its objectives, functions and classification. It also defines the main areas, their use, the requirements that regulate storage, the warehouse control elements together with the required documentation and the regulations for storing certain products. In addition, security measures against crimes, intruders, accidents and fires, protection measures for workers in the area and hygiene conditions, as well as internal control measures and regulations established along with the technological levels to evaluate warehouses are discussed..


1.- The Warehouse.

The warehouse conceived as a system is complex in nature. In this system that integrates technological, organizational, security and control elements, three stages with different characteristics are developed: Reception, Storage and Dispatch.

In it, human and material resources are combined with the aim of guaranteeing the conservation conditions of the articles from when they are received from the supplier (immediate previous link of the material flow), until they are delivered to the customer (immediate subsequent link of the material flow).

1.1 Objectives of Storage.

It is an objective of the system warehouses to provide an adequate level of service to the customers it serves. This level of service can be materialized through the delivery of materials with the required quality, at the right time and place.

These last aspects must be achieved in a rational way, so another objective to consider is to develop the specific processes that make up the general warehouse process, incurring the minimum possible costs.

1.2 Basic Functions of the Warehouse.

  • Develop a set of activities with the goods to be moved and conserved for the fulfillment of production, service or commercial purposes Keep raw materials protected from fire, theft and damage Allow authorized persons access to materials Maintain constant information to the purchasing department on the actual stocks of raw material Carry meticulous controls on raw materials (inputs and outputs) Monitor that materials are not exhausted (maximum - minimum).

1.3 Classification of Warehouses.

Warehouses can be classified taking into account different criteria, these are: According to their construction design, the way the products circulate, their capacity, their volume, the nomenclature of products they store, the materials used for the construction of walls, columns, ceilings, etc.

The warehouses of the system are mixed warehouses that consist of different areas:

  • Food area Input area Beverage area Maintenance area White or lingerie area Agricultural products warehouse Refrigerated area Automotive parts, pieces and aggregates area

Food area

In this place those foods that require specific temperature conditions are deposited until the moment they are consumed, such as dry grains, canned products, etc.

Input area

In this place, as its name indicates, all the utensils and means that are used for gastronomy, cleaning, stationery, office, etc. are stored.

Drinks area

The warehouse for the protection of these products must have a temperature between 12 ° C and 20 0 C (air-conditioned) with humidity conditions of 50 to 25 percent with a type of low and opaque light.

Maintenance area

In this site you can find the tools and materials to do maintenance repairs in general.

Lingerie area

This warehouse requires fewer specifications in its handling, but not for that reason, it is less important: towels, bedspreads, covers, curtains and table linen are stored there.

Agricultural products area

As its name indicates, it is used to store all agricultural products, always taking care to maintain optimal cleaning both in the products and in the warehouse. As well as, having the same hanging structures for the products that require it, such as garlic, onion, among others.

Refrigerated areas

This is the name given to the storage, refrigeration and freezing chambers.

Dairy, seafood, seasonings, fruits, vegetables, eggs, etc. are stored in the conservation chambers at a temperature ranging from 2.0 to 5.0 ° C.

Products such as bacon, organ meats, apples, grapes, calves, rams, sausages, etc. are stored in the refrigeration chambers. the recommended temperature is –3 0 C to 0 0 C.

In freezing chambers the recommended temperature is -18 ° to -12 ° C, where cattle, sheep, pigs, fish, shellfish and some precooked foods are stored.

In addition to the specific temperature, these places must have special lighting and ventilation, the chambers must be hermetically sealed and the shelves will be made of stainless steel to inhibit the reproduction of bacteria.

Automotive or transportation area

Site where all the insurance is stored for use in the workshop, where it exists. The stored pieces must have a conservation plan for them.

1.4 Main Areas of the Warehouse and its Organization.

Reception area

It is the area dedicated to the execution of functions related to the reception of material resources and their preparation for storage. You must complete the following activities:

__ Careful and systematic verification of the quantity and quality of the products received.

__ Preparation or addition to the stowage card of the products received. Store received products promptly.

__ This area must be duly delimited, marked with yellow stripes. These areas must be of an adequate size for the activity they carry out, they must be provided with means for placing the goods and for carrying out the counting and weighing operations.

__ The area must be equipped with the necessary tools for its work, in addition there must be the necessary measuring instruments for the type of work being carried out (weights, thermometers, etc.).

It is the area for the functions related to the delivery from the warehouse to the different points of sale or cost centers of the facility.

They must follow the same criteria as the reception areas. These areas usually coincide, so proper planning and organization of reception and dispatch activities must be carried out.

It is the area of ​​the warehouse that is directly occupied with products and storage means (shelves and unitizing means), direct pallets without unitizing means, etc.

Analysis of Use of Storage Capacities.

The following indicators constitute a dimensionless or non-dimensional direct quantitative expression that allows to measure or estimate useful parameters to evaluate the utilization of storage capacity:

  1. Use of the Area:

Au * 100



Au: Useful Area. Warehouse area capable of being occupied with products in storage media. It excludes the corridors, reception and office areas, etc.

At: Total Area. (Length * Width) Area that includes Reception Office Work Corridors and the Useful Area itself. The areas of Docks Ramps are not included Local Social Offices Stairwells Elevators Parking Area for Forklifts etc.

  1. Use of Volume:

Vu * 100



Vu: Useful Volume. Space with the possibility of being occupied with products in accordance with established storage technology.

Vu = Au xh


h: Average Stowage Height

Vt: Total Warehouse Volume: At x H

Where H: Height of the Free Prop (lower part of the truss)

  1. Use of Height. Quotient between stowage height (h) and free prop height (H):

Use of Height

= h * 100


The objective of this point is to present the fundamental documents that must be considered in the warehouse according to the regulations established by the Governing Bodies for the quantitative control of the means of rotation. These documents are the following:

At the entrances:

  • Invoices or conducts Reception reports Claims reports for missing materials Returns to the warehouse of previously dispatched materials Entries by Transfers between warehouses.

During storage:

  • Pallet Cards.

During departures:

  • Materials Request, Materials Delivery Voucher, Loss, Breakage, Deterioration or Loss Acts Departure by Transfer between warehouses.


The objective of this point is to define the aspects that must be considered to control the quality with which the different materials that are subjected to the storage process are received and delivered.

One way to control is through product acceptance control, which aims to verify that the product under control complies with the established requirements. In the acceptance control, the lots in which each article or group of articles is received or sent must be considered, defining whether the inspection to be carried out will be by sampling or 100%.

This decision depends on several factors, among which are:

  • Reliability in the supplier and in the carrier of the merchandise Cost required for inspection, considering the need to destroy containers and packaging of the item itself Cost to identify an item in poor condition at the time of receipt or dispatch.

