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Improvement of the human resources management system

Table of contents:


The main basis of this research is to design a procedure for the improvement of the Human Resources Management system in the university villages of the Sucre Mission of the Capital District. The contribution of this initiative should contribute to improving the performance of village personnel, coordinators, teachers and students and thus contribute to identify weaknesses and apply corrections, to meet the objectives set, contributing to the development of knowledge, skills, capacities and individual and group attitudes that affect the organizational culture of the Sucre Mission and the university villages.

For the formulation of the procedure for improving Human Resources Management, the results of the diagnosis of the current situation of Human Resources Management are considered, based on a critical analysis of the characteristics and organizational conditions of the university villages, assessing and determining the existing shortcomings in order to overcome them.

This chapter presents the principles that should guide the Human Resources Management improvement procedure, the foundations, the objectives to be achieved, the structure based on the functions of the managers as coordinators and participants of the system, the general activities deployed in plans to comply with the objectives of Mission Sucre of the Capital District and the methodology of implementation of the procedure with the assignment of responsibilities.

The objective pursued with this proposal is to contribute to the improvement of the Human Resources Management system with the implementation of a work procedure for the coordinators of the university villages of the Sucre Capital District Mission.

After exposing the research work proposal, it will proceed to assess it through specialists, with the application of an instrument developed for this purpose and verify its reliability with the use of descriptive statistics.

Conception of the procedure to improve Human Resources Management in the villages

The new paradigm in university education in the Venezuelan context requires a new approach that helps the performance of the professionals who lead the university villages, so it is vital to evaluate the current state of their performance and advance in the preparation in related management areas with the management of human resources to impact administrative and academic activities in the villages. These changes require from the coordinators and coordinators another way and style of leading the villages. Applying a new exercise and practices in the field of Human Resources Management where participation and ability to make decisions are key elements of the Human Resources Management system.

The procedure for improving Human Resource Management as a form of work seeks, on the other hand, to verify how the actions of the municipalized education government system are integrated and related, with the actions of the different elements that constitute work in the villages, based on the analysis of their operation, the motivation of the staff, the organization of work, the performance evaluation, the professional training of the coordinators, the interaction activities that take place between managers and managers, that is, their relationships work, evaluating the proposed objectives, the implementation methods to achieve them, and the ways in which the Human Resources Management system can be perfected internally and in accordance with the environment.

Due to the aforementioned, a direct and permanent interaction of the command line with the village coordinators is required, through meetings of authentic and true participation where the points of view of the axis coordinators and the coordinators of the axes are heard. the villages with the advising teachers to regulate, evaluate, develop actions that lead to improvements in Human Resources Management. It is reaffirmed that it should be based on the analysis, assessment, evaluation and, if necessary, the modification of actions in order to obtain results that impact the academic and administrative activities and translate into the professional improvement of the quality of the work carried out in the villages.

When seeking changes in the ways of working of Human Resource Management in the villages, it is important to take into account the valuable role of all professionals who exercise the sacred process of teaching and learning, the advisory teachers together with the students are the At the heart of this educational system, it should be noted that the teachers are the immediate support staff of the village coordinators, it is therefore necessary to include the teachers in the periodic work meetings and use tools such as the integrated scorecard, where they are systematized the results, consultations, work dispatches, complaints and claims, contributions of ideas, agreements and consensus between all the elements that make up the villages.

The preceding analysis that allows considering the need to promote an initial stage of involvement, is a primary stage to get everyone to assume the proposal for improvement of Human Resources Management, this can be given through meetings, supervisions, application of clearly defined procedures that allow the evaluation of the results of the work and that leads to a fair assessment of the training and development of village coordinators, and teachers for the acquisition of skills and competences, taking into account the subsystems of Human Resources Management.

The collective work of and with the teachers should be considered to allow and promote political-administrative decision-making, the exercise of traditional management functions with the use of the material resources necessary to carry out the work.

