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Political marketing. the power of political image


For some people politics is the "art of government", for others it is an activity for those who have power or seek to reach it. For us, politics is the field of action of various people who are representatives of a society elected by the people through a voting process, who are supposed to seek the common good, ruling under a legal regulatory framework of their power.

This being the case, it is essential that there is a means of interaction between public officials and citizens in order for a “political communication” to take place, which according to Wolton, “is the space in which the contradictory discourses of the three are exchanged. actors who have the legitimacy to express themselves publicly about politics, and who are politicians, journalists and public opinion.

Since the time of the Roman Empire and the ancient Greeks, Political Marketing (PM) was already a tool to get elected. Since then and to date countless politicians have used this effective method in their political campaigns, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Michael Dukakis, Hemult Kohl, Tony Blair and many more.

But what is Political Marketing? Well, it is a set of investigation, communication, planning and management techniques used to design strategic and tactical actions to be executed in a political campaign, whether electoral or of any other type.

To achieve this, the MP uses the mass media (Mediatization) and all images and audiovisual communication tools (Videopolitics), thus becoming a discipline with unlimited scope and its own field of action.

The image of a politician does not lie only in what he promises or in the way of spreading it as well, and very importantly, in his personal image, that is, his way of dressing, behaving, what he says and how he does it, his integrity moral and political record. All this influences the trust and acceptance you receive.

When the elections approach, the candidates prepare for debate, in which the candidates show their best positions in order to try to defeat their opponent in the field of ideas. This is a fundamental moment and where the entire advertising strategy takes place, to strengthen the image that has been built through the campaign and where the improvisation capacity, charisma, personality and security of the candidate will be measured again. in question.

Confidence in a politician is demonstrated by voting, it is the final support for the person who inspires us with security to fulfill what he promises.

Nowadays, with the great boom in political marketing that we are experiencing, political parties and candidates no longer worry about establishing a definite long-term course since they only care and occupy themselves with winning the elections by any means, advertising to damage the reputation of his opponents. All the candidates say the same thing, “we will end poverty, we will reduce unemployment, we will end corruption and insecurity”. The situation in which we live is worrisome, now abilities and virtues are no longer chosen; images are chosen.

Finally, Political Marketing is essential to ensure that the image, in all its aspects, becomes a very important factor to obtain the support of the voters and generate a real difference in the success of a campaign, as long as the values ​​govern it. it can become a tool of quality, honesty and ethics that politics so badly needs today.


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Political marketing. the power of political image