Sampling control is generally used in warehouses.

The sampling inspection plans are based on: taking a sample (n) of articles from the (N) articles received or dispatched and deciding the quality of the lot on the basis of the behavior that the sample has had during the inspection.

The quality characteristics of the articles that must be controlled during storage, in general, are expressed qualitatively and the units are classified as "good" or "bad" based on the presence of a defect in the article. This type of inspection is called "by attributes", presenting the following advantages:

  • It is a quick and inexpensive inspection. It does not require highly qualified personnel to apply the sampling plan and obtain the results of the same. It evaluates several characteristics of the same sampling plan.

Location and location control

This process helps to identify and control the position in which each batch of the same item is located and located during storage. In such a way that the principle "First that enters first that leaves" can be fulfilled.

It is necessary for the development of this process to zone the warehouse, that is, to establish an address for each space in which an item can be located. This address must be set in such a way that each space has a unique address and each address corresponds to a single space.

The most common way to identify said address is by using codes that designate the warehouse areas, work aisles, pallets, shelves, unitizing means or shelving housings depending on the technology that has been decided and the spatial conformation of the pallets and shelves.

In this process, the method to be followed to locate and locate the items and the method to control the location and location must be defined.

Methods for locating and locating items

There are two methods for locating items: Fixed and Free.

Fixed method: It consists of maintaining a fixed place for each article and in turn each article located in that same place.

In general, the fixed location method is best suited to the following characteristics:

  • Little variability in the type and quantity of items that make up the nomenclature Limited preparation of warehouse personnel Low frequency in reception and dispatch operations The increase in storage capacity is not relevant.

Free method: Any article can occupy any place.

The free location method is generally associated with the following characteristics:

  • High variability in the type and quantity of the nomenclature Adequate level of staff preparation Relatively high frequency of receptions and dispatches Little complexity of the nomenclature The use of storage capacity is relevant.

These two basic methods give rise to intermediate forms that combine both. For example, the intermediate way is to decide on a fixed area for each group of items belonging to the same generic and within this area, the different assortments that make up that generic, located according to the free method.

Methods to control location

Depending on the technical and organizational level of the warehouse, two methods are distinguished to control the location.

  1. Based on the memory of the workers Based on records made manually.

This second method, associated with the Fixed location method, can be used in warehouses of little complexity, which depends on the size of the warehouse, the number of workers working in it and the experience of the workers in managing the warehouse..

When the location method is Free, the item location registration is based on a model that is enabled for each item, as is the case with the Stowage Card. This information medium is designed in such a way that the address that corresponds to each batch of article can be registered, depending on the elements that have been taken into account when zoning the warehouse (areas, aisles, pallets, shelves, media unitizers, accommodation, etc.), that the order in which the batches are received is identified so that they are dispatched in that order.

The Free location method also requires the creation of a space availability record. This registry fulfills the function of maintaining a centralized control of the warehouse spaces that have been emptied and are therefore available to be filled again. The design of this register also responds to the zoning of the warehouse.

Warehouse documents

There are several documents that need to be registered in the warehouse, among them we have the following, which are attached:

  • Model SNC 2-18 Stowage Card

ü Model SNC 2-04 Reception Report

  • Model SNC 2-06 Claim Report - Bank Repairs. Model SNC 2-08 Delivery Request Model SNC 2-09 Delivery or Return Voucher Model SNC 2-10 Transfer between Warehouses. SNC Model 2-22 Inventory Adjustment SNC Model 2-17 Sub-Major Inventory SNC Model 2-21 Physical Inventory Sheet

1.7 Storage characteristics of some fundamental products.

Below are the characteristics or requirements that must be met in the storage of some of the fundamental products.

Rice: Supports prolonged storage at room temperature; ventilation and dry places are required. Stowage must be done on donkeys or pallets and the height of the stowage will depend on the location or warehouse and the means available.

Sugar: Easy to burn. It admits a prolonged storage according to the degree of polarization of its process, at room temperature; although it is sensitive to heat, so it requires ventilated and dry places. The height of the pallets will keep the same requirements of the rice.

Grains: They should be stored in cool areas, preserved from humidity and away from the pallets of products that give off strong odors. All grains are very sensitive to heat and humidity. Chickpea specifically must be protected from light and drafts, as well as heat and humidity.

With grains in general, constant vigilance must be maintained, samples must be taken periodically and not only the external appearance must be taken, but also broken, to see if they contain live germs of traces or weevils, and if so, the fumigation must be carried out immediately. it is an optimal system. It must be taken into account that fumigation must always be carried out by specialized personnel.

Wheat flour: It will be stored in ventilated, clean rooms, protected from insects and rodents, facilitating the entry of the sun to avoid excess humidity, away from substances with undesirable or penetrating aromas. The ideal temperature is 21 0 C and between 60 and 65% relative humidity.

Salt: It should be stored in dry, cool places and away from all humidity, on donkeys or pallets.

Pasta and noodles: They inherit the characteristics of wheat flour and are therefore vulnerable to the effects of heat, humidity and time, with all its consequences. It is recommended to avoid prolonged storage of these products.

Coffee: It should be placed on clean and dry bases, preferably wooden, never directly on the floor, in clean, dry places, free of odors and vectors, well ventilated, at a distance from the walls not less than 25 cm. and protected from moisture, the effects of heat and the sun. It is not allowed to store it together with other chemical products that give off strong odors.

Vegetable oil: Easy to burn, long-term storage at room temperature is allowed, avoiding excessive heat. If it is stored in tanks or tanks, these must be duly calibrated, (it is understood that the quantity stored in them can be measured and quantified). They should always be stored off the ground.

Beverages, liquors and soft drinks: They will be stored in clean, dry places, protected from sunlight and ventilated, on pallets or donkeys (when their packaging is in cardboard boxes or in bulk in plastic tanks, steel, etc.), separated from the floor and walls and with a separation between the pallets of 10 cm. As minimum.

Wines: They will be placed in air-conditioned, dry, clean and protected from sunlight, when the lid is made of cork it is advisable to lay the container down so that the cork does not dry out. Warehouses or premises for the conservation of wines must meet the following requirements:

  • Absence of noise and vibrations. These warehouses or premises should not be located near engine rooms, compressors or other places that cause high noise levels as this affects their quality. Adequate storage temperature. They should not be close to heat sources or sunlight sources, the optimum temperature is between 10 and 20 0C. It is recommended that these premises be air-conditioned to ensure that the wine maintains its qualities and does not deteriorate. Lighting and ventilation. The premises or warehouses should be artificially lit, preferably with incandescent light. The premises should be as ventilated as possible avoiding the concentration of odors. Bottles should be stored on shelves, preferably made of wood or plastic; metal shelves transmit temperature changes with great ease.All wine bottles should be placed horizontally. Fortified, fortified or fortified wines are excepted, such as Jerez, Port, Madeira, Marsala, etc. White and rosé wines will be placed as close to the floor as possible so that they receive the best temperatures, then the wines will be placed sparkling (Cavas,Champagnes, etc.) When placing the bottles, they must always present the labels facing up to prevent them from deteriorating. If there are no shelves for storing the wines; These must be kept in their boxes and they will be placed upside down. It is necessary to date the entries to be able to maintain the rotation in the stocks. Cleanliness and absolute order are mandatory for the warehouses or premises where these products are stored.Cleanliness and absolute order are mandatory for warehouses or premises where these products are stored.Cleanliness and absolute order are mandatory for warehouses or premises where these products are stored.

