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Meditate and forget about stress with yoga

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Meditation, which is to be able to clean your mind, is to be aware, is to free yourself from suffering, from the karmic wheel, it is also to free yourself from the duality of the division that often exists between my interior and my exterior. Meditation cultivates the Neutral Mind, whose qualities are: Wisdom, Witnessing (not getting involved), detachment and no ego. The benefits of cultivating this mind and meditation are: Purification, access to higher laws, proper handling of problems, protection, wisdom, greater awareness, strength, greater control, patience, confidence, clarity, positive emotions, better attitude in life, healing power, personal and world peace.

The most widespread spiritual practice in the West is prayer and it is said that it is talking to God, meditation is when God speaks to you. One of the most effective Kundalini Yoga practices to end stress is meditation, which is to be able to cleanse your mind, is to be aware, is to free yourself from suffering, from the karmic wheel, it is also to free yourself from the duality of division that many times It exists between my interior and my exterior. Learn more about this effective technique here.

How does it work?

Our mind releases thousands of thoughts through the subconscious, passing them to the conscious, then the emotion is triggered and the emotion triggers the reaction, this is the process that PATANJALI (One of the first Yogis) describes how the mind works.

The three minds:

For Kundalini Yoga, human beings have three types of minds that are:

The Positive Mind, the Negative Mind and the Neutral Mind, these three minds are part of the process of selecting thoughts that the subconscious releases.

  1. The Negative Mind: This mind has a very important function for the human being, it is the mechanism of survival, self-protection, prevention. Its function is that when the thought passes, it is this mind that presents all the possible difficulties that that thought poses for the reality of that person, and this is very necessary. When this thought arises and before it manifests itself in action, we need to have the ability to discriminate and see what the consequence of the action will be that will trigger that thought before executing it. The Positive Mind: This Mind does the opposite. Raise the opportunities, see the results, look to the future, project, and that is also necessary, because if we did not have that ability to do mental projection, we would stay in the same place,so that the positive mind gives us the ability to project, to imagine, to visualize, to launch ourselves to that goal.The Neutral Mind: It is the intuitive mind, the wise and balanced mind that does not get involved, the witness that observes with impartiality. No sequence of thought will succeed until you achieve this neutral, balanced state. Also this mind represents service, humility and compassion.

The positive and negative minds have to be in balance. When a thought arises, the subconscious mind will take it, the Negative Mind will evaluate it as well as the Positive Mind, this can create balance so that we can discriminate that thought and then our Neutral Mind can act through the intuition to consciously guide us to the correct action when prompted by that thought. There are many individuals whose Negative Mind dominates or whose Positive Mind is weak, and vice versa, and emotions play an important role.

Fear, anxiety, anger, all those emotions are triggered, and depending on that subconscious emotional process, either the positive or the negative mind will dominate and that is when the imbalance arises. Faced with this imbalance and the inability of the Neutral Mind to take that thought and give us the answer intuitively, we react and sometimes we get it right and sometimes not, and that is part of the process that is the wheel of Karma, it is the inability to have intuition and act consciously and not become victims of the unconscious action which brings back Karma.

Meditation cultivates the Neutral mind, whose qualities are: Wisdom, Witnessing

(not getting involved), detachment and no ego.

Benefits of Meditation:

The benefits of cultivating this mind and of meditation are: Eliminate stress, purification, access to higher laws, proper handling of problems, protection, wisdom, greater awareness, strength, greater control, patience, confidence, clarity, positive emotions, better attitude in life, healing power, personal and world peace.

How to meditate?

Meditation asks us to be seated for a certain time and without moving, normally with our eyes closed, if there is no training for this, we can despair, we must be patient, it is advisable to meditate after doing a Kriya (series of yoga exercises) to calm the body, multiple thoughts will come, you just have to let them pass, for that it is also useful to meditate with some Mantra (sounds of power) as it helps us to center and calm the mind.

It is recommended to meditate daily at the same time, in a quiet, pleasant and clean place, the ideal is to start with meditations of 11 minutes., And gradually increase the time.

To see the benefits of a minimal meditation you have to practice it for 40 days, without interrupting any.

By practicing Kundalini Yoga you will learn hundreds of Meditations to achieve many physical, mental and emotional health benefits.

Meditate and forget about stress with yoga