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Human resources manual. case of molinos anahuac, sa

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Human resources manual. Case of MOLINOS ANAHUAC, SA



It is fully operational, has the plant in production, as well as administrative offices in the city of Chihuahua. The total number of employees is 50 and currently the need to hire five more people for the operational and administration area is being seen. It is a family business built with private capital.

It is a 100% family business that has six shareholders. The organization chart is made up of a director, a general manager who coordinates the other managers, the production manager who is in charge of three shift managers and work teams with seven people, the commercial manager manages 4 vendors and warehouse, the administrative manager coordinates the general accountant and two assistants as well as the payroll in its entirety, among other functions.

Our product is essential for making corn tortillas in a machine.

The services we offer are transportation of the product to the place where the customer wants it, who pays a sum to the carriers for lowering the flour.

We change the batch of product that does not fully satisfy the customer and without extra charge. We offer volume pricing and credit for 15 days or a month, depending on the volume.

The needs that were detected in the market were for good customer service, quality of the product and credit for the purchase of the same, at the same time more accessible freight cost. The corn flour market is very vast, either nationally or internationally. The tortilla is the basic food of millions of Mexicans and they will even prefer to stop consuming other types of products than the tortilla, the raw material is not difficult to obtain because Mexico is a producer at international levels.

Research and development are not very well planned within the organization, largely due to their short life and the investment that this implies. In the long term, it is intended to experiment with new storage and production processes, what has been developed in this life cycle of the company is only in the processes of packaging and production of corn flour with a preservative that does not smell or feel like time to be tasted.

The cost of the product varies according to the volume of purchase but it is not very visible within the community of customers, it goes from $ 2,700 pesos to $ 2,900 pesos per ton.

Competitors' products are not very varied, but they are important for market diversification.

They are:

  • Cornmeal for toasts Cornmeal with preservative Cornmeal with vitamins High yield cornmeal Extra white cornmeal.

Mission of the Company

To offer the dough and tortilla industrialists, corn flour that meets beyond the quality, price and service standards.

Business objectives

• Achieve expansion (open a line parallel to the existing one) focused on the state market.

• Reach the Hispanic market in the US where the level of corn tortilla consumption is highest.

• Identify our product with the characteristics of quality and service.

• Fully develop our staff, for a commitment to quality and customer service.


This manual is presented as a reference for the human resources executive when they are presented with a situation in which they do not know how to handle or simply know how the company is managed or remember some concepts that are forgotten over time if they are not applied constantly.

The optimal development of any company requires the determination and proper selection of all the factors that intervene in it.

It is essential to know the specialties and skills required in order to fully comply with all the activities that are needed to achieve the business purposes.

Knowing the type of company and especially its objectives, it is necessary to locate the personnel who meet the pre-established requirements for each position through the various sources of recruitment.

Macsa, requires at least the following positions:

No. of People

Process / functions

Necessary Training and Experience

Monthly Salary or Salary ($)

Managing Director

Establish policies, administration, sales and finances

10 years


Production manager

Control of the brewing program

5 years


Sales Manager

Sales control

5 years


Administration and Finance Manager

Payroll, personnel and accounting

5 years


Marketing Manager

Control and marketing management

5 years


Operations supervisor

Monitor the fulfillment of production orders

3 years


2 Sellers


3 years



Operate equipment in the grinding area

2 years



Operating equipment in the mixing area

2 years



Operate equipment in the packing area

2 years


4 Assistants for the operations area

Assistant in the areas of operations

1 year




1 year




1 year


Note: The monthly salaries or salaries indicated are for reference only, and may vary according to the region, locality, experience and level of qualification of the people to be hired.

Before filling any vacancy, the following activities must be developed: definition of each position, employee recruitment, selection and hiring, in addition to taking into account the costs involved in these activities.

Job definition

The task of finding the right person for a position is simplified if it is clearly defined from the beginning: the type of functions and activities to be carried out, as well as the skills necessary to develop them properly. The definition of the position includes three phases:

Analysis of the position.

Although a small business does not have as elaborate a design as that of larger companies, it is always a good idea to follow proper procedures in its administration. Job analysis means exactly what its name indicates: analyzing the work that must be carried out according to the activities necessary for the company's goals to be achieved. It is pertinent to write the job analysis, in order to establish the performance parameters; This includes the compilation of all the facts that are related to the work to be performed and thus satisfy the characteristics of the work profile.

Job analysis

1. Name of the position:


2. Location (physical location, building, floor): ___________________




3. Working hours: __________________________________________

4. Feeding schedule: ______________________________________

5. Break hours: __________________________________________

6. Immediate superior manager: _______________________________________

7. Reports to:




8. Positions under your command: ________________________________________________________________

9. Number of employees in the position: _________________________

Job Description.

From the analysis of the position, a description can be obtained that corresponds to the requirements of education, skills or experience, job responsibilities and the description of any unusual work conditions. The job description provides a parameter to measure how closely a candidate matches the job to be performed.

