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Marketing and commercial communication


To start talking about commercial communication we should understand that this is the exchange of information between people inside and outside an organization that is carried out for the commercial benefit of the organization.

It is also the set of communication actions aimed at potential customers or consumers in order to improve the marketing objectives set for the company's products or services, and is understood as any form of communication intended to promote, directly or indirectly, the goods, services or the image of a company, organization or person that carries out a commercial, industrial or artisan activity or that exercises a regulated profession.

This process typically consists of a salesperson demonstrating the benefits of their product to a potential customer. For the sale to be effective, communication techniques are applied that increase the probability of closing the sale, the purpose of which is to successfully complete the sale, which inevitably requires an exchange of ideas to:

  1. Knowing the needs of our clients. Being able to respond to their objections if they have them. Knowing that the client has not only heard the message, but that they have understood it perfectly.

When talking about commercial communication, it does not refer only to the presentation of ideas by the seller to the customer, since, in that case, we would be talking about pure information and, of course, that is not the reason for the communication commercial. Its purpose is to successfully complete a sale and retain it, which, inevitably, requires an exchange of ideas to know the needs of our client, to be able to respond to their objections if they have them and, above all, to know that the client has not only listened to our message, but has captured it perfectly.

We can only achieve our objective if the client has received the message well, understood it and accepted it, which undoubtedly manifests itself in the interest of the recipient or client. Therefore, in every sales process there must be a communication, which must have the following elements:

  • Transmitter. It is the person who opens the process, the one who has a great source of information. Initially it matches the figure of the seller. The issuer must take into account the following aspects:
    • That its content is transmissible. That the receiver may be interested. That the language adapts to the type of receiver. That the occasion be the most proactive.
    Receiver. It is the recipient of the message. In the world of sales, it is initially about the customer (and I say initially both in the case of the sender and the receiver, because, a posteriori, their roles of sender and receiver will alternate depending on who is speaking at all times.). For communication to be carried out effectively, the recipient will have to have a prior attitude of proactivity. Content. It is the message that you want to convey, which generally coincides with the sales pitch of the product or service. Code. They are the different ways and styles that the seller has of transmitting the message. Transmission channel. It is the means by which the coded message is channeled. Feedback.It is the variable that will measure the effectiveness of the communication process. If the receiver responds, the communication has been effective. It is at this moment when the sender becomes the receiver and vice versa.

Communicating does not only mean informing. The presentation of ideas in a unidirectional way by the seller towards the customer is pure information, and is not the reason for the commercial communication.

The primary objective of communication is to produce a reaction from the person, in the field of their decisions as a buyer or user: to successfully complete a sale. It is about interacting with our interlocutor, making him participate in our message. In this way, in addition to informing, the potential customer must be reminded and persuaded about the products that the company offers and help them to form a positive image of the corporation. That our client knows in depth the benefits of our product and that our brand is engraved in his long-term memory.

It is essential to know the needs of our clients, respond to their objections if they have them and, above all, make sure that they have not only heard our message, but that they have understood it perfectly.

A good commercial communication must have the following characteristics:

  • Clarity Precision Synthesis Naturality Courtesy

These elements will contribute to a positive perception on the part of the receiver, since this is related to a series of psychological factors. There are different forms of communication available to the company in its relationship with the market, such as advertising, sales promotion, sales forces, merchandising or public relations. It is essential to detect and apply the most appropriate at all times.

The character that a commercial, advertising or marketing department impresses on a company is undeniable. It can never be replaced by machines because they cannot feel empathy for the customer or have ideas to attract or retain. But it can be optimized thanks to technology and tools such as ForceManager, which facilitates the seller's task and increases by more than 20% the volume of impacts that occur between his network of sellers and his potential customer market. When the salesperson is more motivated, he is more productive and this, in any company, translates into better commercial communication.

Let us conclude that today, commercial teams or sales managers have a great variety of marketing tools at their service whose objective is to facilitate their sales task, which translates into income for the company. Among them, communication stands out: a "discipline" that all salespeople and sales professionals must master. Therefore, the main objective is to dialogue with our interlocutor to know what their needs are and thus be able to satisfy them with our sales arguments.

That is why commercial communication is a very different concept from advertising and corporate communication, the latter trying to bring the company's message to the market, through a series of increasingly broad means (advertising, public relations, direct marketing, sponsorship, internet, etc.), however, commercial communication uses the sales force to get the market to acquire a specific product. In other words, while corporate communication uses different media (press, radio, internet, television, etc.), commercial communication uses direct, oral and simultaneous contact with the client, either to retain them or win in product sales, goods and services.

Bibliographic references:




https: //www.tododecomunicación.com/la-comunicación-comercial.

Marketing and commercial communication