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Viral Marketing from the Business Vision

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The objective of this essay is to analyze viral marketing and its impact on the vision of organizations whose strategy objective is the use of this new way of publishing to refer to the marketing techniques that they try to exploit through social media. and other electronic means to increase the recognition of a brand and also giving it power of value unlike other companies. This will serve for the entrepreneur who wants to make good decisions towards the company, getting involved with the help of technology at a very low cost, and with a greater profit.

Viral Marketing Business Vision


The next work we will carry out a brief analysis on viral marketing that will talk about how it is that little by little the modalities of marketing have changed. It is carried out with the sole objective of looking beyond what viral marketing consists of, which as the years go by so the modalities of use of marketing tools change. With the naked eye of the human eye it is not so easy to realize these new technological advances. In this essay, topics such as its definition, what does it consist of ?, the advantages and disadvantages of viral marketing will be discussed. Marketers have done their best for product marketing since their inception, but these days they have forgotten about technological advances.

Throughout the document we will develop the following key question. What is viral marketing for?


Marketing is the "discipline is a social and administrative process through which groups and individuals obtain what they need and want through generating, offering and exchanging valuable products with their peers" (Kotler, 2010) for the mentioned author, marketing is a discipline of offering products, in my opinion is the exchange of a good or service to an individual. It is important to start the essay first knowing the concept of marketing, in order to understand what we are going to translate into the essay.

Marketing has long been a series of modifications from the ancient and modern, this is due to the advances that are presented today, marketing is also the key to the success of a company since it is a tool essential to publicize the product.

Based on this, companies and marketers have done their part to be at the forefront. "The origins of advertising go back to ancient times." (Martínez, 2013), according to the quote, advertising has been around for a long time. That is why marketers work every day to preserve these origins but in the most modern way. Despite this, the way of doing marketing a few years ago was in a way that is now known as informal, brochures were distributed, something not very feasible now since customers only take it and throw it away and do not do what they should. would read it just don't give it importance.

That is why in this essay we will talk about various points to be able to explain in a broad concept what viral marketing is, and especially what this concept consists of, once we have talked about this we will put the important points that would be the advantages of viral marketing and the downsides. Having mentioned this is now if the beginning of our viral marketing essay. The essay is done with dedication to help you understand the topic.


Technological advances have advanced rapidly lately, and it is necessary for companies to soak up information and be aware that it is necessary to change, and one of these advances that are being developed is thanks to viral marketing, let's start this topic by defining the concept:

A virus spreads when it is easy to transmit, while the medium that carries its message must be easy to transfer and replicate. The Internet has modified this practice, taking the recommendation for the information superhighway. By becoming a massive event and multiplying with great speed it has been given the name of “viral marketing”. (Guadalupe Aguado Guadalupe, 2009)

It should be noted that we agree that viral marketing is one of the greatest advances in marketing, it is not only through flyers, radio or even television, now we are talking about a new stage where human beings are adapted to the technology and why not use this heavy medium when talking about the internet and all its advantages and especially this usefulness when talking about business, and its easy use, communication, and even more attractive with a low cost, where the entrepreneur always thinks look for the most efficient way and with a lower cost when investing in advertising. “Viral is an adjective that a campaign is won when consumers make it their own, participate, comment on it and amplify it. Its value grows with use ”(Guadalupe Aguado Guadalupe, 2009).With that definition, thanks to the author, we can realize how viral marketing works and its objective to be achieved, in our opinion it is an excellent way to use advertising and make yourself known in the digital market, as the size of Amplification is when the consumer interacts with the information and the two connect in a surprising way, the response of this gets the consumer to share it with the other people they know, that is why viral marketing is seen as a virus that it advances rapidly, first it is one, then they will do two, until the information is multiplied with the number of consumers that are part of this network.In our opinion, it is an excellent way to use advertising and make yourself known in the digital market, as the aforementioned size of the amplification is when the consumer interacts with the information and the two connect in a surprising way, the response of This gets the consumer to share it with other people they know, that is why viral marketing is seen as a virus that advances rapidly, first it is one, then they will do two, until the information is multiplied with the number of consumers who are part of this network.In our opinion, it is an excellent way to use advertising and make yourself known in the digital market, as the aforementioned size of the amplification is when the consumer interacts with the information and the two connect in a surprising way, the response of This gets the consumer to share it with other people they know, that is why viral marketing is seen as a virus that advances rapidly, first it is one, then they will do two, until the information is multiplied with the number of consumers who are part of this network.The answer to this gets the consumer to share it with other people they know, for this reason viral marketing is seen as a virus that advances rapidly, first it is one, then they will do two, until they achieve the multiplication of information with the number of consumers that are part of this network.The answer to this gets the consumer to share it with other people they know, for this reason viral marketing is seen as a virus that advances rapidly, first it is one, then they will do two, until they achieve the multiplication of information with the number of consumers that are part of this network.

