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Matrices of job competencies of the main teacher in the ehtv


The social, political and economic changes of the last two decades in the world call for a more rational, humane and productive use of the workforce in the organization, taking into account the characteristics of the workers, the conditions in which they are invests their capabilities and the types of work they perform, since they are the ones who essentially undertake these transformations, for strategic achievement, fostering the development of processes in the organization.

This presupposes the reordering of the way of life of the entire society, in such a way that social demands have a greater impact on the competent behavior of the organizations and personnel that work in them.


All of which introduces new approaches in the life of Cuban companies, to overcome, not only the crisis that has been dragging on worldwide for some decades, but also to adapt and find the most suitable and competitive path in this new century, setting the course of our organizations globally, supported by a systemic and integrative vision of reality

In this sense, there is a collegiate intention in the nation to promote research projects that manage to guide companies towards the competent development of men at work; not only thinking about productivity, but about the improvement and the realization of the human being; This is reflected in the enormous interest that exists to apply Competency Management as an indispensable tool to deepen the development and involvement of its human resources.

Precisely this paradigm that this management lives, has special relevance in tourism companies; Well, although Cuba is today building the foundations of a future in the educational sphere - through the Universalization of education - that guarantees us a high cultural level in the workers and reserves of our labor market, this level is not necessarily It reflects in the qualities of the personality, in the culture of work and service, which are required by the processes in the sphere of tourism benefits and much less in organizational performance.

This prototype is conceived as a system approach, as a reference model, to achieve Integrated Management of Human Capital, which, in addition to seeking superior job performance, reflects the culture and values ​​of the organization and its tribute to society where you live. That is why their identification is required at the business level (distinctive competencies of the organization), of the processes of the main activities and at the level of the position or position.

However, in Cuban companies, the missing link between strategy and management is constituted by skills; which represents a revolution in human resources management, which forces us to question the validity of the systems used and to reconsider their design and implementation; Well, despite the fact that the country has potential for the systematization of actions that guarantee the best strategic direction of tourism organizations, it is undeniable that competitive advantage cannot be achieved without the study, knowledge and future projections of the designs of competencies of tourism. each position or position in the companies.

Undoubtedly the skills of the teacher is a determining factor in the success of students, this justifies that we focus our attention on defining the skills that tourism education professionals will have to play, given the challenge and demands of our society in this century.

Precisely, through this study the continuous effort is demonstrated, and above all shared by government sectors, ministries and the directions of the organizations, to establish in an incipient practice - which requires rapid maturity - the adequate congruences with the established policies, to achieve that this new model in organizational management becomes a systematized reality and central axis of our work culture.

Starting from the exposed problem, the following hypothesis is formulated:

If the matrices of competencies of the main teacher are modeled, through a methodological procedure integrated into the Cuban norm of the group 3000, a viable orientation will be achieved for the design and evaluation of the profiles of labor competencies, which are taxed to the Management System of the Human capital.

I.1- Brief theoretical and methodological foundation for carrying out the studies of the main teacher's competences at the EHTV.

In the last two decades, the subject of competence has been strongly conquered in the Human Resources Management and Education processes. The generation of this from the training programs requires the initiation of changes in their pedagogical strategies, in their curricular approaches and in the traditional role assigned to teacher and student. For which the use of a wide variety of learning materials is required, combined with a pedagogical orientation towards problem solving rather than repetition of content.

Precisely the purposes of many educational programs are no longer defined in terms of objectives but of competitiveness; "For this reason, the people who train are evaluated to find out if they are sufficient to qualify for a degree or a job due to the skills they demonstrate."

In the opinion of many institutions, the new demands and what is being asked of the teacher today, increases the expectations and demand for higher academic qualifications and shows the need for continuous updating, both in didactic expertise and applied knowledge.. For UNESCO, this is essential “because to provide the world of tomorrow with the knowledge and skills on which economic and social progress so critically depend, educational institutions and teachers need to respond by developing and delivering appropriate educational content. » (OECD / UNESCO, 2001).

Precisely the constant and marked changes in the contemporary world, make teachers have to develop new ways of knowing how to do, in order to give an adequate response to the recent requests that society makes to education. Inexcusably the double facet of teacher and researcher of the professor requires a correct preparation both for the acquisition of knowledge and updating of the same as for the development of new knowledge required in a society and in a ministry in permanent change. To achieve this, the training of education professionals in the domain and didactic exploitation of new technologies is demanded after recognizing that with their help it is possible to achieve the improvement of teaching and learning processes in tune with the changes that are taking place today. they operate in society and in the individual.(Fernández Muñoz R, 2009.)

