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Manual of procedures for the implementation of studies in work organization




The organization will have a documented procedure that is established to carry out Work Organization studies and its contribution to the continuous improvement of productivity, as the main axis in the main activities and positions of these processes. Which is basic in the competent certification in the entity, as an essential basis for the implementation of the Integrated Management System of Human Capital in the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR).


1.2- SCOPE

The level of operation of this procedure ranges from the Central Office of the Ministry of Tourism, the Higher Organizations of Business Management, the Assurance and Support Entities of the Regulation and Control Organism, to the subordinate base structures.


READ ONLY access is granted to all Agency personnel who require it for consultation. You will have TOTAL ACCESS, the addresses of the superior organizations of Business Management, the Assurance and Support entities of the Agency, up to the grassroots organizations linked to MINTUR.


  • Cuba, Cuesta Santos A, Havana 2010, Editorial Academia, Human Resources Management Technology NC: ISO 10018: 2016. Quality Management - Guidelines for the Active Participation and Competence of People. Decree-Law No. 252 and its “Regulations” (Decree No. 281) relating to the “Continuity and Strengthening of the Cuban Business Improvement System”. Matéu Pereira Carlos. (2007). Conference on Productivity. Edited for the Orientations of Productivity Assets and Work Organization. Havana, 2007MINTUR: "Business Improvement: Process Approach", February, 2001.MTSS. 2006. Special tabloids for Productivity assets. Soltura Laseria A. Strategic Integration Technology of the Organization's Competency System.Thesis presented as an option to the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Havana, 2009.


  • The experts: Will be selected with the aim of acting as advisers in the different levels of stages and activities related to OT studies in the organization; thereby contributing to the elevation of the quality of the personal development of the cadres in decision-making and of human capital in general due to the quality of the service. This group would be made up of executives, specialists and outstanding workers of the entity.Top Management: It is the maximum responsible for the appointment of the Chairman of the Committee of Experts and the constitution of the same in the organization, controlling the systematic compliance with the provisions of this procedure.The Committee of Experts: Will have the responsibility of carrying out the process to identify,validate and propose to senior management the key or distinctive conditions of the organization, the processes of the main activities and the positions of said processes, through established legal documents.

Today, Cuban companies must develop the capabilities required to compete in a more and more sophisticated market, with segments in which productivity ratios are high, as well as the pressure on costs and incremental innovation is brutal. The only way to maintain the competitive advantage of our tourism industry is to make sure that the organization learns faster than the competition. This need for transformation can only be met if the state of the key elements called organizational design factors has been previously assessed. Raising productivity is the main challenge facing labor groups in our sector to continue contributing to the growth of the economy experienced in recent years

In summary, the heads and specialists of recognized prestige for their qualification of the processes and areas, who are members of the Competencies Committee, are responsible for the planning, implementation and control of what is established in this procedure.


2.1 Human capital

Set of knowledge, experiences, skills, feelings, attitudes, motivations, values ​​and capacity to do, carried by workers to create more wealth with efficiency. It is also conscience, ethics, solidarity, a spirit of sacrifice and heroism.

NOTE Definition based on the speech of Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Councils of State and Ministers of the Republic of Cuba, delivered at the first graduation of the Latin American School of Medicine, on August 20, 2005.

2.2 Labor collective

Group of people linked by a certain work activity, who have common needs and interests and maintain socio-labor relationships of collaboration, help and mutual responsibility, formed in the work process.

2.3 Efficiency

Relationship between the result achieved and the resources used.

NOTE This appears in section 3.2.15 of NC ISO 9000: 2005.

2.4 Labor entity

Organization with legal personality, constituted in accordance with Cuban laws, for economic, administrative, social, cultural, or other purposes defined in its corporate purpose and endowed with legal capacity to establish labor relations. It includes employers who supply workers to provide services in other organizations.

2.5 Work study

Systematic critical review and recording of existing methods for carrying out work in order to improve the efficient use of resources and establish informed and up-to-date standards regarding the activities being carried out.