Job Description

Analytical description:



Eventual or








Generic description:


Unit, group, article or person affected

System, procedure or technique used

Purpose or reason for the function


1. Skills.
a) Schooling: Primary: ___________________________________

High school:_________________________________

Technical or commercial career (specify): ____________________

Professional (specify): _________________________________

Postgraduate (specify): __________________________________

b). Special knowledge required (specify): _________ _____________________________________________________
c) Languages: % Reading % Writing % Conversation
d) Experience: Necessary Position:


Desirable Position:


Not necessary

e) Required training: ________________________________ _____________________________________________________
f) Initiative: ____________________________________________
2. Effort.
a) Mental and / or visual Normal attention

A lot of attention

Intense attention in regular periods

Intense and sustained attention

b) Physical: Very little physical effort

Intense but not constant physical effort

Very constant intense physical effort

3. Responsibility: Necessary Desirable
Equipment and / or tool operation Use of materials

Procedures and processes

Values ​​and / or team

In the direction or supervision of people

__________ ______
4. Physical characteristics: Necessary Desirable
Visual acuity Auditory acuity

Olfactory acuity

Touch ability

Expressive ability

General coordination



________ ______
5. Working conditions
a) Environment: Lighting



Air currents










b) TypeEventual













c) Risks: Falls





Electric shock






d) Occupational diseases: Allergies



Respiratory system

Nervous system

Digestive system

Lead poisoning






Job profile.

Identify the specific personal qualities to perform a task. It includes the type of employee necessary in terms of physical abilities, experience, education and other abilities that a person must possess in order to be able to carry out the tasks indicated above.

Job profile
Age_______________________________________________________ Sex________________________________________________________
Civil status_________________________________________________

Desirable psychological characteristics


Desirable physical traits____________________________________
Schooling_________________________________________________ Languages_____________________________________________________
Special knowledge___________________________________
Necessary experience_______________________________________

The correct attention to the definition of the position is a positive first step to achieve an adequate selection and placement of people in the positions.

The forms that were previously handled can be applied as they are but it is at the discretion of the executive or the person in charge to make the corresponding modifications or applications.


It is very important to establish a formal recruitment process that guarantees the recruitment of the required personnel, according to the profiles established for the various positions that the company wishes to fill. There are many and diverse means to recruit personnel in companies, each of them with their respective advantages and disadvantages; Likewise, each one will have an impact on the budget that the company assigns to the human resources area, for which it will be necessary to determine the process and the cost that they are willing to pay to carry it out. Some of the sources an employer can turn to when looking for potential employees are:

• Friends or relatives of current employees.

• Current employees.

• Ads in local newspapers and magazines.

• Public announcements outside the company.

• Technical schools and universities.

• Public job boards (for example: Delegation Center for the Promotion of Employment, Training and Training, CEDEPECA, dependent on the STPS).

• Private job boards (for example: American Chambers, Banir on the Internet).

• Trade unions.

• Former employees.

Internal sources of recruitment

The management is able to identify the employees who meet the necessary attributes to fill the positions as they become available, an inventory of managers helps a lot in this case, from skills and from announcements of vacancies and contest procedures, these announcements, only They are a procedure to inform employees that there are vacancies, job competitions are a technique that allows employees to grow and believe that they have the skills to fill the position, and thus compete for an advertised position.

External sources of recruitment

This means for a company to look beyond itself, especially when it is finding its workforce, these needs demand external recruitment: filling openings at the entry level, gaining skills that current employees do not possess, and obtaining employees with different backgrounds that can provide new ideas.

• High schools and vocational schools.

• Community Colleges.

• Colleges and Universities.

• Competitors and other companies.

• The unemployed.

• Self-employed workers


The personnel selection process is a very delicate matter that must be carefully planned and executed, which is why it is very important that the employer is very clear about the tools and techniques that he will use, as well as the cost that the process will imply. The selection process includes a series of activities designed to obtain relevant data about a particular candidate. These activities include:

• Job application: which one will be used and why? Is it necessary to design a special one for the company?

• Interviews: who will carry them out? How will they be carried out? What information do you want to obtain?

• Exams: There are different types of exams and among the most used are:

• Psychometrics. Aptitude, development, mental ability, personality tests, among others. Which ones will be used? Who will apply and interpret them?

• Physical: which doctor will apply them? Which ones will be ordered?

• On knowledge: who will design it? What information do you want to have?

• Investigation of candidates: what will the investigation consist of (telephone, visits, among others)? Who will carry them out?


This is a simple process if the legal details involved are taken into account, or very complex and worrying when they are overlooked. Before entering into a working relationship with a worker, it is very important to know all the legal commitments that this fact entails. It is recommended to consider and foresee all the actions to be carried out in each of the following areas:

• Contract forms and special clauses of the contract (confidentiality, transfers, patents and others), duration of contracts, rights and obligations contracted by both the employer and the worker, among others.

• Union relations.

• Requirements and benefits of law.

• Once the decision to hire an individual is made, it is important that the new employee receives adequate orientation about the company and their work area so that their integration is faster. It should be introduced to the rest of the employees, show them the location of the facilities and the characteristics of their specific work, as well as explain the total operations of the company, as well as its policies so that they know what is expected of them.

• Induction is a factor of great importance for the company, for which it is necessary to determine:

• The people who will be in charge of carrying it out.

• The support material that will be used in the process.

• When it will take place.

The possibility of having an induction manual that contains, among other things, should be considered:

Company's presentation Permissions
Company philosophy Profit sharing
Work schedules Payment policies

Compliance incentive program

Appearance and personal habits
Holidays days Holidays
Insurance Compensations


What to do when an organizational change occurs?

Whenever organizational change occurs, for whatever reason, there is resistance to change, and there are some ways to reduce that resistance to change.