The foregoing allowed the author of the research to conceive a procedure for the improvement of Human Resources Management as a set of relationships and interrelations between the coordinators, command lines of municipalized education, aimed at improving the most effective working method for the production of the results in accordance with the requirements of the current context of the Sucre Mission, this being their radius of action, which allows generating a functional structure where the tasks to be performed by each of them are determined.

It should also allow the improvement of the professional actions of the coordinators in order to optimize the results of the Human Resources Management work in the villages.

In addition, the use of technologies and communication to improve the flow of information entering the system and resulting in that the daily work must be handled by the coordinators directed, the superior bosses or the teachers, students or the surrounding environment, must be a fundamental aspect to improve the work village manager and command lines.

The instance through which the work to be carried out becomes truly meaningful and of interest to all those involved in the Sucre Mission, whether they are leaders, teachers, students or the community.

It should be promoted that the links that occur between the two Ministries of Popular Power for Education, the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education, Educational Zone of the Capital District, the State Coordination of the Sucre Mission, Coordinators of axes with the directors where the villages work to achieve their recognition, in order to ensure that physical spaces are fully shared, allowing coordinators to have a place to carry out administrative work.

It is about seeking the creation of an open system and in constant renewal and improvement to allow scientific activities to be carried out, whether diagnostic or research, with the participation, endorsement and collaboration of all the instances involved in the operation of the villages.

The creation of a procedure for the improvement of Human Resource Management in the villages is proposed, the fundamental strength of which is based on a consensually agreed operating structure to be of real effectiveness in the development of academic and administrative activities. This procedure is distinguished as a set of stages closely interrelated with each other and whose purpose is the internal integration of all the subsystems involved in Human Resource Management.

Structure of the HRM improvement procedure for the villages

Based on the indications made in the development of the research regarding the need to give correct and effective responses with new organizational patterns in compliance with Human Resources Management, on the other hand, the village coordinators who must practice the principles basic principles of democracy, participation, autonomy, decision-making, flexibility, systemic approach, integration, permanence, achieving favorable changes in the transformation of university education institutions, the decentralization of the power of the command lines and the delegation of functions between the leaders and directed.

The proposed procedure for improving Human Resources Management is made up of the following principles that support it and the components that are interrelated in their operation with their own defining characteristics, which are listed below:

1.-The principles in the context of the Sucre Mission that should guide the procedure for improving Human Resources Management in the university villages of the Capital District:

  • The implementation of a municipalized university education based on humanism with the application of socialist values ​​The existence and execution of undergraduate training programs with high academic quality The implementation of undergraduate Training Programs that stand as a bastion of the historical moment. social and cultural political of the Venezuelan reality Graduate professionals committed to the processes of change, developing revolutionary citizen values ​​Achievement of relevant university study processes with the socio-cultural context of the environment where they are carried out Permanent ideological - political formation of all the actors of the Sucre mission community (coordinators, teachers, students, community leaders and the community in general). I work merging the university education institutions.Misión Sucre, university villages and communities Linking the villages with the communities of the Capital District with the surrounding communities

Procedure for the improvement of Human Resources Management in the villages:

The Human Resource Management improvement procedure is grouped into six stages, which are shown below in figure 3.1. Each of these stages are defined and developed below.

Procedure to improve Human Resources Management in the university villages of the Sucre Mission of the capital District

Below are the stages of the Human Resource Management improvement procedure

Stage I: Involvement

The objective of this stage I is to ensure from the beginning and throughout the process of improvement of Human Resources Management in the university villages, the collaboration of all, starting with the level of commitment of the senior management of the Sucre Mission, the middle management and all the workers who make life in the university villages, which was explained previously, in this way to attenuate the resistance to change that any improvement procedure brings.

Stage II: Diagnosis of Human Resources Management in the villages

The objective of this stage is to carry out the diagnosis of Human Resources Management from the analysis of its results and the situation of the subsystems of Human Resources Management in the villages, as well as to characterize the internal environment of the organization villages of the Sucre Mission of the Capital District to determine the weaknesses.

The contextualized diagnosis corresponds to the review of what has been done in the coordination, as has been done, critically evaluating the results, to plan new actions, complying with the three Rs suggested by Commander Chávez: Review, Rectification and Reimbursement.