A company that is not linked to technology, and passes it through carelessness, will lead the company to lose many people who are no longer interested in reading a newspaper, or perhaps because of the speed of the lifestyle of the people who in These times, it seems that all people walk with a fast life; But everyone knows the internet, if you want to make yourself known, there is the opportunity to grow your business, and that your company is recognized by more people every day.

Why, if a company does not listen to other companies, it will not be able to compete against other companies that handle perfectly and innovations about information technology, very part of the fact that if before we thought we did not have enough technology, now we That day does not exist, that idea is already behind us, technology is already with us, and if we do not learn to use it, we will stay in the last place over time, in these times most people spend a good time in it. Internet. "Networks are a new and attractive channel that brands want to use to reactivate their Branding." (Guadalupe Aguado Guadalupe, 2009) For this idea that the author shares with us, let's start with defining what “Branding” is,It is a recognized word in the branch of marketing that refers to the process of brand recognition.

It is what a company has to do to have a high value in its brand, and have a quick feedback from people, and an excellent positioning, is when referring to hearing a name or seeing an image, a person recognizes and immediately know which company is being talked about, that is Branding. Returning to the subject and once the word is understood, we now understand what social networks want to achieve and the union with the brands of companies that want to make themselves known to all people, and if they read these two previous lines again they will understand that there is a third element and it is the one we are talking about and the importance of this essay, it is a new element that is viral marketing, and the importance of joining these three parts, the companies,branding and the way to amplify information about a company, achieving the power of a brand to be recognized and distributed quickly as the word says it viral on social networks giving thanks and its place to the internet.

Being able to attract more people every day and bringing them closer, also knowing the company with this process. “The buzz is about superior user experience… The buzz is not about fancy advertisements or glitzy displays, but about what goes on in the invisible networks, the interpersonal information networks that connect customers to each other… rumor originates with superior user experience ”(ROSEN, 2002) According to the author, companies previously, even when limited to advertising, paid for signs, flyers, and the truth was that very few people took the time to read it, and the company hoped that every 10 flyers at least 1 person would read it,But now with viral marketing that does not happen and that is why we want to make entrepreneurs see another route of business opportunities, through the internet using social networks for example pages, such as ads when you open a page or with another type of technology either through phones or applications but what matters is that you are already there, and several people from different parts of the world can meet you, not only would it be local, your client portfolio would multiply a lot, without you not physically see the work you did.and several people from different parts of the world can meet you, not only would it be local, your client portfolio would multiply a lot, without you not physically seeing the work you did.and several people from different parts of the world can meet you, not only would it be local, your client portfolio would multiply a lot, without you not physically seeing the work you did.

But while you are seeing results with that, it is enough to accept viral marketing, it is an important option and we cannot leave it for later, just as several companies remained in the past for not adapting to the changes that are emerging in these times about technology. and the lifestyle of people such as companies such as: Kodak, Sony. That they were leaders in their time but they closed their eyes for a while and that was enough for the world of innovation and the era of technology to pass.


According to the development that was made in the test, we could see how marketing is evolving, and how important it is that marketers and companies have to be very close to be able to make a better team and for the good or service to go growing and can generate profits for the company.

The usefulness of viral marketing is very important because now it is a reality, we are in times where technology has become part of us and is asking us to adapt to them. The new ways of transmitting an advertisement are very creative, and it uses many colors to perceive what it is intended to communicate to us.

Social networks are not only for chatting or to hang out, they were also made to transmit business information, in this case advertising, actually the Facebook page was made for that for advertising, now what this application has is the famous banner that appears on the right side of the computer screen, this as an example of viral marketing, is the new way in which the lives of companies are changing. The only thing left for us is to go hand in hand with this new way of advertising.

The work was done with the intention of creating awareness that we now have new tools to do marketing. Now as administrators we must look for trained marketers who have these capabilities to be able to enter the market. It remains for us to also become viral.


  • Guadalupe Aguado Guadalupe, AG (2009). From Word-of-mouth to Viral Marketing: key aspects of communication through social networks. Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, 42-43. Kotler, P. (October 06, 2010). Merca 2.0. Retrieved February 16, 2014, from http://www.merca20.com/philip-kotler-da-su-definicion-de-mercadotecnia/Martinez, L. (March 18, 2013). Marketing. Retrieved on February 16, 2014 ROSEN, E. (2002). Word of mouth marketing. Vergara / Business.
Viral Marketing from the Business Vision