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Family orientation manual based on Martí's thinking

Table of contents:



Education in a country cannot lag behind the extraordinary transformations, the school has highlighted the role of the family in the fulfillment of its educational functions, which plays a fundamental role in the formation of the child from its earliest ages. This research proposes a pedagogical strategy that enhances the work in Family Guidance Schools with the Martiano I Notebook in Primary Education. The Contribution of the strategy consists of the constant improvement in the educational reality of the families. The results of this research have been directed in this direction, for which the use of theoretical, empirical and statistical or mathematical methods was necessary.The results of the initial diagnosis favored determining a set of difficulties in the fulfillment by the families of their educational functions to successfully direct the process of family guidance in their children. The manual was the main response to the objective set by the research, which is complemented with a didactic material (Manual Familiar Martiano) that has allowed the successful application of said proposal. The results achieved in this study could become reference and work material for students and parents. The Proposal provides ways and methods to empower families in the fulfillment of their educational function.The manual was the main response to the objective set by the research, which is complemented with a didactic material (Manual Familiar Martiano) that has allowed the successful application of said proposal. The results achieved in this study could become reference and work material for students and parents. The Proposal provides ways and methods to empower families in the fulfillment of their educational function.The manual was the main response to the objective set by the research, which is complemented with a didactic material (Manual Familiar Martiano) that has allowed the successful application of said proposal. The results achieved in this study could become reference and work material for students and parents. The Proposal provides ways and methods to empower families in the fulfillment of their educational function.


Mi Familia Martiana is an instructional-educational manual in the hands of parents to enhance the fulfillment of their educational function from the study of the work Martiana contemplated in Cuaderno Martiano I.


Educate, instruct and train our families in the fulfillment of their educational function from the Martian thought, so that together with the actions of the school they achieve the formation of an integral child, through the use of the Martian Family Manual.

The works that the Martiano Family Manual offers you have been selected from the Martiano I Notebook. Reading and interpreting them will make it easier for you to understand José Martí's thought and the values ​​that a good and intelligent child should possess for the Apostle.

Why this manual?

The objective of this Manual is to be an educational instrument to support the Marti training process, the same one that encourages families to better direct the educational work of their children, to understand in depth the problems of their children's daily life, them It will show how to educate them more effectively, how to guide them in solving the multiple problems imposed by the growth of human beings within the family based on Martí's thinking.

Marti formation in the family. Elements to be taken into account:

  • Know the needs of families and determine the problem we want to solve Determine the initial knowledge that the family has (interview, survey) Define objective Give priorities to important topics: educational function Maintain motivation and awaken interest in families. Adapt the teaching-learning methodology, taking into account how people learn from: active or experimental, theoretical and reflective methods.

Some recommendations to achieve Marti's training

  • Make the necessary dissemination on Family Guidance Schools Carry out with groups of 15 to 20 people Know the resources available Determine the duration time Include activities that encourage observation, analysis and reflection, looking for causes, the consequences and reactions that the topic originates Use participatory methodology that allows mobilizing the individual and the group taking into account their experiences Provide a space for reflection and debate Carry out practical activities that allow them to apply, practice or prove what they have learned work in everyday life Give feedback or check the knowledge acquired.

Characteristics to achieve the Marti family:

  • Possess the necessary knowledge about the life or work of Martí. Have the ability to interpret Marti's work. Help extrapolate Martí's thought to daily life. Promote direct communication: simple and clear. Know how to listen and allow the expression of others. Do not project yourself rigidly express your opinions and ideas Permanently review your concepts, knowledge and activities Ability to trust people, in their decisions Abilities to make and maintain integrity agreements.

Methodology for educational activities:

Face-face and group.

Steps to follow:

  • Determine the problem situation given in a given space and time. Determine specific groups with which we are going to work, characteristics, age, level of education, sex, real needs, etc. Select the place to develop the activity. Conditions. Specify the objectives we want to achieve with the activity. Select the content to be discussed. Find ways of how to deliver the content. Determine the time required for each content.

Do not forget that: The family has the right to educational care that allows it to adequately exercise its educational function.

Mini tips to the family

Reading not only serves to increase culture, it is a basic and essential step to progress in any study and in life. Those who cannot read without problems will not be able to succeed in other subjects and this will lead to frustration, suspense and school failure. For this reason, many intelligent and capable people fall short of their possibilities and expectations.

You should start reading from an early age. You should read what you like, interest or are in fashion; The quality of what is read is not so important as that habits and skills are acquired for reading, the important thing is to be caught by the ineffable pleasure of reading so that it becomes a healthy addiction.

