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Best sales techniques for the success of your business

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This article is based on the results obtained in the 2002 Professional Sales Survey and aims to provide clarity in the identification of sales actions.

Based on the 2002 Professional Selling Survey

Part I: Those who sell "face-to-face" with opportunities

From my beginnings in the activity and after confronting very notorious differences in the way and styles of selling, I developed and supported the hypothesis that "we Latinos do not have a culture oriented towards professional sales as it is manifested in Anglo-Saxons", a fact clearly appreciable by all of us as potential consumers in several Spanish-speaking countries, even today.

But it is not the same to "believe" on a certain topic than to "analyze reality objectively."

The "belief" will always be tinged with the subjectivity that one's perception, intelligence and experience bring to it. The second, on the other hand, is based on concrete facts of what really happens with the analyzed object.

We must also accept that despite this hypothesis we live with another great reality: "despite the lack of culture towards selling that we appreciate, many organizations sell." For this reason, the analysis approach here goes through: how do they sell?

As it is understood from this, the issue does not pass only by the quantity of what is sold but the quality and efficiency with which it is made. This leads us to think that there is an untapped potential in each one that would generate more sales if these actions are positively modified in daily management

This is explained in the thinking and attitude of many entrepreneurs when they conclude that: "if we are selling, what is the point of analyzing or improving sales management?" But the biblical prophecy of the seven years of abundance is also fulfilled with another period of scarcity, and when it arrives, the emergency occurs that does not help to resolve with clarity: "where to begin to improve?"

When trying to find objective answers to a sales management that does not provide the desired results, "personal beliefs" appear that do not always end up providing the best solutions. These are due to the fact that their own perceptions do not always coincide with those of other members of a management team since they are based solely on different perceptions of the same reality. The important thing is to know in each particular case, "what is being done and how it is done ".

This article is based on the results obtained in the 2002 Professional Sales Survey and aims to provide clarity in the identification of sales actions, with the sole purpose of providing reflection to evolve towards higher levels of management by those who really want to professionalize their activity and achieve success in the commercialization of what they supply to the market.

To achieve this, the first step is awareness. But let's recognize that while it is important, nothing will be improved simply by doing so. This will only occur when the efficiently implemented improvement produces effective achievements in terms of sales results.

1. What motivates you to sell?

Many want to sell, but are they all in a position to perform well? What type of representative has the conditions to become successful?

It is interesting to note that only 47.5% "love selling and enjoy every time they help others with their knowledge."

These are the only ones who can truly achieve higher levels of performance throughout their career. The statement is not whimsical but arises from principles accepted by all regarding that in every profession, no one can be successful if they do not really love what they do and where the pleasant is related as a wonderful incentive to the activity they exercise, assimilating from This way everything allows them to evolve constantly and progressively throughout their careers.

When the sales activity is accessed due to a work need as stated by 15.8%, nothing better than a well-known saying that expresses that "the need has the face of a heretic." Let's see it from a simple example: one can pretend to be a good surgeon, but if the main reason is his need to work, what certain prospects of success will he have?

Likewise, the natural desire to believe that in sales he will obtain a higher remuneration (24.2%), perhaps because as a child his parents made him believe that he was born for sale because of his verbosity or natural sympathy (12.5%), they are not sufficient conditions to achieve outstanding performance.

This motivational aspect towards the sale is key for those who direct them or to clarify what activity should or should not be carried out.

In the case of selecting them, the opportune moment to detect it is in the final selection interviews and before incorporating them. Failure to consider it at the appropriate time will imply sunk costs and results.

2. How did I learn to perform in sales?

If one has the conditions to perform but does not receive initial and continuous training to begin and improve during his tenure, he will not reach any outstanding management level.

The most impressive thing that emerged in this survey is to have established that almost half (49.2%) of those who sell learned from their own experience, that is, "walking the road".

Can you imagine a young man who wants to be an aviator and gets on to pilot the plane where you are as a passenger and begins to learn from his own experiences (and yours too)? How would you feel when someone you love has to undergo surgery for appendicitis and is treated in the emergency room by a doctor who is learning in this way?

Another important group (14.2%) learned to sell only through the teachings and experiences of their more experienced colleagues. In addition to not being an efficient way of learning, since the procedure does not filter the learning of vices and unwanted deviations of its management, this leaves us with an unanswered question in this survey: did the most experienced colleagues learn in the same way or « making way while walking »?