In this regard, the organization's indicators must be defined and determined, evaluating the successful or unsuccessful results of the Human Resources Management process, detecting problems and needs that affect the institution.

To achieve the diagnosis, an instrument is developed to discover essential problems and detect the priority needs of the organization. The most suitable instruments for situational diagnosis can be: direct and indirect observation, surveys. (See diagnostic procedure applied in chapter II of the thesis)

* Application of instruments and analysis process:

Related to the critical analysis of the methods and procedures used in the development and application of diagnostic instruments, in order to guarantee their quality, to determine and diagnose essential problems and their solutions.

After preparing and validating the instrument, it will be applied and the data obtained will be processed, for the analysis of the results that will allow the elaboration of a diagnostic report of the situation studied.

* Definition of priority levels for problem solving and attention to needs:

Here, the problems that affect Human Resource Management in university villages are defined in hierarchical order, in order to determine which is the main problem that must be addressed for the implementation of solutions. In order to avoid the accumulation of tasks of different rank in the same period of time.

To determine the number of experts to consult, the following expression is used:


N: Number of experts.

p: Estimated error rate. 0.01 ……….0.05

i: Accuracy level 0.005 ……..0.10

k: Computerized constant.

Reliability% K
99 6.6564
95 3.8416
90 2.6896


p = 0.01 and i = 0.1

99% reliability for a k = 6.6564


M = 6.6564 (1-0.01) 0.01 / (0.1) 2 = 6.589836 = 7 experts

Then N ≈ 6.5, so a total of 7 experts will be used in the study.

Table: Characterization of specialists

N Name and surname Schooling level Specialty Accumulated experience Level of knowledge Actual charge Degree of commitment
one Duilio Vizcaíno Graduate Education 7 Tall Coordina-UBV Tall
two Norika pinto Msc Education 7 Tall Coordinator Tall
3 Lina medina Graduate Education 6 Tall Coordinator Tall
4 Lennys White Systems Engineer Education 6 Tall Coordinator Tall
5 Sherry avilez Lic. Computing Education 6 Tall Coordinator Tall
6 Larry Mora Graduate Education 7 Tall Coordinator Tall
7 Jacqueline ramos Msc Education 9 Tall Coordinator Tall

Source: Guerra (2011)

For this, a group of specialists is selected who must possess the following skills:

The criterion used for the selection of specialists was as a minimum requirement: that they have a level of knowledge of the work of a manager in the university villages of the Sucre Mission of the Capital District, that they understand the work area, for which seven (7) Experienced specialists accumulate as a village coordinator with a high degree of commitment to the educational project with an experience of at least five (5) years exercising the coordination of the village, axis or state in the Capital District. For this, a table (Annex 3.1) was elaborated about the improvement procedure for Human Resources Management in the university villages proposed, with the main purpose of this research,where the problems detected logically are shown to each expert and the specialists assign an order of importance on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the most important), obtaining these results, the significance hypothesis test of the coefficient of Kendal concordance to finally determine the main problem. Conform the data matrix for statistical processing.

Stage III: Definition of the possible causes of the problem

In this stage, through a brainstorm, group work is carried out with the selected specialists in order to determine all the possible causes that are influencing the problem.

There are many improvement tools that can be used, it is proposed to make the cause - effect diagram to establish the ordering of the causes. This diagram is used to identify the possible causes of a specific problem. The graphical nature of the Diagram allows groups to organize large amounts of information about the problem and to determine exactly the possible causes. Finally, the probability of identifying the main causes increases.

Cause / Effect Diagram of Human Resources Management

Stage IV: Validation of possible causes

You must validate if the causes listed in the cause-effect diagram are really the ones that really originate the problem, it is necessary to apply techniques, review documents to confirm them or not. It must refer to the causes and the demonstration that they really are causes of the problem posed.

Stage V: Execution

At this stage the improvement plan proposal and its implementation are made. Direct personnel from the process under study must participate in defining the proposals. Corrective and / or preventive actions are set out here. It is also determined how to develop these actions through a planning of all the activities to be developed, which will allow implementation.