Faced with this scenario, it is unavoidable to detect the problematic factors that exist within each institution and the need to expand and legitimize the degrees of autonomy, so that the teaching staff is not solely responsible for the results; Therefore, it will be necessary to design and exercise the strategic management of educational development policies with “a prospective vision capable of producing the adjustments that the changing environment demands and of reorienting processes and actions. " 4

4 Graciela Bar. Teacher profile and competencies in the educational institutional context. I Workshop Seminar on Teacher Profile and Training Strategies. (Lima, Peru, September 1999)

Precisely synthesizing research and regional meetings of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, in the perspective of achieving a higher pedagogical quality for all, integrated to business demands, it is imperative:

  • Professionalize the management of the Ministries of Education, strengthening political capacities, personal qualities and their interrelation with technical capacities for the formulation and execution of programs and the introduction of new planning and management practices Guarantee equal opportunities and possibilities for access, permanence and exit from the educational system in order to favor balanced development and cohesion of the social body as a whole Determine the objectives and fundamental contents of the teaching levels, providing dynamic and participatory mechanisms for articulation with the new requests from society.Establish national systems for evaluating the results of the educational process that allow assuming responsibility for the achievements obtained and making accountability to society and information systems and educational research that constitute an operational database for decision-making. increasingly higher standards for each training system, grade and year, referring to the development of levels of knowledge, know-how and being Achieve conditions for students or trainees to perform effectively, providing them with the necessary skills to participate in different areas and develop productively in the organizations where they work.

Due to all the current controversies of MINTUR, the redefinition and improvement of the pedagogical role are demanded, to achieve the transformations of our ministry and of society; and the appearance of collective actors, interests and explicit strategies oriented to the innovative configuration of the professionalized teaching position, which is at the center of the company's problems, achieved with the use of adequate methodologies for studying this problem in organizations or business.

II.1-Methodological procedure that supports the exploration proposal.

Social demands and antecedents that justify and serve as the basis for the investigation.

  • The MTSS and MINTUR, based on the challenges imposed by the current international context, call for studies that allow the systemic application of scientific advances, of novel procedures associated with productivity, that respond to the Cuban NC standards. 3000 - 3001 - 3002: 2007 The promotion of the individual and collective competitive development of the workers and managers of the sector is demanded, to guarantee a SGICH as the central axis of an “organization that learns”, and thereby achieve select, plan, train, evaluate and control their development, through the management and participation of their own staff. The new directives and laws require the application of a contextualized conception of the design of the skills profile,from the modifications made in 2005 by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS) in the qualifiers of positions, and to the new Cuban standard, - as an official document - to be used in the Human Resources Management of the sector organizations.

The proposal obliges those involved to analyze and update the business strategy and study processes, which in an analytical and generalizing way, allows not only to perceive the psychosocial conditions (internal and external) that affect the development of competent performance in the organization, but also act on it; which requires means of (research - learning) that facilitate the logical analysis of the mission and the functions of the position, its integration into the organizational strategy and the critical examination of the situations that have prevented or allowed its maximum realization in the historical conditions - social; To thereby determine the organizational, process and labor competencies that are required to achieve the business goals.

The tactic is part of the search for ways to enhance self-motivation in the organization itself, so that workers feel like true participants in management management, as an advanced way of managing a participatory culture of human potential, considering that “the management by competencies will begin to have an impact on a social and business level, if people manage to be the true self-managers of their performance; which is reflected in the so-called “smart organizations”.

This is based on the criterion that the success of the organizational strategy will largely depend on the contribution to the creation of value of each member of the organization. For it to maintain its sustainability characteristic, three conditions must be met:

  • The determination of what the organization needs in terms of Integrated Human Capital Management, to achieve its strategy. A valid and reliable evaluation of the breadth and depth that each member of the organization possesses the competencies that guarantee the success of the strategy. An investment in time and efforts by managers and managers in the improvement of key processes and their collaborators, for the selection, evaluation and continuous development of these skills, as an essential form of investment.


Figure 2.1: Methodological Design as the basis of the project. Essential stages.

Source: self made.

II.2.Summary of the results obtained in the planning of the competency matrices and the ways to evaluate them in the EHTV.

The functional map made for the performance of the main teacher and whose procedure is closely related to the determination of a database for the primary particular analysis of the competencies that guarantee the key processes, served as support for the analysis of internal and external conditions that affect the activity (what is done - how it is done and where it is done), which serves as the basis for determining the level of competence that the position demands.

One of the main functions of the main teacher is to direct the teaching-learning process, for the training, training and integral development of the human capital of the sector, which favors the continuous improvement of the processes and of the labor, organizational and social competencies. It entails the execution of functions such as:

  • Participate in the planning and studies of programs that enable the formation, training and development of human capital in the tourism sector Prepare and teach the subjects, taking into account the pedagogical requirements, regulated and based on the various professional profiles of the sector. Evaluate and select the objectives, contents, methods and teaching aids that facilitate the development of processes and professional and generic competences in workers and managers of the sector. Conduct the teaching-learning process, at all levels of the pyramid, closely linked with the needs of the processes, workers and managers of the Cuban and regional tourism company Participate and lead the various forms of teaching - methodological work that enable training,continuous improvement and development of the professional skills of workers, middle and senior managers, in the tourism company. Prepare and deliver with fidelity, to the secretariat, the standardized documentation for the development and control of the teaching-learning process.