Let's agree that learning errors in sales are not free. Mismanagement has a very high cost and, what is even more serious, it is not reflected in any invoice or accounting record but will only be appreciated when it is too late. (See article »Your sellers transmit your image»)

When this happens, potential market buyers of your products or services are the losers who will pay at the cost of their future success for the uncontrolled learning experiences of these representatives.

What is worrying about this aspect of the research is that only one-third of the sample (33.3%) learned the way that actually avoids irreparable damage, having taken initial training and other reinforcement activities.

3. With what opportunities do you intend to meet your goals each month?

If you've ever wondered why your sales targets are not being met month after month, you will probably find the most appropriate explanation here.

To safely achieve the periodic goals, it is necessary to previously have a number of opportunities contacted and qualified in terms of their willingness to buy, which widely exceed their sales objectives.

This activity is known as " prospecting " and represents the systematic and continuous action of obtaining qualified opportunities to make sales, managing the information obtained and planning the corresponding actions. (See article: Sale as a continuous production process with vital results)

According to this unavoidable but obviously not fulfilled requirement, it can be stated that 78.9% of the respondents will not reach their objectives each month, until they incorporate this important aspect of a professionalized sale into their management. The only ones that will be able to achieve it, represents only 21.1% of the entire sample.

4. With what knowledge of the offer itself is it intended to sell?

Surprisingly enough, only 64.4% of all respondents who sell face-to-face with potential buyers are in a position to successfully induce them to a potential purchase decision.

To achieve this, it is necessary to know absolutely all the products or services they offer in terms of "benefits". This is due to the fact that "people do not buy a product or service for what it is or seems to be, but only the certain promise of enjoying its benefits by becoming owners or users of it" (Ref. La Venta Profesional, La Venta Retail Professional, Martín E. Heller, Ediciones Libros En Red)

Lacking sufficient knowledge in the basics, what kind of induction and advice towards a successful purchase can you provide?

5. What strengths do you have in handling objections?

The high competitiveness in each market niche forces us to face daily challenges in every possible sales opportunity.

During any interview, the appearance of objections is an unavoidable reality that only if they are answered efficiently will it allow progress towards a possible sale. But to answer them, it is necessary to know what and how to do to minimize or refute them. (See Analysis of Products and Services in terms of sales - Professional Sales Techniques)

In addition, the ignorance of a representative exposes him in the eyes of his interlocutor as an "improvised salesman", discrediting both him and the company, its brands, products or services it offers.

According to the responses received, only 17.8% of the respondents are in a position to move towards a possible sale.

6. How do you manage your time to apply your productive capacity?

Time is the key variable in which the actions that will produce the desired sales results are developed. And professional selling is a continuous productive process of generating the results established in the periodic objectives.

A bad administration ends up wasting all business investment assigned to its representatives in charge of materializing such vital achievements.

Only 33.3% of the respondents will actually be able to apply their maximum productive capacity. The rest will be left on the road without being able to reach their goals due to lack of an appropriate management method in the use of possible sales hours. (See article: Configure your effective management method)

7. How do you gain and preserve confidence when answering a question with a lack of knowledge?

Honesty is an essential requirement in every professional field, but it is more important when trying to achieve a certain degree of trust to induce potential buyers towards a purchase.

The trust that is initially obtained must be seeded and cultivated permanently so that after the first purchase, other possible ones can arise in the future with each client obtained.

The true attitude that provides this confidence corresponds to 67.8% of the respondents. The rest is distributed between 25.5% (3.3% + 22.2%) who mistakenly believe that subtle deception is part of a good sale and 6.7% who answer unconfirmed ambiguities, for the sole purpose of responding…

8. How do you respond to the objections of your potential buyers seeded by competitors?

77.8% responded that they accept them when they are real, answering them in terms of benefits without mentioning the competition. From the response provided by this group, there is a high degree of probability that they will be able to refute them or minimize their negative consequences during their sales interviews.

On the other hand, 18.9% only accept those that are true and explain them. However, in what way do they resolve those that are actually easier to refute?

Those who surely lose opportunities by attending to them in an unprofessional way are understood by 1.1% who respond by "attacking those of their competition", without considering that this creates unnecessary antagonisms and transmits a poor professional image.

A small group consisting of 2.2% reject all kinds of objections, even when they are real. But this does not deserve further explanation regarding the future that this attitude holds for them.

