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Measurement of customer satisfaction and loyalty

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Measuring customer satisfaction is profitable as long as it is accompanied by actions that induce improvement and innovation, given the foregoing, "Grandma's recipe" is proposed in this article so well known to all of us: "Satisfaction and Loyalty".

However, what is not measured cannot be improved, so this article proposes two tools: ICC Customer Engagement Index and Net Promoter Score (NPS), which are being used by our companies, and which allow us to determine the user satisfaction index.

The above seeks to catalog the satisfaction of my client, without only the latter choosing my product or service for a "level of commitment" or "tolerance to dissatisfaction", where we can see that a large part of our society thanks to a domestication exposed from At an early age, he is usually very tolerant of everything that does not satisfy needs and that even falls into the error of false loyalty.

The environment is increasingly complex, more competitive and above all more uncertain; Due to these changes, the information needs in companies have grown in such a way that many of them have thought that Marketing activities were going to be the ones that would allow them to get all that information. This brought with it a development of marketing techniques that are increasingly sophisticated, that is, they have been perfected.

Given the above, we can identify that these practices are aimed at increasing customer participation, through the now famous "grandmother's recipe" which is made up of "satisfaction" and "loyalty", in order to make any company everything a delicacy.

Speaking of loyalty presents as a case study inferring a “satisfaction”, which we could define as the total blocking of sensory spaces through assimilation on a temporary basis. Thus we would be rescuing the pretending to offer satisfaction to the main asset of any organization: the customer.

It is necessary to differentiate between "Satisfaction" and "Loyalty" since they are two separate concepts that are confused with each other in most cases. It is evident that customers loyal to a brand or service are very likely to be satisfied with what they receive, with some exceptions such as false loyalty, a situation where the consumer has no alternative and, in general, is forced to use the products. or services of a certain company, even if you are not totally satisfied.

Therefore, it will be of great importance to know how to distinguish between "loyalty" and "level of commitment" and to use the difference to your advantage, as you are aware that customers are usually fully tolerant of dissatisfaction, since we seek the comfort of a brand or company in the vast majority of occasions when repeating a purchase, with which we are not exactly satisfied but we do express a level of commitment to it.

It will be necessary to ask ourselves: What does such an assertion consist of and what ingredients does it contain? The above has its origin when surveys indicate that we are, as a country, one of the most “happy” societies, but they omit our deep-rooted tendency to “hold out”, "Tolerate", which we manifest as a vice of language, as the inevitable "command?" with which we were domesticated from a very early age, the same allusion is made to the trite: "hit me but don't leave me !!!" For what Edmundo Berumen rightly points out in his article "Tolerance to Dissatisfaction" how difficult it can be why Mexicans show a high degree of tolerance in situations that are totally unsatisfactory to us and that range from poor attention in a space business, even an unpleasant married life.

Based on the above, the work of any company will be more than creating a commitment with the client, following the best recipe that allows them to generate satisfaction to it, even though we know that each organization and its context is different, which is why we could refer For several years now, the importance of having satisfied customers, which leads to a subsequent recommendation, to later end in loyalty. It is well known that customer recommendations are determined by a factor of enormous influence on purchasing behavior: brand equity and corporate image. Where we find the aspect of "word of mouth" advertising, in which it has already been pointed out that it is the best unpaid advertising that a company can enjoy. A study conducted by the Future Foundation,showed that comments between friends and family influence much more than company communication in people's purchasing decisions, both attitudinal and everyday.

To all this, it is relevant to identify and measure the degree of satisfaction of the clients of an organization, where once recognized, it is sought to address, generating in response an increase in market share for any organization.

Felipe Nieve Cruz, in his article "Is it convenient to measure customer satisfaction?" supports the above, pointing out that those who measure customer satisfaction, it is because they are committed to them, that is the only difference. Whoever has this commitment, looks at the minimum statistical changes of the evaluations, the reason, the cause, the explanation to the opinions of the clients. These people extract from the information valuable opportunities that allow them to lead the company towards differentiation and allocate resources to observe the details. They modernize their evaluation methods, foster healthy internal competition, and define target positions against the market.

Frederick F. Reichheld in his participation in the Harvad Business Review magazine "The One Number You Need To Grow", introduces the Net Promoter Score (NPS), an index that helps measure the willingness of customers to recommend a company and the It is classified into three groups: promoters, passives and detractors. This index is capable of forecasting with enough precision increases in sales, profitability and the value generated by the company.

  • By promoters. We can catalog clients whose experiences with the company have been positive and they are very willing to recommend it, due to liabilities. We understand clients whose experiences with the company have been merely satisfactory and are indifferent to recommending it, as detractors. We will determine those clients whose experiences with the company have not been merely satisfactory and are indifferent to recommending it.

This technique applies a questionnaire to the consumer, where, on an ordinal scale from 1 to 10, attributes are evaluated that indirectly set the standard for the degree of satisfaction and that allows it to be classified in any of the three groups identified above.

Another tool that is part of the essence of the recipe is the ICC Customer Engagement Index, which provides us with the level of satisfaction and loyalty of our potential customers, which can guarantee us if this is what is expected, as well as creating a loyalty in our clients, and at the same time gain a greater market share, by recommending us through word of mouth advertising with other prospects. At the same time, seek to measure satisfaction through two key factors: The intention to buy back and the recommendation of the brand, product or service to other people.

ICC = (General Satisfaction * Repurchase * Recommendation) 1/3

In this equation an equitable weight is worked, taking the cube root, simply convert the result back to the original scale.

It is necessary to mention that when it comes to satisfaction, it is not only intended to address that of the client, but that of all the shareholders of any organization that is made up of: investors, suppliers, clients and employees.

In the same way, it will be convenient to determine that in the recipes we will always find a variant in the ingredients, according to a holistic environment that changes according to the region in which we are, but that does not mean that the delicacy that we obtain as a product of said recipe, it is not the desired one but quite the opposite, we will be talking about efficient processes looking for strategies that allow us to increase customer satisfaction, so that their attitudinal repurchase behavior is "seasoned" in a recommendation, where the main "dessert" emphasizes the loyalty, which as is well known by all, it is much more expensive for any organization to try to attract or increase the customer base than to retain existing ones.


Brookes, Richard, Customer Satisfaction Research. Amsterdam: ESOMAR

Frederick, F.. "The One Number You Need To Grow", Harvad Business Review Magazine.. Boston, MA- Vol 81. December 2003

Jerusalem, Rony. The influence of market research on profitability. AMAI Magazine. April-June 2008. pp17

Malhotra, Nareh K. Market Research: A Practical Approach. Pearson Education. 2 Ed, 2000, Mexico.

Measurement of customer satisfaction and loyalty