Ways to reduce resistance to change:

• Create trust and respect: Speak the truth to the workers, expose them the prevailing situation, that there is fair treatment (the results will be observed in a fairly long period of time).

• Develop open communications: Avoid rumors, share information with employees.

• That employees participate: the employee can do their bit in the change process, however, you have to be careful when the change will affect the person, in such a situation, they cannot participate in the process.

How to develop the Human Resource?

Through CONTINUOUS training and development, to keep you motivated, improve your skills and avoid obsolescence of skills at all levels of the company.


Training objectives can be limited to a manager's supervisory capacity, or broad enough to include managerial capacity in all front-line supervisors.

Whenever a training and development program is to be implemented, a cost-benefit analysis must be carried out to determine whether it is carried out or not.

1.- To detect specific training and development needs, three types of analysis must be carried out:

• Organizational Analysis - The entire company should be examined to determine where training and development should take place.

• Task analysis: identify the relevance of tasks, the specific behaviors in a particular position and the frequency with which they are performed; and also, the competence of the employees to carry out these tasks.

• Analysis of the person: it must be determined who will be trained and the type of training that will be given. The person's performance should also be compared with the established norm.

2.- Establish Human Resources Development objectives:

Within the objectives, the stage of induction of new employees (or reinduction) is very important to give them all the information they require about the company and their work. Ideally, those responsible for this should be the person responsible for training and the person's supervisor. The most relevant information that must be provided is:

• Corporate culture.

• The performance.

• Policies and procedures.

• The organizational structure.

• Requirements for promotions.

• The work regulations.

• What is expected of the worker.

• Present it to all members of the working group.

To begin with the induction, you can follow this order: present general information about the company and how the department fits within the global scheme of the organization.

Then the worker is made aware of the requirements of the position, security, he is given a guided tour of the department. It is important to include a question and answer part to clarify doubts; in addition, performance expectations must be clearly explained. Your boss should give you confidence, making you feel capable of doing your job, should tell you the good and bad aspects of the job and also what you like or dislike about the job.

There should be an evaluation and monitoring stage of the induction program to determine if it is truly effective. This is done already when the employee is working.

How do I develop the Human Resource?

There are a large number of methods for this, some are more useful than others to develop certain tasks, some will use them for managerial training, for professional employees, or for operational employees.

• Counseling or mentoring: the manager teaches the individual or the trainee has the opportunity to learn from more experienced members of the organization.

• Business game: these are simulations that represent real business situations.

• Case studies: simulated business problems are used for those involved to solve.

• Conference method: brings together individuals who share common interests in order to analyze and try to solve problems.

• Behavior modeling: these are live or videotape demonstrations to demonstrate what is intended to be taught.

• Training with pending tray: it is also a simulation, the participant is given a number of documents, which have to be ordered as they should be done, respecting priorities.

• Work stay: students work applying the knowledge they have, based on their performance it will be determined if the person stays in the position.

• Role playing: the participant is required to respond to specific problems that occur in the reality of the position.

• Job rotation: move employees from one position to another to expand their experience.

• Programmed instruction: the information is divided into structures, the student reads each one in sequence and answers the questions that are asked. This is done until all the answers are correct.

• Computer-based training: software can be used to conduct training.

• Distance learning and videoconferences (via satellite).

• Dissertation in the classroom.

• On-the-job training: the employee learns the tasks of his position by actually performing them.

• Apprenticeship Training - This is a combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training.

• Simulators: training devices of varying degrees of complexity that model the real world.

4.- What means of Human Resource Development can be selected?

• Multimedia presentations

• Videos

• Films

• TV

• Acetate projectors

• Flip charts

• Blackboard

5.- How to implement a Human Resources Development program?

Participants need to be convinced of the importance of the training program. There must also be qualified trainers.

Always seek feedback from participants to monitor the success or failure of the program.

It is also very important to keep records of the program in order to evaluate and make decisions.

6.- How to know if the Human Resources Development program is really working?

There are several ways to conduct a Human Resource Development assessment:

• Participants' opinions: this is a cheap and fast way to get information and suggestions from the participants. The downside is that it is based on opinions and not on facts, that is, your opinion can be excellent and yet you did not learn something with the program.

• The scope of learning: Pre- and post-program tests are used to compare progress.

• Behavior change: that what is learned is really reflected in practice.

• The achievement of the Human Resources Development objectives: determine the degree of advancement of the objectives established at the beginning.

Staff training process

The new worker may have experience in a previous job or have recently entered the labor market. In either case, training is very likely to be required. The basic purpose of a training program is for staff to improve their job performance.

The company should not consider training as a one-time event to meet a legal requirement. The most appropriate is the one that is taught within a continuous process and always in search of an improvement of the knowledge and skills of the workers so that they are up to date with the sudden changes that occur in the highly competitive world of business. Ongoing training also means that workers prepare to move toward better and more difficult opportunities, inside or outside the company. This, in turn, improves the work environment and reduces staff turnover. The most important effect of continuous training is that it benefits both the company and the employees

The training and education of workers is legislated in articles 153-A to 153-X of the Federal Labor Law, which establishes that: “Every worker has the right to have his employer provide training or training in his work that allows them to raise their standard of living and productivity, in accordance with the plans and programs formulated, by mutual agreement, by the employer and the union or its workers and approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Said training or training may be provided within or outside the company, by its own personnel or contracted specialized instructors, institutions, schools or agencies, or by adhering to the general systems established and registered in the STPS.