2.6 Working hours

Time during which the worker fulfills his labor obligations of production or provision of services, whose normal duration is eight hours a day and forty-four hours a week average.

2.7 Organization

Set of people and facilities with a provision of responsibilities, authorities and relationships.

NOTE 1 This appears in section 3.3.1 of NC ISO 9000: 2005.

NOTE 2 This arrangement is generally orderly.

NOTE 3 Throughout the text of the Cuban standards of the Integrated Human Capital Management System, when the term “organization” is used, it is referring to labor entities. The definition of labor entity appears in this Cuban Standard.

2.8 Organization of work

Process that integrates human capital in organizations with technology, means of work and materials in the work process (production, services, information or knowledge), through the application of methods and procedures that make it possible to work in a rational, harmonious way and uninterrupted, with required levels of health and safety, ergonomic and environmental requirements, to achieve maximum productivity, efficiency, effectiveness and meet the needs of society and its workers.

2.9 Process

Set of mutually related or interacting activities, which transform input elements into results.

NOTE 1 This appears in section 3.4.1 of NC ISO 9000: 2005.

NOTE 2 Inputs to one process are generally results of other processes.

2.10 Labor productivity

Degree of efficiency of living work specified through different indicators. It expresses the relationship between the volumes of production or the results achieved and the work expenses incurred to achieve it, taking into consideration the required quality and the average level of skill and intensity that exist in society.

2.11 Workstation

Area or place in which the work activity is carried out by a worker or group of workers equipped with instruments and means of work necessary for its realization

2.12 Work environment

Set of conditions under which work is performed.

NOTE This appears in section 3.3.4 of NC ISO 9000: 2005

2.13 Attention to men

Set of actions, related as a system, that tend to value the worker as a human being, creating better living and working conditions, through training and development, moral and material stimulation, and health and safety at work, among others.. This activity is characterized by its commitment to the worker and the search for alternatives in their care.

2.14 Position

Those that appear collected in the common qualifiers, branch or activity and specific to organizations, belonging to the different occupational categories, as well as in resolutions.

They define the name, content of work and the requirements to occupy them and express the job or trade that workers in the organization perform.

2.15 Occupational category

Classification of the different positions, according to the functions and tasks performed by the workers, taking into account their dissimilar characteristics, complexity and their connection with production and the provision of services. They are grouped into the categories of operators, service workers, administrative workers, technicians and leaders.

2.16 Work Climate

Quality arising from the interaction of working conditions, work organization, worker participation, institutional communication and relationships established in the production and service process, which influences motivation, satisfaction, performance labor and the disciplined and productive behavior of workers, and the results of the organization.


III.1 Methodological basis that supports the study and implementation of the Organization of Work in the Organization.

Objective: To establish the methodological procedure that will guarantee the study of the optimization in the organization of work and the continuous improvement of the productivity of human capital in the organization.

On the basis of international and national trends and research, the integration of various methods and techniques adapted to our reality is carried out, which facilitates the participation of factors in the implementation of the methodological procedure and its subsequent application. It is characterized by its viable and comprehensive character; managing to involve regional experts, executives and workers with successful performance in the tourism sector.

The precise methodology by those involved, of the assessment and updating of the business strategy and the study of processes, which in an analytical and generalizing way, allows not only to perceive the internal and external conditions that affect the efficiency and productivity of human capital in organizations of the tourism sector, but also act on it; which requires means of (investigation - action) that contribute to the critical examination of the situations that have prevented or allowed its maximum realization in the historical - social conditions, to the achievement of the business goals.

In Annex 1 the Academic Program is presented, with the classes that comprise it and then in Annex 2 the techniques and actions that can be used in each of them are expressed in order to achieve their implementation.

First Stage: Initial Diagnosis of Work Organization Studies.

Purpose: Socialize the information on the subject and achieve the participation of the factors, management and optimal performance workers, in the execution of each stage of the research project.