Stage VI: Permanent control and evaluation of the execution of the proposed Human Resources Management improvement procedure

In the proposed control and evaluation system, it takes into account:

* Review of the proposal in correspondence with the context of application

This stage is of utmost importance in the implementation of the proposal because it must be analyzed if the procedure for improving the applicable Human Resources Management system is effective, if it manages to respond to the problems and needs detected.

In this stage, the correspondence of the proposal with the context in which it is developed is evaluated through a critical analysis. And in turn, the execution of the Human Resources Management improvement procedure if it corresponds to the conception with which it was originally conceived.

With respect to the Training Programs of Misión Sucre, the principles and values ​​that help to carry out the actions of the improvement procedure of the Human Resources Management system must be determined. Helping in the determination of the objectives to be met, defining the activities to be carried out and the assignment of responsibilities at the individual and collective level, all of which will depend on the shortcomings detected in the results of the diagnosis.

Regarding control and evaluation, it will allow the coordination to know the existing correspondence between the proposal and the context where it is applied, in order to determine if it responds effectively to the detection of problems, deficiencies and specified needs and possible solution.

In turn, this step allows determining the competencies of the village coordinators, the changes that have occurred and the results achieved in their work, as well as evaluating the most relevant aspects to take into account of the proposed procedure, its components such as: compliance with the objectives, the structure, the general activities and the performance evaluation subsystem and the training-improvement subsystem.

Now, in order to evaluate the proposed system as a whole, its effectiveness must be evaluated with expert criteria, which will be done in the next section.

Table 3.3 Action plan

Action Responsable Weather Means Results

Stage VI: Permanent control and evaluation of the execution of the proposed Human Resources Management improvement procedure

In the proposed control and evaluation system, it takes into account:

* Review of the proposal in correspondence with the context of application

This stage is of utmost importance in the implementation of the proposal because it must be analyzed if the procedure for improving the applicable Human Resources Management system is effective, if it manages to respond to the problems and needs detected.

In this stage, the correspondence of the proposal with the context in which it is developed is evaluated through a critical analysis. And in turn, the execution of the Human Resources Management improvement procedure if it corresponds to the conception with which it was originally conceived.

With respect to the Training Programs of Misión Sucre, the principles and values ​​that help to carry out the actions of the improvement procedure of the Human Resources Management system must be determined. Helping in the determination of the objectives to be met, defining the activities to be carried out and the assignment of responsibilities at the individual and collective level, all of which will depend on the shortcomings detected in the results of the diagnosis.

Regarding control and evaluation, it will allow the coordination to know the existing correspondence between the proposal and the context where it is applied, in order to determine if it responds effectively to the detection of problems, deficiencies and specified needs and possible solution.

In turn, this step allows determining the competencies of the village coordinators, the changes that have occurred and the results achieved in their work, as well as evaluating the most relevant aspects to take into account of the proposed procedure, its components such as: compliance with the objectives, the structure, the general activities and the performance evaluation subsystem and the training-improvement subsystem.

Now, in order to evaluate the proposed system as a whole, its effectiveness must be evaluated with expert criteria, which will be done in the next section.


  1. The change in education brought about by the Bolivarian revolution, leads to the revision of the managerial processes applied in the sector that have been impregnated with the obsolete and traditional conception based on vertical and centralized styles, thus leading, at present, to a directed change towards new management styles, with a scientific and systemic conception in the light of new management trends.The procedure for improving Human Resources Management in the villages is based on actions to be applied in the university villages, taking as elements implementation: involvement, diagnosis, causes of problems, validation of causes,the execution and the control and evaluation of the results in order to contribute to the improvement of the Human Resources Management, the permanent improvement of the performance of the personnel of the university villages.