Likewise, it indicates that the training and training must be aimed at:

1. Update and improve the knowledge and skills of the worker in his activity, as well as provide information on the application of new technology in it;

2. Prepare the worker to fill a vacancy or newly created position;

3. Prevent work risks;

4. Increase productivity and

5. In general, improve worker skills. "

Staff development involves two elements that are largely similar, but with different objectives and, therefore, with various forms of design and execution, namely:

Training.- Referring to the basic training provided more frequently within small companies for a worker to effectively perform the functions for which he has been hired.

Training.- Regarding the advanced training that the worker receives to facilitate their personal and professional development and, consequently, that of the company itself, through the acquisition of knowledge, especially of a technical, scientific and administrative nature.

The purposes of an efficient and effective staff training program comprise four types of change:

• Information transmission: distribute information among the members of the training process, trained as a body of generic knowledge about the job, the company, its products and services, its organization and policies.

• Skills development: those skills and knowledge directly related to the development of the current position or possible future occupations. It is a training oriented directly to work.

• Development or modification of attitudes: it focuses on changing negative attitudes for more favorable attitudes among workers, increasing motivation and developing the staff's sensitivity to feelings and reactions from other people.

• Development of the conceptual level: the training can be carried out to develop among the workers a high level of abstraction and facilitate the application of concepts in administrative practice or to raise the level of generalization and thus think in global and broad terms.

A training program necessarily involves four stages: inventory of training needs and diagnosis; training planning; execution; and evaluation of the results.

Staff Training Program


Personnel to be trained

Equipment and machinery handling

Operating personnel

Quality control of raw materials and finished product

In charge of the production area

Business security

All the staff

First aid

All the staff

Training of specialized workers

Operating personnel


His parents were day laborers or they probably have a plot at their disposal for a cultivation area, so he knows about the field and because he owns that plot he probably gives him a high priority. Passing from generation to generation.

When he reaches an age where he can work, usually at 7 or 8 years old, he dedicates himself to his temporary land to help with the tasks of the family.

There is no secondary school and primary school is far away, so their educational level is low in most cases, especially in adults, so their stage of education is not broad to the parallel development of their age.

He reaches a marriage age that is generally early and if not, he emigrates directly to the US to work in that country when his temporary lands are at rest.

His adult life passes between supporting his children and taking care of the temporary land that he inherited, with comings and goings to the US when required, leaving the family for seasons.

The brief description of the stages seen above are with the objective of assuming that career anchors at this level do not exist if it is not from a higher income perspective, leaving no matter whether or not they can grow within the company. The vital thing for this type of people is to earn enough to support their children and their land, they do not aspire to be a manager or supervisor because their education does not allow it in the short or medium term. Within every organization there are exceptions and in this company they exist but unfortunately they are isolated cases, in which perhaps more attention should be paid to assess these exceptions.

Administrative positions are recruited from offices in DC. The standards of people who come to require employment are the same that are given within the local work environment. Graduates in auxiliary, accountant and sales positions with the basic requirements described in recruitment and selection.


Depending on your education, your position within the company is what is called the identity establishment stage.

Growth and establishment occurs over time and according to their interest in their development within the company and their educational preparation, at this level it is more likely to ascend if a good use of skills has been demonstrated and if a broad interest in moving up the job.

Self-maintenance and adjustment occurs naturally through the passage of time in the company and what the employee expects of it for their career and life within it.

The decline depends on the exhaustion and tension that occurs in the company attached to the development that both parties expect, it may or may not last for years or it may occur in a matter of months.

In this type of work environment, the types of career anchors are given because it is about obtaining a higher level or position. According to our observation, they can be the following:

The managerial competence does not occur because it is a family business directed by the same, where it could be presented more is in the administrative area, specifically in its management by the accountant.

Technical - functional competence, these individuals do not seek managerial positions because they have technical rather than administrative talent, in this case the workers in the plant could aspire to a supervisor position, but as mentioned above they are isolated cases. Regardless of the supervisors on duty who also do not aspire to a managerial position.

Security.- It is what is presented the most and with greater intensity because it is the only source of work in the area, the important thing is to continue in the position, which is beneficial in the company because there is no rotation or it is considerably low.

Creativity.- It happens within the company but at administrative levels, in the case of people in the operational area, more work and incentives are needed for this to happen.

Autonomy and Independence: due to the geographical situation of the company, this kind of anchor is given because it is the geographical situation itself, in this case the temporary lands believe that at a certain season of the year the worker is given permission to tend their lands to hire him again if he is a good element.

Below is a table to have a broader panorama of the possible career that an employee could develop according to their current position and activities and education, it is worth mentioning that the company does not yet have this, so its possible implementation would be recommended.




General Manager. Career in some production ING or similar, experience in project development and ability to manage personnel. Knowledge of all company processes. Knowledge of all the processes of the company, administrative, sales and general, education at the level of short-term improvement in some important course or master's degree.
Production manager Engineering career. Experience in the food industry and ability to manage personnel, creative. Knowledge of process engineering. Same, for being a general management to the next position.
Admtvo Manager Career in ing. Industrial or LAE In-depth knowledge of fiscal and accounting rules, in Human Resources and continuous improvement courses. Ability to handle personnel and legal issues with them. Development of projects at a personal-employer level. Same, for being a general management to the next position.
Sales Manager Career in LAE or Marketing, with key experience in customer service and fulfillment of goals, experience for work on pressure. Comprehensive development of sales staff for greater productivity. Same, for being a general management to the next position.