To achieve this purpose, it is essential to consult and make known at a meeting of the Management Body about the fundamental objectives of the Work Organization, supported by the strategic objectives elaborated by the entity to fulfill the Mission of the Organization and the main actions that they will undertake for it. The political and mass organizations (PCC, UJC, CTC) must have participation.

The activities that will be carried out in it are the following:

  • 1 Presentation of advisers or consultants to management 2 Characterization of the entity under study 3 Diagnosis of premises and internal processes (Gecyt)

1.4 Diagnosis of the level of expertise of the group of experts.

1.5 Technical-methodological preparation of the selected personnel

1.6 Meeting with the managers and workers involved

I.1. -It is important to communicate it in a meeting with all the workers involved in the study; where the objectives to be pursued at each stage are disclosed, explaining the need and ways to achieve the active participation of workers, committing them to the activity.

-The selection and formation of this committee , the group in charge of selecting and applying the research instruments, as well as identifying and proposing, to the senior management, the main weaknesses and strengths that it presents in terms of work organization, efficiency and productivity; which must also propose the key or distinctive competencies of the organization, the processes of the main activities and the positions of those activities, it will be carried out from the following budgets:

  • Support groups and / or internal technical committee for the study of work and its competences must be formed, with colleagues who have the essential minimum conditions:
  1. a) who have practical experience and know the activity carried out in the area b) who have successful performance in the position or position. Endorsed by their superiors, colleagues and performance evaluations. C) At least one of the group must have knowledge of the recording and analysis techniques applicable to the Work Organization, graduate of Industrial Engineering and / or technician in Labor Economics.
  • The members of the group must be trained in the techniques to be applied, in such a way that they master their content to develop and apply the study in the entity.To achieve the planning, implementation and control of the work studies, the participation of senior management, (at least one member officially designated to chair the Technical Competencies Committee), as well as the union organization, in finding solutions to problems and in decision-making. The organization and this committee must keep in mind the safeguard of the documented procedure - structural capital - where it is specified how to carry out the entire process of identifying the main deficiencies, and the intervention strategy, to achieve the objectives set.The group must determine the fundamental and political objectives of these studies for the optimization of the Work Organization, supported by the strategic objectives elaborated by the entity to fulfill the Mission of the entity.

I.1.2 -The colleagues of the Committee of experts of the organization, who apply the procedure, must participate in all phases or stages, until they are able to implement and evaluate its implementation for each established period, in the areas that are taken as a basis, also controlling its effectiveness from the study on the matter and defining indicators that allow the continuous improvement of the interventions carried out.

I.1.3 -A characterization of the Installation must be carried out taking into account:

  • Hotel location (beach or city) Facilities Hotel category Capacity (Number of rooms) Offer (Services provided by the Hotel) Demand (Average number of tourists, specifying peak and low season) Type of client Number of workers Work and salary indicators

Once the Competition Committee is formed and the initial training program has been carried out, the second stage will continue interactively.

Second Stage: Analysis of essential elements of the entity and its alignment with the OT System.

Purpose: to diagnose the work environment and its levels of alignment with productivity in the Organization.

  • Determine the main techniques for OT studies in the Organization, which contributes to obtaining the main weaknesses and strengths that affect productivity levels and effective performance in the entity.

The activities that will be carried out in the second stage are the following:

2.1 Definition and documentation of the OT policy in the Organization t

2.2 Alignment with strategic objectives

2.3 Diagnosis of the Work Environment and motivation in key process

2.4 Determination of techniques for OT studies in the Work Organization

2.5 Design and development of Strategy for Work Study

2.6 Diagnosis and Execution Program of OT studies in the Organization

II.1 -For this is part of the judgment that the success of organizational strategy will depend largely on the contribution to the creation of value for each member of the organization and how to enable it retain its characteristic sustainability have to meet the following conditions:

  • The determination of what the organization needs in terms of a strategy aligned with the integrated management of Human Capital A valid and reliable evaluation of the breadth and depth that each member dominates and is involved in the OT policy in the Organization that guarantee the Success of the strategy A diagnosis of the Work Climate and motivation in a key process, which guarantee its continuous development An investment in time and efforts by managers and managers in mastering techniques for OT studies in the Organization, Which contributes to the improvement of key processes and its collaborators, for the evaluation and continuous development of productivity levels.