Spices and condiments: They will be stored in clean, dry places, free of insects and rodents, on pallets, between the pallets and the ceiling, a space will be left to allow ventilation. The store will be provided of suitable ventilation so that the temperature does not exceed 30 0 C with the least possible moisture. The cumin, anise, nutmeg and paprika will be stored in refrigerated chambers at a temperature of 12 to 15 0 C, for which dry cold will be used, with the least possible humidity.

Cookies: They will be stored in clean, dry places free of insects and rodents, on pallets or donkeys. The temperature should not exceed 25 to 27 0 C with a relative humidity of 70%. Contamination with foreign odors and flavors should be avoided. The premises must be disinfected as many times as required with the advice of qualified personnel.

Powdered milk: It will be stored in cool, clean and dry places, conveniently protected from sunlight, at room temperature.

Canned fish, fruits and vegetables: These will be stored in clean, dry and ventilated places, placed on pallets or donkeys, will not be located in front of doors or windows and will be at the required distance from floors and walls (10 cm from the walls and 30 cm from the floor). The pallets will be crossed to avoid collapses. The temperature should not exceed 30 0 C with the least possible moisture.

Vegetables and Vegetables: In places intended for them (maintenance chambers) separated from the rest of the products. They must be classified and packed by the warehouse. The storage temperature range between 1 and 3 0 C and relative humidity should not exceed 95%.

Potatoes: Being a product of easy decomposition, it must be systematically checked. It is kept at room temperature during the summer for no more than 15 days and in winter for a maximum of 30 days. In refrigeration no more than 180 days at a temperature of 3 0 C. It is very sensitive to higher temperatures. The pallets should not be more than 14 bags high.

Garlic and Onions: These products will be stored in cool areas with good air circulation, but avoiding strong currents, the garlic should be hung on racks. In the event of a storm it must be covered. When the onion is stored in cold rooms, the minimum temperature will be 3 0 C.

Fruits: They will be stored at temperatures from 3 to 10 0 C, citrus and tropical ones at a temperature not exceeding 13 0 C, with a relative humidity between 80 to 85%. The storage time will not exceed 20 days for mainly national fruits.

Eggs: They are kept at temperatures of 2 to 10 0 C in refrigerated chambers. On paddles or donkeys, the relative humidity will not exceed 85%.

Meats: They will be stored in freezing chambers, hung on racks, with a separation of 4 cm. between them, at a temperature of -10 0 C to -18 0 C. If they are received in bags, they must be made of polyethylene and will be placed on shelves or donkeys (provided they are A / I). These temperatures must be constantly monitored and they must be rotated systematically. Your transportation will be in refrigerated vehicles no less than 8 0 C, where non - refrigerated vehicles your transportation will take place at night time and travel shall not exceed 4 hours.

Sausages and Smoked Products: These should be stored in refrigerated chambers, hung and 4 cm apart. from each other at a temperature ranging from -3 0 to 0 0 C and a relative humidity of 75 to 85%. In the case of smoked meats, sausages, etc. can be stored at a temperature of 4 to 9 0 C.

Cheeses: Long-term storage in cold chambers at a temperature of 1 to 6 0 C is allowed, the relative humidity will oscillate between 75 and 85%. They must be stored on shelves and must be turned over and cleaned systematically. Your transportation will be in refrigerated vehicles no less than 8 0 C, when made in another vehicle type your transportation will take place at night time, with less than 4 hours.

Butter: It will be stored on pallets or shelves in the cold rooms, the pallets will be made of 10 boxes maximum. The storage temperature will be 2 to 5 0 C, products with strong odors or others that may alter the quality of the same cannot be stored. The packaged in lacquered cans can be stored in cool and ventilated places. When it is necessary to transport it with own means, this will be carried out in refrigerated vehicles, Yogurt and fluid milk: They will be stored in conservation refrigerators, with good hygienic conditions at a temperature not higher than 10 0 C, their stowage will be done depending on the container used.

Ice creams: They will be stored on pallets or shelves in clean and hygienic refrigerators at a temperature not lower than –20 0 C and a distance of 10 cm. of the wall. In the case that specialized equipment is used, no other product can be stored in it as this may affect its quality.

Vinegar and Dry Wine: They will be stored protected from direct sunlight, in clean, dry and ventilated places at room temperature, on suitably secured donkeys or pallets, if stored in tanks or tanks; that these are duly calibrated (it is understood that the quantity stored in them can be measured and quantified).

Soaps, detergents, etc.: They will be stored in dry, closed and ventilated places, separated from the rest of the products, placed on pallets or donkeys at a height of 30 cm. from the floor and walls. The storage temperature shall not exceed 41 0 C.

1.8 Security measures

Security measures against crimes, intruders and accidents:

  1. Doors, windows and ceilings should be grated when their conformation is light (tiles, wood, etc.). As well as an alarm system will be installed where required. If there are products outside the premises (outdoors), they must be properly protected by fences and walls. The provisions of the warehouse access permit must be strictly complied with. Those persons who do not have access to it may only do so jointly with the Warehouse Manager or the clerk responsible for the area.Keep the access of unauthorized personnel to the rooms or engine areas of the cold chambers delimited and they must be duly protected Windows, doors, cracks, openings, cable entries, etc.,They will be duly protected with metallic cloth or similar to prevent the entry of agents that produce pests, insects, rodents, etc. Products that present a state of contamination such that they are not suitable for human consumption will not be entered into the warehouse. To use any type of pesticide, the indications and prohibitions in this regard contained in the laws and sanitary provisions in force should not be stored in refrigerators, products that due to their characteristics give off penetrating strange odors that may damage other food products. So it is oriented that they be stored independently.To use any type of pesticide, the indications and prohibitions contained in the laws and sanitary provisions in force will be taken into account. Products that, due to their characteristics, give off foreign penetrating odors that may damage other food products should not be stored in refrigerators. So it is oriented that they be stored independently.To use any type of pesticide, the indications and prohibitions contained in the laws and sanitary provisions in force will be taken into account. Products that, due to their characteristics, give off foreign penetrating odors that may damage other food products should not be stored in refrigerators. So it is oriented that they be stored independently.