Macsa knows that financial compensation is very important to have high levels of production, since employees feel motivated and interested because they realize that by performing well in their work activities they receive much more than the salary or salary they receive..

Apart from wages and salaries, employees must enjoy indirect financial compensation such as major medical insurance to make them feel safe and supported in the event of an accident. As mentioned above, social assistance benefits must be given, such as supporting the children of employees with food or monetary scholarships, depending on the levels of production that are achieved.

On the other hand, employees who are about to retire must have or enjoy a well-structured retirement plan that gives them the confidence that at the end of their working life they can have financial help that allows them to live decently.

Holidays are another compensation and are paid according to the law, taken with ranges according to the seniority that each employee has in the organization. It is also very important to have gatherings on holidays, this more than compensation serves to motivate employees and make them feel part of the company, motivating them to wear the shirt.

For specific levels of managers, it is necessary to give non-financial compensation as tasks that are very interesting for them, and offer them important challenges for their personal and professional improvement, something of great importance is to recognize the achievements they have had, either in sales, production, etc. And the latter in the same way recognize the work of the workers. This recognition makes the employee feel that he has achieved something good and keeps him motivated.

Macsa, being a medium-sized company, makes promotion opportunities less, but it does not mean that they do not exist, according to seniority, performance and experience of a position, they should be taken into account for a promotion opportunity.

There must be an equity of pay at the same levels of the organization chart, taking firstly into account the performance they have had, the results obtained, the goals achieved and the length of time they have been working in the company.

It is necessary to know what is the average payment of the companies of the same line of Macsa and that are in the same geographical region to make a comparison and see if the company is in the same ranges of wages and salaries (Annex table of wages and salaries minima). This is achieved through the application of surveys that reveal low, high and average salaries and salaries for certain positions; this information is very useful to establish compensation.

To identify the structure of the positions, manage with order and equity the relationships between positions, develop a hierarchy of position values ​​that can be used to create a salary and salary structure, reach a consensus among managers employed regarding the positions and the wages and salaries it is necessary to perform a job evaluation.

How to do a job evaluation?

The recommended method is the Hay of Profiles and Scales (Hay plan) which employs the factors of knowledge, problem solving, responsibility and, where appropriate, working conditions.

To measure practical knowledge, it is necessary to record the skills and knowledge necessary for the satisfactory performance of the job. Problem solving is the degree of original thinking that the position requires to analyze, evaluate, create, reason and reach conclusions. Responsibility is accountability for actions taken and the consequences of them.

It is important to observe the determinants in financial compensation:


1. Lo primero que debe hacerse es crear un ambiente y actitudes psicológicas que promuevan la seguridad.

2. Hay que desarrollar y mantener un ambiente seguro para la realización del trabajo físico. Para ello es necesario realizar una planeación con el fin de evitar accidentes en el área de trabajo.

Cuando se presenten accidentes, es muy importante llevar a cabo una investigación de los mismos para determinar sus causas y tomar acciones para que no vuelvan a ocurrir.

Se debe estar consciente de que siempre se presentarán casos fortuitos que no estaban contemplados, sin embargo, hay que tratar de evitarlos en la medida de lo posible.

Existen algunas estadísticas que permiten evaluar la eficiencia de los programas de seguridad, éstas son las tasas de frecuencia y de severidad.

La tasa de frecuencia determina el número de accidentes con tiempo perdido por horas-persona trabajadas. La tasa de severidad indica el número de días perdidos a causa de accidentes por horas-persona trabajadas.

En la actualidad, el avance tecnológico y la incorporación de múltiples productos químicos en los procesos de trabajo, han dado lugar a que la seguridad e higiene laboral adquiera cada vez mayor importancia, fundamentalmente, en la preservación de la salud de los trabajadores, pero también en la búsqueda de que las empresas sean cada vez más productivas.

Como consecuencia, la participación de los patrones y los trabajadores es determinante para estructurar y ejecutar medidas preventivas, acorde a las situaciones de riesgo en los centros de trabajo. Con el propósito de garantizar esta participación, se han establecido las Comisiones de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo, organismos que se encargan de vigilar el cumplimiento de la normatividad en este campo y de promover la mejoría de las condiciones en las que se desarrollan las actividades laborales.


Seguridad en el Trabajo

Es el conjunto de acciones que permiten localizar y evaluar los riesgos, y establecer las medidas para prevenir los accidentes de trabajo.

La seguridad en el trabajo es responsabilidad compartida tanto de las autoridades como de empleadores y trabajadores.

Cuando se presenta un accidente en la empresa intervienen varios factores como causas directas o inmediatas de los mismos. Estos pueden clasificarse en dos grupos:

a) Condiciones Inseguras: Se refieren al grado de inseguridad que pueden tener los locales, la maquinaria, los equipos, las herramientas y los puntos de operación.

b) Actos Inseguros: Es la causa humana que actualiza la situación de riesgo para que se produzca el accidente. Esta acción lleva aparejado el incumplimiento de un método o norma de seguridad, explícita o implícita, que provoca dicho accidente.

Las condiciones inseguras más frecuentes, son:

• Estructuras o instalaciones de los edificios y locales deteriorados, impropiamente diseñadas, construidas o instaladas.

• Falta de medidas de prevención y protección contra incendios.

• Instalaciones en la maquinaria o equipo impropiamente diseñadas, construidas, armadas o en mal estado de mantenimiento.