9. How do you stay informed and updated on sales?

As in any profession or activity, keeping up to date with advances, techniques, innovations, etc., is the only way to be competitively efficient and effective in its exercise.

The way to achieve this in sales reflected that only 40.0% read books, articles and actively participate in training activities, which is highly remarkable.

30.0% are updated by reading articles on the specialty in magazines and on Web pages.

Another group, represented by 12.2%, stated that they carried out a thorough analysis of their daily management, which is usually effective according to the method used and the changes that are implemented after the diagnostic objective.

The interesting thing was to establish that 17.8% trust exclusively their own intuition, their experience and their permanent curiosity.

10. How is the final enthusiasm when the sale does not materialize in the interview?

The enthusiasm initially transmitted to a potential buyer is very important since, when there is a correspondence between need-satisfaction or problem-solution with the object offered, it contributes positively to the final decision.

In this regard, a large percentage made up of 75.6% maintains the same enthusiasm even when it is clear that the potential buyer will not make his purchase at that time. This is really very professional.

But those who hide it on some occasions (2.2%) or those who can only do so on some occasions (15.6) will not have better luck, and even less so those who have difficulty in concealing it (2.2%).

Part II: Those who direct those who sell

In different articles I have stated that: "The salesperson becomes what his bosses expect and do for him."

To do this, nothing could be more accurate than to analyze it and interpret it on the quantitative terms as a product of their own responses obtained through this 2nd Survey on Professional Sales.

The correlation and the lack of it in the responses of this conductive level of management with respect to their driven to achieve what is expected of them will probably come as a surprise.

Having obtained the answers from a survey based specifically on the sales action itself, and having not been oriented towards the capabilities inherent to its management, we have an unanswered question that can be intuited from the analysis of their responses. We are referring to: Are they in a position to manage their representatives in an efficient and effective way?

1. What motivates you to sell?

When reflecting on this important question and trying to establish why they are at a managerial level, leading those who achieve the results, a greater number of those who responded that it is because "they love and enjoy every time they help others with the contribution of their knowledge »(47.5%).

Obviously, at this level, those who intervene to a lesser degree: "They always wanted to have higher incomes than in other positions" with 24.2%; «I needed to get a job, they hired me and stayed in it» with 15.8%) and those who «Feel that they were born to sell and what they like to do the most» with 12.5%.

The question of its suitability is only answered by the quality, quantity and consistency of the results obtained. This is the natural consequence of his ability and determination to surround himself with the best representatives and to lead them strategically towards the best results with the highest profitability, month after month.

2. How did I learn to perform in sales?

The saying goes that "Like a stick, like a splinter", since it applies when we analyze this answer. The real conclusions are obtained through the quality, quantity and consistency of your achievements.

If 49.2% learned to sell "by walking" it is logical and reasonable that their belief induces them to "not spend" on training because of something that is learned from mistakes made with each of the company's sales opportunities, products or services and brands they represent.

To appreciate the magnitude of this Latin scourge in selling professionalism, simply research the selection requirements that every sales manager has in more evolved countries. You will surely be surprised to discover that: they must have proven successful management as a representative, preferably have a university degree related to the activity, know how to select, train and support the members of their team. And answer yourself, how do you see the Latino manager and the company that believes in improvisation and experience "at the expense of customers" as the only source of learning?

If "they learned to sell from their more experienced colleagues" as answered by 14.2% of the respondents who are in charge of the group, it is not surprising that they obtain a result like the majority previous group and another one with even greater uncertainty.

At the other pole, there are those who «learned through an effective course several years ago» (3.3%) and «through a course and other reinforcement activities» with 33.3%.

Finally, we can summarize that the Latin American panorama and future of those who are in charge of selling through their representatives are serious and constitute the 53.4% ​​who do not conceive that efficient selection and initial and continuous training constitute the best investment that can be done by and for the success of the business.

3. With what opportunities do you intend to meet your goals each month?

If as sellers they did not incorporate it, according to their training, they will hardly achieve it with their representatives in charge.

We refer to the effective management method that provides results consistently, month after month. (See article: Sales as a continuous production process with vital results)

If there are no qualified opportunities that exceed the goal to be reached, it is impossible for them to get the results that are required. And this is determined by an effective and consistent " prospecting " action, obtaining enough qualified opportunities to make sales, managing the information obtained and planning the corresponding development and closing sales actions.

78.9% will not be able to reach their goals for this reason (see answers 3.a., 3.b. and 3.c.), while only 21.1% will achieve it (3.d.).