  1. Never place products in front of the means of protection. Fire extinguishers must be up-to-date and in good repair. All warehouse personnel must know what to do in the event of a fire. Do not obstruct the doors and escape stairs. entrance to the automotive equipment warehouse; in those who are not prepared for this. All measures will be taken in the electrical circuits to avoid overheating in the conductors. It will be avoided to maintain electrical circuits that are not protected and marked. Smoking is prohibited in warehouses. These will have visible No Smoking signs. All electrical equipment must be grounded.The storage of materials will be divided into sections or groups each made up of materials that have a similar degree of combustibility. The bulbs or lamps must be protected against mechanical damage by means of glass screens, metal mesh. Preferably, the wiring should be placed in such a way that they are not directly over piles, tongas, shelves, etc. Fire fighting equipment should be properly identified in accordance with the standards established by the DGPEI of the Ministry of the Interior Warehouses should be protected by systems against lightning, where feasible.At the end of the work, all materials that are feasible of spontaneous combustion must be collected.Electrical equipment, as well as the facilities, must be periodically checked.Electrical lines that are defective must be repaired or replaced Warehouses must have smoke and heat detectors Keep the warehouse's Fire Brigade organized and active It is forbidden to place flammable goods under or attached to electrical wiring Have duly marked and identified cold room switches, for quick disconnection in case of overheating or short circuits.for quick disconnection in case of overheating or short circuits.for quick disconnection in case of overheating or short circuits.

Physical Protection Measures for Workers in the Warehouse Area

Original text

In order to update and protect the personnel in charge of carrying out warehouse activities, a series of mandatory protection measures are enunciated:

  1. Stairs that are less than 1 meter wide must have handrails on both sides. Escalators must have a braking system to prevent slipping. Never climb on racks or pallets. Any operator who handles corrosive substances, acids, etc.. You must use the means of protection that correspond to the characteristics of each product. All warehouse employees who work in the cold rooms must have the means of protection indicated for this activity (coat, hat, etc.). When loading and unloading performed manually, the strength belts (girdles) must be present. The wardrobe must be in accordance with the functions carried out in the warehouse, including footwear. The use of colors on walls, ceiling and floor should preferably be white or clear,with a medium intensity level The doors of the cold rooms must have knockouts or other means that guarantee the life of the workers Establish the use of means, equipment and technologies that allow greater efficiency in the use of the workforce That warehouse workers are instructed in the Rules for the use of the means of individual protection with which they work in the warehouse (gloves, masks, glasses, power belts, coats, hats, boots, etc.). That workers of the warehouse know and demand the norms for the handling of chemical products, liquid or solid gases; As well as its containers and packaging (full or empty), refer to the unique PHT regulation of each facility. That the work and rest regime of the center or facility is known specifically for the warehouse area.

1.9 Hygiene conditions in the warehouse.

The general hygiene rules in the warehouse are necessary to achieve the best working and safety conditions, for which we must maintain certain basic rules, which must be strictly observed.

  1. Regularly inspect storage areas. Infection and spoilage can occur even under ideal storage conditions Check all food regularly for signs of spoilage and promptly remove any contaminated or spoiled food Sweep floors every day and as needed. Wash walls and equipment regularly. Thaw freezers when the amount of food in storage is low and wash them at least once a week. Wash shelves, meat hooks, and all similar equipment every week. Keep the floors free of rubbish, stains, dust, grease, etc. The floor should be cleaned in such a way as to avoid raising dust and other dirt.Keep the measuring equipment (weights) in good technical condition, certified and free of all dirt. A uniform and pleasant temperature must always be maintained. Ensure that there is a periodic disinfection, disinsection and rodent control program.

Guide for the sanitary evaluation of tourist facilities (Instructions of the Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology)

  1. 1. Every duly trained Warehouse Manager must check the specifications and quality of the food they receive, as well as the hygiene and quality of the containers, and must reject those that do not meet the quality and temperature specifications.Each establishment must have the technical data sheet of each food you purchase and make the corresponding evaluation for it.As part of the food control, you should not receive food refrigerated above 7 0 C or frozen above -18 0C, measured at the center of the product. For this, the storekeeper must have an adequate thermometer, have a record where they write down: date of receipt, food evaluated, number of the sanitary registry, if it meets the specifications, temperature if applicable, name of the person who checks and signs Chemical products and fuels must be stored separately from food and clearly identified and locked. The warehouse manager must have a mechanism in place to allow product rotation. There should be no presence of expired products in the warehouse. Under no circumstances should there be food in poor condition or with signs of deterioration, dirty (including viands and vegetables). 6. Every camera must have a thermographer, whose record will be kept on file. Failing that, you must have a thermometer (which will be verified periodically) and a record will be kept, by camera, with the temperatures read at 7:00, 12:00 and 17:00. 7. No wooden shelves or boards will be allowed in the chambers. The walls will be painted, the presence of fungi on the surface will not be allowed and cleaning and disinfection should be done whenever necessary, but at least once a week. Products must be well stored and the chamber shall be well lit. Processed food shall never be stored in chambers with raw food. If this occurs, the greatest separation between one and the other will be required, placing the products at a higher level and keeping both protected by PVC or aluminum material.All food product such as meat and meat products, fish, etc., must be received in polyethylene bags to avoid deterioration and contamination of the environment. They must be in strictly clean specific containers.10. The defrosting of the meats (of any kind) will be carried out by the slow defrosting method in antechambers at a temperature not higher than 10 0 C. All the necessary measures will be taken to guarantee adequate planning to defrost the required quantity. The defrosting of fish (whole) and shellfish may be carried out by the rapid defrosting method in immersion in water, for which it is recommended:
  • Use a proportion of water that does not exceed 4 times the amount of the product. Add about 1% of common salt to the water used for defrosting.
  1. Warehouse work equipment and utensils will be washed immediately after use.

The control procedures of these media are intended to guarantee sufficient security against losses due to deterioration, wastage, consumption in excess of the norms, losses of all kinds, etc., allowing a reasonable reliability in terms of information, both of the stocks, as well as their movement.