  1. The application of the procedure to improve Human Resources Management in the villages as a pilot test in the Capital District Evaluate the results of the pilot test to be applied to all the villages of the country, adapting them to the prevailing reality in the villages and in their environment Implement ongoing training, performance evaluation and stimulation of university village teachers and coordinators in the areas of human resource management for villages Continue working on the permanent improvement of the different resource management subsystems Human resources in university villages The dissemination of this thesis in different media will provide a vision of the management of human resources in university villages


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Annex N ° 1

Survey addressed to the Village Coordinators of the Misión Sucre Foundation

Your experiences and suggestions can help you refine the management work in the organization and thus be more useful to yourself. We thank you in advance for your assessment of the work of the human resources management in the organization and we ask you to answer all the aspects mentioned as indicated in each section.


1.-Read each of the items before starting to answer

2.-Take the time you consider necessary

3.-Mark with an "X" the selected alternative

No. Questions Alternative
one Are you motivated by your work? Yes Sometimes Not
two Do you like the work you currently do? Yes Sometimes Not
3 Would you like to move from your workplace? Yes I do not care Not
4 Does your manager highly value the results of your work? Yes Sometimes Not
5 In your work, do you recognize the merits of the staff more for other reasons than for the results obtained? Yes Sometimes Not
6 Would you like to improve yourself and develop professionally in the work you do? Yes I do not care Not
7 Do you know the objectives of your area of ​​work? Yes Sometimes Not
8 Do you participate in defining the objectives of your area? Yes Sometimes Not
9 Do you know the functions that you must perform in your job? Yes Sometimes Not
10 Do you feel overworked? Yes Sometimes Not
eleven How do you consider the distribution of the working day? Suitable I don't think Inappropriate
12 You consider that the provision of materials and means is sufficient to carry out your work Yes Sometimes Not
13 Is there a selection process to enter the Sucre Mission? Yes Sometimes Not
14 How are the interpersonal relationships with the colleagues that make up the work group? Good Regular Bad
fifteen Do you interact with colleagues in the work group? Frequent Few times Never
16 How do you consider the relationships between the members of your group? Good Regular Bad
17 Have you been sanctioned at work? Yes Sometimes Not
18 Does your immediate superior boss attend to the workers when difficulties occur? Always Sometimes Never
19 How often are the ideas of your staff solicited and implemented? Frequent Sometimes Never
twenty How much confidence do you have in your staff? Quite Little None
twenty-one Do you have the opportunity at work to improve yourself and opt for a better position? Yes Sometimes Not
22 Is there a plan for improvement for workers? Yes Unknown Not
2. 3 Do the courses you have received meet your needs? Yes Sometimes Not
Is job promotion based on job results? Yes Sometimes Not
25 Is your work evaluated? Yes Sometimes Not
26 Is your evaluation discussed with you? Yes Sometimes Not
27 Do you discuss the results of the performance evaluation with your teachers? Yes Sometimes Not
28 Does your "salary" correspond to the work you do? Yes Sometimes Not
29 Do you receive any other type of stimulation for the result of your work? Yes Sometimes Not
30 Are you satisfied with the stimulation you receive? Yes Sometimes Not

Annex N ° 2

Survey directed to the teachers of the villages of the Mission Sucre Foundation

Your experiences and suggestions can help you refine the management work in the organization and thus be more useful to yourself. We thank you in advance for your assessment of the work of the human resources management in the organization and we ask you to answer all the aspects mentioned as indicated in each section.