Reading constitutes the most protein and vitamin food for the spirit and mind, in identical proportions. From a conscious reading dissimilar knowledge sediments that illuminates the wealth of knowledge of an amateur reader.

As with history, the reading of Marti's work does not offer a finished theory, his ideas on various topics appear throughout his literary work, subject to the vertiginous and radically upward evolution of his thought. Martí, given by a rare gift, offers a happy lucidity to penetrate into the essential problems and the ways of the art of educating. Hence the need to strengthen the educational function in families incessantly seeking knowledge of Martí.

Reading curiosities

The first book similar to the current ones was one on military ordinances (1761-1763) and the first on a scientific topic: Description of different pieces of natural history, known as the "book of fish", by Antonio Parra, which had about 200 pages and 75 plates (1787)

Did you know…?

  • Children appropriate social values ​​in family activity Affective communication within the family raises the child's self-esteem Within the family the activities included in the different functions mediate the performance of roles The family is in charge to exercise a peculiar social control over the members, adopting norms and values. Families go through a life cycle or sequential development that includes certain phases or stages:
  1. Formation Expansion Contraction Dissolution

Reflecting as a Family:

And why do we say that parents are the first educators of their children, that the family is the first school?

Last minute reflections:

The son asks the father:

  • Dad, how much do you earn per hour? The father directed a very severe gesture to the child and replied: Don't bother me, I'm tired. -But… Dad-insisted-tell me, please. How much do you earn per hour? ”The father's reaction was less severe. He only answered: eight pesos an hour. Dad, could you lend me 4 pesos? The father was enraged and said: go to sleep and don't bother me. Night had fallen. The father had thought about what had happened and felt guilty and, wanting to unload his hurt conscience, he looked into his son's room and in a low voice asked him: Are you sleeping, my son? Tell me dad… he answered in his sleep the father.

The boy thanked him and putting his little hands under the pillow took out some bills.

Now I have completed the money… I have 8 pesos, could you sell me an hour of your time?

(Article by Idalma Menéndez Febles. Guerrilla newspaper, April 11, 2)

Looking inside: What do the children of your family think?

  • I need support in carrying out school activities I need more communication with my parents and to be understood I want my family to trust me more, advise me but allow me to be independent in decision-making.

Session No. 1

Title: Starting Family Guidance Schools.

Marti's text: To the children who read The Golden Age.

Objective: To familiarize families with the thematic axis that will prevail in each session of the Family Guidance Schools.

Problem situation: Carlos is a 10-year-old boy, is in the fifth grade in Primary Education, he feels great pleasure in reading, among his favorite works are those of our National Hero. Soon he will participate in the contest, “Leer a Martí” that will be held at his school. With the desire to be a contestant, he asks for help from his parents, who state that they do not have enough time to attend him because they do not have the bibliography that he requires for his preparation and also state that the ideal place is the school where he has the knowledge and skills. unconditional support from his teacher and the librarian, they express to him that they would like him to read it to them at the end to see how it developed and to help him correct some mistakes that he may have made in terms of spelling.

Reflection and debate:

  1. What do you think of the outcome of the conversation established between Carlos and his parents? How do you assess the position of this family? What would be their reaction to a similar situation? Do you consider that they have the necessary preparation to provide support in case the situation should Do you consider it important to receive suggestions from the Family Guidance Schools on how to work with your children the Marti texts that appear in Martian Notebook I?

Invite them to read a fragment of the dedication made by Martí about the need to read, The Golden Age.

Excerpt from the text: "To the children who read The Golden Age"

For the boys in this newspaper, and for the girls, of course. Without girls you cannot live, as the earth cannot live without light. The child has to work, to walk, to study, to be strong, to be beautiful: the child can make himself beautiful even if he is ugly; an intelligent and neat good boy is always beautiful.

Session summary:

What did Martí mean when he expressed?

"… You cannot live without girls, as the earth cannot live without light…"


It will be evaluated from the interpretation made during the synthesis.


Exchanging with your children the importance of studying and knowing more about our José Martí.

Decalogue of Education:

"You will not treat children like old people."


Martiano I. Notebook.

Session No. 2

Title: The gift of my parents.

Marti's text: The black doll.

Objective: To reflect on the practical significance that gifts have on a child.

Problem situation: Elenita turns 11 years old and is an only child, on the eve of her birthday she receives gifts from the whole family, plays animatedly and shares with her friends. At the end of each game, she only carefully stores the new toys, the rest are left unprotected because they have no value for her.