• Protección inadecuada, deficiente o inexistente en la maquinaria, en el equipo o en las instalaciones.

• Herramientas manuales, eléctricas, neumáticas y portátiles, defectuosas o inadecuadas.

• Equipo de protección personal defectuoso, inadecuado o faltante.

• Falta de orden y limpieza.

• Avisos o señales de seguridad e higiene insuficientes, faltantes o inadecuados.

Los actos inseguros más frecuentes que los trabajadores realizan en el desempeño de sus labores, son:

• Llevar a cabo operaciones sin previo adiestramiento.

• Operar equipos sin autorización.

• Ejecutar el trabajo a velocidad no indicada.

• Bloquear o quitar dispositivos de seguridad.

• Limpiar, engrasar o reparar maquinaria cuando se encuentra en movimiento.

• Realizar acciones de mantenimiento en líneas de energía viva, sin bloqueo.

• Viajar sin autorización en vehículos o mecanismos.

• Transitar por áreas peligrosas.

• Sobrecargar plataformas, carros, montacargas, etc.

• Usar herramientas inadecuadas.

• Trabajar sin protección en lugares peligrosos.

• No usar el equipo de protección indicado.

• Hacer bromas en el sitio de trabajo.

Los factores que pueden propiciar la ocurrencia de la condición o del acto inseguro, como causas indirectas o mediatas de los accidentes, son:

1. La falta de capacitación y adiestramiento para el puesto de trabajo, el desconocimiento de las medidas preventivas de accidentes laborales, la carencia de hábitos de seguridad en el trabajo, problemas psicosociales y familiares, así como conflictos interpersonales con los compañeros y jefes.

2. Características personales: la confianza excesiva, la actitud de incumplimiento a normas y procedimientos de trabajo establecidos como seguros, los atavismos y creencias erróneas acerca de los accidentes, la irresponsabilidad, la fatiga y la disminución, por cualquier motivo, de la habilidad en el trabajo.


Higiene en el Trabajo: es la disciplina dirigida al reconocimiento, evaluación y control de los agentes a que están expuestos los trabajadores en su centro laboral y que pueden causar una enfermedad de trabajo.

La Higiene en el Trabajo abarca:

El trabajador con sus características biopsicosociales, y su relación con el medio ambiente laboral.

Los agentes que pueden producir enfermedades de trabajo, son:

• Físicos

• Químicos

• Biológicos

• Psicosociales

• Ergonómicos

A) AGENTES FÍSICOS: Es todo estado energético agresivo que tiene lugar en el medio ambiente. Los más notables, son los que se relacionan con ruido, vibraciones, calor, frío, iluminación, ventilación, presiones anormales, radiaciones, etc. Para cualquiera de estos contaminantes físicos puede existir una vía de entrada específica o genérica, ya que sus efectos son debidos a cambios energéticos que pueden actuar sobre órganos concretos.

B) AGENTES QUÍMICOS: Es toda sustancia natural o sintética, que durante la fabricación, manejo, transporte, almacena-miento o uso, pueda contaminar el ambiente (en forma de polvo, humo, gas, vapor, neblinas y rocío) y producir efectos irritantes, corrosivos, explosivos, tóxicos e inflamables, con probabilidades de alterar la salud de las personas que entran en contacto con ellas.

C) AGENTES BIOLÓGICOS: Son todos aquellos organismos vivos y sustancias derivadas de los mismos, presentes en el puesto de trabajo, que pueden ser susceptibles de provocar efectos negativos en la salud de los trabajadores. Estos efectos negativos se pueden concretar en procesos infecciosos, tóxicos o alérgicos.

D) AGENTES PSICOSOCIALES: Son las situaciones que ocasionan insatisfacción laboral o fatiga y que influyen negativamente en el estado anímico de las personas.

E) AGENTES ERGONÓMICOS: Es la falta de adecuación de la maquinaria y elementos de trabajo a las condiciones físicas del hombre, que pueden ocasionar fatiga muscular o enfermedad de trabajo.

Para que los trabajadores puedan ayudar a prevenir las enfermedades, deben:

• Conocer las características de cada uno de los contaminantes y las medidas para prevenir su acción.

• Vigilar el tiempo máximo a que pueden estar expuestos a cierto tipo de contaminante.

• Vigilar y participar para mantener ordenado y limpio su lugar de trabajo.

• Informar al patrón sobre las condiciones anormales en el trabajo y en su organismo.

• Usar adecuadamente el equipo de protección personal.

• Someterse a exámenes médicos iniciales y periódicos.

ENFERMEDAD DE TRABAJO: «Todo estado patológico derivado de la acción continuada de una causa que tenga su origen o motivo en el trabajo o en el medio en que el trabajador se vea obligado a prestar sus servicios» (artículo 475, Ley Federal del Trabajo).

Los factores a considerar con relación al agente en las enfermedades de trabajo, son:

• Tipo del agente causal.

• La forma de entrada o vía de introducción del agente contaminante en el organismo humano.

• Intensidad del contacto o acción continuada por períodos prolongados.

• Toxicidad, virulencia o grado de intensidad, según se trate de agentes químicos, biológicos, físicos o psicosociales, respectivamente.