4. With what knowledge of the offer itself is it intended to sell?

If only 64.4% of managers "know all their products or services in terms of features and benefits" it can only be accepted if they do not really sell face-to-face with potential buyers. Otherwise, they would be logically unable to successfully induce them to a purchase decision.

The interesting thing here is what do you think your representatives should know about it? given that 51.5% of the total vendors responding to this same survey go out to sell lacking this essential knowledge.

This is so important because "people do not buy a product or service for what it is or appears to be, but only the certain promise of enjoying its benefits by becoming owners or users of it" (Ref. La Venta Profesional, La Venta Retail Professional, Martín E. Heller, Ediciones Libros En Red)

5. What strengths do you have in handling objections?

Although the sales manager or business executive does not respond to objections to potential clients, except in a few occasional interviews, it is important to note that they do not know their market competitors as they should.

From the responses it can be deduced that 82.2% are not in a position to transmit knowledge and training to their representatives to learn to respond effectively and efficiently to objections, but that this lack also makes it impossible for them to propose effective strategies or tactics that reverse the actions of your competition in the market.

Only 17.8% of the managers, directors and businessmen responding to this survey, know absolutely all the characteristics and benefits of the products and services of their competition.

It is appropriate to reiterate here that there is high competitiveness in each market niche and this forces us to face daily challenges in every possible sales opportunity.

There is no interview where objections arise and they will be reversible only if they are answered efficiently to move towards a possible sale. But to answer them, it is necessary to know what and how to do to minimize or refute them. (See Analysis of Products and Services in terms of sales - Professional Sales Techniques)

And remember that the ignorance of a representative exposes him in the eyes of his interlocutor as an "improvised salesman", discrediting both him and the company, its brands, products or services it offers.

6. How do you manage your time to apply your productive capacity?

If the manager values ​​time and knows how to manage it, he will be in a position to do the same with his collaborators to achieve maximum management productivity.

Only 33.3% of the sample is in this condition.

The remaining 66.7%, and at different levels of magnitude, are permanently aimless, "putting out fires" and wasting the productive capacity of each of their collaborators.

They can count on star salespeople, but if you don't organize and help them manage their time efficiently, their potential energy will be irretrievably wasted like the electrical energy of a lamp lit all day. (See article: Configure your effective management method)

7. How do you gain and preserve confidence when answering a question with a lack of knowledge?

In Part I of this series we stated that: «Honesty is an essential requirement in every professional field, but it is more important when trying to achieve a certain degree of trust to induce potential buyers towards a purchase.

The trust that is initially obtained must be sown and cultivated permanently so that after the first purchase, other possible ones may arise in the future with each client obtained. "

In this regard, the honesty of the respondents (67.8%) reflected a consistent positive orientation in this regard.

It should be clarified that at the managerial and directive level, this aspect acquires an even greater impact since its values, its transmission and the importance assigned to it represent the orientation that will translate into honest behavior with each of its representatives.

8. How do you respond to the objections of your potential buyers seeded by competitors?

It has been possible to establish a great coherence in the management group (78.7%) with respect to that of those who carry out the "face-to-face" sale (72.2%) when responding that they accept the objections when they are real, answering them in terms of benefits not to mention the competition.

This represents that there is a high degree of probability that you will be able to refute them or minimize their negative consequences during your sales interviews.

9. How do you stay informed and updated on sales?

In the previous part we pointed out that: "as in any profession or activity, keeping up to date with advances, techniques, innovations, etc., is the only way to be competitively efficient and effective in its exercise." For this reason, the issue goes through the effective way in which this is done.

According to the responses processed regarding this question, a great difference was observed at this "managerial-executive-entrepreneur" level and that of the salespeople.

40.0% read books, articles and actively participate in courses, seminars and conferences, and 30.0% do so by reading sales articles in specialized magazines and websites.

This shows 70% of them reach a certain level of knowledge and updating of the management of sources that provide keys for a more professionalized and effective management activity of their vendors.

The rest of the respondents use not so effective methods.

But here logical questions arise that remain for the reflection of each reader: if this is true, why so much disparity between the way in which they keep informed and updated in sales regarding how their salespeople do it? Why does this not translate into more professional and efficient actions from your salespeople?

10. How is the final enthusiasm when the sale does not materialize in the interview?

In this aspect, a very close relationship has been observed between both levels, since 75.6% maintain the same enthusiasm even when it is clear that the potential buyer will not make his purchase at that time compared to 68.6% of sellers.