Reflection and debate:

  1. What in your opinion of the situation proposed? What will be the causes that propitiate Elenita's attitude? In a similar situation, how would you act, manifest it by changing the analyzed text.

Invite them to read a fragment of a Martian work where precisely Martí, through the character of Piedad, reflects the love of things for their meaning and not for appearances.

Text fragment: The black doll.

"… Today Piedad is eight years old!" And they kissed her, and dressed her in the pearl-colored suit, and carried her, with the banner behind her, to her father's book room… The father sat down with her on the armchair, and put her in his arms. silk and porcelain doll… She hid her head in her good father's chest. And in a long, long time, he didn't pick her up, though really! Her beard itched. There was a walk in the garden, and lunch with a foam wine under the vine, and the father was very talkative, holding his mother's hand at all times… But as soon as Piedad was where they did not see her… the water brought the bouquet forget-me-not… He closed the door very carefully. And as soon as the door was closed, two little eyes gleamed on the edge of the sheet: the blond cover suddenly lifted: kneeling on the bed,He gave all the light to the candle lamp: and he lay down… He kissed her, his embrace pressed her against his heart. Come poor thing: come, those bad guys left you here alone: ​​you're not ugly, no, even if you only have a braid… "

Session summary:

How does the girl Elenita differ from the situation analyzed to the girl Piedad from Marti's text?

If your son were in a similar situation which of the two girls would you like him to look like. Argue.


It will be throughout the development of the session by evaluating the reflections that are made.


Comment as a family about the content covered in the developed session.

Decalogue of Education:

"You will leave your children full freedom in their pleasure and you will help them when it comes to giving up something."


Martiano I. Notebook. The black doll. Page 101.

Session No. 3

Title: Working and growing.

Marti's text: Little finger.

Objective: Analyze situations that enhance how to encourage love towards work in our children's lives.

Problem situation: René and Ángel are two brothers who behave very differently. René, always quiet in isolation, a bit selfish with his brother, does not always communicate with sincerity in order to always obtain reason.

Angel, affectionate, supportive with a good heart, he always thinks of others as of himself, his good actions open up paths in his personal life.

Reflection and debate:

  1. Do you consider that situations like these occur in our society? What do you think of this situation? How do you value René's behavior? Do you know of cases similar to René's in our history? What do you consider to be the causes that provoke such behaviors in the conduct of an individual? How do you assess the role of the family and the school in situations similar to this? What benefits can a person of good behavior have? Which of the two characters would we like our children to emit?

Invite them to read a fragment of a Martian work where precisely Martí, through the character of Piedad, reflects the love of things for their meaning and not for appearances.

Text fragment: "Littlefinger"

“… Well he had to be a man of such great wit; because he who is stupid is not good, and he who is good is not stupid. To have talent is to have a good heart; the one with a good heart, that is the one with talent. All rogues are fools. The good guys are the ones who win in the long run. "

Session summary:

Ask to read the final part of the text aloud to discuss what Martí meant when he said:

"… To have talent is to have a good heart…"


It will be made from the interpretation made during the synthesis of the session.


Discuss with your children the teaching that Martí transmits through the story Meñique and make them see how they can be small in stature but with the same hearts as Meñique.

Decalogue of Education:

"You will be for your children a model of nature that inspires confidence."

Bibliography to be studied: Cuaderno Martiano I.

Session No. 4

Title: When you are good, you act fairly.

Marti's text: Baby and Mr. Don Pomposo.

Objective: Explain how the family can enhance human values ​​for a good development of interpersonal relationships in the social framework where the child grows and develops.

Problem situation:

Song: In an old basin.

Author: Liuva María Hevia.

Reflection and debate:

Invite them to read the last part of the lyrics of the song.

"… put a little love on things that are ugly and you will see that sadness changes color…"

  1. What message does the author of this song transmit to us? How do we see this message in our practical life? Why in a difficult or unpleasant situation should we be consistent, loving? You or your children have found themselves in similar situations.

Explain that Martí with his broad vision also in one of his works this message and we appreciate it in the characters of Baby from the text Baby and Mr. Don Pomposo.