  1. That the Supply Contracts contain the signature of the authorized official, for the purposes of their validity and that there are samples of these signatures in the possession of the economic area to enable their comparison with the signatures of the aforementioned document. That the faculty does not coincide in the same officials to sign Supply Contracts, in order to sign Reception Reports, Exit Vouchers or Dispatch Order. That the Reception Report be prepared in each storage area, based on the qualities and quantities physically received, regardless of the data that appear on the Invoice or Drive. To facilitate the above, the “Blind” receipt reporting method should be used, which consists of the person in the warehouse who counts, measures and weighs all the products received, does not have access to the supplier's document.The primary documents are required to contain the information on the stock in physical units, after each entry has been made on the pallet cards, so that in case of differences between the products received and those covered by the seller's documents, the claim be drawn up immediately by the warehouse or by the Economic area, and the elaboration of the aforementioned document must be coordinated between both areas.If there is more than one warehouse or area of ​​responsibility for storage, it is necessary that the consecutive enumeration of the documents be individual by area, identifying with acronyms or codes that precede the numbering, the area or warehouse to which they correspond. That the products are only dispatched using the exit documents officially established by the National Accounting System (SNC).That the area where the products are stored has a list of the Names, Surnames, Positions and Samples of the signatures of the persons empowered to request certain types of products, as well as the powers to approve deliveries and transfers between warehouses. Products in stock are controlled in the warehouse through the Stowage Card, which will be located next to each product or in a place close to it, where their care and handling is more feasible. That the annotations on the Stowage Cards are made immediately after the physical movement of the products has been made. That the Submajor inventories (in physical units and value) be operated in the Economic area. These submainers can be located in the warehouse area when this is considered more rational.The personnel who operate them in the warehouse area must be subordinate to the Economic area. In this case, it must be located in a place that physically separates it from the personnel responsible for custody of the inventories, since one of the main objectives of these sub-majors is to serve as control of physical stocks. Therefore, it is forbidden for the personnel working in the warehouses to have access to the accounting records and the inventory submajorities.The reconciliation and balancing of the inventories in physical units and values ​​between the Stowage Cards and the Inventory Submajorities, must be That the responsibility for the custody of the stocks is perfectly delimited (preferably that this is collective) in such a way that it allows the application of Decree # 249.The material responsibility certificate must be duly filed in the storage areas. That access to the storage areas of other people is not allowed, except those expressly authorized and only under the direct supervision of those responsible for the custody of the stocks. The access document to the warehouses must be placed in a visible place and must have the Names, Surnames and Positions of the aforementioned colleagues. That the differences resulting from the physical counts are investigated by personnel who do not have access to the stocks or the function to make annotations in the records, to prevent them from altering the results. That the inventory adjustments resulting from the physical counts be protected by the corresponding file,after having been approved by the established levels. Evidence will be left in the warehouse of the minutes that the Commissions for Losses, Breaks and Impairments or Final Destination, prepare and approve that the keys to the warehouse must be in the possession only of the personnel authorized by each entity, in accordance with their specific conditions, a sealed and sealed game must remain in place that meets the security parameters stipulated for these cases. An effective control of their ownership will be maintained. That the physical counts of 100% are carried out; they are carried out by the Warehouse Manager together with a specialist; using the Inventory Model delivered by the Economic area where only the codes and descriptions of the products are reflected, leaving evidence of it in the warehouse.That if substitutions of the Warehouse Manager are made, the Delivery Certificate is made where evidence of the physical inventory carried out is left as well as the Purchasing Department's Norms and Procedures Manual. That the products are rotated according to their storage time, always remembering the principle First that comes in first that comes out.That there are no documents originated and destined for the warehouse area, with errors, erasures and amendments.Guarantee if physical counts of 10% surprise are made, by the Economic area and if it is left Evidence of them on the Stowage Cards That the Warehouse Dispatch Schedule is officially implemented, placed in a visible place and that it is strictly observed.Guarantee that all the equipment to be installed for the investment process,as well as the products received or sent on consignment and in deposit, are controlled by the warehouse area. That products for direct consumption are never received whose documents do not pass through the warehouse before. The documents that originate in the storage areas must contain All the data stipulated therein. That the deliveries of meat products (in kilograms and pieces) be counted separately, when their counting is feasible. That the following data be reflected in the Stowage Cards:That the deliveries of meat products be counted separately (in kilograms and pieces), when their count is feasible. That the following data be reflected in the Stowage Cards:That the deliveries of meat products be counted separately (in kilograms and pieces), when their count is feasible. That the following data be reflected in the Stowage Cards:
  • Maximum Stock (according to stipulated rotation cycle, applying model DC-2). Product Name Unit of Measure Product Code Unit Price Conversion Factor Product Location (Section, Shelf and Box). Quantity of pieces of meat products. purchased at MLC, the card should preferably be marked with a diagonal stripe (only one color always).
  1. That the Supply Managers participate as members of the Loss, Breakage and Damage Commissions and / or Final Destination created in each facility. Guarantee the correct use of the Units of Measurement or its corresponding clarification in the description of the product (it must be reflected the unit of measure in which the warehouse carries out its operations). It should be remembered that knobs, packages, bags, bales, cans, rolls, etc., are not units of measurements, they are packaging units. That the units of measurements reflected in the Stacking Cards are the same as those reflected in the dispatch of That the storage area weighing means be supervised by the competent body (at least every four months) and evidence of the inspection of the means is left, through the officially established seal.That there is an effective control of the Tools and Tools in Use and Tangible Fixed Assets (AFT) and that these are systematically verified It will be guaranteed that the primary documents of the warehouse are delivered pre-folded where appropriate (Receipt Report, Delivery Certificate, etc.). That the documents such as: Certificate of Responsibility of the AFTs and the "updated" list are duly filed in the warehouse area. Ensure that physical counts are made to the AFTs according to the schedule established by the entity, leaving Evidence of its execution in the warehouse.Guarantee that physical counts are made of the AFT and the Tools and Tools in Use in the area, when those responsible for them are replaced and demand that a written record of this operation be left in the warehouse.That there are no products stored in places other than the warehouses officially established by the facility or entity.
  1. Ensure that the person in charge of purchasing merchandise systematically verifies if the prices in the received invoices correspond to those stipulated and they do not present errors. That there is an updated record with the results of the receipt of merchandise, their expiration dates and the incidents that may occur in the warehouse Ensure that there are means of temperature measurement in refrigerated warehouses (thermometers) That there are no items, products, etc. in the warehouse under any circumstances. that are not properly controlled by the same.Any sale or transfer that carries out the installation through the warehouse to others, (second or third parties) must be supported by a dispatch order signed by the person authorized to carry out this operation (never through of an Application Voucher).

Summary of Selected Core Standards Related to Cargo Handling and Storage.


  1. NC 01-04-01: 87. Marking of loads. Tampering marks. In force since May 1988.

This standard establishes the handling marks to indicate the methods of transportation, handling and storage of the cargo. In addition, the requirements for the use of symbols, as well as those used for handling marks with their meaning and function.

  1. NC 03-19-03: 88. System of Labor Protection and Hygiene Standards (SNPHT). Loading and unloading work. General safety requirements. In force since December 1988. Mandatory by Resolution No. 30-2000 of the National Office for Standardization (ONN).