Given this demand, space must be dedicated to this stage, through the performance of techniques that enable the integrative execution of the following actions:

II.2 -Review and analysis of the organizational strategy

The review and analysis of the organizational strategy allows the design of a model that integrates the needs of the entity, in terms of work organization and labor competencies, avoiding the development of isolated actions in the different areas.

The technical committee of competences will work on the review and analysis of the organizational strategy, studying in depth and focusing essentially on:

  • The central object of the entity, the mission and the strategic objectives of the organization and the area where the study is carried out and its alignment with the productivity levels of the SGICH that it is intended to achieve The review and / or realization of the SWOT matrix, to achieve specify the strengths and weaknesses of the Organization, for the continuous development of productivity levels, which could affect the performance of the company

All of which allows the design of a model that integrates the needs of the entity, in terms of work organization, avoiding the development of isolated actions in the different areas. The Stages as a general procedure for carrying out Work Organization (OT) studies are based on annex 2.1)

II.3 -Detection of strengths and weaknesses, linked to the SGICH.

The detection of strengths and weaknesses of the Organization, linked to the SGICH, is necessary for the committee to determine what the organization needs in terms of Integrated Management of Human Capital (SGICH), to achieve the strategy.

Also pointing out the analysis of the following most important indicators:

  • Profit level Labor Productivity Average salary Gross Value Added (GVA) Average number of workers Monetary income Salary fund Fluctuation rate Use of time fund Economic losses due to absenteeism, absences

To carry out these actions, techniques such as:

Documentary review and surveys, analysis of work and salary indicators, cause and effect diagram, Brainstorming technique and / or nominal group technique, SWOT Matrix among others. Many of them are grouped in Annexes 3 and 4.

Third Stage: Process Studies in the selected areas.

Purpose: to determine the competencies of the key processes in connection with the fulfillment of OT actions that contribute to its development.

In this step, actions will be carried out by consensus of the Committee and through other techniques, bearing in mind five essential concepts: identification of processes, interrelation of actions, planned results, continuous improvement and process management.

III.1- Firstly, the main activities or groups of activities that are carried out must be identified, with which the Process Map will be drawn up, essentially assessing:

  • Given the corporate purpose, does this process add value to meeting customer needs in this organization? Will the execution of this process contribute to the achievement of its strategic objectives? Is its execution achievable in the short term?

The activities that will be carried out in the third stage are the following:

3.1 Application of the process methodology in studies of the selected areas

3.2 Diagnosis of the processes and / or selected areas of the Entity

3.3 Delimitation of techniques for the studies that contribute to the process

3.4 Assessment and analysis of Process studies

3.5. Design of the Process Competences Integration Matrix

.8. Se 3.6 Monitoring and control of the structure that favors the processes

III.2 - For the identification and validation of the process competencies, the following must be specified:

  • How the system of the activities necessary to achieve the proposed results and their continuous improvement in the organization is organized The criteria and indicators to measure and monitor the effectiveness, efficiency and continuous improvement of the process Identification of specific capabilities of the process, which allow it to fulfill its mission and assume responsibilities in tribute to the development of organizational competencies. What are the resources, technological support and controls necessary for the planned execution of the activities of the process. How those involved in the process communicate with each other and this with other processes of the entity and with the environment and that have a significant impact on the fulfillment of the mission of the process and the organization How the assurance is managed,the performance, satisfaction and security of the supports and of the human capital involved in the process. What are the gaps that appear in the inputs (E), in the transformation of the process (T) and therefore in the outputs (S) of the same, which must be controlled to contribute to the improvement of the quality of the service; in order to reduce costs, differentiate from the competition and thereby contribute to the achievement of the organizational mission.differentiate itself from the competition and thereby contribute to the achievement of the organizational mission.differentiate itself from the competition and thereby contribute to the achievement of the organizational mission.

