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Matrix of evaluation of the learning of a didactic unit of higher education


There is a concern in teaching in How to achieve excellence through the evaluation of the teaching-learning process? This concern becomes more relevant when teaching, in order to achieve proactivity towards change, is reinforced with non-teaching professionals from high degree of capacity, whose professional experiences and representation in society are used to motivate the training of students and their institutional environment in procedural and attitudinal strategies in the subjects of the curricular plans.

It is important to respond to this concern; For the solution to such a problem situation, a matrix structure has been designed that objectively shows the interrelationships between the proper functions that the evaluation must fulfill with the typologies and strategic characterizations of evaluation (Information collection instruments, their evaluation criteria and indicators) whose Operation is practical use towards achieving the fundamental objectives of the evaluation: Achievement of quality learning.

The method of use of the matrix will answer the questions: What functions will the evaluation fulfill? What for? Who will evaluate? Who evaluates? With what tools or strategies? How to use your diagnostics? How do I give feedback? and other necessary questions that lead to continuous improvement of the quality of the evaluation reports.


The ethical characterization of the process involves the responsibilities and objectives of teachers, students and the environment, which will allow the processing of pertinent information and produce reports that are timely returned to the process and provide feedback, creating proactivity and synergy in all those involved.

This work uses as a unit of evaluation analysis the Design of the II Didactic Unit of the syllabus of the Strategic Planning course, whose contents correspond to the teaching-learning process of the "Methodology and practical application of Strategic Planning"

The subject corresponds to the curricular plan of the Faculty of Accounting and Administrative Sciences of the San Pedro Private University, Cajamarca subsidiary, Accounting School, professional career of "Public Accountant", VI cycle of studies, dictation of 4 hours per week (Theoretical: 02 hours, practices: 02 hours)


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5.1 The analysis carried out to the Analysis Unit designed and structured through the MATRIX OF FUNCTIONS AND EVALUATION STRATEGIES (graph No. 01) shows an organic and logical evaluation structure that produces a validity and reliability report, which also responds to situations formal and informal because it is a human action, leads us to qualitative and quantitative results, allows a meta-evaluation support to provide feedback on the teaching-learning process

5.2 It is important to clarify that the distinctions between functions and strategies respond to the need to operationalize the analysis, between the evaluation functions and the evaluation objectives, for which I consider strategies as the best alternative to achieve objectives following the line of Scriven, who conceptualizes the distinction between functions and objectives, the former respond to the use made of the information collected by the evaluator (for what? For whom?) And the latter ultimately involve the estimation of the value of a product, a process, an activity (Learning achievement and its permanent quality improvement)

5.3 The conceptualization of the proposed indicators allows to choose:

  • By qualitative and quantitative models, Stratify students according to the achievement of skills and personalized treatment: Seek to improve the E / A process (formative assessment) and achieve its effectiveness (Summative Assessment) Personalize learning assessment strategies: Collection of information to evaluate and return to the evaluated looking for permanent improvement, openness to learning, research, motivate students in new strategic horizons and guide them in the relevance of the competencies of the unit of analysis.

5.4 This proposal seeks to create an evaluative awareness, not only at the Teaching-Learning process level; but also at the Administration-Teaching process level.

5.5 It is in that part where administrative and academic reflection, with a moral attitude and without personal biases, can contribute to the construction of a roadmap that provides feedback on the educational evaluation process in search of educational quality, with a shared vision among the institutions., the teacher, the student and the rest of those involved.


  • Marín Peralta, Jaime Learning Evaluation, Topic No. 02 Educational Evaluation Module Postgraduate School - Master's Degree in Education Sciences UPSP- Cajamarca Branch August-2006 Pérez Gómez, JAI Contemporary Models of Evaluation Ed… AKAL Universitaria Madrid 1985 Pp. 426-445.
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Matrix of evaluation of the learning of a didactic unit of higher education