Fragment of the text: Baby and Mr. Don Pomposo "

Baby is a magnificent child… As they love him very much, he loves others very much. He is not a saint… But as soon as he sees a barefoot child he wants to give him everything he has… There in the room is Raúl with Baby, poor Raúl, who does not have blond hair, nor is he dressed as a duke, nor does he wear socks. red silk… As soon as Mr. Don Pomposo entered the room, he shook his hand, as men do to parents; He put the little hat on the bed, as if it were a holy thing, and gave him many ugly kisses, which stuck to his face, as if they were stains. And to Raúl, poor Raúl, he neither greeted him, nor took his hat off, nor gave him a kiss. Raúl was in an armchair, with his hat in his hand, and with very big eyes… “Come on, Baby: look at yourself in the mirror; That is a very rich saber: that is only for Baby, for the child. ”And Baby very happy,he turned his head to where Raúl was, who was looking at him, looking at the saber, with eyes bigger than ever, and with a very sad face, as if he were going to die… Baby slides out of bed, goes to the dresser at the top of the feet, raise the saber slowly, so that it does not make noise… and what does he do, what does Baby do? The rogue is laughing! Until it reaches Raúl's pillow, u put the golden saber on the pillow.

Session summary:

1. Why do you think that Baby is magnificent?

Ask them to select a word that expresses how you would like your children to be.

2. What can the family do to make their child like Baby?

Evaluation: Complete the following idea:

I would like my child to _____________________________________.

Why should our children look like Baby?


Let your child know that you really want him to look like Baby. Ask him to read the story Baby and Mr. Don Pomposo at his school during Active Break to talk about what they think of this child and how they would like to be like him.

Decalogue of Education:

"You will recognize in the rarity of your children your own defects and you will take advantage of it for your own education" '


Martiano I. notebook page 72.

Session No. 5

Title: sea and be loved.

Marti's text: The pearl of the blackberry.

Objective: To reflect on the negative effects of material gifts.

Problem situation:

Alina is a 10-year-old girl who prefers to play with her new dolls when playing; during her playtime she enjoys doing it with her friends from the neighborhood and especially with her friend Lily, to whom she often gives old toys as gifts. and they don't like them. Lily is very happy to receive them, take care of them, make them new outfits and hairstyles to make them look new. When Alina appreciates the change that her old dolls undergo, she wants to have them again, although out of shame with her little friend she says nothing.

Reflection and debate:

  1. What do you think of Alina's initial attitude? How did Lily feel when she received the gifts given by her little friend Alina? In your opinion, what was Alina's negative attitude? How do you value this action? Have you seen similar situations? ? Discuss them: How can the family act so that situations like these are not repeated in the practical lives of our children?

Text fragment: The pearl of the blackberry

A blackberry from Tripoli had

A pink pearl, a great pearl:

And he threw it with disdain into the sea one day:

-"Always the same! I'm tired of seeing her! "

A few years later, next to the rock

From Tripoli… people cry to see her!

This is how the crazy blackberry says to the sea:

- “Oh sea! Oh sea! Give me my pearl back! "

Session summary:

In his opinion on the part of the text that says:

-"Always the same! I'm tired of seeing her! ”

Give examples from practical life where we have expressed similar ideas in some way and what conclusion you can reach after our discussion today.


Assessing the quality of the answers given in the synthesis of the session.


Representing the analyzed text through a drawing and reflecting with their children on the importance of any material object that they can at any given moment has great emotional and non-material value.

Decalogue of Education:

"You will educate your in the community and not isolated from it, although as singular beings."

Session No. 6

Title: Ambition and selfishness enemies of all.

Marti's text: The enchanted shrimp.

Objective: Reflect on the integral formation of the child from home.

Problem situation:

Hearing Not Enough.

Author: Julio Iglesias

Reflection and debate:

  1. What message does the lyrics of this song convey to us? When a person can be considered happy? How would you wish your child were to be truly happy? How do you manage to act with your child to enhance values ​​such as:
  • HonestyLaboriosityCamaraderieHonesty

Explain that Martí wanted to retake stories by famous writers such as the Frenchman Laboulaye with his short story "The Enchanted Shrimp," where through the character of Masticas he reflects the unbridled ambition and total permissiveness of the character of Loppi, by not stopping Such ambitions that only led to misfortune.

Text fragment:

To your stupid corner, to your corner! Cowardly husbands make women crazy!

In his criteria, what did the author of the story want to express with the previous sentence.

Why can we never be cowardly when making a decision in the face of wrongdoing?

Session summary:

Faced with similar situations in practical life, how have they acted when they have had to take educational measures.


Assessing the quality of the answers given in the synthesis of the session.


Brainstorm ideas in writing with the help of your child on how to avoid the ambition and selfishness of the people around us.

Decalogue of Education:

You will not raise your children with thoughtless outbursts, but with serenity.

Session No. 7

Title: Solidarity, everyone's duty.

Marti's text: Los zapaticos de rosa.

Objective: To promote solidarity in our children from home.

Problem situation:

Dramatize the Poetry Los zapaticos de rosa.