1.-Read each of the items before starting to answer

2.-Take the time you consider necessary

3.-Mark with an "X" the selected alternative

No. Questions Alternative
one Are you motivated by your work? Yes Sometimes Not
two Do you like the work you currently do? Yes Sometimes Not
3 Would you like to move from your workplace? Yes I do not care Not
4 Does your manager highly value the results of your work? Yes Sometimes Not
5 In your work, do you recognize the merits of the staff more for other reasons than for the results obtained? Yes Sometimes Not
6 Would you like to improve yourself and develop professionally in the work you do? Yes I do not care Not
7 Do you know the objectives of your area of ​​work? Yes Sometimes Not
8 Do you participate in defining the objectives of your area? Yes Sometimes Not
9 Do you know the functions that you must perform in your job? Yes Sometimes Not
10 Do you feel overworked? Yes Sometimes Not
eleven How do you consider the distribution of the working day (hours and rest)? Suitable I don't think Inadequate
12 You consider that the provision of materials and means is sufficient to carry out your work Yes Sometimes Not
13 Is there a selection process to enter the Sucre Mission? Yes Sometimes Not
14 How are the interpersonal relationships with the colleagues that make up the work group? Good Regular Bad
fifteen Do you interact with colleagues in the work group? Frequent Few times Never
16 How do you consider the relationships between the members of your group? Good Regular Bad
17 Have you been sanctioned at work? Yes Sometimes Not
18 Does your immediate superior boss attend to the workers when difficulties occur? Always Some Never
19 How often are your ideas solicited and implemented? Frequent Sometimes Never
How much confidence does your superior have in you? Quite Little None
twenty-one Do you have the opportunity in your work to improve yourself and opt for a better position? Yes Sometimes Not
22 Is there a plan for improvement for workers? Yes Unknown Not
2. 3 Do the courses you have received meet your needs? Yes Sometimes Not
Is job promotion based on job results? Yes Sometimes Not
25 Is your work evaluated? Yes Sometimes Not
26 Is your evaluation discussed with you? Yes Sometimes Not
27 Does your "salary" correspond to the work you do? Yes Sometimes Not
28 Do you receive any other type of stimulation for the result of your work? Yes Sometimes Not
29 Are you satisfied with the stimulation you receive?
Yes Sometimes Not

Annex N ° 3

Interview guide applied to Axis Coordinators.

Objective: To guide the search for information on Human Resource Management in the university villages of the Capital District.

The interview is aimed at the five (5) axis coordinators, the conversation with the interviewees allows us to specify the aspects of Human Resources Management. The following aspects are presented below:


* Work organization

* Recruitment and selection process

* Analysis and description of the position

* Discipline and labor relations

*Performance evaluation

*Formation and development

* Stimulation and retribution

Deepen the knowledge of the administrative work related to the management of human resources of the coordinators of university villages.

The relationship of Human Resource Management with the basic aspects of scientific management and its functions of planning, organization, direction and control:

Preliminary questionnaire

1.-Do you have knowledge of Human Resources Management?

2.-How many village coordinators do you have per axis and population of teachers?

3.- How are the interpersonal relationships of the axis coordinator and the village coordinators?

4.-Is the performance of the village coordinators evaluated?

5.-Who carries out the performance evaluation?

6.-For what purpose do you do it?

7.-What is the document used?

8.-Is there a stimulation plan for the village coordinators?

9.- Is there a recruitment and selection process to enter the Sucre Mission?

10.-What are the main weaknesses in the work of village coordinators?

11.-How do you think your work as a village coordinator can be improved?

10.-Is there a plan for the improvement of village workers?

Thank you so much


Dear Specialist

In order to improve human resource management in the university villages, we need each specialist from Specialist-1 (E-1) to Specialist-8 (E-8), order from 1 to 8 the problems detected according to the importance that assign each of the problems detected, 1 being the most important to 8 least important.

Table 3.3 Validation by a specialist of the problems detected in the villages

Problems detected E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7
* Lack of adequate spaces to carry out administrative work in the villages 8 7 7 7 6 8 7
* The provision of materials and means are not sufficient for work in the villages 7 8 8 8 8 7 8
* There is no formal recruitment and selection process for personnel entering the villages one 3 one 3 3 3 3
* Lack of formal procedures for carrying out administrative activities 6 5 4 4 4 5 4
* There is no systematic performance evaluation process in university villages two one two one one two one
* There is no comprehensive training plan for village staff 3 two 3 two two one two
* There is no formal plan to encourage and recognize the work of the staff 4 4 6 5 6 4 5
* Lack of formal control of human resource management in the villages 5 6 5 6 5 6 6

Source: Guerra (2011)

Annex N ° 6

Guide to the documentary review.


The following documents will be reviewed:

Conceptual bases of that of the Sucre Mission.