III.3 -In essence, the methodological actions that are proposed in the study of processes are the following:

  1. A) Resume the identification and listing of the strategic, implementation and support processes that guarantee the achievement of the service or product (process map). B) Specify the key processes related to the organizational strategy. That is, the main activities, which guarantee or ensure the achievement of the objectives, for the sake of customer satisfaction in the area under study. (A matrix of strategic objectives can be made - impact on customers and processes) C) Study the selected sub-processes. Giving priority in the analysis and research to the internal and external conditions that contribute to these processes. For which it must:
  • Prepare process files and diagrams; especially defining the sub-processes, inputs and outputs and identifying the problems or incidents that hinder their performance Identify the sponsors or suppliers of the processes, necessary inputs, products or services, results and distributor, who guarantee compliance with the procedures or sub-processes Identify and Assess the necessary resources that ensure results (Human, Financial, Material). Specify the indicators that will allow their evaluation and continuous improvement control to achieve better levels of efficiency and productivity. Examples: customer satisfaction, observation of compliance with the technical sheet described, worker performance, etc.
  1. D) Proposal to improve the sub-processes.

III.4 - Therefore, the study of Processes has the following essential actions:

  • List of company processes Selection of key processes Preparation of process file Determination of process competencies Implementation, monitoring and control Integrative foundation in process competencies

Some of the techniques for this study are compiled in annexes 5 and 6

Fourth Stage: Work regulation studies in selected areas

Purpose: to conceive an analysis of time expenses and discover the reserves for the increase in labor productivity, achieving conditions for the time expenses necessary in the fulfillment of a given job.

IV.1 -To do this, work regulation studies must be carried out, taking into account that in this concept it is expressed that the standard is the living work expense necessary for the execution of a work activity and that work expense is expressed as time norm, such as production norm or service norm, depending on the way in which a worker (or group of workers) who have the required qualification and carry out their work with skill and medium intensity better understands their social duty and how it is more easy to control, under certain technical-organizational conditions.

In the systematic study of the working day, the administration is obliged to carry out to adopt the measures that reduce and eliminate the loss of time, interruptions, errors in work procedures, and achieve their maximum use, the following will be used, among others techniques:

? Individual detailed photography

? Collective detailed photography

? Sampling by instantaneous observations

The activities that will be carried out in the fourth stage are the following:

4.1 Registration and examination of existing methods for regulation studies.

4.2 Execution of the Norming studies in the selected areas.

4.3 Selection of activities and operations to be regulated in the areas.

4.4 Application of effective techniques that guarantees

4.5 Processing and analysis of the information obtained

4.6 Determination of health and safety conditions required by the position

4.7 Study of the skills required for the position

4.8. Determination of the technical - organizational measures

IV.1.1 -For its elaboration it is essential to be able to analyze the different time expenses that occur during the working day, in such a way that any time elapsed during which a certain event takes place, can be recorded, qualitatively differentiating it from the rest of the time expenses and in turn determining whether it is necessary or not.

By carrying out an analysis of time expenses and discovering the reserves for increased labor productivity, we will be in a position to set the time expenses necessary for the performance of a given job, that is, establish the work standard, to This takes into account the structure of the working day, in addition to the specific characteristics of the actions carried out by workers in this type of activity. (See annexes 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11).

IV.2 -In carrying out the regulation study, a set of actions will be followed, which are:

  • Selection of the activities and operations to be regulated. Preparation of the observation. Carrying out the observation. Processing and analysis of the information. Determination of the technical - organizational measures to be implemented and calculation of the standards.

IV.2.1- Selection of the activities and operations to be regulated.

The selection of activities and operations to be regulated is carried out depending on the importance of the different activities and operations carried out in the production process.

Thus, for example, those activities and operations that are limiting in the production or service process, those that group a large number of workers, and those in which the current labor standards are violated or are exceeded in a magnitude should be chosen with priority. well above the parameters established as normal.

