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Mapping of key actors in a land use plan in the Dominican Republic


The actions focused on achieving the participation of the civil society of a territory, always trying to integrate the majority of key actors ! It is a strategy to previously establish who are considered “key actors” in a territory.

Those who must participate in one or another meeting trying to locate common contexts among the actors has also been a problem for planners in general who, in seeking to obtain participatory documents that promote their implementation in the short and medium term, develop “participatory” workshops.

The participation of the “key actors” is crucial for the success of any type of territorial growth model, having a prior process of identification, classification and recognition is necessary for the successful development of the “territorial ordering” and “ strategic planning " and it is in a practical way what seeks to develop the " Mapping of Key Actors "(MAC), it is not only to draw a list of the possible actors of a territory, but to know their actions and the objectives of why they are in the territory and its prospects in the immediate future.

The MAC should be considered as a first step to make the convocation of civil society more efficient in participatory actions (workshops, meetings, seminars, etc.), with this not only the number but also the representativeness of the people or entities (associations, foundations, grassroots organizations, government institutions, etc.) that are being invited to participate.

This manual aims to show in a general way the framework of reference for the development of Mapping of Key Actors, within the process of Territorial Ordering and Strategic Planning, it is a document that must still be enriched and adapted more for use in the Dominican Republic, but it provides an idea of ​​the strategic framework for the identification and analysis of participation through “key territorial actors”.

  1. Document objectives
  • Generally present the proposed methodology for the development of “Mapping of Key Actors at the territorial level, within the framework of the Territorial Ordering and Strategic Planning process; Establish a first version of a manual to be enriched with formats and models for the classification of key actors;
  • Provide tools for the development of MAC in future processes of Land Management and Strategic Planning.
  1. Methodology

3.1 Initial proposal for the classification of actors

The processes of citizen participation and consultation must define from the beginning that institutions, organized groups or individual persons are constituted as "co-executors", that is why the mapping of actors is necessary to specifically identify possible actors, with influence on the "Territorial Planning" process and on the "Strategic Planning of the Municipality", a parallel advantage is also to improve the call system for the preparation, information, consultation and validation workshops.

3.2 Forms of classification of actors:

Depending on its nature:

a.1 Central Government: it is made up of public companies or government institutions, within the framework of the four powers of the state: executive, legislative, judicial and electoral.

a.2 Local Government; This is the attention in the area of ​​municipal strengthening which began in the 90's. In this we locate the programs and projects executed in most cases. Local government is exercised by competent and motivated authorities, whose efforts are aimed at generating an administration and management process that is appropriate and adjusted to the characteristics and development needs of the locality. It is in these realities (intermediate cities) where urban management will then tend to solve bottlenecks, to reduce friction or friction, which make it difficult to carry out development initiatives, as well as to materialize opportunities for further development that the same process generates or hints at. The fluid and timely solution to urban problems,understood as expressions of inefficiencies or imbalances in the development process, it constitutes the sense and purpose of the local government.

a.3 Civil Society; It is the national entity in charge of coordinating the external assistance management process from and to, integrating, negotiating and monitoring the actions, projects and programs that are generated for the best use of resources.

Civil society is included in the state. The contradictions of civil society, especially between production and consumption, are resolved by sending the idle out of the state, to the colonies.

Well, there is no conclusion whatsoever, but in any case, it is necessary to crush the concepts of State and civil society and then take into account that between two parts of civil society there is always the State and that between two parts of the State there will always be civil society.

a.4 International Cooperation: Identified through cooperation agencies with representation in the territory (region, department, municipality), or by their participation in development programs and projects, technical assistance or financial assistance.

Depending on your profile and level of decision:

b.1 Political: It is the universal channel through which every society functions and its cultural, economic and social evolution, in time, is the mirror of its history and political system.

b.2 Authorities: The authorities are the highest representation of the powers of the State and its dependencies, as well as in the institutions created in the Constitution or specific laws.

b.3 Supporters: Political parties and actors make up the political system, they are supposed to be channels of expression of citizens' demands to work for a better tomorrow.

b.4 Officials:

b.4.1 Directors:

b.4.2 Technicians:

b.4.3 Consultants:

  1. Level of presence and permanence:

c.1 National

c.1.1 Temporary (as Projects)

c.1.2 Local

c.1.3 Permanent (as Delegations)

The call process depends on certain criteria such as:

  1. Competition (legally regulated); Level of legitimacy (formal and real); Institutional capacities (analysis of strengths and weaknesses); Expectations and interests, closely linked to the scope and functions of the spaces to which they will be integrated:
    1. Information / consultation; Strategic negotiation; reach agreements;
  • Technical: obtain specific products. Proposed distribution for categorization of actors

The distribution presented below should be taken as a point of reference to systematically empty the information in the tables, the distribution may vary according to the criteria and number of actors per category.