If this fact is observed in daily practice by potential buyers, we must recognize that in this trait of management it turns out to be very professional.

This Part III is the last of the articles corresponding to the series published based on the results obtained in our 2002 Professional Sales Survey.


With the sole purpose of providing an objective and coherent message with a reality far from what it potentially is in a position to be, that is, to consistently sell more and better to those who really want it, we will share the conclusions that arise from said results, confirming several aspects observed in consulting work and in the experience of more than three decades in the specialty in Argentina and Latin America.

They can be read from different perspectives, but only those who do it from humility, the conviction that we are perfectible beings and organizations, and with the firm conviction of evolving, will find in their application a valid contribution for a significantly positive change in their own sales management.

The conclusions

When we want to achieve a goal we know that what we will obtain will be based on what we do correctly for it. However, many have a belief that I have allowed myself to call "esoteric" and even "religious", since they believe that their achievement is the product of their occurrence as a result of fortuitous factors, fate or miraculous.

When referring to the vital income for the subsistence and development of the organization, which is also a valid indicator of the success of the ongoing business strategy, it is not enough to wish it but to establish how to produce it when and how it is required.

Analyzing the answers obtained, it makes clear evidence that there is a marked deviation in this regard, incurring a consensual and even tolerated "malpractice" that harms those who represent their potential clients and seriously affecting many concrete possibilities of selling excellent products or services and detracting from the image of brands and even the company itself.

The awareness on the part of the managers and those responsible for the sale that "the better the training and suitability of each of the sales representatives is and the better the training and suitability of each of the sales representatives, the closer and safer the company will be to its possible destination of success", represents the path to be traveled.

To the extent that there are more successes in each of the decisions and operational actions of the business, the greater the probability of a high profitability of the business, where they do not arise by spontaneous generation but only by the efficient implementation of such strategic and operational decisions..

The causes that affect it the most

Referring only to the aspects surveyed in this survey, we are in a position to affirm that the damage caused by the following ones is, in turn, the simplest and most effective to be reversed to significantly modify the current unwanted course.

1. The suitability.

Excellence in every profession is fundamentally based on the suitability of those who practice it. This is achieved if there is an affection towards it, a natural and / or acquired predisposition and a desire for evolutionary improvement.

In the values ​​obtained, a high percentage of those who chose to practice it did so for reasons unrelated to those described. Although this should not affect their exercise, the subsequent lack of concern to learn its fundamentals and to acquire the skills and abilities required logically cause the "malpractice" product of improvisation characteristic of "non-professionals."

2. Responsibility.

When you complain about something that turned out not to be according to our expectations, we can do it from different positions. Depending on how successful the approach is, we can find a solution to a frustration that we want to avoid recurring.

The responsibility to sell is not diluted, nor should it fall on "external scapegoats." For this precise feature of the traditional sale (diplomatically qualified) there is a voluminous encyclopedia of excuses to justify the inefficiency and that does not contribute to taking the reins of the car to drive it along the path where the desired destination will be reached.

The sale is objective: it was sold or it was not sold; the goal was reached in units and in money in a given period or not; who reached, exceeded or did not achieve it. The acceptance and application of these precepts in every company allows it to achieve its vital objectives for the march towards the success of any business, neither more nor less.

In this way, it will be understood with absolute clarity that the employer, the manager, the manager and even the supervisor, are responsible for whether or not the sales assigned in their periodic objectives are achieved through the management of their representatives.

Faced with the recognition of a professional lack, of an operational or technological ignorance about how to achieve a certain goal, logic indicates that the most successful path is to provide the resources effectively necessary to correct it. Such is the case of patients who turn to specialists in a case that their GP or clinician does not master.

«A resource is any tool that one is able to use to do something else; to face, smooth or resolve contingencies that may arise "(Jorge Bucay," The path of self-reliance ", Roadmap Collection, Ed. Sudamericana)

The recession, the action of competitors, etc., are aspects that cannot be controlled by one, but it implies adapting actions so that sales materialize in quality and quantity, despite them using intelligently the best resources that are required.

3. Human values ​​in selling

Those who are aware that selling is a permanent service to others that produces a profitable income as a product of benefiting them with advice to solve their problems or satisfy their needs, and act consistently under this modality, are those who generate consistent results because they transmit a message that exalts the representative, his company, brands and offer.

