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Marketing for SMEs


The application of Marketing, in the medium-sized company, creates a lot of skepticism in the employer since, at first glance, they think that it will bring them more expenses than real benefits. Today, some entrepreneurial entrepreneurs, with views beyond the present, are trusting to use it as a vital work tool.

Having a complete vision of our macroeconomic and microeconomic environment will be essential to develop an appropriate marketing strategy. An efficient application of a good marketing plan or market strategy will lead to better results being achieved, in accordance with the specific objectives set by the management, such as: obtaining greater profitability, increased sales, improvement of the market share, risk containment and increase return on investment.

We must be aware that with a good marketing strategy, be it commercial or business communication, we can:

• Achieve the desired position of our company in the market or remain unscathed in it (something very important in the current scenario we live in).

• Reduce production and distribution costs to obtain a higher margin and, therefore, a higher profit. Today it is a widespread practice in the creation of new Low Cost companies.

• Marketing is a powerful strategic tool with which the company shows itself to the public, therefore choosing an appropriate strategy will be decisive for our success. For example: brand diversification is being one of the most frequently used strategies of companies in recent times, due to the current crisis, in order to achieve a new market share (new products or services with sub-brands).

• Profiling a powerful brand personality with which our consumers and potential clients identify us.

• Know the competitive environment to follow an imaginary line of the proposed strategy and detach ourselves from it to capture the consumer's attention.

• Analyze the strengths and weaknesses. Promote the former and work hard to conceal the latter.

• Know the current socio-cultural and consumer trends and adapt our business to them.

• It is very important to reach the customer, through knowing their needs and motivations, in order to cover them and adapt our products and business to them.

• Create a feeback between company and consumer; analyze the responses to know the existing demand by the consumer and once studied offer a personalized offer with which the consumer identifies and has an impact on a favorable positioning of our brand and / or product.

• We can contribute to the development of the credibility of the company by our Stakeholders (clients, suppliers, competitors, potential clients, etc.) in addition to improving our relationship with them.

• Increase the sales of our products and obtain greater benefits.

• Determine the specific characteristics of the product, price and distribution to increase the value of the product.

• Improve existing distribution channels or analyze new ways to optimize results.

• Using sales promotions and advertising will reinforce the value of marketing. Choosing a concept on which to base the entire campaign will be essential to make sense and turn on the same axis.

• Increase the Know-How or know-how of the company through the data that we obtain with the market research and the practical application that we carry out.

• Develop competitive advantages thanks to the application of new technologies. Internet marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), natural positioning of web pages in search engines, etc.

• We must communicate the expectations of our product in such a way that they are real and honest because if they do not adjust to reality later, it will not meet the customer's need and will create frustration. 20% of loyal customers make 80% of purchases. Relationship marketing is important since it tries to build customer loyalty through the company's communication devices. One technique is the promotional strategy. Gifts, travel, etc. which translate into rewards for the customer, turning into loyal behavior towards the brand.

• An after-sales service will evaluate the satisfaction produced in the purchase made by the customer. If the purchase has been successful, the customer will tend to buy the same brand, product or service, even recommend it to third parties. Working to achieve customer satisfaction is essential since thanks to this we will obtain customer loyalty.

Working on the strategy based on a differential advantage of the product or service will facilitate our efforts towards obtaining the set objectives. Differentiating ourselves from other competitors will make the customer feel more identified with the product and / or service.

Thanks to a good marketing job we will get to know the characteristics of our target audience. Caring about your needs, concerns, and motivations is the foundation of marketing. Working to achieve their satisfaction is essential. If we obtain customer loyalty, we will have achieved the magic formula.

As we all know, "Opportunity hides between adversity."

Marketing for SMEs