Las vías más comunes por donde entran al cuerpo los agentes químicos y biológicos, son:

• La vía respiratoria: A ésta corresponde la mayoría de las enfermedades causadas por este tipo de agentes, lo que resulta fácil de comprender si consideramos que los mismos se mezclan con el aire que respiramos y que al realizar un esfuerzo, como es el trabajo, la función respiratoria aumenta.

• La vía cutánea (piel): Es frecuente por las sustancias irritantes, solventes, etc., que provocan daños a la piel y que por otra parte, facilitan la entrada de otros agentes.

• Por ingestión: Las enfermedades que se producen por esta vía se deben básicamente a la falta de conocimientos y de hábitos de higiene. Es importante que los trabajadores sepan que no deben comer en los sitios de trabajo, a excepción de los lugares autorizados para ello, y también que es necesario lavarse las manos antes de tomar alimentos y después de ir al baño.

Los factores a considerar en el individuo para detectar enfermedades de trabajo, son:

• El tiempo y frecuencia de la exposición del trabajador al agente físico, químico, biológico, psicosocial o ergonómico.

• Las características de la exposición.

• La resistencia o propensión que tenga el propio trabajador a contraer la enfermedad.

• El uso adecuado o inadecuado que haga el trabajador del equipo de protección personal.

Las enfermedades de trabajo más comunes son las que resultan de la exposición a polvos, humos, vapores o gases, otras sustancias químicas y al ruido excesivo.

Las principales enfermedades causadas por la exposición a polvos, gases, humos o vapores, son:

• Las intoxicaciones agudas y crónicas.

• Enfermedades respiratorias: bronquitis, neumoconiosis, etc.

• Dermatitis de tipo irritativo o corrosivo, o lesiones de este tipo en ojos y mucosa bucal o nasal, entre otros.

• Para prevenir estas enfermedades, se necesita:

• Eliminar o controlar las sustancias que contaminen el ambiente de trabajo.

• Limitar el tiempo de exposición del trabajador a la sustancia contaminante, y proveerlo, como último recurso, del equipo de protección adecuado.

• Mantener una vigilancia constante de los trabajadores, mediante los exámenes médicos periódicos.

La exposición al ruido excesivo es susceptible de producir, primero fatiga, y después, disminución en la capacidad auditiva, que puede llegar hasta la sordera total.

La prevención de estas enfermedades se logra mediante el control del ruido excesivo, a través de medidas preventivas en la fuente, confinamiento o aislamiento de la misma, o protección de los trabajadores.

La vigilancia de la salud de los trabajadores por medio de exámenes médicos periódicos.

La responsabilidad de la investigación de las causas de las enfermedades de trabajo corresponde al patrón, quien junto con las Comisiones de Seguridad e Higiene, deberá detectar el problema y proponer las medidas más convenientes.

El equipo de protección personal más usado para higiene, consiste en:

1. Conchas acústicas o tapones para protección al ruido.

2. Anteojos, gafas, lentes y visores, como protección a impactos por partículas o exposición a radiaciones lumínicas potencialmente nocivas.

3. Equipo de protección respiratoria contra polvos, vapores, gases, neblinas, etc.

4. Ropa protectora, guantes, mandiles, botas, etc., que eviten el contacto de la piel con agentes químicos.

5. Gorras, cofias, redes, turbantes o cualquier otro medio de protección equivalente, bien ajustado y de material de fácil aseo.

Cabe destacar dos aspectos importantes en relación con el equipo de protección personal:

• Debe ser el adecuado a las características del trabajador y al agente al que está expuesto.

• No sustituye a las medidas de control del ambiente de trabajo, ni a la vigilancia médica de la salud de los trabajadores.

Los patrones, trabajadores y la Comisión pueden acudir a diferentes especialistas en la materia, del sector oficial o del privado, para recibir asesoría en la aplicación de la normatividad y de las medidas preventivas.


Salarios Mínimos

(vigentes a partir del 1ero. de enero del 2001)

(Pesos diarios)


