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Digital marketing. wanting to sell is useless anymore


Companies want to sell more. That is no mystery. The problem is the methods they sometimes use. If we talk about digital marketing, many believe that opening a fan page on Facebook or designing a website will increase their level of sales. That is not so true.

Thousands of times we speak of "keys to success". The huge reality tells us that there are no sure ways to be successful. What do exist are paths that possibly lead us to it.

Let's talk about doing business over the internet. Although many still think that the Internet is only for technology businesses, the evidence reveals that it is not. Many companies, huge brands and even small entrepreneurs, are growing their businesses with the use of web tools.

What you have to understand to work well on the web is how to connect with people. And here all the prizes are taken by social networks.

Networks formed by people with the intention of interacting with each other. This is how they communicate in more open or closed networks, but creating sustainable ties.

Social networks were created, as we often commented even on this blog, for the interaction of PEOPLE. It is important to think about this which seems obvious because sometimes we believe that by introducing our business we can play the same game with the same rules as the rest of the users. AND IT IS NOT LIKE THAT.

When a company decides to take its first steps on the web, it has to understand that it is not going to impose the rules. These are declared by the people who are already using these networks. For this reason, when disembarking, it is best to first study the people we want to reach.

A serious confusion of many is to think that the Internet is a purely advertising medium. I can pay for blog or newspaper banners, Google ads, sponsor tweets, or promote stories on Facebook. This is all true. But it's not the most important.

Let's review, people enter to INTERACT, not to consume advertising. If we start only using ads as a "strategic" resource, all we do is generate traffic. In other words, we make people know that we exist on the web and may have a link to find our spaces.

And the most fatal mistake is right there. The link is. The ad is effective. The person I want to meet looks at it. Click on the link. And now that? What happens when the person arrives?

Marketing 2.0 creates major challenges on a level where “traditional” marketing has never had to think about: CONTENT.

In the tradition, a spot or a guideline was designed for a traditional medium (TV, radio, graphics) and it was sought to generate the attention and desire in the person to move them to buy the product. So advertising was a first step, but the second should be contact with the product.

Things don't work like that on the internet. In principle, the concept of "advertising" does not work in classical terms. People no longer conform to the rules of marketing, but marketing has to understand the rules of coexistence of people in the "virtual ecosystem" and play in those terms.

People use the internet to interact. This interaction is generated through the sharing of CONTENT. On the web, people create value through the production and dissemination of content. So the way we have to generate value as companies is by imitating that.

"Sell" has to be an almost forbidden word for 2.0 companies. You have to build stories around the brand and the product. The central parameters in which we have to manage ourselves as companies are:

1. Produce content of value for users. Eliminate the word sell. Not focus on selling the product but on generating experiences and telling stories around it.

2. Encourage dialogue between users and the brand, and between users in brand spaces.

3. Learn to listen to what people have to say.

4. Know how to answer each and every one of the concerns, complaints, compliments, protests, or whatever, that users share with us.

This will produce that the user identifies with the brand on another much more solid and sustainable level over time. We do not focus on the sale, but it will happen. The big change is that it will no longer be a dubious repeat sale, but the user becomes a loyal customer.

These ideas occurred to me. Would you add something else?

Digital marketing. wanting to sell is useless anymore