Reflection and debate:

Read the poetry carefully:

  1. What are the values ​​that in your opinion stand out in Pilar? Has your son or daughter been in similar situations. How should the family act to make the children grow up in love, be supportive?

Text fragment: Los zapaticos de rosa

“Look: his hand burns him, And your feet are so cold!

Oh take, take mine:

I have more in my house! "

- “Yes, Pilar, give it to her! cast

Too! Your blanket! your ring"

And she gave him her pocket

He gave him the carnation, he gave him a kiss.

Session summary:

Tell what qualities the girl Pilar possesses that you would like your son to imitate.


Assessing the quality of the answers given in the synthesis of the session.

Complete the idea:

Solidarity is ____________________________________________.


Talk with their children about the need and social importance of being in solidarity, using the example of the girl Pilar from our poetry.

Decalogue of Education:

"You will educate your children in freedom and without coercion."


Martiano I. Notebook.

Session No. 8

Theme: My revolutionary family.

Marti's text: Three heroes.

Objective: To encourage from the family the love for heroes and for the Homeland.

Problem situation:

Song: To the Heroes

Author: Sara González

Listen to the audition of the song: To the heroes

What message does the lyrics of the song we hear convey to us?

What other musicians do you know who have composed songs dedicated to heroes of our country?

What feelings do you inspire in your songs?

Explain that Martí also wanted the children to meet our heroes so that they would learn to love him and respect them, hence the writing of the text: Three heroes.

Text fragment: Three heroes

Main ideas:

  1. Freed is the right that every man has to be honest, and to think and speak without hypocrisy. A man who hides what he thinks, or does not dare to say what he thinks, is not an honest man. The child since he can think, He must think about everything he sees, he must suffer for all those who cannot live honestly, he must work so that all men can be honest, and he must be an honest man.There are men who are worse than beasts, because beasts need be free to live blissfully. The wretched speak only of stains. The grateful speak of the light.

Reflection and debate:

Do you consider it important to encourage these ideas of Martí in your children?

What avenue would you use to carry this message to your children? Give concrete examples.

Session summary:

What values ​​will we be forming in our children by working on the essential ideas that in the play: Los tres héroes, Martí highlights?


Why is it important that the family contributes to fostering love for the country and for heroes in their children?


Discuss with your children the role our heroes have played in the history of Cuba.

Decalogue of Education:

"You will worry about education the younger your children are, and the less the older they are."


Martiano I. Notebook.

Session No. 9

Topic: My family and me.

Marti's text: The two princes.

Objective: To sensitize from the family to social equality among individuals, promoting the development of interpersonal relationships.

Problem situation: Dramatization of poetry.

Invite them to comment on the observed part that most touched them. Why?

Ask them to describe how both stories happen in the dramatized poetry.

Reflection and debate:

Analyze the ending of each story:

Story # 1: -The king's son has died!

The king's son has died!

Story # 2: -The pastor was left without a son!

The pastor's son died!

How would you describe both children?

What is your opinion on social discrimination?

How should we combat in our society the features of social discrimination that are sometimes evident?

How should we influence our children so that there are no traits of social discrimination among them and achieve good interpersonal relationships?

Session summary:

With what concrete actions can we at home promote greater development of social justice in our children?


During the analyzes performed in the synthesis.


Discuss with your children the message that the analyzed poetry and other similar ones transmit to us, looking for the teaching provided in each one.

Decalogue of Education:

"The home is the child's first school and parents are their first teachers, so it is necessary to learn to educate children." (For Life. Page 2. Cuban version.)

Session No. 10

Topic: Patriotism in my family.

Marti's text: Abdala.

Objective: To familiarize the families in the letter that Martí dedicates to his Homeland published in the Free Homeland, on January 23, 1869.

Problem situation:

Presentation of the characters:

  • Spirta; mother of Abdala Elvira; Abdala's sister A senator, advisers, soldiers.

Dramatization of the play Abdala.

Reflection and debate:

To whom does Martí dedicate this writing?

When was it published?

What sentiment does Martí transmit through the character Abdala?

What qualities characterize this character?

Do you consider it important that your children possess qualities such as those shown by the character Abdala? Why?

Session summary:

How can the family act to empower their children with a love similar to the love that Martí felt for the Homeland?


During the analyzes performed in the synthesis.


Discuss with his children the message that Martí transmits with the work Abdala and how today these ideals are present in our patriotic Cuban people.

Decalogue of Education:

"Being cultured is the only way to be free."


Martiano I. Notebook.

Family orientation manual based on Martí's thinking