Salarios Mínimos Area


Generales: 40.35
1.-Albañilería, oficial de 58.75 1
2.-Archivista clasificador en oficinas 56.15 2
3.-Boticas, farmacias y droguerías, dependiente de mostrador en 51.15 3
4.-Buldózer, operador de 61.90 4
5.-Cajero(a) de máquina registradora 52.15 5
6.-Cajista de imprenta, oficial 55.50 6
7.-Cantinero preparador de bebidas 53.35 7
8.-Carpintero de obra negra 54.80 8
9.-Carpintero en fabricación y reparación de muebles, oficial 57.70 9
10.-Cepilladora, operador de 55.80 10
11.-Cocinero(a), mayor(a) en restaurantes, fondas y demás establecimientos de preparación y venta de alimentos 59.65 11
12.-Colchones, oficial en fabricación y reparación de 53.95 12
13.-Colocador de mosaicos y azulejos, oficial 57.40 13
14.-Contador, ayudante de 56.65 14
15.-Construcción de edificios y casas habitación, yesero en 54.40 15
16.-Construcción, fierrero en 56.65 16
17.-Cortador en talleres y fábricas de manufactura de calzado, oficial 52.80 17
18.-Costurero(a) en confección de ropa en talleres o fábricas 52.05 18
19.-Costurero(a) en confección de ropa en trabajo a domicilio 53.60 19
20.-Chofer acomodador de automóviles en estacionamiento 54.80 20
21.-Chofer de camión de carga en general 60.15 21
22.-Chofer de camioneta de carga en general 58.30 22
23.-Chofer operador de vehículos con grúa 55.80 23
24.-Draga, operador de 62.55 24
25.-Ebanista en fabricación y reparación de muebles, oficial 58.60 25
26.-Electricista instalador y reparador de instalaciones eléctricas, oficial 57.40 26
27.-Electricista en la reparación de automóviles y camiones, oficial 58.10 27
28.-Electricista reparador de motores y/o generadores en talleres de servicio, oficial 55.80 28
29.-Empleado de góndola, anaquel o sección en tiendas de autoservicio 50.95 29
30.-Encargado de bodega y/o almacén 53.05 30
31.-Enfermero(a) con título 66.50 31
32.-Enfermería, auxiliar práctico de 54.80 32
33.-Ferreterías y tlapalerías, dependiente de mostrador en 54.25 33
34.-Fogonero de calderas de vapor 56.15 34
35.-Gasolinero, oficial 52.05 35
36.-Herrería, oficial de 56.65 36
37.-Hojalatero en la reparación de automóviles y camiones, oficial 57.70 37
38.-Hornero fundidor de metales, oficial 59.15 38
39.-Joyero-platero, oficial 54.80 39
40.-Joyero-platero en trabajo a domicilio, oficial 57.15 40
41.-Laboratorios de análisis clínicos, auxiliar en 53.95 41
42.-Linotipista, oficial 60.95 42
43.-Lubricador de automóviles, camiones y otros vehículos de motor 52.55 43
44.-Maestro en escuelas primarias particulares 62.15 44
45.-Manejador de gallineros 50.35 45
46.-Maquinaria agrícola, operador de 59.15 46
47.-Máquinas de fundición a presión, operador de 53.35 47
48.-Máquinas de troquelado en trabajos de metal, operador de 53.05 48
49.-Máquinas para madera en general, oficial operador de 56.15 49
50.-Máquinas para moldear plástico, operador de 52.05 50
51.-Mecánico fresador, oficial 59.25 51
52.-Mecánico operador en rectificadora 57.15 52
53.-Mecánico en reparación de automóviles y camiones, oficial 60.95 53
54.-Mecánico tornero, oficial 57.15 54
55.-Mecanógrafo(a) 52.15 55
56.-Moldero en fundición de metales 55.80 56
57.-Montador en talleres y fábricas de calzado, oficial 52.80 57
58.-Motorista en barcos de carga y pasajeros, ayudante de 57.70 58
59.-Niquelado y cromado de artículos y piezas de metal, oficial de 55.50 59
60.-Peinador(a) y manicurista 54.80 60
61.-Perforista con pistola de aire 58.10 61
62.-Pintor de automóviles y camiones, oficial 56.65 62
63.-Pintor de casas, edificios y construcciones en general, oficial 56.15 63
64.-Planchador a máquina en tintorerías, lavanderías y establecimientos similares 52.15 64
65.-Plomero en instalaciones sanitarias, oficial 56.30 65
66.-Prensa offset multicolor, operador de 58.75 66
67.-Prensista, oficial 54.80 67
68.-Radiotécnico reparador de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos, oficial 58.60 68
69.-Recamarero(a) en hoteles, moteles y otros establecimientos de hospedaje 50.95 69
70.-Recepcionista en general 52.55 70
71.-Refaccionarias de automóviles y camiones, dependiente de mostrador en 53.05 71
72.-Reparador de aparatos eléctricos para el hogar, oficial 55.50 72
73.-Reportero(a) en prensa diaria impresa 120.80 73
74.-Reportero(a) gráfico(a) en prensa diaria impresa 120.80 74
75.-Repostero o pastelero 58.75 75
76.-Sastrería en trabajo a domicilio, oficial de 59.15 76
77.-Soldador con soplete o con arco eléctrico 58.10 77
78.-Talabartero en la manufactura y reparación de artículos de piel, oficial 54.80 78
79.-Tablajero y/o carnicero en mostrador 54.80 79
80.-Tapicero de vestiduras de automóviles, oficial 55.80 80
81.-Tapicero en reparación de muebles, oficial 55.80 81
82.-Taquimecanógrafo(a) en español 55.00 82
83.-Trabajador(a) social 66.50 83
84.-Traxcavo neumático y/o oruga, operador de 59.90 84
85.-Vaquero ordeñador a máquina 50.95 85
86.-Velador 52.05 86
87.-Vendedor de piso de aparatos de uso doméstico 53.60 87
88.-Zapatero en talleres de reparación de calzado, oficial 52.80 88

Área geográfica A


Baja California

Todos los municipios del Estado

Baja California Sur

Todos los municipios del Estado

Municipios del Estado de Chihuahua



Praxedis G. Guerrero

Distrito Federal

Municipio del Estado de Guerrero

Acapulco de Juárez

Municipios del Estado de Mexico

Atizapán de Zaragoza

Coacalco de Berriozábal


Cuautitlán Izcalli


Naucalpan de Juárez

Tlalnepantla de Baz


Municipios del Estado de Sonora

Agua Prieta




General Plutarco Elías Calles

Puerto Peñasco

San Luis Rio Colorado

Santa Cruz

Municipios del Estado de Tamaulipas



Gustavo Díaz Ordaz



Miguel Alemán

Nuevo Laredo


Río Bravo

San Fernando

Valle Hermoso

Municipios del Estado de Veracruz

Agua Dulce



Las Choapas

Ixhuatlán del Sureste



Nanchital de Lázaro Cárdenas del Río

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