This standard establishes the general safety requirements for loading and unloading work in all branches of the national economy. This standard does not cover the safety requirements for loading and unloading work at sea.

  1. NC 03-19-05: 82. SNPHT. Packing. General safety requirements. In force since December 1983. Mandatory by Resolution No. 30-2000 of the National Office for Standardization.

This standard establishes the general safety requirements for containers and packaging that must be observed in their construction, handling, storage and transportation; as well as the general aspects about the control of these requirements.

  1. NC 04-19-11: 79. SNPHT. Colors and safety signs. In force since July 1980. Mandatory by Resolution No. 30-2000 of the National Office for Standardization.

This standard establishes the safety signs, their shape, dimensions, designation, form of use, color, as well as the physical characteristics of the safety colors, used to help guarantee job safety in all branches of the national economy.

  1. NC 53-37: 88. Construction project. Closed roofed warehouses. General project specifications. In force since October 1988.

This standard establishes the parameters and general construction characteristics that projects for the construction and mechanization of roofed warehouses belonging to product circulating companies must comply with.

  1. NC 96-02-19: 87. Fire Protection (PCI). Construction of buildings for solid fuel storage. General requirements. In force since March 1988. Mandatory by Resolution No. 30-2000 of the National Office for Standardization.

This standard establishes the general fire protection requirements to be met in the design and construction of buildings for the storage of solid fuels.

  1. NC 96-29: 82. Storage in the open of combustible solids. General requirements. In force since October 1984. Mandatory by Resolution No. 30-2000 of the National Office for Standardization.

This standard establishes the general fire protection requirements applicable to projects of new works, extensions or adaptations of warehouses in the open for solid fuels.


Resolution 153/07 of the Ministry of Internal Trade approved and has put into force the Procedure for the implementation of the Warehouse Logistics File and the one for the Categorization of Warehouses operating in the national economy.

It establishes the Warehouse Logistics File (EXPELOG) in all warehouses of food and non-food products of the national economy, as a means of facilitating and providing the entities of each system with the work tools to create the necessary conditions based on control of logistics activity in each facility dedicated to the storage and preservation of these consumer goods in the national economy.

EXPELOG is the set of aspects related to warehouse logistics, constituting a folder or file (attached as Annex I), composed of the following documents:

  1. Warehouse technical file. Product location control method. Current regulatory documents. Warehouse security and protection system. Product traceability. Pest control program. Product rotation. Record of control of expiration dates of the products. products.

The Warehouse Technical File is made up of the most important technical elements of the same, those that remain static over a long period of time, such as:

  • Plant distribution with the potential storage technology scheme, in a plan of no less than 8´ x 11´, which must be visible on a mural set up for this purpose, with the warehouse specifications: measurements in m - length, width and height, free depth and potential average stowage height; in m2 - total and useful area; in m3 total volume and useful volume; delimitation of warehouse areas: reception area, direct stowage, and dispatch. The geographic location of the warehouse will also be reflected, as well as its identification with the name and entity to which it belongs, visible to the public and the opening and closing hours of the facility. Inventory control of handling and lifting equipment, with the updated inventory of the existence, as well as the technical state of this equipment. Inventory control of storage media, existence and technical status of: interchange, port and other pallets, pallet boxes and shelves. Inventory control of measurement means, existence and technical status, all with their certification of fit for use and expiration of this condition of: platform scales for trucks, mechanical and semi-automatic scales and weights for peaks. Ventilation system used: forced or natural. Existence and need for extractors and monitors, as well as their technical condition. Lighting system used: natural or artificial. Quantity of luminaires in existence and need, as well as their technical state. Constructive state of the warehouse. The evaluation of this state will be described in: good, fair and bad of the following elements: floor, walls, ceilings, doors and windows.

Product location control method: Each warehouse must have a method of control and location of the products that are stored, through a written procedure that facilitates the location of the products, which can be verified to verify its use and usefulness.

You must have the fundamental regulatory documents related to the logistics activity carried out, taking into account the technology used and the stored product:

__ Procedures manual

__ Resolution 59 dated March 30, 2004, issued by the Ministry of Internal Trade that puts into effect the Regulations for Warehouse Logistics.

__ Other documents related to the activity.

The corresponding Security and Protection System must be established, where the Emergency Plan against Fires and Intruders is specified, ensuring that the installation has the fire points activated and in good working order and that the building offers security against escalations, penetration for ceilings, monitors, among others.

The logistics file includes the primary elements of Traceability in the reception of each product, which is the tracing from the origin of the product, to know the treatment applied to it, such as phytosanitary or other actions to be able to trace the new conservation actions. The elements to take into account, among others, will be: production or harvest date, batch number, expiration date of the product, quantity and date (s) of fumigation, chemical treatment and type of product used; These traceability elements will be reflected in a card enabled in each stowage of the product.

The process of storage and conservation of products includes the " Pest Control Program ", which is the general procedure that all products need and in particular those that require specific treatment.

The procedure by which the Rotation of Products is controlled must also be reflected in EXPELOG, which guarantees that in the case of perishables the one that expires first and in the non-perishable ones the one that entered first leaves the warehouse.

This file must contain the Control Record of the expiration dates of each product as appropriate.

The levels of categorization to be obtained by a warehouse according to the established requirements are the following:

  • First level: When the Products are stored in conditions that guarantee the essential requirements for an adequate control and conservation of the same. Second Level: When the storage is carried out with an adequate correspondence between the products and the technology and one begins to work on the focus on the customer. Third level: It considers the storage of products with a focus on the client and its rigor and operation be adapted to the need of the same (includes among others, agility, efficiency, schedule and image). Without Categorization: When there is any invalidating requirement in the evaluation process for the First Level categorization.

Aspects to evaluate First Technological Level in Warehouse Economics

  1. Taking advantage of capacities

1.1 Height of accommodation

1.2 Shelving width

1.3 Width of work aisles

1.4 Stowage height

1.5 Arrangement of shelves or blocks.

  1. Warehouse organization

2.1 Cleaning the warehouse and shelves

2.2 Have a method for location control

2.3 Not having blocked products

2.3.1 In the vertical: (above…)

2.3.2 On the horizontal: (in front of…)

2.3.3 In the corridors

2.4 Keep products off the floor

2.5 Products without danger of collapse

  1. Do not have products in the open
  1. Acceptable construction conditions

Aspects to evaluate Second Technological Level in Warehouse Economics

  1. A) Underground Warehouses To develop, introduce or use technological solutions for the storage and handling of products that humanize work, increase productivity and ensure better control of resources and their preservation. Locate the products with the greatest movement, as close as possible to the dispatch area, and as close as possible to the human hand (which weighs the most down), where necessary. Ventilation and lighting. The subsystem of regulated means of rotation must be implemented (the part corresponding to that warehouse). A check of the card will be carried out against the physical. Conservation. Determine the storage and control at the level of assortment (size) of footwear and clothing. Analyze the location and size of the reception and delivery areas and mark them. Know the rules of current storage,starting with knowing where these standards are located. Comply with the Cuban standard for Graphic Trademarks (NC-01-04-01: 87). Conversion of a part of the units of measurement in which the product is received to the unit of measurement in which it is dispatched, except the rope. We recommend checking and storing the nut, bolt and washer separately.