- Preparation of the observation.

The preparation of the observation must begin with the study of the working conditions of the workshop and the jobs where the observation is to be carried out. An important element in the preparation of the observation is the choice and disposition of the worker who performs the activity or operation that will be the object of observation.

The selection of workers to observe is made depending on the objective of the study: if the study is aimed at determining work standards, workers who have the required qualification and perform the work with skill and medium intensity should be observed. If we want to study the work methods, those that have the highest productivity as a result of the work methods used will be selected. If we want to study the causes that motivate non-compliance with the rules, we will study workers who do not comply with them.

It is recommended to carry out the observation to those workers who comply with the current standard, in the amount closest to the average compliance with it; or also select a “long”, a “medium” and a “short” worker, based on the statistics available on the level of compliance with the standards.

The body of the model will include the order number of the different activities that take place during the observation, their description and their symbol (in accordance with the structure of the day adopted), the time of completion of the activity and its duration, as well as any observation of interest in order to clarify the annotations.

At the beginning of the observation, write down, in the corresponding box that appears at the end of the model, the start time of the observation, and in the body of the model, the order number of the first activity carried out by the worker, its description and its symbol.. At the end of the activity, you will write down the end time and then the order number, the description and the symbol of the next activity, and so on until the observation is completed. (See records)

IV.3 - For the implementation of the studies of labor competencies, it is necessary to search for evidence that shows superior job performance behaviors; with the harmonic union of fundamental knowledge: Knowledge: theoretical knowledge, cognitive elements that are necessary as a basis for the preparation of other psychological training and the achievement of teaching applications at work; the Know - how: the system of theoretical and practical skills that enable their development, causally related to a successful and creative work performance; the poise and know how to beexpressed in favorable attitudes and values ​​for the organizational and / or social environment that guarantee the stability and coherence of the contribution of the personality and that are an example in work and personal life; The Willingness to do: a set of affective - motivational, volitional aspects that determine expectations, persistence and demonstrated satisfaction in performance; and Power to do: a set of factors related to the individual and the situational, manifested in the aptitudes and the material and logistical conditions that make possible the development in the main activities.

It should be noted that when writing the competencies with their dimensions, the indicators for each dimension will also be identified. These indicators will allow us to measure each of the competencies as normalization, through observable behaviors of the workers in their performance evaluation, as part of the profile of the position.

- The Delphi technique can be used in rounds and / or the functional analysis of the position, demonstrating that between the main purpose or mission of the company and obtaining the satisfactory, good or service, there are several intermediate functions that make it possible. (See Annexes 10 and 11).

-In order to register the particularities of each of the competences, consensus must be reached with the criteria of the committee, which makes it possible to enrich and operationalize the dimensions of each competence dealt with, relying on the vocabulary of the workers involved, the symbols and the treatment priorities in the organization, as ways that facilitate their influence through a competent organizational culture . (See records showing the basis of the model for said profile and the bases to validate these competencies)

At this time it is worth asking: how can we verify that the development of the stages developed can contribute to the successful performance of work in the Organization? For this reason, the next stage is imposed.

Fifth Stage: Validation, Monitoring and Control of the OT System .

Purposes: Determine the main weaknesses and strengths that affect the levels of efficiency, productivity and thus the effective performance of the OT.

  • Model an intervention program that enables the elevation of productivity, effectiveness and efficiency in the entity or company.

V.1 -It should be noted that this stage is of decisive importance in achieving the proposed objectives; Therefore, the technical committee of competencies, in close consultation with the workers and factors (Productivity assets), must carry out an analysis of the results that the techniques applied in the previous actions produced; in order to specify the weaknesses and strengths that affect the levels of efficiency, productivity and the effective performance of work in the organization.

The activities that will be carried out in this stage are the following:

5.1 Improvement of conditions that contribute to the development of the process.

5.2 Applications of labor competencies in the selected area

5.3 Deliberation on the Plan of Measures that contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency in the Organization.