  1. Government delegations (Government bodies)

1.1 Centralized

1.2 Semiatunomas

1.3 Autonomous

  1. Non-governmental organizations

2.1 Foundations

2.2 Associations

2.3 Cooperatives

2.4 Development Club

2.5 Development Councils or Committees

2.6 Consortia

  1. Schools

3.1 Relevant centers of upper secondary education

3.2 University centers

3.3 Special education centers

  1. Programs and Projects

4.1 Programs and projects of international cooperation

4.2 National Programs and Projects

4.3 Sector programs and projects

  1. Banking and finances

5.1 Banks

5.2 Financial and micro financial

5.3 Betting banks

5.4 Exchange houses

  1. Religious centers

6.1 Churches

6.2 Congregations

  1. Private company Individuals of strategic relevance

3.3 Analysis of key stakeholders at the multisectoral level

The work of constitution of the different "Sectors", which are traditionally considered, in the process of formulating a "Planning and / or Strategic Territorial Development Plan", are part of the analysis that allows developing the "mapping of actors" by bringing together in sectors and / or multisectors of development, groups with similar or homogeneous actions within the territory.

The proposed Multisectors to bring together the development sectors and subsectors previously identified in the "Mapping of Actors" are presented below:

  1. Productive Multisector, Social Infrastructure Multisector, Economic Infrastructure Multisector; yMultisector National Services

The "Multisectors" will allow the integration of work tables where the different "Sectors" and "Subsectors", with the "Government and Non-Government Organizations", generating a dynamic that in itself justifies the formation of the "Multisectors".

Taking as a basis the previous section, we can define as “Multisector”: The representatives of organized and non-organized civil society who, together with government delegates at the departmental level, develop a process that allows participation, dialogue and agreement, focusing a synergy that allows the identification of sectoral and subsectoral problems, as well as the identification of possible solutions, through a process of "Planning for Territorial and / or Strategic Planning".

From a sociological point of view, the practical implications of the above definition must be taken into account. Even when the possibility of ethical Consensus between the different actors that make up the “Multisectors” is accepted, it could be broken or weakened due to the fact that contemporary economic, political and social problems exceed the limits of the Nation-States in each world. more and more interdependent. Therefore, the challenge lies not only in articulating the different criteria in the "Multisectors" at the National-State level, but in broadening the debate on issues such as migration problems, gender equity, defense of the environment, integration into the local human capital, at a level that transcends the departmental and municipal scope.

Faced with the definition presented, it is evident that the heterogeneous nature of the "Multisectors", with different forms of action that are sometimes more reactive than proactive, represent an important difficulty for the identification of problems and articulation of the demands that allow the solution, in the context of a strategic thinking framework.

From a presumptive perspective, we must consider the "Multisectors" as the means that will allow the definition of the multisectoral and territorial "Vision".

3.4 Summary of methodological steps of the Key Stakeholder Mapping (MAC)

The Mapping of Key Actors (MAC) is a tool that allows the identification of the actors with direct impact on the management of the territory at urban and rural level, the MAC allows the realization of contacts, coordination and co-management of activities, with which the holistic participation of the main actors of the territory in the process of Land Management, Comprehensive Planning of the Basin and the future Strategic Plan for Municipal Development is ensured.

Step 1: Adaptation of the Actors classification system to the specific conditions of the municipality of Jarabacoa and CAY;

Step 2: Preparation of a format for collecting information on the basis of stakeholders;

Step 3: Distribution of the stakeholder information collection format;

Step 4: Development of bilateral meetings to collect information regarding the stakeholders;

Step 5: First emptying of information in the mapping matrix of key actors;

Step 6: Telephone and face-to-face verification of key stakeholders;

Step 7: Second emptying of information in the mapping matrix of key actors;

Step 8: Preparation of the final Key Actors Mapping document.