Package the products that require it, always taking into account the same quantity for each assortment and always in the same way (loading schemes).

Final note: Other aspects that are not related, but specific to each warehouse and that are necessary and feasible to solve, must be included.

Aspects to be evaluated Third Technological Level in Warehouse Economics

Develop inventory standards (maximums and minimums) for a group of key assortments

  1. Know the products without movement and those with slow movement. Have prepared the plan of measures for their reduction by products The correct use of the units of measurements or their corresponding clarification in the description of the product Have the storage room of the auxiliary means for handling and storage Keep the fire fighting point updated.


Warehouses have been rightly identified as a "necessary evil"; however, for these same reasons it is imperative that the entire process of reception, location, ordering, control, conservation and preparation for dispatch and consumption of stored material values ​​be constantly improved. The foregoing, together with effective inventory management, undoubtedly constitute the basis for a strategy towards competitiveness and excellence in customer service.

Therefore, the success of any human endeavor must have as its beginning and end the man as the subject and object of the changes, so it is essential to advance to improvement through training.


  • Elwood Spencer snorts. Administration of Production and Operations. 1991 Ballou Ronald. Business Logistics. 1991. Mc Grouw Hill Purchasing Department. Islazul Headquarters. Islazul Rules and Procedures Manual. 2002 Prida Romero, Bernardo and Gutiérrez Casas, Gil. Supply Logistics. 1995. Mc Grouw Hill.Ramós Díaz, Rafael How to manage stocks? 1991 Reux, Michel. Logistics Manual for Warehouse Management. Spain. Management 2000. 1997 Santos Norton, Maria Lilia. Supply management. nineteen ninety six.


Model SNC 2-18 Stowage Card

Objective: To control the stocks in units only of products in warehouse, by registering the movement of inputs and outputs of the same.


Original: Warehouse


It is used by the warehouse, constituting the total of the cards, the control of physical units of the same.

It is located in the place where the product is stored, or in a place close to it, where its care and handling is more feasible.

When the card corresponds to a product stored outdoors, it is kept in a protected place close to the products.

Zero or Fully Completed cards must be kept in the Warehouse for later verification.

The Reception Report will be prepared in each storage area based on the qualities and quantities physically received, regardless of the data that appears in the Lead or Invoice.

To facilitate the above, the "Blind" Reception Report Method must be used, which consists in that the document with the codes and descriptions of the products is prepared by personnel other than those who receive it so that the warehouse clerk is the one who physically consigns the quantities received by him.

Model SNC 2-04 Reception Report

Objective: Formalize the receipt of products in warehouses that come from other entities.


  • Original: Accounting. For its accounting and subsequent filing, as an accounting receipt and to serve as the basis for the annotations in the Inventory Control models. Duplicate: Accounting. It is filed as part of the payment file. Triplicate: Supply. To control the plan Quadrupled: Receiving warehouse. To make the annotations in the Inventory Control models, subsequently activating by consecutive issue number.


This model is filled with a typewriter, ink or ink pencil and is issued by the receiving warehouse in quadruplicate, once the received products have been verified and inspected, using a model for each Invoice or similar document.

When shortages, surpluses, breakdowns or changes in the specifications of the products are detected, the corresponding Claim is established, through the legally established models or SNC-2-06, Claim Report, Bank Repairs, accompanying them to the original Receipt Report.

Accounting checks the coincidence of the balance in physical units in existence in the Submajor de Inventario (SNC-2-17) of each product, after the entry corresponding to the Reception Report, with the physical units in existence noted by the warehouse in this document.

In the event of differences between the products received and those covered by the seller's documents, the claim is immediately drawn up by the warehouse for delivery to the supplying company.

Model SNC 2-06 Claim Report - Bank Repairs.

Objective: Notify the supplier of the claims corresponding to the differences, surpluses, missing, breakdowns and others that can be processed as Bank Repairs.


  • Original: Supplier. It is sent to the entity to which the claim is made so that it can determine whether or not to accept it. Duplicate: Supplier. It is sent to the purchasing entity as an acceptance once it has been signed. Tripled: Buyer - Receiving Warehouse. It is retained by the buyer's receiving warehouse when the buyer is the issuer, archiving in a consecutive numerical order. Quadrupled: Buyer - Accounting. It is sent to Accounting or is retained by it when it is the issuer, serving as the basis for accounting entries. Instructions

This model is filled in by typewriter, ink or pencil - ink and is mandatory for the entities. It is issued by the warehouse area or by Accounting in quadruplicate. It is used in all cases of irregularities, whether or not they are reflected in the carrier's document, in cases of deficiencies in the packaging, deficiencies when receiving the products (missing, surplus or damage) and differences in calculations, sums and prices.

This model is issued within the term after the date of issuance of the Invoice or the Lead, depending on the case that allows compliance with the term of presentation to the Bank of Bank Repair established in the regulations of the National System of Collections and Payments.

  • Other warehouse release documents are the orders for Raw Materials and Materials from the production or service areas, which are formalized through Model SNC-2-08

Request for Delivery of Materials must be signed by the person who in the area is authorized to make the request.

Model SNC 2-08 Delivery Request

Objective: To formalize the order for products destined for consumption by the Applicant Unit.


  • Original: Distributor warehouse. It is filed in chronological order in the supplying warehouse, once the request has been completed. Duplicate: Requesting area. It is retained by the requesting area as proof of the request made, once completed, it is filed together with the corresponding Delivery or Return voucher.


This model must be filled out in ink or ink pencil and is issued in duplicate by the requesting unit, using one model for each cost center for direct inputs to be used in other destinations.

This document is delivered to the Warehouse office, where the existence of the Product Control Card is checked.

Model SNC 2-09 Delivery or Return Voucher is prepared. It is delivered to the Warehouse office to reflect the delivered products on the Control Cards, then filling in the Final Stock column.

Model SNC 2-09 Delivery or Return Voucher

Objective: To protect the shipments of products through the warehouse, destined for consumption, or to formalize the return of the product to the distributed warehouse.