The satisfied customer that is obtained in this way is the one who will not only buy again in the future for the perceived benefit but also constitutes a valuable permanent source of referrals that can be converted into new customers.

Everything that deviates from this modality translates into different styles with different degrees of selfishness since they only seek to obtain their orders and obtain income from such transactions, even at the cost or to the detriment of their clients. The further away the management is from the criteria that respects the human values ​​of the current and potential consumer, the lower the possibility of future sales and the lower the provision of referrals to reach new customers.

4. The quality and productivity of management

Every medical surgeon requires a deep knowledge of medicine and technical skills and abilities that allow him to perform successful operations in his specialty.

The same criteria applies to the seller who wants to carry out successful operations. In the case of not possessing such knowledge and lacking the appropriate techniques in his field, style and specialty, he will only produce what his capacity allows him to achieve. And in that case, any pressure to improve their meager results will prove fruitless.

The only rational and effectively proven way is to have the representative or representatives that are closest to the ideal profile for each company and commercial strategy, investing in their training so that they incorporate knowledge, an effective management method and learn to apply the skills and abilities. and techniques that will make you a successful representative.

5. The belief regarding management

Through this research, it can be seen why management deviations in sales generate low productivity and profitability in the activity.

Personally, I believe that there is a common denominator that causes many of the errors detected in the management and that turns out to be the Latin idiosyncrasy itself that usually guides us towards the most direct and easy path that leads to a goal, even when it is passing through terrain unsafe or not well received by the consumer in your market.

From this appreciable ease in everything we think we understand, knowing from our own experience or that of others who they boast of possessing, inevitably leads to "improvisation."

We give our opinion on everything (sports, politics, business, etc.) with the authority that only provides knowledge or specialized experience even though we are not, and the worst thing is that we also make strategic decisions on these weak bases.

In sales this may be manifested as a product of the erroneous belief that "if they have bought me it is because in some way we have sold", and by ignoring the principles and foundations that support these facts and in the absence of professional techniques to apply them, it inexorably leads them to learn from their own experiences.

But in this way, a very serious effect product of the current high cost and for the future of the company and its products is not taken into account, since it can only be learned by real mistakes made until they realize what they lacked to complement and improve its management and correct it in a timely manner. The seriousness lies in the irreversible damage that this method generates at the expense of potential customers who will never buy or refer prospects again in the future.

Let's just reflect on what would happen to patients who present themselves to a hypothetical school hospital where training is not theoretical but only learned from experiences about their bodies… So why make potential clients suffer with this absurdity criterion of training representatives based on dire experiences?

6. Tolerance vs. efficiency

A Latin trait, very characteristic in the vast majority of family businesses, is prioritizing tolerance over efficiency.

The company must be successful and reach that state due to its efficiency, which is only a consequence of the sum of the individual efficiencies of its members. When it takes a back seat with regard to tolerance for management failures in its members, a gradual and incessant deterioration begins to occur that only ends when its principles and values ​​are relocated in their correct order.

This is also projected to sales teams in SMEs where there are no objective responses to the prolonged tenure of unproductive representatives, either due to poor selection or poor training and supervision.

This is not a gift from God, who can provide a certain favorable profile. It is the complement that is only acquired by one's own dedication to improving each day of management, case by case, permanently learning from the most outstanding and correcting one's own mistakes, until the last day of their exercise.

Constant personal concern is the key that leads to higher levels of improvement. The disinterest caused by the lack of such restlessness is what leads to improvised actions of uncertain and very risky individual and entrepreneurial future.

7. The exaltation of liveliness

Although the speed of reaction tends to work in our favor, the liveliness characterizes us and clearly differentiates us from other more developed and evolved peoples.

But this Latin liveliness is related to mischief, which is observed in the resolution of situations of short-term effect and not so well received by third parties involved.

This aspect helps to understand why the word "sales" has been so discredited by decades of an improvised exercise and against the clients themselves.

Finally, since the 1990s and during the few years of this new millennium, there are obvious signs that have begun to occur through a very interesting and positive change.

The evolution of communications and computing has allowed many of a new Latin American generation to appreciate and learn about models and references from more evolved countries. This does not imply that traditional sales models still exist in many companies.

With the greatest humility I wish that the results obtained in this survey and its corresponding analysis represent the sowing of new seeds to begin to germinate in those who wish to evolve through actions that characterize a more professionalized sale.

Best sales techniques for the success of your business