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Same-sex marriage and administration of justice

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The main theme of this article is to address the issue of same-sex marriage and the administration of justice. Marriage is to unite with a person to be able to share expenses, seek respect, mutual help with the loved one, and be able to create a family, and give education to their children, society does not take this type of reform for granted, but more without However, these changes are emerging which we must learn to live with, and know how to face them.

Same-sex marriages and the administration of justice


In this topic we will talk about marriages between a same-sex couple, how in some cities it has been reformed and people of the same sex can legally marry, we will analyze what adoption is in that case, of the rights of the child, discrimination, homophobia among other things.

Likewise, we will realize what is the importance, influence and interest so that homosexual marriages are reformed throughout the country.

II. Background

In all times of marriage, women and men have tried to live with the person they love in all the ages of the man, whether legally or not as long as they were united with the person with whom they wanted to share their life. For centuries marriage was an economic pact between families where the love or feelings of the spouses did not count for anything, in ancient Greece, for example, «it was considered normal for a young man to be the lover of an older man, who was concerned with the education, politics, social, scientific and moral of the loved one it was considered more strange that two adults had a loving relationship "" the andrigonos "(Aristophanes). This seems a little abnormal to me since at present it is totally different, it could be said that we are in the reciprocal.

There are endless definitions that are given to marriage such as "marriage is a civil contract entered into between a single man and a single woman, who come together to perpetuate the species and provide mutual help in life." (TA], Época, Sala, Gaceta, & Oxaca, 2013, p. 692) or “Marriage is the free union of two people to carry out the community of life, where both seek respect, equality and mutual help. It must be held before the Civil Registry Judge »(, Epoca, Plenum, Gaceta, & Tomo XXXIV, 2011) as I have mentioned the definitions of this issue have many pros and cons but however I lean more towards the second definition since we it says that it is the union of two person does not specify sex, nobody can be forced to love a person.

Although for many it is a taboo, these human beings still demand equal rights before the law and society, that is why they are increasingly gaining strength, to make their rights prevail I can emphasize that already in some countries of the world where the marriage of the Same sex, even adoption, although that is a controversial issue and a lot of discussion since it goes against many laws and customs of the states, it could also be said that it goes against nature, I mean religion, which is one of the factors. of the beliefs of the human being,According to religion, God created men and women, so many wonder how homosexuals appeared well, we have tried to find that unknown and according to several authors it is not that they have appeared but that they have always existed not by genetic means but by influence and disorientation that the homosexual male and female have always had will be genetically normal but will have homosexual tendencies by learned preference. This is an effect of education or a vision about oneself that is not innate, but learned.

The word homosexual comes from the Greek HOMO which means the same, that is, a person who likes people of the same sex (EXODUS). It can be said that homosexuality is a strong preferential attraction towards people of the same sex, people who like to share their bodies sexually and perhaps sentimentally with people of the same sex are called homosexuals.

III. Development

Homosexuals have every right to be respected as human persons, they are free to be in their lives what they please, but they know very well that they are incapable of bringing new lives to society, current laws establish that their lives can be inherited. assets, provide protection, etc. This is already consigned in the Law of Coexistence Societies approved by the PRD majority in the DF Legislative Assembly, and published in the official gazette of the capital government.However, the constitutional text that governs us is very clear when it establishes that in Art. 4 »Men and women are equal before the law. This will protect the development of the family »(Congreso de la Unión, 2010). It is important to mention this article where human rights do not have any discrimination whatsoever,Like Art 3 «c) Education will contribute to the best human coexistence, both by the elements that it contributes in order to strengthen the student, together with the appreciation for the dignity of the person and the integrity of the family, the conviction of the general interest of society, as well as the care that it places in sustaining the ideals of rights of all men, avoiding the privileges of races of religion, groups, sexes or individuals ”(union, 2010). Consequently, it is very evident that homosexual marriage must be respected as stated in this article.as for the care that they put in upholding the ideals of rights of all men, avoiding the privileges of races of religion, groups, sexes or individuals ”(union, 2010). Consequently, it is very evident that homosexual marriage must be respected as stated in this article.as for the care that they put in upholding the ideals of rights of all men, avoiding the privileges of races of religion, groups, sexes or individuals ”(union, 2010). Consequently, it is very evident that homosexual marriage must be respected as stated in this article.