* The conceptual bases of the Sucre Mission are known

* The conceptual basis of the Sucre Mission is currently fulfilled in the villages

* The conceptual foundations of Misión Sucre are in force today

* Human Resource Management in the university villages

* The administrative activities carried out by the village coordinators

Conceptualization of the village coordinator

Roles of the village coordinator.

The contents of the basic documents of the Misión Sucre foundation and the communications issued by the state coordination to the village coordinators are reviewed.

* The functions that the Misión Sucre village coordinator must fulfill are known

* Participate in the development of objectives and the roles of the village coordinators

* Stimulation and recognition to the coordinators for the results in their work

* Work relationships between the members of the Sucre Mission, coordinators-chiefs

* The performance of the village coordinators of the Sucre Mission is evaluated

* The provision of materials and means for the development of university villages

Annex No. 7

Analysis and description of the position


Promote the opening of new training programs and collaborate in the management, with government institutions, of the centers where the village environments will function, as well as those that will serve as support for the development of the different programs, establish coordination relationships and cooperation with the directors of these centers, as well as the care and control of national assets and their facilities.

* Activate and promote community institutional synergy and actively participate in intermission meetings as well as in university extension activities.

* Provide information regarding the Sucre Mission to the community in general.

* Disseminate the progress and achievements of the Sucre Mission in its surroundings.

* Promote the application of advisory teachers for the different training programs.

* Organize, under the guidance of the Academic Committee, the improvement programs of the advisory teachers and trainers who work in the village, guaranteeing the attendance, evaluation and fulfillment in the educational practice of the contents of said improvement.

* Ensure teacher assurance for the development of the professional training process.

* Manage the allocation of materials and equipment granted to the university village by the Mission Sucre Foundation, before the state coordination.

* Distribute the didactic material to teachers and students through a register.

* Guarantee the quality of the training process in the profiles that are developed in the village.

* Participate in the supervision of the performance of the advisory teachers of the training programs.

* Attend the inductions of the functions carried out, when called by the academic committee.

* Organize the control and information system that allows it to consistently guide its advisory professors as well as receive and process the information requested by the academic committee.

* Maintain a permanent and updated record of the development of the pedagogical process of the training programs and its fundamental results (enrollment, attendance, teaching results, fulfillment of objectives, fulfillment of curricular activities, among others), both in terms the students as well as the teachers.

* Ensure compliance with the evaluation regulations established by the Sucre Mission.

* Ensure compliance with the load of qualifications in the SINES system.

* Guarantee the administrative processes inherent to the proper functioning of the village.

* Comply with and enforce the school calendar.

* Maintain a systematic control over the attendance of advisory professors and operational personnel, as well as compliance with academic planning.

* Keep updated the data of students and teachers in the SINES system, keeping a physical backup.

* Carry out the pertinent procedures for the accreditation, extension of certificates, changes of villages and transfer of the participants that require it.

* Channel the scholarship applications of the participants according to the requirements demanded by the Mission, as well as carry out the necessary procedures for the suspension of scholarships based on the respective report.

* Raise a report of non-compliance by teachers by means of an act signed together with the students and deliver it to the State Commission.

* Maintain permanent communication with the different actors that participate in the development of the village processes.

* Attend the meetings called by the state coordination team and / or IES and transmit to the students and advising teachers all the agreements and guidelines coming from the State Coordination.

* Hold periodic meetings with the student spokesperson and teachers liaison with the training programs, attending to the claims and agreements that may arise and channel the situations presented.

* Actively participate in the mobilizations that are oriented, as well as in the realization of cultural, sports, political and social events.






Names and surnames:______________________________________________________

Position held: ____________________________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ___

Signature and Identity Card: ______________________________________________

Years of experience: _________ Where you work: ________________________________

Mark with an X according to the legend below. Writing: Clear, Consistent and Relevant to the objectives.

No. clear Coherent Relevant No. clear Coherent Relevant
one 16
two 17
3 18
4 19
5 twenty
6 twenty-one
7 22
8 2. 3
9 24
10 25
eleven 26
12 27
13 28
14 29
fifteen 30
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Improvement of the human resources management system