5.4 Experimental implementation to verify its effectiveness in the Organization

5.5 Design of the OT Procedures Manual

5.6 Preparation for mass implementation in the Organization

5.7. Monitoring and Control of OT studies in the Organization

V.1.1 -In close relationship with the results obtained and the assets in the organization, the intervention program that enables the elevation of productivity, effectiveness and efficiency in the entity or company may be elaborated; Basing the essential actions that will allow minimizing weaknesses or enhancing strengths specifying the time, person responsible, necessary means (financial, material, human, etc.), as well as the forms of control and flexibility mechanisms, etc. that guarantee the success of the intervention program.

In this evaluation, the Vision and Objectives projected to be achieved by the organization should be taken as a guide. For which techniques and instruments such as:

  • the Brainstormingel technique cause and effect diagram, the nominal group technique.

The subordinate entities of MINTUR will analyze the current method and its results and the method proposed in the selected areas. Service standards will be made, for this it is necessary to follow the indications of the current resolutions.

V.2 -Each organization can keep the record in a peculiar way, as long as there is evidence of its compliance and the Evaluation of the Measurement Plan.

Application feasibility: In general, more than one solution to each problem should have been sought and they should be evaluated to argue their feasibility from the point of view of efficiency and effectiveness. In this evaluation, the Vision and Objectives projected to be achieved by the organization should be taken as a guide. The preparation of this projection will be carried out on time, responsible, necessary means (financial, materials, human, etc.), forms of control, flexibility, etc.

In summary, the measures that are projected must be in correspondence with the corporate purpose, Mission and Vision of the entity.

- Experimental implementation.

Once the complete study of the work has been completed and a better method obtained, it is usually necessary to go to its experimental implantation to verify, on a small scale, the expected results and make the corresponding adjustments before proceeding to its massive application.

At this stage, the training and retraining of the operators who will take part in it and the creation of the necessary conditions to carry them out is of utmost importance.

The designer should closely follow this entire stage, noting all the results and analyzing them critically. Now is the time to make the final adjustments.

- Preparation for mass implantation.

In advance of the generalization of the new working method, it is necessary to prepare for its implementation, making the adjustments arising as a result of the experimental implementation. The new method, ready to be applied, will require arduous preparatory work, which must be included in a plan that includes the following points, among others:

Preparation of the people who will train the executors using the most suitable means for their training. It is desirable that in selecting these colleagues, experienced workers are chosen from among those using advanced methods and procedures.

Participation in the model project for mass professions regarding work methods. The data to be supplied will be those that appear in Normalization once the adjustments have been made.

Definition and preparation of the technical means that will be used in the preparation of those that will train the executors. In the case of mass professions, the use of film and video recording equipment is justified. If it is about rationalization procedures at the factory level, in professions that are not so massive, or specific parts of a work process, it is more convenient to use other more economical technical means, such as: diagrams, detailed photographs, etc.

It should be noted that this stage, which may seem routine, is of decisive importance in achieving the proposed objectives; The designed work methods can be very efficient, but if their implementation is not properly prepared and rigorously implemented, the practical results will be limited, with the consequent damage to work productivity.

-Monitoring and control of studies.

This stage is of vital importance since with it the systematicity and development of the entire study carried out is achieved.

The Control and Evaluation mechanisms must be designed and the necessary adjustments made in each case. The whole process is constantly changing and therefore, the measures have to correspond to those changes. In general, the entities will carry out a final Work Study project in which they will analyze the areas selected by MINTUR.

The Organization will monitor and control the Work Studies, through the project of control measures that became the strategy and the Annual Work Studies Plan for the given period. In turn, an Internal Technical Committee for Work Studies will be created to further consolidate the teamwork of the specialists, thus achieving the preparation and delivery of the Annual Plan (Diagnosis and the execution program of the studies to be carried out in the selected areas) and the Control Models prepared by the agency, allowing it to be monitored on a quarterly basis.


Manual of procedures for the implementation of studies in work organization