I am really against many countries that think that loving the same sex is a crime can even be punished with death, in those foundations or people who see homosexuality as a disease, this I believe already comes in the genes from when a person is born, that is, a person cannot become homosexual, "I did not choose to be what I am, just like you did not choose to be who you are, nobody forced you to love a person" (I'm not gay dad, I'm your son, 2010). I agree that no one should impose something on you that you don't want, since from childhood they never give us anything to choose from.

What Does the Bible Say?

The Bible clearly says in five different places that "homosexuality is sin": (Leviticus 18:22). Although the position of the Scriptures on homosexual behavior is very clear, some people wonder: "Does the Bible also say that homosexual feelings are wrong?" After a long exposition on homosexuality, "That having understood the judgment of God, that those who do such things are worthy of death, they not only do it, even more, they consent to those who do them." (1, 1, Romans) It is evident here that even to approve of the homosexual lifestyle is a sin, “Cushion, for your members that are on earth; fornication, uncleanness, malice, evil lust and avarice, which is idolatry ”(Colossians). According to the Word of God,sexual lust and homosexual fantasy is frowned upon.

There are documents that affirm that homosexuality has a cure, such as (With the Fury of Truth, 2010) this document makes me a bit absurd that mentions that it has rehabilitated a group of people who stopped being homosexual, I would propose a foundation to help these people how to get ahead in the situation they are in and that they feel that they are equal to all, not how society discriminates against them.

In this space I allow myself to talk about adoption, there are naïve people who say: yes to "marriage between homosexuals", but without the right to adoption. But more however we know that according to our laws, there can be no marriage without the right to adoption. Without any difficulty, any judge could grant protection to the "united" under the protection of this exceptional law.

Those interested in its promotion have the ability to present the subject in a tricky way that more than one cannot confuse. It is a sophism that tries to make believe that fundamental rights are being defended, those of homosexuals, when what really happens is that all the argumentation is contaminated by selfishness. Boys and girls have the right "to grow up under the protection and responsibility of their parents, in any case, in an atmosphere of moral and material security affection." (convection) In these principles it mentions that a child has every right to belong to a family, it does not seem sick at all since same-sex couples have my principles, values, education, etc. to be able to raise a person without any difficulty,Of course, as time goes by, that person will be asked endless questions about the society in which we are immersed.

As we know marriage between couples of the same sex itself is not approved in all states, it would be a good idea to reform it throughout the country, it seems a bit absurd that people have to travel to other states to get married, it would be important If there was a reform for the State of Quinta Roo, in this way we would be a very liberal country and we could also have economic increases.

Consequently, I want to talk about how society sees these people. I want to say to homophobia that "it is the fear or rejection of homosexuality" (homophobia, 2008). In today's society, the lesbian relationship is more accepted, in fact, if we rely on pornographic films, lesbian relationships appear, but with very feminine women. In the cinema, for example, audiences tend to be more offended when they see two men kissing than when two women are involved.

Homosexuals have been stereotyped as promiscuous, unstable, immature, and effeminate; being that today most homosexuals show a somewhat exaggerated masculinity, muscles, mustaches, short hair, black clothes and some attributes that they have acquired thanks to the way in which they sold us the image of the male body.

It must also be taken into account that the concepts that we usually handle, and especially those related to sexuality, do not respond to an objective reality, vary over time and are specific to each culture. However, for each individual they are fundamental, they serve to value the actions of others and to guide their own. Since we were little we have learned to distinguish what is right from what is wrong, normal from abnormal. Later on, our own life experience will make us review this normative system and accept those guidelines that seem correct or useful and discard those that we consider useless or ineffective.

In specific cases of sexuality, all of us, homosexuals and heterosexuals, have internalized the same concepts and, therefore, the same prejudices against homosexuality that exist in our society.

IV. Conclusions

Based on the study carried out, we know that there are many pros and cons about the topic discussed, but nevertheless all types of people must be respected, as indicated by those in the administration of justice, analyzing this work it seems to me very important that the society in the that we live in must be more "open" in question that must accept the changes that occur day by day, the situation of this problem guarantees that other countries see us in a more liberal way and that the term "sexist" no longer exists.

V. References


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Same-sex marriage and administration of justice