  • Original: Accounting. It is referred to Accounting by the warehouse that distributes or receives the returns, to make the annotations in the accounting records and in the Inventory Control models and their subsequent file Duplicate: It is retained by the warehouse that distributes the products or receiver of the returns, being filed with a numerical order of deliveries or returns as the case may be, once the annotations have been made in the Inventory Control models. Triplicate: It is sent to the recipient area or is retained by it, so that once the dispatched products are received, or Once the return has been made, they are filed in consecutive numerical order of delivery or return.


This model must be filled in ink or ink pencil, it is issued in triplicate by the warehouse that delivers the products or by the area that makes the return.

It serves as the basis for the annotations, by Accounting and by the distribution warehouse or receiver of the return, in the Inventory Control models.

Accounting verifies that the physical units in stock reported in the model by the distribution warehouse or receiver of the returns, coincide with the inventory in physical units of the Sub-Major Inventory of each product, once the output corresponding to the delivery or the entry corresponding to the return.

The transfers of products between warehouses of the company itself are made through the SNC Model 2-10 Transfer between Warehouses, which must be made in the Warehouse office that carries out the transfer, filling in all its data, except the Final Stock column, delivering this document to the Warehouse Manager to fill it in. Once the products to be transferred have been delivered, the Original and Duplicate are returned to the Warehouse office so that they can make the corresponding annotations on the Product Control Card, noting the Final Existence on the Original of the transfer.

Model SNC 2-10 Transfer between Warehouses.

Objective: To protect transfers between warehouses of the same entity, and can also be used between cost centers of the same company as the basis for the annotations of deliveries and receptions of products between Warehouses and Cost Centers.


  • Original: It is sent to Accounting by the Warehouse or Cost Center that delivers, for the accounting record of the delivered products Duplicate: It is sent to Accounting by the Receiving Warehouse or Cost Center for the accounting record of the products received. It is sent by the Warehouse or Cost Center that delivers to make the annotations in the Inventory Control Models, subsequently archiving in a consecutive numerical order. Quadruple: It is sent to the warehouse or receiving cost center, with the products to check these and for its annotation in the Inventory Control models, subsequently archiving in a consecutive numerical order. Five-fold: It is delivered to the carrier, together with the driver to support the transported products.


This model is filled in by typewriter, ink or ink pencil and is issued in five times by the Warehouse or Cost Center that delivers the products.

The column Balance in Stock is filled with the original of the model by the Warehouse or Cost Center that delivers the products, consigning in each line the physical units in stock, after entering the output corresponding to this model and Accounting checks that in the Sub -Major Inventory (SNC 2-17) of each product, from said Warehouse or Cost Center, the units in existence, coincide with those reported.

The Receiving Warehouse or Cost Center has the Balance in Stock column in the duplicate of the model, consigning in each product the physical units in stock, after writing down the entry corresponding to the transfer received and Accounting is in charge of checking said balance with that of the Sub-Major Inventory of each product, Warehouse or Receiving Cost Center.

When any breakage or deterioration occurs, as well as when detecting a decrease in the stored products, a SNC 2-22 Inventory Adjustment Model must be made by the Warehouse Manager, sending it to the office where the amounts reported as losses will be issued in the individual Control Card for each product, either in the Continuous Inventory Card Holder or in the Submajor Inventory.

Once the annotations have been made on the Product Control Cards, the duplicate of the Inventory Adjustment Model is filed in the Warehouse office, sending the Original and Triplicate to the Accounting Department for accounting according to the established procedures.

Model SNC 2-22 Inventory Adjustment

Objective: To serve as a basis for inventory adjustments that arise as a result of physical counts or for any of the causes whose concepts are detailed in the model.


  • Original: It is sent to Accounting for its accounting and subsequent filing. Duplicate: It is sent by the issuing Warehouse or it is sent to it by Accounting (When it originates in this area). To serve as a basis for the annotations in the Inventory Control models, subsequently archiving in consecutive numerical order of issuance. Triplicate: It is used only in those cases in which the authorization of the adjustment is subject to established levels. It is filed in the Adjustment File, keeping these grouped in two files: Adjustment File - Pending Authorization and Adjustment File - Authorized


This model is issued in the Warehouse or in Accounting using a typewriter, ink or ink pen, when by physical counts, verifications, systematic checks, etc., differences are detected for the following concepts: breakages, losses, or any other cause, between physical stocks and Sub-Major Inventory. No more than one fit concept should be reflected in each model.

The accounting area verifies that the physical units in existence in the Inventory Sub-Major, after the Inventory Adjustment model has been noted, coincide with those reported in the model by the Warehouse.

The Inventory Submajor serves to control stocks in physical units and value. They must be operated in the Accounting area and subordinate to this area.

The Warehouse, Supply or Commercial Heads cannot have access to the Sub-majors of Regulated Means of Rotation (MNR) or Materials, nor instruct those who maintain them to make annotations of any kind; The information they require must be requested from the colleagues in charge of this task.

The annotations in the Submajor are made only on the basis of the current Primary Documents. The Primary Documents are required to contain the information on the stocks in physical units, after each entry has been made on the Stowage Card.

The reconciliation and balancing of stocks in physical units between the Stowage Cards and the Submajor Inventory, must be a systematic and permanent task, which is achieved through the Product Entry and Exit documents, which contain the information of Stocks in physical units, which allows errors or omissions detected in the reconciliation to be rectified immediately

SNC 2-17 Sub-Major Inventory Model

Objective: To control the stocks of the products purchased or produced, in the Warehouse, in physical units and value, by registering their Entry and Exit Movement.


  • Original: Accounting or Warehouse, depending on where this model is operated.


It is used for Accounting and constitutes the Sub-Major of the balances of the different accounts, sub-accounts and accounting analysis of means of rotation and materials.

Its use can be manual or mechanized, and it must be kept in a drawer, card holder or handy filing medium and operated with the same rigor and meticulousness as the other accounting sub-majors.

When its operation is manual, it will be filled with ink or ink pencil.

There must be a correspondence in physical units between this Sub-Major and the SNC 2-18 Warehouse Stowage Card holder.

To carry out the Inventory Control, the Physical Inventory Sheet is also used, which guarantees that all the lines being counted are taken into consideration.

Model SNC 2-21 Physical Inventory Sheet

Objective: To reflect the quantity and amount for each product physically inventoried in the warehouses and to serve as a basis for comparison with the Sub-Major Inventory data, in order to determine the differences resulting from the count.

After the count, it constitutes the document by which the accounting entries are made in the records and the annotations in the corresponding inventory control models.


  • Original: Inventory Commission - Accounting


When the physical count occurs, the physical inventory sheets are retained by the inventory commission to record the same results of the product counts.

Once the count is completed, the physical inventory sheets are delivered to Accounting to determine the differences, shortages or surpluses and proceeds to post the results of the Inventory.

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Warehouse and inventory management manual in tourism activity