  1. Learned lessons
  • It is convenient to develop the Mapping of Key Actors in a preliminary way, having to be validated through the survey form of the Rapid Socioeconomic Characterization (CSR); The classification of Key Actors, must be validated through a workshop that involves the representatives of the supposed “agglomerates” of actors, which will allow a better vision of the distribution and institutional architecture of the territory; The MAC should be viewed as a decision-making tool and not only as a mere list of future participants in workshops or work meetings, the MAC is in itself a map of the constitution of the sectorial (institutional) architecture of the territory allowing to develop analyzes for the development of proposals aimed at strengthening "key sectors" of environmental, economic and social development;It is convenient after having developed the final version (duly validated) of the MAC, proceed to develop a "database" preferably it is ACCESS, which allows the MAC update periodically (every year).
  1. 5. Bibliography
  • ECLAC, Program 21 in the integral management of water resources in Latin America and the Caribbean, Santiago de Chile, 1994 Diagnosis of Critical Areas, MAG-PAES / CATIE Project, M. Melgar, El Salvador, 2002 Diagnosis and Evaluation Rapida Participativa, MAG-PAES / CATIE Project, M. Melgar, El Salvador, 2002. Franco, F; Mairich, L; Melgar, M; Report on the Socioeconomic Characterization of the Upper Yaque del Norte River Basin, KfW-GITEC-PROCARYN, 2004.Mairich, L.: Evaluation of the Road Construction Program in Alta Vera Paz. Directorate General of Roads / KfW, Guatemala, 2002 Mairich, L.: Study of the Typology of Farms and Comprehensive Management of Farms. Southwest Project / IAK, Nicaragua, 2002. Melgar, M. Proposal for a Binational Project Guatemala - Belize, for the Management of the Rio Mopan Sub-basin Basin (PROMOPAN), AECI, Guatemala-Belize,INAB Projects, 2000.Melgar, M.: Socioeconomic Study of the Communities Settled in the Buffer Zone of the Protected Areas of the Region of Conservation and Sustainable Development (RECODES) "Metapan". El Salvador Environmental Project (PAES), IDB, CATIE,, El Salvador, 2002; Melgar, M.: Situational Strategic Planning in the Territorial Planning Process, El Salvador Environmental Project (PAES), IDB, CATIE, El Salvador, 2002; Melgar, M.: Baseline Diagnosis of the Department of Rivas; Development Process of the Strategic Development Plan of the Department of Rivas, Secretary of Strategic Planning of Nicaragua, Southwest Project, IAK / GOPA / GTZ, Nicaragua, 2003; Melgar, M. / Mairich, L.:Methodology for the Development of the Land Use Plan (POT) for the Upper Yaque del Norte River Basin and the Municipality of Jarabacoa, Project for the Upper Yaque del Norte River Basin (PROCARYN), GITEC / KfW, Dominican Republic, 2004. Melgar, M; Trinidad, D; Genao, S; Mapping of Key Actors of the Upper Yaque del Norte River Basin and Municipality of Jarabacoa, GITEC / KfW, Dominican Republic, 2004; Morales, R., Melgar, M.: Development of Conservation Regions and Sustainable Development (RECODES), Project Environmental of El Salvador (PAES), IDB, CATIE, El Salvador, 2002;2004; Morales, R., Melgar, M.: Development of Regions of Conservation and Sustainable Development (RECODES), Environmental Project of El Salvador (PAES), IDB, CATIE, El Salvador, 2002;2004; Morales, R., Melgar, M.: Development of Regions of Conservation and Sustainable Development (RECODES), Environmental Project of El Salvador (PAES), IDB, CATIE, El Salvador, 2002;
  1. Annexes

Annex 1 "Format of presentation of the mapping of key actors"







Annex 2 "Example of Integration of Development Multisectors"

N. Multisector Not. Sector n. Subsector
one Productive 1.1 Forest 1.1.1 Driving
1.1.2 Resettlement
1.1.3 Industrialization and crafts
1.2 Agricultural 1.2.1 Agroforestry products
1.2.2 Fruit trees (Non-traditional)
1.2.3 coffee
1.2.4 Value added
1.4 Livestock 1.4.1 Meat production
1.4.2 Milk production
1.5 Agroindustrial
two Economic Infrastructure 2.1 tourism 2.1.1 Tour operators
2.1.2 Hotels and lodgings
2.1.3 Restaurants
2.2 Commerce
2.3 Financial
2.4 Transport 2.4.1 Urban
2.4.2 Rural
3 Social Infrastructure 3.1 Health
3.2 Education
3.3 Risk analysis sector
3.4 Food safety
3.5 Migration
4 National Services 4.1 Telecommunication 4.1.1 Mail
4.1.2 Residential and mobile telephony
4.1.3 Internet service
4.2 Production and distribution of electricity
4.3 Productive infrastructure 4.3.1 Primary, secondary and rural roads
4.4 Collection, management and distribution of drinking water

MELGAR, M. / 2004

We must be clear about the composition of each. "Multisector" is also a set of heterogeneous micropowers and collective wills. Also characterized by the conflict of interest, the articulation, the incongruity and postponement of social actions.

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Mapping of key actors in a land use plan in the Dominican Republic