Given the functional analysis and the processes that must be developed in them, the specialists who participated in the project continuously examined the competencies, through the following question:

  • What systems of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and personality qualities guarantee competent performance in the lead teacher position?

The ideas expressed were submitted to debate and clarification, through the Delphi technique in rounds, which was appropriate to achieve consensus on criteria or opinions and to indicate priorities, obtaining the consent of the participants. To specify with a Kendals coefficient of

0.92 the main job competencies of the main teacher. (See Table 2.2)

COMPETENCES C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 ΣAi ∆ ^ 2 Priord
Pedagogical capacities one two one two two one one 10 -18 324 one
Moral and revolutionary integrity two one two one one two 3 12 -16 256 two
Professionalism in service 7 7 7 6 7 6 5 Four. Five 17 289 6
Culture of education and training for service 3 3 3 3 3 3 two twenty -8 64 3
Honest behavior.

Research capabilities

Ethical - moral commitment

5 5 4 5 4 5 6 3. 4 6 36 5
4 4 5 4 5 4 4 30 two 4 4
6 6 6 7 6 7 7 Four. Five 17 289 6
196 1262

Fig. 2.2 Table that reflects the final results to derive the main job competencies of the main teacher Source: Own elaboration

The integrative analysis encourages the regrouping of all labor competencies units, in a model that we call the Competences Matrix. Culminating the process with a more real and flexible base for the organization of work in the entity; This is why it can be stated that upon completion of this technique, the EHTV is in a position to undertake the improvement or reorganization of the use of its material and human resources, and incorporate it into its corporate culture, to achieve its organizational strategy. (See the competency matrices and the ways to evaluate them in annexes 1 and 2). All of which laid the foundations for the conformation of the profile of the integrated position to the description of the same.

Once the job competencies had been specified and the job competencies matrix completed, it was integrated with the job description and the job qualifier in order to derive the level of competency demanded by the job, which is 4: it presents a range wide range of complex work activities (technical and professional) performed in various company contexts; They demand a good degree of autonomy and responsibility for organizing groups and working with others, as well as a commitment to planning results and the allocation of material and human resources .

The documented procedure has been considered as the support to validate the distinctive competencies of the main activities, as well as to carry out the process of accreditation, selection, development, performance evaluation and feedback of the competencies of the workers who perform in this position.


  1. The application of the project has revealed and favored the measurement of the scope of the levels of competences at the organizational level, essentially in the pedagogical capacities, as a system of knowledge, skills and pedagogical values, which ensure the education, training and development of the tourism professional. evidence that moral integrity is the competence that reaches the highest level of development in the organization; endorsed by the competencies committee, the managers and the documentary results, which demonstrate the daily conduct of these professionals, which affirm the commitment to the educational practice of the country and the moral values ​​that we defend, as well as the ideopolitical level, in correspondence with the demands of the organization and society and the role they have played in pedagogical work,oriented towards the economic-social transformations arising from the work of man The application of these techniques allowed to crown the analysis of the strategy and the demand for a better orientation towards a culture of innovation in technology and organization, which provoke and encourage the development of organizational and labor; associated with the improvement of academic and advisory services, having the hotel company at the center of the problems, for which the improvement of individual and group development plans of human capital is needed, a better measurement of performance, the improvement of furniture infrastructure and work cohesion between workers and management bodiesthe improvement of the furniture infrastructure and the cohesion of work between the workers and the management bodies


  • Acosta Corzo E. 2010. Integrative methodological procedure for Competency Management in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Varadero (Cuba). Castro Ruz, Raul. Speech delivered at the National Assembly of People's Power. Convention Palace, Havana, July 11, 2008. Published in Granma newspaper, July 12, 2008. Pp 2.1998. occupational and functional analysis of the work. Working document for IBERFOP. Mexico. February 1998, Cristóbal Martínez Carlos and others. 2005. Human Resources Management. Based on Labor Competencies. Business Scenario: Tourist Entities. Apuntes Magazine. School of Higher Studies in Hospitality and Tourism of the Republic of Cuba. Supplement 7. Ediciones Balcón. January-December, 2005Cuesta, A. (2005): Human Resources Management Technology. Revised and expanded version.Havana. Ed. Academia.Norma Cubana 2007. (NC 3000, 3001 and 3002.) INTEGRATED HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. 2001. Methodology Project for the Determination and Standardization of Labor Competencies. Directorate of Workforce. 2001


Cuesta Santos A, (2005). Competency management. Technological University of Havana (ISPJAE) Faculty of Industrial Engineering.

José M. Fernández, 2009. Antonio José de Sucre Polytechnic University. Ibero-American Journal of Education (ISSN: 1681-5653)

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Matrices of job competencies of the main teacher in the ehtv